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Alternative path for PVE Legendary Armor

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Just now, Fuchslein.8639 said:

You can also buy the Raid armor achievments for the Raid part. Then you can do the rest in the OW.

You don't know how raid armor is done, right? Aside from achivement you also need Legendary Insights, which can only be obtained by killing raid bosses. Buying raid armor also means you still has to play raids in a way, you have to arrange deal wirh raid seller, attend raid and spend time there during many weeks. Weapons you just buy from TP immediately. Even without weapons, WvWers and sPvPers can fill half or more of possible slots with legendaries. And PvE as a whole still don't even have access to 2 rings, only to one.

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14 minutes ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

Also, i never said i'm against an OW legendary armor, quite the contrary. But people asking to remove stuff from other content just because they dont have one thing and other stuff wahat so called casuals here tell is just not okay.

You quoted one speciffic person, who didn't even seriously suggested removing anything from WvW/sPvP, but just tried to show  how vicious "you have to play speciffic content, even if you don't like it, no alternatives allowed" logic is, and extrapolated it on everybody else somehow.

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34 minutes ago, Rinagal.9235 said:

You don't know how raid armor is done, right? Aside from achivement you also need Legendary Insights, which can only be obtained by killing raid bosses. Buying raid armor also means you still has to play raids in a way, you have to arrange deal wirh raid seller, attend raid and spend time there during many weeks. Weapons you just buy from TP immediately. Even without weapons, WvWers and sPvPers can fill half or more of possible slots with legendaries. And PvE as a whole still don't even have access to 2 rings, only to one.

I have my legy armor and i'am in a raid-guild so ^^.

But you don't play wvw or? Because it's way easyer for PVE'lers to farm enough gold to just buy the raid-achievments in raid, than it is for a wvw'ler to farm gold for a legendary.

Also, to say, they can just buy it, is a rather strange way to defend something game-realted xD .... but k~

Edited by Fuchslein.8639
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I want to say something, before i need to get out of house. As an super introvertet person, who don't like interacting with people myself and, believe it or not, who dosn't like the "feeling" of raid's this much. Or more, the feeling of harder content.

Eventually this helps some people ^^. A person from my guild rememberd me of this. I myself, am SUPER nervous, everytime i go into a raid. With pugs more, as with good friends. I know most of the boss-fights, i know mostly what every class has to do. But people make me nervous and i think all the time, what they think about me, what is, when i do a mistake(esspecially when i play druid), what is when i mess up my rotation and make less dmg, what if~ ...
This is a part of me and has nothing to do, with the other people in the raid. And i have this in EVER Part of gw2. When i see People in OW i get anxious what they think when i make mistakes and die or stuff.
Jep, i'm that kind of strange person. And i think, a lot people who don't like the social aspekt of raids are the same. But as i said, this is my(our) Problem, not that of the other raid-members. If you encounter a toxic person, this dosn't mean, everyone is this way.
I myself make breaks from Raids and GW2 in general, because of my weird social anxiety. You don't need to do the Raid legy in a few weeks. You can do it ocassionally. There are guilds who take people who raid occasionally(i'am the perfect example for this). You don't need to be perfect, you don't need the best dps, you dont need to master a rotation to 100%. And the world doesn't end because you die. I know top Raiders, who make Benchmark DPS who die every so often, because we have FUN in raids and fool around.

I don't know if anet will introduce another way for Legy Armor who speaks more to the people who don't like raids, strikes, fractals and all that stuff. But if not, raids are not that scary, as many think. And if you think it's scary, its mostly in your head. As my social anxiety is mostly in my head.
If you are on EU and German, i can introduce you to a really good guild, with really patient and supporting people. And i bet in NA are also a lot of good people who just want to have a good time and show others how to have a good time in raids to.

With this, i wish everyone a nice day. These are just some words for my socialy awkward people so please, when you don't want to say something nice or related, just ignore me :).

