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Trying to find a strike group is sapping all the fun of this game

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10 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

I'm very clearly not the one stalling here, buddy. All the answers are already in this thread. For starters, go back to this post and respond to it as a whole:



btw, called it:

  Hide contents

And here's what will happen now: you'll repeat the same question again, to which I'll copy the whole post from above. You'll then ignore it again and go back into asking the same question while pretending "OP did what I wnted him to do". But as already explained above, he didn't. We still don't even know what words were not understandable for him and pretty clearly he didn't ask anyone what they mean.


I re-read you message , it doesn't say why you don't like an auto LFG


Edit: IS anyone of these reason ?:

Toxicity is valid argument , but its better to worry about  increased  population first.

Quick/Alacr , is not needed , but people are adaptive , just like people respecting in the healers in PoF Strikes .

Casual  will meet  experienced people ..if they stop locking themselves ?

I cannot be carried , if all with me are casuals also

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2 minutes ago, Luci.7018 said:

And i told you that a auto-button is the same as the current one , but prevents you from accidentally going in places you dont' belong

That's literally the point: if it's the same then why do you need to remake it? 😱

If that's your goal then -again, as written already many, many times in this thread- make your group and type in "everyone welcome". Done. Your "huge problem" is now solved.

You can't "accidentally go somewhere" if you read.

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10 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

That's literally the point: if it's the same then why do you need to remake it? 😱

If that's your goal then -again, as written already many, many times in this thread- make your group and type in "everyone welcome". Done. Your "huge problem" is now solved.

To prevent people from instinct to follow your advice like the OP ?

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Just now, Luci.7018 said:

To prevent people from instinct to follow your advice like the OP ?

That's literally the point: if it's the same then why do you need to remake it? 😱

If that's your goal then -again, as written already many, many times in this thread- make your group and type in "everyone welcome". Done. Your "huge problem" is now solved.

You can't "accidentally go somewhere" if you read.

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10 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

That's literally the point: if it's the same then why do you need to remake it? 😱

If that's your goal then -again, as written already many, many times in this thread- make your group and type in "everyone welcome". Done. Your "huge problem" is now solved.

You can't "accidentally go somewhere" if you read.

To prevent people from instinct to follow your advice like the OP ?

(are you trying to shut down the thread?:))

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Just now, Luci.7018 said:

To prevent people from instinct to follow your advice like the OP ?

Hey, you said you're reading my posts. But this is the 3rd time in a row you're ignoring this. Lets try the 4th:

You can't "accidentally go somewhere" if you read.

OP wanted to get in a group that isn't filled with new players, he wanted to go into group he knew he didn't understand. It's not an accident.

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10 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Hey, you said you're reading my posts. But this is the 3rd time in a row you're ignoring this. Lets try the 4th:

You can't "accidentally go somewhere" if you read.

And if you read druid ..then it means it might need you , like the OP .

Then you go in to questions , get not answer and kick you .

Then whine in the forums , and the raid population , tell you you shouldn't have joined this party (loop inside the twilight zone)

Why no auto-LFG ? it removes all this proccess

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2 minutes ago, Luci.7018 said:

And if you read druid ..then it means it might need you , like the OP .

Then you go in to questions , get not answer and kick you .

Then whine in the forums , and the raid population , tell you you shouldn't have joined this party


Why no auto-LFG ? it removes all this proccess

Where do you see anything about druid in OP's post? Again, stop making up alternative realities to fit your dishonest narrative. Again, OP didn't even let us know what terms were unknown to him. And you're already creating a full story in his place, apparently just to avoid what is written in response to your posts.


He also doesn't need to go into that specific group to ask what it means. I already explained it to you. Remember? The one you lied about to pretend I told OP not to play that content, when all I said was that they can ask in chat, forum or just google it?

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2 minutes ago, Luci.7018 said:

This is an example . If we are going for  dishonest narratives , we should question a lady that she proposed the guy to avoid or go in and ask questions.



And she avoid me the multi-million question of "why not protect them with a button ?"

And a quick reminder that you still didn't tell me why you can't make your group and type in "all welcome" btw. That's your "protective button" you already have.

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10 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:


And a quick reminder that you still didn't tell me why you can't make your group and type in "all welcome" btw.

We could ask him why original went in there . What might attracted him .

Then we can cross-examine if going there and asking , had your desirable results .


And a quick reminder that you still didn't tell me why you we shouldnot protect this from ever happening , with a simple button ?

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1 minute ago, Luci.7018 said:

We could ask him why original went in there . What might attracted him .

Yeah, so how about you do that instead of making up what fits you?

1 minute ago, Luci.7018 said:

Then we can cross-examine if going there and asking hadyour desirable results .

Again, you're literally taking 1/3rd of my response and pretend that's all I said. Also, while this clearly might not be accurate/whole story, all OP said was that he joined and said he's new. He didn't say he asked about anything. He didn't ask us on the forum what [that term?] means. And chances are he didn't google it either, since then he would probably be able to repeat it in this thread instead of saying "they seem to speak in code".

So no, he pretty clearly did not apply my advice. This is also what I already explained to you in last posts, so stop repeating this lie.

