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The Skyscale Quest Line Is WAY Too Grindy, And Insulting [Merged]

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1 hour ago, Thornwolf.9721 said:

Play WoW and do mythic raiding and believe me. You'll see why folks defend this.

The odd thing is that person felt the need to wait around for an hour for an event that's on a fixed timer.

And that it's an event with a lead-up escort giving ample time to shout out "augury rock soon" in map chat, which in my experience always gathers a sufficient group.

Out of all the things to take exception to in the skyscale collection, Augury rock was a weird one. Hopefully by now they have their skyscale.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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On 9/22/2022 at 3:25 PM, costepj.5120 said:

Anoher thought. There was a recent thread from a player who expressed total disinterest in collecting MPs. So even if you earned lots of MPs, you could choose not to spend the XP to train the masteries and your account number would remain low.

The downside of that is that you won't get any spirit shards from xp anymore. 

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5 minutes ago, costepj.5120 said:

Actually the bigger downside is you apparently get continually prompted to spend those MP. At least that was the basic complaint in the thread I referred to.

Wasn't that fixed recently? There were some changes made to the mastery points in relation to that, but I don't remember what was or wasn't fixed.

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7 hours ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

Wasn't that fixed recently? There were some changes made to the mastery points in relation to that, but I don't remember what was or wasn't fixed.

Well what was fixed was not getting spirit shards anymore you do get that now but cant see the exp bar for it and still get spammed to train mastery.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Old thread, but I have to add my two cents. I'm a returning player. Dropped the cash on the expansions that I didn't get a chance to play when they came out. Life hit me with some pretty terrible things that I've slowly dealt with. Fast forward to today, and I'm enjoying the game for the most part. I was having a lot of fun until the stupid Skyscale achievement reared its ugly head.

I have to agree with the OP here. This is the most unfun thing I've done in the game and it's made me seriously contemplate moving on to another game. The time gates have just been terrible. Why even have a wait of 3 days and 8 hours? Why is there a wait between every achievement group of two hours? It makes no sense to me. Most of you will say, "Well, it's only a few days." But for me, it's weeks! I work 12 hour shifts in a factory. I don't have the time to game that I used to. When I play a game, I do it for fun and to relax and unwind after the stresses of life. But when the game is causing stress too, that's no longer fun.

I think the mount has been available long enough that there should be another option to unlock it, be it through the cash shop or some other easier method. Or at the very least they can remove all the unnecessary time gates and increase the acquisition on some of the older map currencies. Not all of us have the time that we used to. I just want a frickin' dragon man...

Edited by Yoshihito.5928
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9 hours ago, Yoshihito.5928 said:

 Or at the very least they can remove all the unnecessary time gates and increase the acquisition on some of the older map currencies.

They have, with the Return To achievements.  It's never been easier to get the skyscale.

EDIT: Really, a confused emote?  What's so confusing about this?  Egad.

Edited by kharmin.7683
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8 hours ago, Yoshihito.5928 said:

Old thread, but I have to add my two cents. I'm a returning player. Dropped the cash on the expansions that I didn't get a chance to play when they came out. Life hit me with some pretty terrible things that I've slowly dealt with. Fast forward to today, and I'm enjoying the game for the most part. I was having a lot of fun until the stupid Skyscale achievement reared its ugly head.

I have to agree with the OP here. This is the most unfun thing I've done in the game and it's made me seriously contemplate moving on to another game. The time gates have just been terrible. Why even have a wait of 3 days and 8 hours? Why is there a wait between every achievement group of two hours? It makes no sense to me. Most of you will say, "Well, it's only a few days." But for me, it's weeks! I work 12 hour shifts in a factory. I don't have the time to game that I used to. When I play a game, I do it for fun and to relax and unwind after the stresses of life. But when the game is causing stress too, that's no longer fun.

I think the mount has been available long enough that there should be another option to unlock it, be it through the cash shop or some other easier method. Or at the very least they can remove all the unnecessary time gates and increase the acquisition on some of the older map currencies. Not all of us have the time that we used to. I just want a frickin' dragon man...

If you don’t think it’s fun, then just don’t do it. The skyscale is completely optional. 

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On 5/2/2022 at 11:14 PM, Akisohida.8963 said:

So, because people feel like the mount is amazing, it's locked behind an absurd level of grind?

No, because it's an end of season reward and amazing.  If it was something you purchased from five gold from a vendor, it certainly wouldn't be special, and everyone would have one and it would have lost all real meaning and it would be taken for granted.  I thought it could have been truncated a bit, but once you get past the stuff on Dragonfall I really liked it.