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5 hours ago, Rinagal.9235 said:

OW only has accessories, amulet and weapons that can be obtained exclusively from OW, though weapons are somewhat of being debatable, since you still have to play WvW to craft one.

Wrong, aside from buying weapons from the TP, not a single piece of legendary equipment can be acquired "exclusively from OW". The accessories require GoB and if you count the PvE part for them to "not be WvW accessories" then one can also argue that the WvW part makes them "not be PvE accessories" either. The bulk of their related gameplay can be done in the content of your choosing (either through the master achievements for PvE (which includes instanced content) or the reward tracks for sPvP / WvW). As for the amulet at best one can argue that it only requires "non challenging PvE content" but story (partly) and DRMs are instanced content.

Edited by Tails.9372
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12 minutes ago, Tails.9372 said:

Wrong, aside from buying weapons from the TP, not a single piece of legendary equipment can be acquired "exclusively from OW". The accessories require GoB and if you count the PvE part for them to "not be WvW accessories" then one can also argue that the WvW part makes them "not be PvE accessories" either. The bulk of their related gameplay can be done in the content of your choosing (either through the master achievements for PvE or the reward tracks for sPvP / WvW). As for the amulet at best one can argue that it only requires "non challenging PvE content" but story (partly) and DRMs are instanced content.


If you want to get this technical, then you are still wrong.


Why? Because the GoB can be aquired without any WvW interaction outside of buying daily spender with Badges gained from achievements. Yet even that can be circumvented with potions from the black lion chest.


The "bulk" of the related achievements still require PvE, only the skins do not in some cases.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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Not wanting any content removed  or diminished. I would be just fine with no extra title or Shiney effects on starter skin legendary armor in ow only. Not looking to buy any part from tp. I want to earn it and say it should be a challenge to get. But everytime I have tried to raid I can never get in a group.. and sitting for several hours to try and complete a raid that will take upwards of 5 hours isn't appealing to me. I mostly play by myself of with one or 2 friends, so most larger group content for me is out, except for world bosses and metas where I can just go to wp and join in. If they had system for raids like holiday events or marionette when it launched with an open public mode I could maybe get into larger group content.

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10 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

I was not bringing that up to be nice. I was doing it to point to you that you're being inconsistent. If a certain percentage of players obtaining that armor through one type of content is good enough, then a similar (and even somewhat higher) percentage of players potentially obtaining it from a completely different content should be equally fine.

Inconsistent where? In saying that while 13% is higher than 11% it's not necessearily a big enough increase to make 3 OW Legendary sets? 
Aurora is fully OW, doesn't require anything difficult, while Raid armor is.. well, Raids. If only ~18% more did Aurora II than Envoy II adding an OW set won't be magically interesting to everyone, it won't be done by half the community. 

10 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

See above - 13% more players with legendary armor than we already have would already be fine. But yes, i would expect that for actual armor, assuming similar effort required as with Aurora, and similar cost as the raid/WvW/SPvP armors, the percentage would actually be significantly higher. Armor is just way more desirable than a trinket. In reality, we should be more comparing it to legendary weapons than Aurora.

If you make the armor require as much effort as Aurora and make them cost as much as existing Legendary armor then you'll just undermine existing armor, like what happened to Trascendence due to the Champion Regalia. Let's not make something added with Raids be easier to earn through Open World, alright?

Legendary weapons aren't all that common either(15% for Twilight, 13% for Sunrise, 10% for Bolt, 9% for Bifrost, 6% for Astralaria/Frostfang on GW2Efficiency).

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2 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Inconsistent where? In saying that while 13% is higher than 11% it's not necessearily a big enough increase to make 3 OW Legendary sets? 

Again, do you think 11% was good enough to justify 3 raid sets? If it was, it's a good argument that a similar popularity of an OW set would also be good. Especially since this set would definitely be cheaper to make (as it would definitely not have a transforming skin - we know Anet is never going to repeat that costly attempt again).

