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Delete desert map


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15 hours ago, Bristingr.5034 said:

(I vote one with lots of trees and water to allow underwater fights).

you vote for what? Dear sir.... are you aware how fundamentaly BUSTED underwatercombat is?  Elementalist hitting 30k with water 2? NO PROBLEM!  Just take a look at thief.. If you are running powerthief. your underwater 2 will have a Tooltip of roughly 2350 Damage, it is a 3/4 secondevade with a casttime of 3/4 seconds; skill costs 3 Initiative. Just for the lulz of it imagine you have "roll for initiative" as a utlilty skill. Steal gives also initiative and you are recovering intiative during your casttimes aswell.... You are now able to evade for aproximately 15 seconds straight while comfortably sitting on almost 10k Damage per second.... Some profession are SOOOOOOOO CHEESY underwater that it is completly mindblowing. When i am playing thief and i have a group of people chasing me, i just kite in the water and just straight up kill them all together while being completly invulnerable. Underwatercombat is sooo far from being balanced.

PLEASE for the love of god dont create any more Water in WvW, before balancing underwatercombat...        I have not even mentioned the sheer number of skills NOT WORKING underwater.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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11 hours ago, Threather.9354 said:

Actually I have been playing around with idea of underwater/island map. So it would be truly neutral map where there is like this flying pancake in the sky and you can choose to "teleport down" at edge of it anywhere. This would spawn you at the edge of the middle island, at the center of that island would be a castle to take. So all 3 teams have same spawn with that spawn at the middle of the map. You can't however see what angle enemy is choosing to go to from your spawn, but you can still easily arrange fights with enemy commander.


Then starts the water where you would have to dive to enter "underwater keeps/towers" that are within air bubbles. Inner walls would typically be sieged within land environment, and outer ones from within the water. Sometimes you could treb things from nearby island towers.


Of course there would be underwater dolyaks and camps, most likely some kind of hairy large quaggans carrying supply.

All keeps and towers wouldn't be underwater, but there would be island ones too. There would also be large continent at one side so if some servers prefer land, they can fight over that.


First you would need to improve underwater combat and you would do this by increasing swimming speed and dodge distance underwater. Also maybe Skimmers could be used for traversal so distances between places could be bit bigger.


The benefit of this kind of map is that it doesn't need to be even remotely symmetrical since all the teams have same identical spawn. It isn't without it faults though, it is most likely too easy to avoid fights in such a map. And your upgraded things will be as close to enemy spawn as yours.

REEEEE another idea including underwater combat.    REEEE

If they would completly rethink their underwaterbalance... yes... if they keep everything as is...  NOOOO

Dont get me wrong.. the idea is gorgeus! but Underwatercombat is just... straight up not balanced. There is sooo many cheeys things to be abused, so many Tooltips just being waayyyy to high.... you have tooltips of over 4k on elementalist.... and alot of the skill dont actually work underwater. There is a plethora of skills that dont work, but for some odd reason similarskills on other professions work... it is jsut way to inconsistent.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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18 hours ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

No, the desert is my home now. Where else will I do my cardion runs looking for content or running back to NC fights?

Where else will I do the greatest gliding training????


Last time i saw you on DBL you had fights enough.

Edited by Caedmon.6798
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On 4/7/2022 at 4:16 AM, Xenesis.6389 said:

The problem? It takes them a year to make one wvw map (no really that's what anet stated).... you want us to wait 12 years for the payoff? Imagine how long it would take the one maintenance mode dev to make a wvw map these days.

Apologies for the old quote, but it shouldn't take anywhere near a year unless they're seriously overdeveloping it or they have only one designer building it, and all its art assets, from scratch.
With a level designer, gameplay programmer, effects artist and two environment artists, I could have had DBL done in a month.

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On 4/12/2022 at 3:49 PM, ArchonWing.9480 said:

But as for some real contribution to the topic, do you think it's fair that DBL is always red? That means the weakest server usually has it.

I think there are two possible alternatives that the players would accept:


1. Randomly assign colors each week:  Week 1: 1st place servers (Blue), 2nd place servers (Green), 3rd place servers (Red)

                                                                     Week 2: 1st place servers (Red), 2nd place servers (Green), 3rd place servers (Blue)

                                                                     Week 3: 1st place servers (Green), 2nd place servers (Red), 3rd place servers (Blue)




2. Rotate the maps (although this might be much harder for Anet to implement):

    Week 1: 2 Alpine Maps/1 Desert Map

    Week 2: 3 Alpine Maps

    Week 3: 2 Desert Maps/1 Alpine Map

    Week 4: 3 Desert Maps


There are always going to be players who dislike Desert BL, just as there are always going to be players who dislike Alpine BL and EBG.  Some sort of rotation seems to be the best way to keep everyone at least somewhat happy.





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On 3/30/2022 at 1:14 AM, Threather.9354 said:

Kinda self-explanatory comparing kill counts on that map. It is also much better to have 3 alpine maps for fair matchmaking.


And no, 2 alpine maps aren't enough. There are so many alpine mappers that we need all 3. This isn't about Desert map being unplayable, this is about 3 alpine maps being the fairest and most player catering choice.


Actually I would prefer if we also had 2 EBs but I don't think people are up for such a drastical, but absolutely brilliant, change.

The community had a vote and DBL was added. Time to move on. 

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7 hours ago, Swagger.1459 said:

Who cares. Don’t like it, don’t play the map. 

I guess the issue is that some of us played the game before there were desert maps so we got 1 good map and fair matchmaking taken away for no good reason. Now we have unfair matchmaking and less "popular" maps which obviously doesn't make much sense.

Of course illogical systems in place also struggle to attract new players since bunch of them will think the gamemode is just blobbing and 111 since scoring/matchmaking doesn't make sense.

Basically having uniformity in type of borderlands will lead to logical and fair system. And alpine just seems to be vastly more popular choice.

Let me also give you deeper analysis why desert numbers are much worse than they seem:

1) People are forced to defend borderland sometimes (so there are baseline kills even on unpopular maps). So you can only compare surpluses after reducing this baseline.

2) There are 2 alpine maps and 1 desert map

Why point 2) is particularly interesting is that people who like alpine will choose 1 map out of 2 meaning their activity there will only reflect half of the activity what desert map preferrers would if comparing 1 alpine to 1 desert.

So while desert would seem to have 60% popularity compared to 1 alpine, in reality it should be something 30%.

Edited by Threather.9354
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