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2 hours ago, yoni.7015 said:

If you don’t think it’s fun, then just don’t do it. The skyscale is completely optional.

Shoes are also optional. With so many people having skyscales some meta trains are a real pain with the lack of skyscale. I wouldn't suggest to put it in the cashshop like a madman, but finetuning some of the requirements wouldn't hurt. Waiting in the academy for an event is downright rude design. It was designed to be THE content as it came out and it shows. Some things are just there to keep you busy, instead of being engaging. Fine on release, but now couple of years after the fact its just aged design. Especially if you play on a fresh account a bunch of stuff is just longer then it needs to be.

P.S. Midway in my skyscale so I wouldn't profit from a change anyways.

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14 hours ago, Yoshihito.5928 said:

But for me, it's weeks! I work 12 hour shifts in a factory. I don't have the time to game that I used to. When I play a game, I do it for fun and to relax and unwind after the stresses of life. But when the game is causing stress too, that's no longer fun.

You play to have fun and yet you're complaining here because you can't grind the reward faster? So is it for fun or just getting through the game asap?

3 hours ago, Albi.7250 said:

With so many people having skyscales some meta trains are a real pain with the lack of skyscale.

If you can swap mounts relevant to the situation, you shouldn't have a problem with keeping up with skyscales, people in front of the "train" often won't even be camping skyscales unless they're doing it to not run away from the group.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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12 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

If you can swap mounts relevant to the situation, you shouldn't have a problem with keeping up with skyscales, people in front of the "train" often won't even be camping skyscales unless they're doing it to not run away from the group.

Sure skyscale at home(jackal with ibs mastery) is often times enough to follow skyscale over valleys, but not all the times. Skycale is one of these thing you should have together with dozen of other things which becomes this gigantic hurdle for "new" players. Skyscale at home still needs you to have a bit of time invested in IBS and PoF.

If you play for 5+ years and did accumulate these thing in a steady pace it's fine. But for newer players the game kind of forces your hand to play the whole game again, like everyone else. Just you started in 2021 and the rest in 2016 and before.

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4 minutes ago, Albi.7250 said:

Sure skyscale at home(jackal with ibs mastery) is often times enough to follow skyscale over valleys, but not all the times.

...and I'm not telling you to use one mount, use more of them depending what you need.

4 minutes ago, Albi.7250 said:

Skycale is one of these thing you should have together with dozen of other things which becomes this gigantic hurdle for "new" players. Skyscale at home still needs you to have a bit of time invested in IBS and PoF.

What "skyscale at home"? It would be easier for you to convey what you want if you stopped speaking in vague memes. Skyscales isn't something you "should have", that's the point here.

4 minutes ago, Albi.7250 said:

If you play for 5+ years and did accumulate these thing in a steady pace it's fine. But for newer players the game kind of forces your hand to play the whole game again, like everyone else. Just you started in 2021 and the rest in 2016 and before.

Except I didn't accumulate it for 5+years. I didn't go for skyscale (while usually I left the maps after doing whatever I wanted to do within them without somehow overstacking -or even stacking at all- their map currencies) and I was perfectly fine. The moment I decided I want to do something more and go for skyscale, I went for those stacks one after another -and it was before the "return to" achievements. So I can't say I agree with the narrative you're drawing here since that wasn't the case for me.

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14 minutes ago, Yoshihito.5928 said:

Sorry my time isn't valuable to you.

Sorry you think "weeks to get a mount" is something unacceptable when it isn't really "weeks of gameplay", but instead "weeks of you doing whatever irl and playing the game from time to time". You can already get stacks of lw currencies through other means, like IBS, festival vendors (so in some cases it's straight up gold -> currency skip) or by doing a different set of achievemnets ("return to..."). If you don't want to, it's on you and nobody else. No need to paint yourself as some victim where "nobody cares about your time".

But hey, you want a dragon? Then play the game and get it. That's how games work.

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15 minutes ago, Yoshihito.5928 said:

Sorry my time isn't valuable to you.

That's quite the issue because many thinks that if they got time for it others got it too but some just don't understand or not want to understand not everybody got it's life around a game and many players plays a game for relax and fun.Be it grind or just enjoy the game.

Now whoever say Skyscale is optional that person is right but many people forgets that it gives some enormous advantages to it's owner be it map exploration or dragon hitting for 100k dmg in event more often than others...