Notice, btw, that if 11% for raid armor was not good enough to justify its making, it would be an argument for making that set available to more players than just raiders.


Aurora is fully OW, doesn't require anything difficult, while Raid armor is.. well, Raids. If only ~18% more did Aurora II than Envoy II adding an OW set won't be magically interesting to everyone, it won't be done by half the community. 

Like i said, Aurora is inherently less interesting to players than an armor set. I'm quite sure that an actual OW armor with similar effort/difficulty required would have a bigger completion rate. Just look at weapons, the amount of people with at least one legendary weapon is much higher than that.


If you make the armor require as much effort as Aurora and make them cost as much as existing Legendary armor then you'll just undermine existing armor, like what happened to Trascendence due to the Champion Regalia.

Comparing it to Transcendence and the story amulet is disingenious at best, due to huge cost disparity between those two. In the case we're talking about there would be no such gap.

Raiders would still be going after raid armor, because it would be more easily achieveable to them (they'd get it by simply playing the content they like). And the new set would be primarily obtained by people that would not be going for Envoy anyway. So, there would be no undermining at all.


Let's not make something added with Raids be easier to earn through Open World, alright?

Again, we're not talking about story amulet level of effort.


Legendary weapons aren't all that common either(15% for Twilight, 13% for Sunrise, 10% for Bolt, 9% for Bifrost, 6% for Astralaria/Frostfang on GW2Efficiency).

Sure, but if you look at specific armor skins, you will see that light and heavy Envoy pieces are each at 5%, and medium Envoy is at ~3.5%. The number of players with at least one legendary weapon is at 38.5%. That's about 4x number of players with at least one legendary armor skin (9.5%). Even though a single legendary armor piece is around 5 times cheaper than a single weapon.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Sure, but if you look at specific armor skins, you will see that light and heavy Envoy pieces are each at 5%, and medium Envoy is at ~3.5%. 

Raid leather armor set is quite ugly, thats probably the reason 🙂

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If they did add a legendary armour to open world it would have to be a long and arduous journey to rival and surpass Aurora and Vision. That's because a vital aspect of legendaries is that you have to prove your mastery of an aspect of the game to get one and be at least adept at others. The gift of mastery ehen the game was released is the best example for this. You needed to explore the entire world for the gift of exploration (wvw maps were part of this at that time), play the a lot of the game for the bloodstone shard, participate in events for karma so you can buy obsidian shards and battle in the mists for the gift of battle.


Also it takes months for players to earn the legendary armor in any game mode and open world wouldn't be any different. It takes 3 pvp seasons to get the legendary armor set and 22 weeks in wvw. The raid set can technicly be done in 6 weeks, but realistically it takes a lot longer because you need to master encounters.


So an open world set would also have to be heavily time gated in a form simmilar to "Go to all these places and do someting" (Imagine skyscale acheavements on stereoids 😄 ) or "complete meta event X times" or "kill every world boss or champion in zone Y" (just to demonstrate my point, it would probably involve clearing DE meta 10 times XD ). Doubling the numbers for subsequent armor sets.


As for the legendary insights, they would be used to demonstrate that you are at least adept in other game modes like the gift of battle is. You wouldn't need a huge amount if LI, but you would at least need one for every armor piece.


However I'm afraid Anet doesn't have the resources to implement something like this anymore. They did it with gen1 precursors and started it in gen 2. Then changed the later gen 2 to a long list of crafting materials and no achievements, which I attribute to lack of resources and manpower. Same goes for gen 3.

Edited by civokenes.3284
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7 minutes ago, civokenes.3284 said:

However I'm afraid Anet doesn't have the resources to implement something like this anymore. They did it with gen1 precursors and started it in gen 2. Then changed the later gen 2 to a long list of crafting materials and no achievements, which I attribute to lack of resources and manpower.

