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The Skyscale Quest Line Is WAY Too Grindy, And Insulting [Merged]

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4 minutes ago, Silent.6137 said:

Very few meta train requires skyscales to keep up. Aside from North Drizzlewood, I can't think of another. Most of them, players use Griffons and Roller Beetles instead Skyscales, if they want to be ahead of the crowd.

Skyscale map boss train does too. Gryphon would be nice. But that's another long grind for a "new" player. That is the whole POF story I have to play + the Gryphon quest. Not a problem for people who played PoF as it came out I guess. That's what I am trying to point out. If you come after stuff is introduced you have this long list of thing you should catch up on.

In less civil terms: "Skyscale grind to hard, just use your Gryphon lol"

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3 minutes ago, Albi.7250 said:

Skyscale map boss train does too. Gryphon would be nice. But that's another long grind for a "new" player. That is the whole POF story I have to play + the Gryphon quest. Not a problem for people who played PoF as it came out I guess. That's what I am trying to point out. If you come after stuff is introduced you have this long list of thing you should catch up on.

In less civil terms: "Skyscale grind to hard, just use your Gryphon lol"

Now you've just started complaining about no instant gratification for everyone -in this case even playing through the story is somehow too problematic. 🙄 Basically the problem is "I have to play". But hey, you don't. Optional rewards are optional.

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15 minutes ago, Albi.7250 said:

Skyscale map boss train does too. Gryphon would be nice. But that's another long grind for a "new" player. That is the whole POF story I have to play + the Gryphon quest. Not a problem for people who played PoF as it came out I guess. That's what I am trying to point out. If you come after stuff is introduced you have this long list of thing you should catch up on.

In less civil terms: "Skyscale grind to hard, just use your Gryphon lol"

Map Bosses train does not require Skyscale. All of them spawn close to a Waypoint. Absolutely every single one of them.

So, you come late into the game, 5 years after mounts were introduced. And you think you should be equal to someone who has been playing for 5 years?

You have this long list of things to achieve, you take your limited time and progress as you go along. Same as everyone else. Set your priorities. You want a Griffon, farm for the gold. You want a Skyscale, farm for the items.  Maybe it'll take you twice as long as someone else to acquire. Maybe an extra week or so.

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36 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Now you've just started complaining about no instant gratification for everyone. 🙄 Basically the problem is "I have to play". But hey, you don't. Optional rewards are optional.

Hilarious. Instant gratification? I said some stuff could need some tuning. You clearly play the game to long. Tell me pls what are the requirements to farm Drizzlewood without crippling yourself. But you can't because it would detract from your point.

26 minutes ago, Silent.6137 said:

Map Bosses train does not require Skyscale. All of them spawn close to a Waypoint. Absolutely every single one of them.

So, you come late into the game, 5 years after mounts were introduced. And you think you should be equal to someone who has been playing for 5 years?

I should after playing for a long time, in an activity as plebeian as farm trains. I don't even argue for me as I'm in the progress of my skyscale. It is just bad design for the game. Do not worry, Design decisions like these will protect your accomplishments from the greedy hands of newcomers who want to play as equals. They will just choose another game and your accumulations stay untouched.

From the southwest boss flying east needs skyscale, Griffion or Jackal with IBS. 

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18 minutes ago, Albi.7250 said:

 It is just bad design for the game. Do not worry, Design decisions like these will protect your accomplishments from the greedy hands of newcomers who want to play as equals. They will just choose another game and your accumulations stay untouched.

From the southwest boss flying east needs skyscale, Griffion or Jackal with full IBS. 

Did anyone who are opposed to it thinks the accomplishments should be reserved for vets only? NO.

Or that newcomers are greedy? Again NO.

Now you're just being ridiculous by using words and inferences with words such as "greedy", "your accumulations stay untouched.".

