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I feel bad for new players


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I just got matched against a party of 4 + 1 pug, we won the match 500 - 41, those were most likely 4 friends new to game trying to have some fun in pvp and they got matched agaisnt a player with 10k+ games.


Honestly this should never happen, this must be one of the biggest reasons our population is so low, like 3 matches like this in a row I think i'd just quit pvp for good

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It's an infinite loop you get matched with teams because of player base and then you don't have as many people cause they quit sad 


(I'm fairly new so that's my perspective and it has not affected me although I'm a bit more resilient than most casuals)

Edited by Infinity.2876
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In Unranked there's 2 kinds of people who stack in teams of more than 3

The kind playing for fun.

And the kind stacking as many leaderboard names as possible.


There is no in-between. The match will always end in at minimum a 200-point difference, just in different ways depending on what type of premade you got matched against.

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4 hours ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

I just got matched against a party of 4 + 1 pug, we won the match 500 - 41, those were most likely 4 friends new to game trying to have some fun in pvp and they got matched agaisnt a player with 10k+ games.


Honestly this should never happen, this must be one of the biggest reasons our population is so low, like 3 matches like this in a row I think i'd just quit pvp for good

And i feel bad for players that do know how to play and get matched up with 3 "new" players..Over...and over...and over...and over again. Its much fun man ! Why would i feel bad for them when my own fun is being ruined by their gameplay aswell ?

When i have 2 - 3 ppl every match that dont know what to do and just rush mid and ignoring instructions then im just done and rather play something else.

There is no teamplay with these people,there is no sense of awareness of where to go and what to do. Its just Rush Mid. And that's getting old.

Like tonight ive had several matches where most of the match ive had 2 - 3 people on me on home or far. Yet nothing flips but my team somehow keeps dying over and over to 2 people..

You can say ranked is any different,but ive seen the same thing. Its like the playerbase skill just isnt what it used to be anymore and everyone just likes to gank it.

It goes both ways.

Edited by Caedmon.6798
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Just simple to fix the whole thing. Get 5v5 ranked back! This would made pvp guilds available (yea ik the ats are more or less like 5v5 ranked but its only available all 2h ....). Also we would get off the random matchmaking cause we now get peaps we know in our Team. Also we are able to train newcomer and made them better to let them enter our best team/Group.

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15 hours ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

I just got matched against a party of 4 + 1 pug, we won the match 500 - 41, those were most likely 4 friends new to game trying to have some fun in pvp and they got matched agaisnt a player with 10k+ games.


Honestly this should never happen, this must be one of the biggest reasons our population is so low, like 3 matches like this in a row I think i'd just quit pvp for good

This happens because the population is so low and one of the reasons it will stay low but not one the initial causes. Initial cause is lack of support for the mode ex being infrequent balance changes, lack of ability to balance, reduction in build diversity across all classes, too many removals of traits players found fun/useful, pretty much the constant dumbing down of the game all while making the classes less enjoyable to use. Funny thing is most of these were to appease newer players crying for nerfs to classes they have trouble against before they even know how to play their own class, let alone how to fight others, although I'm sure most thought they were good and already had a firm grasp on the game in few hrs.

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6 hours ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

This happens because the population is so low and one of the reasons it will stay low but not one the initial causes. Initial cause is lack of support for the mode ex being infrequent balance changes, lack of ability to balance, reduction in build diversity across all classes, too many removals of traits players found fun/useful, pretty much the constant dumbing down of the game all while making the classes less enjoyable to use. Funny thing is most of these were to appease newer players crying for nerfs to classes they have trouble against before they even know how to play their own class, let alone how to fight others, although I'm sure most thought they were good and already had a firm grasp on the game in few hrs.

I think it is the reverse, they didn't dumb it down but made it overcomplex but with easier access, when you are able to stack broken skills and traits, which ends up in spam, this Mechanical creep just left a lot of skills, traits and weapons in the dust, the big nerf patch made things even more obvious since before that the overblown damage hid allot of the problems.

