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Rip my server this week

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Seriously, this round is just sad. No morale because whatever system you're using to decide who goes vs who has caused such a blunder.

We're fighting Mag, this server has trains and players on 24/7 against 2 servers that randomly has a comm up every once in a while or doesnt play until the complete off hours due to timezones. Currently the score is 9,300 vs 2 servers not even at 1000.

When WvW is all you get on this game for, this is a huge scale tilt in the direction of a long kitten break or just uninstalling and finding other stuff to player(Which I'm probably going to do.)

Just do better, if not for me, for others. This is just an absolutely pathetic state of the game for WvW. Like kitten man.

Edited by iKeostuKen.2738
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How exactly is it a blunder?

Mag was up in T1 for months before the relinks.

Both SoS and CD were T1 last week.

Mag wins T2 last week and moves to T1, starts to win this week and NOW the system is broken? but it wasn't when your server was winning? Problem isn't really the system, it's the players, why don't both servers team up against mag? oh right, it's because they only want easy fights and ppt, and when there's resistance then they quit, mag tends to have more relentless players than other servers in that regard. I'd say Mag is in the tier they need to be, maybe your server isn't and needs to drop to t2 next week.


P.S Please don't tell us if you're from SoS, the server that has been ktraining overnight scores over other servers for 10 years.

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SoS outppted Mag in every single matchup they had in the last relink cycle. They also won t1 last week. SoS should be placed with Mag until a third server can knock them down to t2. Highly unlikely that will happen though, your aussies and morning crew will perpetually keep you in t1. 

Edited by Ruru.1302
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I do think that Mag won over SoS and CD in every aspects. They have more experienced, aggressive and well-geared players. They also have more number most of the time. They're so out of league to other 2 servers to the point that I don't think it's a good match. I just check the scoreboard right now and it's 11k vs 1k vs 900... If you're in Mag and really enjoy this kind of domination.. good for you. for those in CD and SoS, if you enjoy feeding bags to Mag.. good for you too..  no matter what.. this is just a video game 🙂 do whatever you enjoy!

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Ok I get it OP, you hate Mag. Well so does everybody else. Here's the thing though, and you can take this however you want. There are ZERO penalties for loosing and there are ZERO incentives to winning. So as a life long Mag player, like many on Mag, we created our own content because we all know ANET won't. That content is KDR/EBG. Yes we have trolls/toxic players and so does every server. We play how we play and its not a secret. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING will change until the great white whale, the unicorn of unicorns, Alliances roles out. And I have zero faith that it will. So maybe instead of complaining on the forums about Mag, you should channel that energy into petitioning Anet to have winning/loosing actually mean something. If servers have something to gain or loose they would likely change how they play.  Also if you don't enjoy your match up, transfer for a week or 2. I've done this more than a few times and so have a lot of other players. It's a crap thing to have to do in order to enjoy the game mode you choose to participate in but it is what it is. And if you find me and kill me, drop troll food or siege on me. I don't feel alive anymore unless I know another player hates me. Until then, thanks for the bags !!!


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8 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

How exactly is it a blunder?

Mag was up in T1 for months before the relinks.

Both SoS and CD were T1 last week.

Mag wins T2 last week and moves to T1, starts to win this week and NOW the system is broken? but it wasn't when your server was winning? Problem isn't really the system, it's the players, why don't both servers team up against mag? oh right, it's because they only want easy fights and ppt, and when there's resistance then they quit, mag tends to have more relentless players than other servers in that regard. I'd say Mag is in the tier they need to be, maybe your server isn't and needs to drop to t2 next week.


P.S Please don't tell us if you're from SoS, the server that has been ktraining overnight scores over other servers for 10 years.

It's a blunder just due to player activity. When servers purposely tank and server swapping is an option, the server ranks do not really matter. It's all about which server just has the highest amt of player uptime in the end, especially in this state of the game where fighting outnumbered is more of a downhill slope than before.

Compared to last week when it was an actual war instead of a snowball fest when both servers can barely keep 40 players on each borderlands, yes it was way less broken because it actually made sense. No server was dominating the other in this way, each was less than 1k points away from the other.