What majority disagree with is the asking for the really short shortcuts, or in some cases, wanting it to be Gem Store items. There should be a modicum of expectation of some grindings and time investments to get some of the better items ingame. New players should not expect to have everything right away. Even if they would to choose another game, it will be the same.

You meant in Drizzlewood southern map bosses. Your statement was confusing. Drizzlewood certainly is designed around Skyscale but that's practically the only map where you'll really need a Skyscale or be left behind.

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38 minutes ago, Albi.7250 said:

Instant gratification? I said some stuff could need some tuning.

Yes. You're literally complaining about "having to finish the story", so at this point that's exactly what it is. 🤦‍♂️

38 minutes ago, Albi.7250 said:

But you can't because it would detract from your point.

No problem, as soon as you respond to the previous post you've now skipped again.

As example, this:

38 minutes ago, Albi.7250 said:

You clearly play the game to long.

Has already been responded in previous posts. So go back to those and stop avoiding what doesn't fit you. (and skyscale isn't a requirement to farm drizzle btw, I did it when people were on skyscales and I didn't have one)

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22 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

"I want my Skyscale now! NOW NOW NOW NOW!" 😂

In all earnest honesty, if you don't want to have to "do stuff" to acquire something specific in this game, why are you even playing it in the first place? The fun about an MMORPG is the "doing stuff" part.

it's an interesting question, the balance between playing something just because it's fun to play, and playing only because you're working towards a new shiny. If Guild Wars 2 made it really easy to get everything in the game, would people simply stop playing? Do most people play only to get rewards, or do they play because it's fun? Or maybe it's fun for them to play for rewards, everyone is different I suppose.

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Just now, DexterousGecko.6328 said:

it's an interesting question, the balance between playing something just because it's fun to play, and playing only because you're working towards a new shiny.

These two things are entwined. If you only wanted to run around and look at the scenery, you'd be playing a walking simulator.

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21 minutes ago, Silent.6137 said:

What majority disagree with is the asking for the really short shortcuts, or in some cases, wanting it to be Gem Store items.

I never said that. I even repeated it multiple times so that people in their Rage can't miss it. Skyscale could need some fine tuning. No Gem shore talk from me.

23 minutes ago, Silent.6137 said:

Did anyone who are opposed to it thinks the accomplishments should be reserved for vets only? NO.

Again how are you guys so unable to think about this from another perspective. You had years to accumulate stuff you have. You played the game for a long time. A new player has to play through 100 of hours of content to just hang in there(Mounts/gliding) in metas if he doesn't want to skip the story. Or skip the story detracting from the story and still play tons of hours of content that just became weaker because the story got skipped. And after all that they still lag behind on a lot of maps. Sure they make it in time, but lagging behind because everybody and their mother has a skyscale doesn't feel good. But no Problem there is more catch quests to get the mount, which are basically the lowest kind of WoW quest in a worse interface.

A lot of content didn't age well. Having to do content retracts a lot the the enjoyment it can bring. Its not about accomplishments, it about lagging behind in one of the core features of the game, after countless hours invested. Sure it is no reserved for vets, but it also isn't really feasible for "new" players. The fact alone I have to classify people with 50+ hours as new is absurd.



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5 minutes ago, Albi.7250 said:


A lot of content didn't age well. Having to do content retracts a lot the the enjoyment it can bring. Its not about accomplishments, it about lagging behind in one of the core features of the game, after countless hours invested. Sure it is no reserved for vets, but it also isn't really feasible for "new" players. The fact alone I have to classify people with 50+ hours as new is absurd.



What content have not aged well and what core feature are they somehow lagging behind in?

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28 minutes ago, Albi.7250 said:

Again how are you guys so unable to think about this from another perspective.

How are you unable to understand that people complaining about it here aren't saying they can't get it, but instead go off about pretty much not being able to get it in one sitting (because apparently if you complete the colection over few days or weeks -depending on how much/little you play- it is somehow unacceptable)? Similarly with your complaint about... having to play through PoF story to get griphon -I mean if playing through the story is too much for you then what are we even talking about here? 🤨 Skyscale acquisition isn't locking anyone from getting it, whether they are playing a lot or not. It also still isn't needed to keep up with farm trains.