1 minute ago, Luci.7018 said:

And a quick reminder that you still didn't tell me why you we shouldnot protect this from ever happening , with a simple button ?

I did, I even linked you to an image of it above. I even informed you that that "simple button" is already in the game and it's called "advertise your own group". This is literally a direct response to what you've just said. Stop dodging.

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this thread seems like it's devolved so here's my perspective as a comm


lfg sucks. it really does. I feel awful when I'm asking for "quick alac" and have to kick because someone joined as dps.


but you have to keep in mind what the goal is. I personally don't want an intense 40minute fight against Minister Li. I know it can be done, I've seen the logs, and there's no enrage timer on that fight. But if with proper comping and a bit of pre-work, we can cut that down and get the clear in 1/4 the time, why wouldn't I do that? The difference between a 12min kill and 15min kill doesn't really matter to me, but the difference between a 40min kill and a 10min kill is huge.


That's why we ask for kp, titles, roles, etc. I might not be in the mood to train new people that day, I might be tired, I might just want my daily kill so I can go do other content in the game. You can always post your own LFG, if I'm bored enough I might join and teach a strike or raid or 2. But you're significantly more likely to get results if you either join a guild that does introductory-level runs or post for more beginner-ish content (EoD first 3/IBS first 3/Wing 1/Wing 4)

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26 minutes ago, Luci.7018 said:

OP:"Joined a few groups, but they seem to speak in code and when I expressed my newness, I was ejected. This has happened twice"

Sobx: He should have go in and ask



So in order to protect other newer people in the future , let's not follow your advice and go with mine ?

Or you could just go with the obvious "I don't know what that means, maybe I should ask in a DM".

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2 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

Yes but I want to see all the LFGs at once. Maybe let another website access the LFG api like the trading post does.

I hate having to go through each tab finding nothing to do.  It just needs to be more comprehensive. 

Can agree with that you should be able to open up more then 1 section and see the lfgs , it would be pretty cluttered condesing all the lfg into 1 big section tho

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1 hour ago, Luci.7018 said:

Hmm , didn't you gave him the advice not to join or join and ask ? Which the OP did , and got booted twice without a response and how hates Strikes ?

Why are so against an extra auto-LFG ? Your propositions don't work and a auto-button removes the need to check for external informations  and instead focus on fun

You know you can /whisper the commander name your question, there is no need to join and ask mate

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58 minutes ago, Luci.7018 said:

OP:"Joined a few groups, but they seem to speak in code and when I expressed my newness, I was ejected. This has happened twice"

Sobx: He should have go in and ask

psst, stop lying, you're cutting out minimal part of what I said and pretend OP somehow did what I said. But he didn't. We've been already through it. Here's the copy-paste for you again:

And, agian, my advice about it is this:

Yeah, if you don't understand the words in the squad description, the chances are prettty high (almost certain) that you're not specifically someone they're looking for.

Want to learn what it is? Ask in chat/forum/google it, whatever works for you. All of these are insanely easy to do and you still didn't tell me what's so problematic about that. When will you stop dodging?

They can also join any group that doesn't have these specific requirements, there are training/no req squads around.

They can also make thier own group and allow people to join it.


Stop trying to -again- cut a small fragment from what I said and pretend that's all of it. And you still didn't explain how any of what I expained here is somehow hard to do.

This comes straight from this post (and multiple others where I wrote/copied the same thing from/into 🙄) : https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/113656-trying-to-find-a-strike-group-is-sapping-all-the-fun-of-this-game/page/7/?tab=comments#comment-1643629

Stop lying.




So in order to protect other newer people in the future , let's not follow your advice and go with mine ?

In order to have a solution that's already ingame, stop dodging what I write. "Advertise squad" -> "everyone welcome".

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2 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

Can agree with that you should be able to open up more then 1 section and see the lfgs , it would be pretty cluttered condesing all the lfg into 1 big section tho

Give us a filter with an advanced search like any other listing system 

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1 hour ago, Luci.7018 said:

This is an example . If we are going for  dishonest narratives , we should question a lady that she proposed the guy to avoid or go in and ask questions.

And she avoid me the multi-million question of "why not protect them with a button ?"

(or are you wating for the thread to close ?)

Because said button is not needed do what sobx is telling you post lfg all welcome first timers go.

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I don't think t he lingo is the issue, I think the UI is. It's just an LFG dump, there's no way to list what you're playing, party creators can't list what they want in the UI. It's all lingo and lingo tends to be short and abbreviated.


I don't blame the players, it's a UI design problem. There are other MMOs with WAY better LGF tools.


Since I know most of the lingo I tend not to have issues... Now... Joining popular map metas and having to play the almost always "map full" game is WAAAAAAAAAY more annoying and user unfriendly.

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19 hours ago, hardy.7469 said:

I don't blame the players, it's a UI design problem. There are other MMOs with WAY better LGF tools.

Anet recently decided they want their game to be a traditional MMO. However, they're 20 years behind on everything needed to do that. The horrible LFG UI is a great example of that.

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7 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

Anet recently decided they want their game to be a traditional MMO. However, they're 20 years behind on everything needed to do that. The horrible LFG UI is a great example of that.

You say it is horrible, I say it is great since I can search for exactly the kind of spot I want or if making the group exactly what I want.

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