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Season 2 is a big problem

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2 minutes ago, Boogiepop Void.6473 said:

" they will quit and yes,the game will go down in flames. You only launch to steam one time. One bad impression is all it takes for people to leave for one of the other games they can get on steam. You have 1 chance to make a good impression. And season 2 as it stands is not going to do that.

No it won't, especially not for an inconsequential thing. 


You're better off sticking to facts, than using hyperbole. 

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7 minutes ago, Swagger.1459 said:

No it won't, especially not for an inconsequential thing. 


You're better off sticking to facts, than using hyperbole. 

Your "inconsequential" is another person's " I have only an hour to play every day and I'm not wasting it on this". I have seen people quit games if they are even slightly annoyed. I am not using hyperbole, you are overestimating how picky gamers can be.

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2 hours ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

some LS2 achievs are heavy depent on friends help, but if u have a minion necro u chesse most of all.

I did all of them solo. On core berserker ele when they came out. They dont require help and certainly dont require mm necro.

Edited by Nephalem.8921
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LWS2 is certainly my least liked of the seasons.  I actually made a not to myself to not play through that on other characters because it is so annoying.

I find anything that forces a new set of skills on annoying.  I suppose if you had played a thief, those missions may not be that annoying, but on my first play through, I had never played a thief.

I also didn't like the Caithe missions simply because it felt out of place - you are having to play and kill things, yet these events had clearly already taken place.  But at the same time, you are forced to play pre-made story and not make any choices and get annoyed about how much an idiot Caithe is.

A better approach might have been more cases where you have to fight your way into the inquest base in order to use the memory crystals, and you get various flashes telling the story, move along, fight some more, repeat.

However, I doubt Anet will change this at all, simply because a lot of people will be annoyed about how it would mess up with the achievements.


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I agree, the story was bland and the mobs just felt like meat shields. There's no real reason to buy it unless you 100% wanna find out what happened to Aurene's egg, before she was brought to Mordremoth and the mastery points. I had it on an old account, and I haven't bought it yet on my new one, I think it's worthwhile to spend the gold on the chapters that have the mastery points and then bail.

To be fair the average new player should only stick to the expansion stories and probably will never see LS2, and decide whether or not to partake on the Living Story later on. Metas for living stories are now kind of outdated, hopefully volatile magic doesn't turn into the next unbound magic, that would be a shame anyhow.

Edited by Aridon.8362
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Also the achievements for the season are problematic. Many of the achievements are mutually exclusive and require many many play-throughs to complete (example - Meeting the Asura: full stealth and full combat cannot be done together). Many are also frequently bugged (Meeting the Asura: the instance can load in a state where you are instantly revealed before you initially stealth, thus making the stealth achievement impossible), which leads to both a frustrating experience and an unfun one as you have to keep doing the instances over and over due to how sensitive many of them are (Again Meeting the Ausra: you can spend an hour carefully going through the instance not being seen only to have a visibility cone shift in mid action causing detection and forcing a full restart). Others are also very difficult, but not in a fun way (such as spending entire fights not being hit by a certain attack while on a completely unfamiliar moveset). These achievements need to be brought up to modern standards both in content and execution so that players are not frustrated trying to unlock the associated collections, such as luminescent armor.

Edited by Boogiepop Void.6473
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  • 2 months later...

So I just started playing a few weeks ago, no booster to 80, went through the content and had a blast. Went into Season 1, that was fine IMO. Then I bought Season 2 and got to Episode 3ish...let me tell you that the OP is 100% correct here as this content caused me to delete the game for a week or so. I'm coming back now and will skip LS2 and go straight to HoT. LS2 is incredibly jarring and just a frustrating experience. The fact it costs gems is insulting quite frankly

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Agreed that the Caithe missions were a mistake, and it's clear ArenaNet learned by choices they made differently later.

I don't see how they'll sink the Steam release, though, if they didn't sink the game in the first place. Like those of us who played through them at the time, Steam players will probably largely shrug and move on.

New players have the distinct advantage that they will get credit for the Return Events while only having to play through them once. The rest of us had to relive and remember why we didn't enjoy them the first time.

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