28 minutes ago, Albi.7250 said:

You had years to accumulate stuff you have.

Ah and I already told you I didn't accumulate anything when I was going for a skyscale, so stop using this weird strawman that has nothing to do with reality.

It seriously is rather funny how you try to tell me I'm unable to think about this from another perspective when I was getting the skyscale from that exact perspective except with even less ways to skip the currency acquisition (which was also already brought up above and subsequently dodged by you). 🙄

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19 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

What content have not aged well and what core feature are they somehow lagging behind in?

Metas. Like i wrote in the post. I hope for your sake you here to win an argument and not actually lack that much  reading comprehension. With so many people having skyscale it can be either Almost required Dirzzelwood or irrelevant Octovine. But a lot of trains/metas will have player without skyscale lagging behind the rest of the squad, while still catching up to tag stuff. Which makes metas as content weaker overall. With the number of skyscale owner reaching a critical mass it has shifted from becoming more mobile with skyscale to becoming less mobile without it. In a lot of metas Mounts are a must have and already demand a lot of time of a player to unlock the normal ones. Skyscale is a nice to have, but they are so nice it can feel quite crippling to not have them, if your Squad is stacked with Skyscale owners even if you catch up eventually. Metas are a central part of the game as such revisiting some of the skyscale requirement or finetuning some stuff to soften to blow of acquiring a skyscale seems reasonable.

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8 minutes ago, Albi.7250 said:

But a lot of trains/metas will have player without skyscale lagging behind the rest of the squad, while still catching up to tag stuff.

You keep repeating this despite people repeatedly pointing out to you that this is false. If you repeat it yet again, it will still remain false. You can use other mounts without lagging behind.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again: It's a mount that offers an INSANE amount of utility and they've made it easier TWICE through majorly reducing the timegates from 24h to 2h and giving an extremely easy method of obtaining 250 of each of the required currencies. Yes it's tedious but many many MANY others have had to do so much more than you have to get it in the past, you can suck it up and do it. You should be expected to at least a little bit of work for it, especially since at this point every part of it will have detailed guides all over the place. I and many others unlocked it in a few days before any of the changes so believe me when I say it could be so much worse.

Edited by Sarge shot Grif.6450
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17 minutes ago, Albi.7250 said:

Metas. Like i wrote in the post. I hope for your sake you here to win an argument and not actually lack that much  reading comprehension. With so many people having skyscale it can be either Almost required Dirzzelwood or irrelevant Octovine. But a lot of trains/metas will have player without skyscale lagging behind the rest of the squad, while still catching up to tag stuff. Which makes metas as content weaker overall. With the number of skyscale owner reaching a critical mass it has shifted from becoming more mobile with skyscale to becoming less mobile without it. In a lot of metas Mounts are a must have and already demand a lot of time of a player to unlock the normal ones. Skyscale is a nice to have, but they are so nice it can feel quite crippling to not have them, if your Squad is stacked with Skyscale owners even if you catch up eventually. Metas are a central part of the game as such revisiting some of the skyscale requirement or finetuning some stuff to soften to blow of acquiring a skyscale seems reasonable.

You do know about the paratrooper points in drizzlewood right?

There is no need for skyscale on that map.

The only map made with skyscale in mind is dragonfall and even there you got waypoints + 3 shrines so you can keep up with normal mounts on the champ train.

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1 hour ago, Albi.7250 said:

I never said that. I even repeated it multiple times so that people in their Rage can't miss it. Skyscale could need some fine tuning. No Gem shore talk from me.

Never said you said it or is advocating for it. What I stated is what is voiced by some of the posts that thinks it's too grindy. And hence, Skyscale should be very easy to get because it's not new.

