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I Hate That The Quickest Hero Points Are In WvW. I Hate It.

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6 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

As someone else said it's the quickest method for people who already play WvW, because it doesn't require doing anything different. I don't even play WvW that much and I have thousands of Testimonies of Heroics, so if I wanted to I could unlock multiple elite specs on my characters right away. But if you don't play WvW already it's a different matter.

Kind of like someone who raids regularly saying raids are the quickest way to get legendary armour. That's true but someone who has never done a raid before and doesn't have full ascended equipment is going to find it a lot more complicated and time consuming, and if they normally spend all their time in WvW may actually find that version easier even though it takes longer.

It is just bad accounting.

Reduced to its simplest form it becomes:

Q: How do I get a lot of X?

A: By having a lot of X before you asked the question.

It sets an arbitrary starting point and ignores time already spent acquiring things.


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The only place I legit had to rely on other players to do hero points was on HoT. And only on some hero points. All hero points on Path of Fire and even more those in Cantha are entirely soloable.

I dont really feel like doing the WvW notary hero points is going to be faster than running around some maps and literally collecting some free hero points. Doubly so if you have Any mount. I fundamentally do not understand how it could be considered otherwise. I'm not saying your method is bad, but I dont understand the logic in it, genuinely

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I legitimately laughed out loud over the OP.  Yeah, @Danikat.8537explained it well.


Oh…. Wouldn’t walk into WvW with a berserker build unless you are in a comped boon squad…. Just no….


When EOD released, I had all of my elite specs trained after 30 minutes, because I already had my heroic notaries.  So, 14 toons and 30 minutes later, 14 elite specs unlocked and fully trained.  So..  yeah, ‘faster’.  😬🥴🤦‍♂️😂

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the OP need first, calm down.

Then first starts with POF(HP's are veterans + plain maps), then EoD(HP's are elites + plain maps), then leave HoT for latter because HoT have champions as HP and some u will need groups, or u feel maps are vertical/maze intense.

U have a option to not calm down, don't heard me, and jump on HoT zone first, then come back to write another wall of enraged text about HoT HP being too maze and being one shot by some champion.

Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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Cantha is the easiest and fastest way to unlock a full elite spec so far. Personally speaking, i've managed to casually do a full run, alone in 27 minutes, in my 3rd run, to unlock Specter (using stealth skills) thanks to most HPs being channells.

Elites guarding the HPs are tough but you can easily bait and bug them out of the HP for you to channel.

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19 hours ago, Akisohida.8963 said:

I've done a Necro, a warrior, a ranger, a mesmer...It does not matter; I die in 4 hits, the enemy players take 500. I have NEVER won a 1v1, ever.

They also always seem to have 400 teleport/go invisible/get out of everything free skills. I don't. If I try ANY mobility/invisibly skills; the enemy find me in 0.00005 seconds.

They also have warclaws to chase me down. I'm new, so I don't. I'm literally a footman being run down by cavalry just because I'm new. I have to get lucky and find a train that lets ME capture a fort. Because I've been in trains and captured forts; I still don't have that Warclaw piece.


It's just bashing my head against a brick wall because it's the quickest way to get HP for my e-spec. It's in no way fun, and it's the biggest reason why I take breaks from the game; because I feel forced into this unfun, sweat-fest tryhard slog in order to try a new e-spec, because the alternative is 'Hope for a HP Train' (Which I have never seen, BTW), and 'Hunt them down yourself'.


Can you add a non-WvW way to use in-game currency to buy hero points? For those of us who don't want to get a middle finger shoved in our face for 10+ hours just to buy Notarized Scrolsl of Heroics?

Because being forced into WvW, with all the crap that works against a new player in that, is just pure BS.


Edit: Sorry, meant World V World.

When i see people complaining about getting bi-shotted in WvW i really wish they post a screen of their gear,build and all that jazz.
Cos yes: there are several bursty build out there that deals alot of damage but also people tend to exagerate alot so...

As usual u can check metabattle,your server discord for specific wvw oriented build for all the playstyle: roaming,small scale,zerg....BUT using a "meta build" doesnt make you a good player right after.If you are a new player u gotta practice and learn mechanics: death in WvW is just a part of WvW and everyone respawn sooner or later.

The Warclaw blaming is kinda pointless in 2022 cos it got nerfed pretty hard and right now it is mostly "something to buy a skin for".Also if u stick around someone on a warclaw u get the same speed boost after some seconds.
So you are not being run down by the cavalry,u are getting gap closed and killed on foot.

How can it be the quickest way for you to get HP for an e-spec if ,judging by what you say, u cant even leave the spawn without getting deleted!? It is such a terrible experience to the point that it is biggest reason why you take breaks from the game.
Why dont go for a pve HP train instead? Or,this is a very bold statement im going to say,the moment u see no Tag running a HP train you can go for a solo run?!?! Instead of HOPING ...

LOL first time ever i see a pve player "BEING forced" to WvW for hero points.And complainging about getting factory reset by deathclaws 

Probably ill get a 7 days ban for this lol

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1) There is most certainly a vast gulf between a roamer with 100s of hours on a strong build vs a PvE player new to WvW on whatever build they are using.  Player skill is unlikely to make a difference here..

2) A mount is useful when trying to run around and get camps, sentries, etc.  A new player should really play defensively until they get their bearings, but at some point get out there and die, we all did that. 🙂

3) Like everyone says, it is by far easier to get hero points in PoF, EoD, and HoT. Honestly, it's probably faster 1 by 1 in old Tyria if you have a mount.  If you use LFG at the right time, you'll get your spec very fast (a few hours, probably).


1 hour ago, ilMasa.2546 said:

When i see people complaining about getting bi-shotted in WvW i really wish they post a screen of their gear,build and all that jazz.
Cos yes: there are several bursty build out there that deals alot of damage but also people tend to exagerate alot so...


Sure, but that's a distinction without a real difference.  Feeling helpless over 10s vs feeling helpless over 2s is still feeling helpless (and frustrated).  I don't think the OP was trying to nerf a build, just expressing frustration, and I think we all agree it's understandable.  (I've certainly been there.)

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9 minutes ago, jaif.3518 said:

Sure, but that's a distinction without a real difference.  Feeling helpless over 10s vs feeling helpless over 2s is still feeling helpless (and frustrated).  I don't think the OP was trying to nerf a build, just expressing frustration, and I think we all agree it's understandable.  (I've certainly been there.)

I dont agree. 


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