It isnt a tier issue, its a server balancing issue. If Server A has a average of X players on for Y set of time and Servers B and C barely even average half of that then something is up. And I can tell you last week, my server did not have numbers even close to what mag does now for uptime. 

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25 minutes ago, iKeostuKen.2738 said:

It's a blunder just due to player activity. When servers purposely tank and server swapping is an option, the server ranks do not really matter. It's all about which server just has the highest amt of player uptime in the end, especially in this state of the game where fighting outnumbered is more of a downhill slope than before.

Compared to last week when it was an actual war instead of a snowball fest when both servers can barely keep 40 players on each borderlands, yes it was way less broken because it actually made sense. No server was dominating the other in this way, each was less than 1k points away from the other.

It isnt a tier issue, its a server balancing issue. If Server A has a average of X players on for Y set of time and Servers B and C barely even average half of that then something is up. And I can tell you last week, my server did not have numbers even close to what mag does now for uptime. 


Ok and? tell us something we don't already know?

We all already know activity isn't measured perfectly, of every player, to the hour, of every time zone. That's kind of the point to the restructuring?

So your server is getting beat by a bigger server, well then your server doesn't belong in t1 then?

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Were you the author of this thread by chance? There has been some confusion lately. Indo trying to defame me by saying I started some inflammatory thread on the reddit. Just a disclaimer. I AM THE REAL Julian, not whoever posted this reddit/forum.


That aside yes you are right, the state of T1 is a perfect example of why the link system has failed. The rotting carcass is finally exposed for everyone to smell. 

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I am from IoJ current paired with Mag. I am leader from SoL and we raid during ocx and sea time. We fought and faced vs 50+ or 60+ blobs. While we had 25+ and a bit random pugs. We love hard changelles and outnumbert. The funny part was when the blob was hiding in the keep with probally 10+ AC, cannons and mortars and only wanted to fight in siege fight.


Either they don't know how to fight. But yet i am not complaining. It was hard but good experience cause we capped the keep anyway and farmed them a lot.


The thing is.. people needs to learn how to deal with in fights or extreem moments just like old days. I remember back then we were fighting outnumbert like almost 2 years but i loved! 


We learned a lot and we wouldn't be what and how we are right now cause of that.


I love Mag cause they don't back down from anything. I guess other servers should start the do the same instead of asking nerfs or easy ways.

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This is a big reason I struggle to get into WvW. I get a fun matchup with commanders and others I start getting used to. Then it shifts to such an extent they are gone and if I'm lucky, I'm left with new people who are also a fun matchup and commanders, but that's just a roll of the dice.

I could join a WvW guild I guess, but I don't want to commit to that kind of thing right now and I wouldn't want to transfer if they wanted to, so... yeah.

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9 hours ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:


Happens when you vastly outnumber the opposing.

9 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:


Whats happening now isnt even near close to the bare minimum interms of matching. Its like NBA stars vs elementary with pity points. And like I said, idc about tiers. I just want better matchups regardless. Ranking is stupid when servers just tank.

8 hours ago, jul.7602 said:

Honestly didn't even know we were in T1. I just play the mode. But no, wasnt me.

5 hours ago, Ghost.7032 said:


Truth, my server doesn't really do anything really unless a tag is up.

1 hour ago, Blockhead Magee.3092 said:


Highly doubtful, alliances prob won't even happen.

1 hour ago, Labjax.2465 said:


Yeah as someone who only played this game for WvW this is how I feel rn. Just want exciting matches regardless of win or lose.

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5 hours ago, Ghost.7032 said:

I am from IoJ current paired with Mag. I am leader from SoL and we raid during ocx and sea time. We fought and faced vs 50+ or 60+ blobs. While we had 25+ and a bit random pugs. We love hard changelles and outnumbert. The funny part was when the blob was hiding in the keep with probally 10+ AC, cannons and mortars and only wanted to fight in siege fight.