1 hour ago, Albi.7250 said:

Again how are you guys so unable to think about this from another perspective. You had years to accumulate stuff you have. You played the game for a long time. A new player has to play through 100 of hours of content to just hang in there(Mounts/gliding) in metas if he doesn't want to skip the story.

Again, new player should not expect to instantly join a difficult meta or event instantly. Everyone were new once and they do spend 100's of hours to get to where they are. But it seems, you just think new new players should not have to go through it for some reason. If someone doesn't have the time to play this huge game, which will literally take thousands of hours to complete, why are they even bothering playing MMOs? Play something where your time fits the schedules. Don't demand a big game to scale down to fit your personal schedule.

1 hour ago, Albi.7250 said:

But a lot of trains/metas will have player without skyscale lagging behind the rest of the squad, while still catching up to tag stuff. Which makes metas as content weaker overall. With the number of skyscale owner reaching a critical mass it has shifted from becoming more mobile with skyscale to becoming less mobile without it. In a lot of metas Mounts are a must have and already demand a lot of time of a player to unlock the normal ones. Skyscale is a nice to have, but they are so nice it can feel quite crippling to not have them, if your Squad is stacked with Skyscale owners even if you catch up eventually. Metas are a central part of the game as such revisiting some of the skyscale requirement or finetuning some stuff to soften to blow of acquiring a skyscale seems reasonable.

As I mentioned, other than Drizzlewood, there is absolutely no map events or metas that you'd need a skyscale to catch up to the squad. Zero.

Yes, mounts are a must. And they do take time. So, what is your point here? Everyone who came into this game will know they have to spend some time to get something they want. Better armors, better weapons, better mounts, better abilities, etc., etc., etc. All of them require some time investments. All of them require grindings to achieve.

But it seems your entire argument is based on the premise that new players should not have to grind to achieve anything and they should able to instantly join any meta/event squad with very little efforts.

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2 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

You keep repeating this despite people repeatedly pointing out to you that this is false. If you repeat it yet again, it will still remain false. You can use other mounts without lagging behind.

They insist its not a requirement, fine maybe. Not having a Skyscale makes a lot of Metas weaker then they should be for non-Skyscale owner, for the reasons listed above. Before you type yourself in a frenzy how I backpaddled or whatever. I have to explain something to you. With real People you face you normally have a discussion to come to a Conclusion or a mutual understanding. So sometimes in the pursuit of getting on with it you drop a point that is not necessary to not devolve in a unproductive mess.

2 hours ago, Silent.6137 said:

But it seems, you just think new new players should not have to go through it for some reason. <...> Don't demand a big game to scale down to fit your personal schedule.

First of all I demand nothing as I'm doing the skyscale right now. I try to be as clear as possible. I think some aspects should be made easier for new players in a 10 Year old game. They are missing countless hours of progress for the crime of not having played yet. Being behind in Legendarys, Skins and general Wealth is absolutely fine. Movement is so central to the game. You feel the lack of Account Progress in your bones, when you walk behind mounts. When you have to stop because of the lack of Springer. So you invest multiple single player games worth of time into the game. You finally can move WITH the squad. Just to lag behind the squad again on Map Like dragon stand, Dragonfall, drizzlewood etc. But maybe your right people shouldn't play this game if they don't want to invest 100 hours to move with the squad. And a couple more to be able to do that on all maps. Also kitten my life it is the weekend and I have to wait for Treat timegate.