Currently it is weird since allot of slow telegraphed skills hit for like 3k and it is better to tank it and keep your dodge for quick spammable(sometimes AOE) skills maybe even ranged with garbage telegraph. Even the new specs have that garbage idea on them, currently i can think of Bladesworn saber 2 and Vindicator GS 2, those 2 skills are like Maul with big animation and telegraph but they do like 2 k, basically  telling people to do not dodge or kite big abilities. The value on skills is way over the place.    

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/24/2022 at 1:01 AM, MinimumEffort.4762 said:

It's not about winning games and getting soft served everything, thats what pve is for. You should get stomped your first time in pvp, it gives you something to aspire to if you have what it takes. 

I see comments like this alot, but all it shows is a lack of understanding of how people work. The number of people in the world who want to tryhard everything and be challenged constantly is very small, the vast majority just want to take it easy, have a good time and chill out for a while doing something fun.


Patterns of thinking like this ("everyone should be like me") are why the PvP population is nonexistent. There's no casualness in it, you're either a loser or a tryhard and there's very little inbetween.


So let's just kill a whole game mode so we don't have casuals in it, right? Just like WvW. 😛

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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4 minutes ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

the vast majority just want to take it easy, have a good time and chill out for a while doing something fun.

Then they can stay out of ranked PvP. If you see a sign that reads: COMPETITIVE; do you go there to "chill and netflix"?

That's an insanely selfish mindset, and perfectly reflects the entitled current generation, and some of the previous, too.



So let's just kill a whole game mode so we don't have casuals in it, right? 

Skill cap is what keeps competitive game modes alive.

Edited by NorthernRedStar.3054
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Honestly, new players don't join sPvP. Beyond the "let's try this for a week" players who have already long since come and gone from this mode, there is next to no reason to play PvP in this game outside of masochism or delusion. There are just way better combat systems in other games. If I want a fight with tight, rewarding controls, I go to a 2d fighter. If I want adrenaline, I can go boot up an FPS or action brawler like Smash Brothers. If I want to feel smart and challenge myself, I pick up a calculator and make it say funny haha words.


sPvP is a shadow of its former self. It's flooded with bots abusing the mode for currency farming (with a minimum of one in every 2 matches. Fun fact, they've moved over to Mechanist), elitists who think "fun"  is min-maxing to the point of breaking the game and removing any enjoyability for the rest of us, and the broken few who still delude themselves into believing sPvP is what it used to be.


The fact you're here on the forums and not in a match says all it needs to about the game mode. If it was good, you'd be playing it and not wasting your time here. If it was bad, you wouldn't be here at all. It's painfully mediocre and the devs abandoned it.

Edited by Lost Elegy.9276
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10 hours ago, NorthernRedStar.3054 said:

Then they can stay out of ranked PvP. If you see a sign that reads: COMPETITIVE; do you go there to "chill and netflix"?

That's an insanely selfish mindset, and perfectly reflects the entitled current generation, and some of the previous, too.


Skill cap is what keeps competitive game modes alive.

The devs are the ones who gated almost all the good PvP rewards behind ranked. Reward tracks are terrible compared to what you get from progressing the league track, to say the least.


Playing unranked is more or less, a waste of time.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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Reminds me of that ranked game I was in, champion brawler on my team, god of pvp and prince of the arena on the opponent team. And me in p1 with 300 total games played. This was right after a game with the same god of pvp and same prince of the arena on my team. IMO basically no1 plays the mode.

Though my unranked eperience for the first 10-20 games was fine, there were almost only new players in the games.

Edited by Hotride.2187
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1 hour ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

The devs are the ones who gated almost all the good PvP rewards behind ranked. Reward tracks are terrible compared to what you get from progressing the league track, to say the least.


Playing unranked is more or less, a waste of time.

So now what you're saying is, you wants rewards for no effort? The same as every other cry thread here, too, then? Nice.

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