Since that time, new collections of similar style were introduced - both Aurora and Vision happened after gen 2.5 design. I think the important point would be that for armor there would be only one collection path, not 18 separate ones. It's the necessity of making a new collection for every single weapon that killed that approach, not the necessity for collection by itself.

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1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Again, do you think 11% was good enough to justify 3 raid sets? If it was, it's a good argument that a similar popularity of an OW set would also be good. Especially since this set would definitely be cheaper to make (as it would definitely not have a transforming skin - we know Anet is never going to repeat that costly attempt again).

Notice, btw, that if 11% for raid armor was not good enough to justify its making, it would be an argument for making that set available to more players than just raiders.

Before Raid armor there were no stats on how many people would do it since.. you know, it didn't exist, now with 3 sets for each game mode, 3 generations of Legendary weapons, 3 Legendary backpacks and a total of 6 Legendary Trinkets there is a statistic that Legendaries sound good, look good, but aren't that popular afterall.

Considering Twilight is the most unlocked skin and still sits at 13% on GW2Efficiency I still hold my doubts on strictly OW Legendary armor being any more successful. Ad Infinitum, a Fractal Legendary is sitting in third with almost 11%, above the bulk of Legendary weapons.

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29 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Before Raid armor there were no stats on how many people would do it since.. you know, it didn't exist, now with 3 sets for each game mode, 3 generations of Legendary weapons, 3 Legendary backpacks and a total of 6 Legendary Trinkets there is a statistic that Legendaries sound good, look good, but aren't that popular afterall.

Considering Twilight is the most unlocked skin and still sits at 13% on GW2Efficiency I still hold my doubts on strictly OW Legendary armor being any more successful. Ad Infinitum, a Fractal Legendary is sitting in third with almost 11%, above the bulk of Legendary weapons.

Again, 38% of players have at least one legendary weapon. That's a lot. So, weapons, at the very least, did not fail.

If you think that Armors did, then the obvious answer is that the method of acquisition was bad, and it should have been much more open than what we have now.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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On 4/11/2022 at 11:00 AM, mindcircus.1506 said:

This idea that the push for legendary armour for OW is somehow buildcraft related is disingenuous.
OPTION 1 - Exotic Armour
It takes less than 4 gold for Stat-selectable Head and Shoulder gear(total) off the TP. This can be earned in less than a half hour chopping wood and mining on Core Maps.
3 more pieces of Stat selectable armour can be hard in Verdant Brink in less than an hour.
Worst case scenario, player needs to craft the chest piece and it's Plaguedoctor's... maybe another two hours for the mats and Map currencies.
An entire sett of most effective core stats can be had for less than ten gold. You can make 10g an hour easily in Mount Maelstrom mining platinum and chopping elder wood. Worst case scenario is it's your dailies for 5 days.
OPTION 2 -Legendary Armour
A legendary set for Open World would still take some of the "common" elements for the process that the current sets take:
Up to and not limited to:
90 Mystic Clovers, 600 of Each t6 mat, 3000 of Each t5 mat,300 of Each t4 mat, 300 of Each t3 mat
Likewise an open world set would likely take 6x50 Provisioner's Tokens
It is also reasonable to assume that multiple Gifts of Exploration would be required or some requirement of a Gift of Exploration+Gift of Maguuma+Gift of the Desert+Gift of Cantha.

How many times would the player have to follow Option 1 before Option 2 became an attractive value proposition?
...for a less than 5% stat boost.

This idea that Legendary Armour would make it "easy to try new builds" is laughable.
It already is easy to try new builds.

Source: Some who tries a lot of Builds for open world.

