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Warrior needs an AoE pull


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Good AoE pulls are some of the most underrated CCs in the game, but are awesome for a lot of content, particularly in PvE since it lines things up for some great cleave.  However, I'm still shocked that Warrior has never gotten one of these (aside from underwater skills) when it seems to fit them so thematically.  Hopefully this will be considered for either future expansions or reworks of things since so much of warrior already fits with hard CC access.

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I'd be happy if Stomp were made to pull in enemies rather than launch them. I'd also like to see the radius increased to 300. Yeah, I know, keep dreaming. But since I'm dreaming, let's make it work the same in competitive; oh, and give CC skills at least a decent chunk of their damage back in said modes.


Sorry for the slight tangent, OP. I'm with you, and there is most certainly a reason why I use my raptor in PvE so, so often to sweep in mobs.

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I’ve recommended reworking hammer to be focused on pulls and single target execution, considering that’s how war hammers were widely used in the Middle Ages most likely. Would really fit the “weapon master” theme imo, and could function as a viable alternative set to great sword imo. Overall I think it’s the best place for it, since a core weapon impacts every spec. If you want to see more, check it out here; 


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23 minutes ago, GeneralBM.5781 said:

I mean, your dream skill already exists on Mallyx rev. Try it, it's a lot of fun.

Agreed, and I have. But for various reasons I'm not the biggest Rev fan, though I did get some enjoyment out of a condi Glint/Mallyx build once upon a time.


Thanks for the suggestion!

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6 minutes ago, Duglaive.5236 said:

Agreed, and I have. But for various reasons I'm not the biggest Rev fan, though I did get some enjoyment out of a condi Glint/Mallyx build once upon a time.


Thanks for the suggestion!

That's fair, Rev isn't for everyone. I will say that the Glint/Mallyx build is still a great condi build, kind of a sleeper hit esp after the big nerfs that scared everyone off.

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3 hours ago, Guyver.1426 said:

Don't copy skills from other classes with different names.  I think this is the biggest fault made by WOW. 

I think there’s a line. Copy animations with class specific adjustments? That can be acceptable to an extent, especially if the combination pairing is unique. Copy the exact same utility? Not so good. 

A lot of the reason that people here suggest things in relation to copied animations is because Anet has a history of recycling animations, it makes recommendations more specific (gives an example of what it can function similarly to), and makes it easier on Anet if they listen to our suggestions like they did with engineer’s mace!

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Berserker's hammer primal burst would be ideal for pull, together with its aoe indicator being changed into big proper circular aoe instead of current lame frontal half aoe impractical bs. The hammer could be actually useful in PvE with that, think about pulling mobs to you for your group, slightly less op version of mesmers focus pull.

Edited by cryorion.9532
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13 minutes ago, anbujackson.9564 said:

Well to put some logic into it I would say that spellbreaker should have an AOE pull magebane tether option. I just cant see it on anything else.

Amd trust me, I REALLY want an AoE pull. Everytime I play necro I get painfully reminded of how useless my AoE CC is as warrior.


Stomp being a 0 range launch would be great for starters.

As for pull, outside of the most talked-about Hammer 4 pull suggestion, I really like the more recent idea lan proposed of throw bolas being an immob/pull, not unlike scorpion wire, but a bit more reliable. 

Outside of that, I don't think warr can get any reliable pull anywhere else, perhaps in Imminent Threat instead of the taunt, but I don't know, with a simple CD decrease that skill can be very fun and useful in the classic Cele Hamm/Bow SpB Body Blow build (I just kitten around with condi the past few days in open world). 

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9 hours ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

Was fighting in Green Keep one day on EB.

Under the bridge.

Spear Pull 3 people into the water from outside and nuking them (cause I def don't have a proper underwater build with ascended underwater gear, runes, infusions and sigils!).

I felt godly.

We need a pull. 

Players under bridge can AOE and pull players on top of the bridge :P, i had a group that we used a tactics where we would rather than portal bomb we would port to under bridges  and spam everything in the bridge floor from down, while the enemy cant target u under the bridge  (gw2 mechanics what else).

Atm i cant see where Anet would fit a no damage CC pull :\ maybe in next staff spec? wizzard knight? :P the game is all about aoe range spam so a wizard warrior would be a FIX for the class.


Edited by Aeolus.3615
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