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9 hours ago, Albi.7250 said:
  1.  I think some aspects should be made easier for new players in a 10 Year old game. They are missing countless hours of progress for the crime of not having played yet. 
  2. You finally can move WITH the squad. Just to lag behind the squad again on Map Like dragon stand, Dragonfall, drizzlewood etc.
  3. But maybe your right people shouldn't play this game if they don't want to invest 100 hours to move with the squad. And a couple more to be able to do that on all maps. Also kitten my life it is the weekend and I have to wait for Treat timegate.
  1. Game may be 10 years old but for a new player, it is still brand new. They are not missing countless hours od progress. They just haven't started playing them yet. Someone who started at initial launch, quit after a few months and come back 10 years later, can continue their adventures as if they have not left.
  2. Again NO. Dragon Stand at Modremoth, you just need glider. Everyone will get the same loots (aside from the RNG) with their participations. For escorts, mounts are not needed. Dragonfall, you do not need Skyscale to farm the chests. Yes, getting to the bosses fast will award one key each but those can be acquired from map events. Lagging behind the squad? I already mentioned that those in front use Roller Beetles and Griffons, right? Also, new players with no Skyscales? Why are you trying to farm events that you know you can't catch up to? You are a new player so farm events progressively. Not jump right to the end to begin.
  3. Tons of very casuals play this game. They take their time to gain the items, That's why they are called Casuals. Everyone should play at their own pace with the amount of time available to them. If you don't have the time to put in lots of hours. it is a "You" problem. Not a "Game" problem. The game is designed such that you can invest as much time as you want or have available.  But if you have less time, then expect to take longer to acquire the items you want/need.
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6 minutes ago, Silent.6137 said:
  1. Game may be 10 years old but for a new player, it is still brand new. They are not missing countless hours od progress. They just haven't started playing them yet. Someone who started at initial launch, quit after a few months and come back 10 years later, can continue their adventures as if they have not left.
  2. Again NO. Dragon Stand at Modremoth, you just need glider. Everyone will get the same loots (aside from the RNG) with their participations. For escorts, mounts are not needed. Dragonfall, you do not need Skyscale to farm the chests. Yes, getting to the bosses fast will award one key each but those can be acquired from map events. Lagging behind the squad? I already mentioned that those in front use Roller Beetles and Griffons, right? Also, new players with no Skyscales? Why are you trying to farm events that you know you can't catch up to? You are a new player so farm events progressively. Not jump right to the end to begin.
  3. Tons of very casuals play this game. They take their time to gain the items, That's why they are called Causals. Everyone should play at their own pace with the amount of time available to them. If you don't have the time to put in lots of hours. it is a "You" problem. Not a "Game" problem. The game is designed such that you can invest as much time as you want or have available.  But if you have less time, then expect to take longer to acquire the items you want/need.

I disagree

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20 hours ago, Yoshihito.5928 said:

I have to agree with the OP here. This is the most unfun thing I've done in the game and it's made me seriously contemplate moving on to another game. The time gates have just been terrible. Why even have a wait of 3 days and 8 hours? Why is there a wait between every achievement group of two hours? It makes no sense to me. Most of you will say, "Well, it's only a few days." But for me, it's weeks! I work 12 hour shifts in a factory. I don't have the time to game that I used to. When I play a game, I do it for fun and to relax and unwind after the stresses of life. But when the game is causing stress too, that's no longer fun.

The three day bit is just feeding the Skyscale food. You have to feed it 12 but it will only eat 4 a day. So although it is done over a minumum of 3 days, the actual play time can be done in 3 minutes for that bit. You aren't the first I've seen saying this but some people say it like the three day thing means you need to grind for 72 hours. It's not. For that bit of the quest, feed it four times, over quickly, then you can log out until tomorrow or play elsewhere in game.

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9 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

With what facts and reason?

There are no facts necessary for this discussion, and my reason is because I feel differently than the poster does. Would you rather I argue back and forth like most posts here with no intention of having my mind changed? I'd rather not, a simple "i disagree" gets the point across with much less effort.

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14 minutes ago, DexterousGecko.6328 said:

There are no facts necessary for this discussion, and my reason is because I feel differently than the poster does. Would you rather I argue back and forth like most posts here with no intention of having my mind changed? I'd rather not, a simple "i disagree" gets the point across with much less effort.

In other words, you have nothing to defend your position but feels that skipping steps to just be able to do the most lucrative events with very minimal effort is justified. Ok.

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