Option 3 Legendary Armour light 

Call it the Explorer-Armor and give it exotic level stats but legendary amour functionality. As OW content is more casual in nature the lower stat line shouldn't be a problem. Nobody needs full ascended to kill octovine. Introduce an achievement for the core and expansions Map which give an item after completing a number of events on each map(Similar to Emblem of Victory and the WvW version).  Also let it cost a tiny amount Claim tickets and Ascended shard(maybe even pristine fractal relics) so casual need to at least try the other games modes a little. Throw a gift of exploration in the mix and reduce the amount t3 -t6 materials. Let them Explorer everything and get the freedom to experiment with there builds, at the cost of a big time investment and reduced stats. How high the Cost of this theoretical gear would be is debatable. For example:10 events on each map? 100? 1000? With that system OW player would naturally make some progress for the Explorer-Armor.

Edited by Albi.7250
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10 hours ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

I have my legy armor and i'am in a raid-guild so ^^.

But you don't play wvw or? Because it's way easyer for PVE'lers to farm enough gold to just buy the raid-achievments in raid, than it is for a wvw'ler to farm gold for a legendary.

Also, to say, they can just buy it, is a rather strange way to defend something game-realted xD .... but k~


I'm aware of low gold per hour rate in WvW, but i don't understand why you bring it up. Difficulty of getting something isn't a point of discussion, the point of discussion was being able to get something by only playing mode player like and not touching others.


About on "you can just buy it", look, i don't insist on that part, i just wanted to say that you still can just play WvW/sPvP and eventually get legendary weapon without ever touching any other mode, but it's not that important. Even if you cut out weapons from "can obtain by only playing WvW/sPvP" list, those two modes still by far in better place then OW. Your point was "that WVW and PVP need to do pve for almost all legys besides the armor", i responded with that PvE required only for legendary accessories, and every other possible slot can be filled without ever touching PvE.


8 hours ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

I want to say something, before i need to get out of house. As an super introvertet person, who don't like interacting with people myself and, believe it or not, who dosn't like the "feeling" of raid's this much. Or more, the feeling of harder content.

Eventually this helps some people ^^. A person from my guild rememberd me of this. I myself, am SUPER nervous, everytime i go into a raid. With pugs more, as with good friends. I know most of the boss-fights, i know mostly what every class has to do. But people make me nervous and i think all the time, what they think about me, what is, when i do a mistake(esspecially when i play druid), what is when i mess up my rotation and make less dmg, what if~ ...
This is a part of me and has nothing to do, with the other people in the raid. And i have this in EVER Part of gw2. When i see People in OW i get anxious what they think when i make mistakes and die or stuff.
Jep, i'm that kind of strange person. And i think, a lot people who don't like the social aspekt of raids are the same. But as i said, this is my(our) Problem, not that of the other raid-members. If you encounter a toxic person, this dosn't mean, everyone is this way.
I myself make breaks from Raids and GW2 in general, because of my weird social anxiety. You don't need to do the Raid legy in a few weeks. You can do it ocassionally. There are guilds who take people who raid occasionally(i'am the perfect example for this). You don't need to be perfect, you don't need the best dps, you dont need to master a rotation to 100%. And the world doesn't end because you die. I know top Raiders, who make Benchmark DPS who die every so often, because we have FUN in raids and fool around.

I don't know if anet will introduce another way for Legy Armor who speaks more to the people who don't like raids, strikes, fractals and all that stuff. But if not, raids are not that scary, as many think. And if you think it's scary, its mostly in your head. As my social anxiety is mostly in my head.
If you are on EU and German, i can introduce you to a really good guild, with really patient and supporting people. And i bet in NA are also a lot of good people who just want to have a good time and show others how to have a good time in raids to.

With this, i wish everyone a nice day. These are just some words for my socialy awkward people so please, when you don't want to say something nice or related, just ignore me :).


I'm also an introvert, i don't have big problems interacting with people when i have to, but it is usually exhausting and unpleasant experience for me. I also have guild that i have made my path in raids with, and i feel gratitude toward them, there're many good people.

But even so, it doesn't change my relation to instanced group content, neither raiding or fractals were enjoyable experience for me, and if i had ability to craft armor in OW i wouldn't think a second and choose OW path, knowing how each path will work out.