I'm on EU and so I don't know your situation well, but I can read the numbers on gw2 stats.

at this time mag has a total of kd 68,000 and the opponents have one 49,000 and the other 45,000 . normally when you go online in gw2 starts playing, and when you play you can only do two things, I kill someone and you get killed by someone. so the kd parameter is one of the few tools we have to measure the population of the teams. so I would say that mag has a population that exceeds its opponents by at least 40%.

in my parts in europe in t5 without a connection for at least 6 months with a population that does not reach 50% of your opponents, I can only understand very well what the author of this post means.

and it is for this reason that I continue to ask for the same corrections from our developer, modify transfers, build numerically equal teams, add a variable logic for 24/7 game time management.

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4 hours ago, iKeostuKen.2738 said:

Whats happening now isnt even near close to the bare minimum interms of matching. Its like NBA stars vs elementary with pity points. And like I said, idc about tiers. I just want better matchups regardless. Ranking is stupid when servers just tank.

You may not care about tiers, but they've been doing rank tier play since the beginning of the game....

It's a points system game mode, the best ppting servers end up on top in tier 1.

This is no different than when BG was on top and beating everyone.

But I guess everything is ok as long as you were beating up on smaller servers but not the other way around?

P.S Devs already stated long ago that they link servers to match other servers around them, it's not perfectly equally balanced all down the line, because that is near impossible for them to do at the moment given the different chunky sizes of servers (again why world restructuring was needed to solve this problem). If you're on CD then maybe you need to drop to t2 and BG needs to take your place, it's that simple.


3 hours ago, Mabi black.1824 said:

at this time mag has a total of kd 68,000 and the opponents have one 49,000 and the other 45,000 . normally when you go online in gw2 starts playing, and when you play you can only do two things, I kill someone and you get killed by someone. so the kd parameter is one of the few tools we have to measure the population of the teams. so I would say that mag has a population that exceeds its opponents by at least 40%.

Keep in mind that only counts for people playing this week and not including the ones taking it off, there are many players or guilds who prefer not to play against mag, or only play the first couple days to finish their skirmish track then leave for the week. This isn't a typical matchup either with mag that usually has a stranglehold on ebg, and sos that usually has a stranglehold in ocx.

If you look at the numbers closer you can see that mag actually has more deaths than sos on every map except sos's green bl, but more kills overall, probably because cd is feeding them this week as their kdr is 0.49, probably from spawn camping. The other anomaly is mag is holding their red desert bl, a map they hate with a passion, probably only doing it to make sure they get green or blue alpine next week.

There's many players who tend to not play when they see their side getting steamrolled and no commander online to help take stuff back because they've all been intimidated to leave (something that doesn't affect mag because they usually play without a commander). That doesn't straight up mean mag has 40% more population than them.


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21 hours ago, Despot.3048 said:

CD have been putting up more of a fight than SoS this week. Disappointing. 

In case anyone is confused. SOS and Mag had been deadlocked for 6 weeks before relinks happened. There was a chance for Mag to drop down to T2 one of those weeks but TC and another server (SBI I think?) tied in T2 to prevent that from happening (both servers coordinated to make it happen, lol - it was fantastic).

So SOS is just sick of Maguuma (like any other server is) and is trying to throw to get out of T1. Little do they know TC and BG just might tie in T2 preventing CD or SOS from coming down.

But in all reality, when servers are coordinating together to manipulate match-ups across 2 different tiers, you know the system is broken.

Edited by Bristingr.5034
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19 minutes ago, Bristingr.5034 said:

In case anyone is confused. SOS and Mag had been deadlocked for 6 weeks before relinks happened. There was a chance for Mag to drop down to T2 one of those weeks but TC and another server (SBI I think?) tied in T2 to prevent that from happening (both servers coordinated to make it happen, lol - it was fantastic).

So SOS is just sick of Maguuma (like any other server is) and is trying to throw to get out of T1. Little do they know TC and BG just might tie in T2 preventing CD or SOS from coming down.

But in all reality, when servers are coordinating together to manipulate match-ups across 2 different tiers, you know the system is broken.

Maguuma team chat is pretty split right now on PPTing SoS to knock SoS into t2 so BG comes up for more players to fight, or PPTing CD to ruin wvw for another week for SoS. Of course if t2 ties then this is irrelevant but SoS has a high chance of drawing the short straw next week 🙂

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7 minutes ago, Ruru.1302 said:

Maguuma team chat is pretty split right now on PPTing SoS to knock SoS into t2 so BG comes up for more players to fight, or PPTing CD to ruin wvw for another week for SoS. Of course if t2 ties then this is irrelevant but SoS has a high chance of drawing the short straw next week 🙂

3 point difference between CD and SOS and 6 pt difference between BG and TC as of right now. Nothing will be decided until tomorrow and there's a chance either tiers will tie, locking a server from moving up/down.