The devs needs to seriously balance the Skyscale acquisition ways for the people who does not have that much time and I wonder how they will manage it.

I was lucky to get it when there were trains for farm in abundance but new players have very few options at certain stages.

Repetitiveness causes boredom which kills off all the fun. Love hard prestige things but how Skyscale was managed is just boring closer to annoying.

Let the confused emotes flow from fanboys/girls ❤️


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12 minutes ago, Amnariel.3659 said:

That's quite the issue because many thinks that if they got time for it others got it too but some just don't understand or not want to understand not everybody got it's life around a game and many players plays a game for relax and fun.Be it grind or just enjoy the game.

What does it have to do with anything? The collection is a set of actions you need to take -because of that, it's fairly easy to track. You don't need (or more likely: can't) to complete the whole collection in one sitting. Doing that collection partially over time is how it is done.

12 minutes ago, Amnariel.3659 said:

Let the confused emotes flow from fanboys/girls ❤️

Ah yes, if someone disagrees with the baseless excuse you came up with above, it means they're "fanboys/girls". That sure is convenient. 😉 

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15 hours ago, Yoshihito.5928 said:

 When I play a game, I do it for fun and to relax and unwind after the stresses of life. But when the game is causing stress too, that's no longer fun.

 Not all of us have the time that we used to. I just want a frickin' dragon man...

You're stressing because you can't have a Skyscale right away. And because it'll take you longer than a few days to acquire it....OK....

4 hours ago, Albi.7250 said:

With so many people having skyscales some meta trains are a real pain with the lack of skyscale.

Very few meta train requires skyscales to keep up. Aside from North Drizzlewood, I can't think of another. Most of them, players use Griffons and Roller Beetles instead of Skyscales, if they want to be ahead of the crowd.

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14 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

What "skyscale at home"? It would be easier for you to convey what you want if you stopped speaking in vague memes. Skyscales isn't something you "should have", that's the point here.

Because I responded to someone unable to comprehend an argument which opposes their own. Might as well entertain myself.

21 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

The moment I decided I want to do something more and go for skyscale, I went for those stacks one after another -and it was before the "return to" achievements. So I can't say I agree with the narrative you're drawing here since that wasn't the case for me.

Because you clearly unable to understand my point. It is clear as day you play 5+ years, probably with an above average per week playtime. Skyscale is one of these thing that are almost required. On top of all the other things that are almost required. Mounts, Masteries, LW in some cases(EMP) etc. Which makes player who played the game for a god dam year still "new" players in some sense.  Obviously not a problem for veteran player like you with your playtime, but normal people getting into the game right now or the last year gonna struggle. There is no real substitute for Skyscale. Jackal + Endurance mastery and griffon are alternatives, but both also demand a investment.

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12 minutes ago, Albi.7250 said:

Because I responded to someone unable to comprehend an argument which opposes their own. Might as well entertain myself.

I'm not the one skipping what doesn't fit my narrative -you are. I'm responding to what you're saying and you're meming instead because apparently there's not much you can say here that would be true and still support your previous posts. 🙄 

12 minutes ago, Albi.7250 said:

Because you clearly unable to understand my point. It is clear as day you play 5+ years, probably with an above average per week playtime. Skyscale is one of these thing that are almost required. On top of all the other things that are almost required. Mounts, Masteries, LW in some cases(EMP) etc. Which makes player who played the game for a god dam year still "new" players in some sense.  Obviously not a problem for veteran player like you with your playtime, but normal people getting into the game right now or the last year gonna struggle.

No, despite the swift move from "sksycale being required" into "skyscale being almost required", it still isn't true. Skyscale isn't required or almost required (whatever that's supposed to mean exactly?).

Whether I play x or y years is irrelevant, since as already said before (and you intentionally cutting half of it out when quoting it):

Except I didn't accumulate it for 5+years. I didn't go for skyscale (while usually I left the maps after doing whatever I wanted to do within them without somehow overstacking -or even stacking at all- their map currencies) and I was perfectly fine. The moment I decided I want to do something more and go for skyscale, I went for those stacks one after another -and it was before the "return to" achievements. So I can't say I agree with the narrative you're drawing here since that wasn't the case for me.

So how about you comment on that instead of skipping it and trying to tell me the date of account creation changes anything about it?

12 minutes ago, Albi.7250 said:

There is no real substitute for Skyscale. Jackal + Endurance mastery and griffon are alternatives, but both also demand a investment.

There is and it was already pointed out (which you also conveniently skipped) : using other mounts. Not one other mount. Other mounts.

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