What i want to say, no need to say do x, it will be good for you, it's not as scary as you think. Many of us are mature enough to know that it's not scary and to know it won't be good for us. I tried, i knew it won't be very hard or scary, i knew it will turn out becoming second work for me and i won't enjoy it, and it was exactly as i thought it would be. Well, at least i have my two raid armor sets now.

Edited by Rinagal.9235
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4 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

If you want to get this technical, then you are still wrong.

You're right about me being wrong but not in the way you think you are. I said "aside from buying weapons from the TP, not a single piece of legendary equipment can be acquired "exclusively from OW"" which is ofc. false as you can acquire the legendary upgrade components (runes and sigils) by only playing OW content.

However, the aforementioned types of legendary equipment which both can't be bought from the TP and also need GoB still require the player to play some instanced content (if they don't want to go the "competitive route") so the statement that their acquisition is not "exclusively from OW" still holds true.

4 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

The "bulk" of the related achievements still require PvE, only the skins do not

Irrelevant as the vast majority of them are just a collection of short tasks like "go to X and talk to Y". The gameplay is what actually matters and the actual main bulk of the PvE related gameplay is in the skins as they require you to complete the big master achievements for each episode.

5 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

in some cases

More like almost all of them (11 out of 12).

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16 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Where did the 38% come from? I don't recall reading anywhere the percentage of people who unlocked atleast one Legendary.

The same spot where all the other percentage data mentioned so far comes from: gw2efficiency statistics pages.

BTW, other fun stats you can get from here: among most active players tracked, with at least 4000h played, 32.5% have at least one legendary armor skin - but for legendary weapons, that value is at 88.5%.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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18 minutes ago, Albi.7250 said:

Isn´t that site user generated? So it is highly skewed towards "hardcore" player and excludes a big portion of the casual player base.

Yes, it is. Notice, how this likely makes the gap between more hardcore and more casual approaches to stuff seem smaller than it is in reality.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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28 minutes ago, Tails.9372 said:

You're right about me being wrong but not in the way you think you are. I said "aside from buying weapons from the TP, not a single piece of legendary equipment can be acquired "exclusively from OW"" which is ofc. false as you can acquire the legendary upgrade components (runes and sigils) by only playing OW content.



However, the aforementioned types of legendary equipment which both can't be bought from the TP and also need GoB still require the player to play some instanced content (if they don't want to go the "competitive route") so the statement that their acquisition is not "exclusively from OW" still holds true.


True, nothing is exclusive to open world PvE. There are items which are exclusive to PvE though, which is what most players refer to, most likely excluding the "irrelevant" bits the same way you did following this statement.



Irrelevant as the vast majority of them are just a collection of short tasks like "go to X and talk to Y". The gameplay is what actually matters and the actual main bulk of the PvE related gameplay is in the skins as they require you to complete the big master achievements for each episode.

Hardly irrelevant. Irrelevant to you or players who are not annoyed by these tasks yes. How long does GoB take exactly since you decided to mention it as not related to PvE if one were to craft it with active WvW in mind? 4 - 8 hours? I'd call that irrelevant in comparison to the remaining materials, yet so many players complain. The same is true for PvE of any kind to other players (I know rank 10k WvW players who barely have any mastery rank because they vehemently refuse to PvE at all for example).


On the same note, how hard is getting those dungeon tokens?


More like almost all of them (11 out of 12).


Not true, go back and check what the precursors actually involve. The skin is most often only 1 part of the entire pre collection before getting to part 2, and that is just Aurora.

All of this actively ignoring the PvE requirements for nearly all legendary weapons, or paying a hefty price on the trading post.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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I wish there was a series of quests to do to get a legendary sigil. It's the only legendary item I'd like to get. However, the idea of farming so much stuff just for a single upgrade component is impossible to get past. These things should be gated by something more mentally engaging than farming gold and materials.

Edited by Redfeather.6401
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