I'll reach out to some BG commanders and see if they are willing to coordinate with us (TC) and tie this week. 🙂

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7 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

This is a big reason I struggle to get into WvW. I get a fun matchup with commanders and others I start getting used to. Then it shifts to such an extent they are gone and if I'm lucky, I'm left with new people who are also a fun matchup and commanders, but that's just a roll of the dice.

I could join a WvW guild I guess, but I don't want to commit to that kind of thing right now and I wouldn't want to transfer if they wanted to, so... yeah.

So you want to play with a group of people that know what they are doing and is fun to play with, but also doesnt wanna put any effort in it, communicate with them, or join a guild? Your only hope is to find a server you like and that has a fun core of players, and play enough time besides them till you make a bond out of fighting, dying, winning and losing, blood brothers style. Thats basicaly what mag is.

Now on topic, you can complain about many things mag does, but we have a very good core of players, many arent even amazingly mechanically but they commit to fights and know if they get a down, 5+ people will jump in to cleave or ress you, so almost everybody plays very aggressive and it makes for very fun and fast gameplay, just chasing OJs around EBG. Most of it without tags and comms too! Just pure grass roots roaming and ganking.

Sadly we received a big wave of transfers (maybe cause of our fame), and are indeed very stacked, but I didnt expect us to be beating the aussies hordes even in their timezone, well unluckers for you op, maybe next week you will have fun, not gonna complain about the way your server plays or should play.

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8 hours ago, Mabi black.1824 said:

I'm on EU and so I don't know your situation well, but I can read the numbers on gw2 stats.

at this time mag has a total of kd 68,000 and the opponents have one 49,000 and the other 45,000 . normally when you go online in gw2 starts playing, and when you play you can only do two things, I kill someone and you get killed by someone. so the kd parameter is one of the few tools we have to measure the population of the teams. so I would say that mag has a population that exceeds its opponents by at least 40%.

in my parts in europe in t5 without a connection for at least 6 months with a population that does not reach 50% of your opponents, I can only understand very well what the author of this post means.

and it is for this reason that I continue to ask for the same corrections from our developer, modify transfers, build numerically equal teams, add a variable logic for 24/7 game time management.

This does not take in the pure suckage factor of the other 2 servers.


sorry no.



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3 hours ago, lotus.5672 said:

So you want to play with a group of people that know what they are doing and is fun to play with, but also doesnt wanna put any effort in it, communicate with them, or join a guild? Your only hope is to find a server you like and that has a fun core of players, and play enough time besides them till you make a bond out of fighting, dying, winning and losing, blood brothers style. Thats basicaly what mag is.

Now on topic, you can complain about many things mag does, but we have a very good core of players, many arent even amazingly mechanically but they commit to fights and know if they get a down, 5+ people will jump in to cleave or ress you, so almost everybody plays very aggressive and it makes for very fun and fast gameplay, just chasing OJs around EBG. Most of it without tags and comms too! Just pure grass roots roaming and ganking.

Sadly we received a big wave of transfers (maybe cause of our fame), and are indeed very stacked, but I didnt expect us to be beating the aussies hordes even in their timezone, well unluckers for you op, maybe next week you will have fun, not gonna complain about the way your server plays or should play.

Wild that you just described mag as a place for people who don't want to put in any effort (and no, that's not what I want). Explains a lot about what I've heard about it and personally seen, tbh. First time I saw people sneaky trying to gank zerg tail from behind outside of an actual fight. Like picking off tail during a defend or fight in general is just strategy, doing it when the zerg is just running somewhere is gonna discourage players who are new to WvW; have a harder time keeping up cause they don't have a mount or don't know where to go. And no, I was not personally picked off. I just noted it happening and was dismayed at how sad a strategy it is. Like the WvW equivalent of ganking players in lowbie zones in some games.

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