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Siege Turtle, Swap seats

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Will there ever be a chance to have the option to swap seats on the siege turtle when driving solo to turn the turtle into a stationary turret. I get that its meant to be a 2 player mount and enjoyed with friends, but what if you dont play with others at all in the open world?

Another option could be 'siege mode' the turtle hunkers down and the pilot takes control of the cannons but loses all movement controls till turned off.

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I say just scrap the 2 player mount ideology entirely and let the siege turtle owner both move AND do damage with the cannons.


Many players have said - why get the mount when you can just join someone who's already got it, and have all the fun (and probably all the loot and xp that comes with it, too, I might add?).


It wasn't planned/thought out very well if you ask me.


And while we're at it, offer a substitute option for ALL game play modes, for the raid-like strike mission that people are forced to do if they want the turtle mount. Not all of us like raids and/or strike missions, and being forced to do them if we want a siege turtle mount isn't doing Anet any good, either. There needs to be alternatives to the strike mission requirement, so for WvW, that could be X amount of skirmish claim tickets, and a whole bunch of achievements/tasks, and for PvP, well, I don't do PvP, so whatever they do in PvP for accomplishments, and for PvE, it could be dungeons, fractals, world bosses, item collections, etc. but I hate that Anet is forcing us to do raid-like content, whether we like it or not. That's not enjoyable to me, that's being a slave to how THEY want us to play, and that is not cool. What happened to 'play how you want'? That used to be their motto, but we can't play how we want, if we're forced into doing raid-like content with a large group. It disregards all other game play modes, it disregards solo players/solo content, and it completely disregards the desire for options and alternatives.


I wouldn't care if the alternative to the strike mission took a lot longer, but at least give us all the option! Heck, make it 5,000 skirmish claim tickets and a whole bunch of WvW requirements, I don't care, make it take a long time, but at least give us alternatives to raid-like strike missions, because not everyone enjoys that content!

Edited by Zaoda.1653
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I totally agree. I think there should be a way to swap seat and use the canons. I get that Anet wants the turtle to be a duo mount but completely locking a functionality behind a second player isnt really a good design. The good alternative to that would be if you're alone, you can run around to charge your canon and when its full you switch seat and use them. 


I also agree that the speed boost should be on the driver seat. I remember when doing DE meta, my gunner kept spamming the speed boost because he wanted more ammo and I ended up losing the control and ran into all the CC aoe. 

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My problem is when i'm in squad, random player just hops in and dump all the ammo/skills on random mobs then left aka a troll, most of them just want to shoot the cannon and doesn't really care about the main target like the shield or rubbles despite the communication i tried to make within the squad.

I don't really mind not being able to use my cannon but why does the back seat has access to two major skills and the driver has like nothing beside the slam ?. Atleast give me the speed boost, its like i have no control over 50% of my turtle when i'm alone and this makes the turle like a walking toy car.

During DE meta i know there are atleast 10+ ppl already have the turtle because most of them are on my friend list with successful runs before but when i asked they having the same problem as me and don't really bother using it anymore.


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4 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

I hope Im not the only one thinking starcraft when I hear seige mode.

Your forces are under attack.

Ahem. Back on topic. I would like that option; it may give me the incentive to actually get it. Currently the siege turtle is of no use to me and I have no reason to do the meta for it.

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