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Let Commander Tags create new maps

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Hi there, 

It's been really hard to get on maps for Dragon's End meta, people in the same squad can't even get on maps because there is already too many people on them. It would be really amazing if there was a way for commanders to create a fresh map and then everyone in the squad could follow.

I think I speak for many people when I say it's really tiring to have to keep trying to join the commander on their map and do it a hundred times and hope that maybe, just maybe, you'll eventually be able to join if someone crashes or leaves the map. Please help us and give us a better experience, especially for big coordinated events like that it's incredibly important that we can gather a full squad. All the leftovers people on the map often don't partake in the meta and it's hurting winning chances when we could have more people fighting with us.

Thank you.

Edited by wakehaeker.6809
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I understand the issue, OP, but it might be better to just overhaul the LFG to let you know if the map a squad is in has reached the player cap (or include a player count for that map in the listing ie: 89/150, 150/150, etc. so you can see your chances of getting in)

It also wouldn't hurt for them to give us a drop-down list of currently-existing IPs for a map you're on so you can move freely between them instead of doing the squad/party dance, but hey, baby steps.

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12 hours ago, wakehaeker.6809 said:

Hi there, 

It's been really hard to get on maps for Dragon's End meta, people in the same squad can't even get on maps because there is already too many people on them. It would be really amazing if there was a way for commanders to create a fresh map and then everyone in the squad could follow.

I think I speak for many people when I say it's really tiring to have to keep trying to join the commander on their map and do it a hundred times and hope that maybe, just maybe, you'll eventually be able to join if someone crashes or leaves the map. Please help us and give us a better experience, especially for big coordinated events like that it's incredibly important that we can gather a full squad. All the leftovers people on the map often don't partake in the meta and it's hurting winning chances when we could have more people fighting with us.

Thank you.

One more thing I missed about GW1, you could pick your map instance from a drop down menu.

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10 hours ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

It also wouldn't hurt for them to give us a drop-down list of currently-existing IPs for a map you're on so you can move freely between them instead of doing the squad/party dance, but hey, baby steps.

How would that work with the mega-server system?

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1 hour ago, mythical.6315 said:

I doubt this would happen otherwise everyone with a commander tag would just create their own instances. It would then create issues with the huge influx of instances running. 

GW1 was instanced content.  I don't think the mega-server architecture and design of GW2 would easily allow for this.  Probably goes against one of the core concepts of GW2 as an MMO (as opposed to GW1 style).

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15 hours ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

Literally the same way it currently does when you right-click the portrait of your party friend or commander and click 'join in <map>'. The functionality is already there, just not the convenient UI.

Right, but if a lot of players do this, won't a lot of instances need to be opened/closed?

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21 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Right, but if a lot of players do this, won't a lot of instances need to be opened/closed?

New instances should never be generated from such an option. They should always appear only if there's no place on already existing maps for players wanting to join. 

Notice, btw, that it does not really work like that in GW2 currently - if you move big enough groups of players between instances in a very short time, it is entirely possible to force closing of instances that are still nowhere near empty, and to trigger creation of new map instances even if there's still enough spots on already existing ones.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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8 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Right, but if a lot of players do this, won't a lot of instances need to be opened/closed?

To my knowledge, no. Big guilds and popular LFG groups already move large quantities of people between servers for PvE events and other activities and that doesn't seem to have set the servers on fire or created a black hole of constant IP generation. In practice, those same groups will be moving place to place, just with fewer clicks and a better UI. All instance selection does is make easier/more efficient something you can already do, since you're moving between instances that already exist, not making new ones.

This is why I suggested it be coupled with something like a readout of server population, meaning, for instance, say we get this IP dropdown I'm talking about, you could check the player cap in the various versions of your map and see if you have a chance of getting over to them (or not). No names, just raw cap numbers.

Bloodtide Coast
52.49.695.16 - 8/150 (Your Instance) - 66/150 - 116/150 - 150/150 (Full)
(See More) <-- Scroll down would also do

That kind of functionality should also be built into LFG listings for the same reason, so people don't have to sit there spamming join when they could just pick another IP attempting the same activity but with less people on their map and a better chance of getting over there to do whatever thing you're trying to do.

* One downside (if you can call it that) to listing these cap numbers is that theoretically someone could travel to every map in the game, review the IP list, tally the cap numbers, and come back with the forbidden knowledge of how many people were actually logged in on that particular day, I guess it depends on whether ArenaNet cares about people knowing that or not. Personally, I'd see it as a nonissue. Apart from that, I see no drawbacks.

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