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You've got a problem when PVE is complaining...

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I'm a PvPer and spent 96% in competitive environments in-game. 

Anyway, you know it's a disgrace when honest, non-violent criticisms about the patch gets grouped in with maybe a threat from a 12yr old to create animosity amongst the community and as a  tool to distract the truth - that the patch is terrible. Even well known streamers have posted against this. 


Remember, the ppl involved with this patch are the same ppl involved with the failed ESL. Dont expect greatness from historic failures who never learns from their lessons. 


So many of my posts were removed, none were violent. Quite Incredible. This forum is like a North Korean simulator 


No more are the beautiful complex yet rewarding builds

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I think PvP does not matter even in the slightest.

The game is being balanced for raid/instanced group content, based on accessibility and speed.

Literally nothing else matters....NO-THING.

If it did, profession balance would still be last with all the other competitive issues in SPVP.

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8 minutes ago, Crab Fear.8623 said:

I think PvP does not matter even in the slightest.

The game is being balanced for raid/instanced group content, based on accessibility and speed.

Literally nothing else matters....NO-THING.


Correct. All of the nuanced, intricate changes have been done in such a way that benefits pve. PvP and WvW has been well loved with an iron cudgel. No nuance, just hammering of things that come up too often. I don't know if that is largely due to the skills team holding the keys to rework, but that doesn't excuse the balance. Numbers changes can do a hell of a lot for the state of balance, but a lot of the rhetoric and balance changes have quite heavily conveyed that they don't really intend to consider a class's performance in spvp as anything worth giving heavy consideration to, at least at this point. 


That plus they didn't even think of having a balance team dedicated to looking at class interaction until after EoD shipped, and continued to not have one up to and beyond the latest balance patch. The only way we will get attention at all is if by some horrible accident the devs manage to tick off the PvE players. 


The stars aligned though, les goooo. If I have to go grab a warrior buddy's shoulder in PvE and upset him, I can do that~

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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maybe people are just bad at games if they would rather have 3 buttons to do 1 thing as opposed to 1 button that does 3 things.

after all, needing 3 buttons to do 1 thing is less skilled than an ability that has 3 options for it's use.

Edited by Stalima.5490
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Can't wait for them to explain their remarkable philosophy and how it involves bringing specific specs with the highest population and playtime up to meta level in all gamemodes, so the players can feel happy and rewarded and say "kitten, GW2 is the best game ever! I want to support the game I love! Oh, look, look! ITS GEMSTORE TUESDAYYYYY!". 

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sPvP peoples complain that the necromancer shroud have to much damage reduction? Let's reduce shroud damage reduction in PvE only.

sPvP/WvW peoples complain that ranger (soulbeast) have to much burst and that they are 100-0 from their WvW mount? Let's nerf soulbeast's burst in PvE only.

Meanwhile, sPvP people: "They balance for PvE raid!"

I do think that the devs believe a bit to much what people say in this subforum. To the point that, maybe, they've start thinking that it is a PvE subforum.

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On 6/30/2022 at 9:27 PM, greedywholesome.9081 said:

I'm a PvPer and spent 96% in competitive environments in-game. 

Anyway, you know it's a disgrace when honest, non-violent criticisms about the patch gets grouped in with maybe a threat from a 12yr old to create animosity amongst the community and as a  tool to distract the truth - that the patch is terrible. Even well known streamers have posted against this. 


Remember, the ppl involved with this patch are the same ppl involved with the failed ESL. Dont expect greatness from historic failures who never learns from their lessons. 


So many of my posts were removed, none were violent. Quite Incredible. This forum is like a North Korean simulator 


No more are the beautiful complex yet rewarding builds


Usually the death threats and such are from people way older than 12.  

Also, PvE players are nuts about their DPS meters so I think they complain even more than this subforum does 😂

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On 7/4/2022 at 6:56 AM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Usually the death threats and such are from people way older than 12.  


You're probably right however I doubt the threats happened on this forum. Regardless, I do not approve nor condone suggestive  violence to others or to oneself. Thanks for the input

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On 7/4/2022 at 6:50 AM, Khalisto.5780 said:

pve is always complaining, if a build is doing 42k dps and the second is doing 39 that is like pve unbalance apocalypse


Thanks for your input. Yes PVE complains a lot but this time, it's more widespread. Also, they are the bread and butter of this game so if I were Anet, I'd be sensitive to their reactions. Thus far, I like the timeline Davis laid out. 

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On 7/2/2022 at 3:38 PM, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

Can't wait for them to explain their remarkable philosophy and how it involves bringing specific specs with the highest population and playtime up to meta level in all gamemodes, so the players can feel happy and rewarded and say "kitten, GW2 is the best game ever! I want to support the game I love! Oh, look, look! ITS GEMSTORE TUESDAYYYYY!". 


Even the new gem store designs were meh. I did however buy the tea set. Tea soon hopefully. 

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On 7/2/2022 at 1:48 PM, Stalima.5490 said:

maybe people are just bad at games if they would rather have 3 buttons to do 1 thing as opposed to 1 button that does 3 things.

after all, needing 3 buttons to do 1 thing is less skilled than an ability that has 3 options for it's use.


For some players, you're spot on. However, I don't enjoy those builds. I play Mesmer, Holo, Scrapper, LR and FA weaver, I LOVE ENGIE KITS, and warrior. They could be simplifying game play for the anticipated Steam launch. 

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On 6/30/2022 at 11:18 PM, Crab Fear.8623 said:

The game is being balanced for raid/instanced group content, based on accessibility and speed.

I don't think it's being balanced on that. It's balanced on what the devs who play the game WANT with no rhyme or reason.

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2 hours ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

does it really matter, it's like, noooooooooooo, this class that is not my main is top dps nerf nerf nerf

9% dps seems like an amount you can get over. There are people complaining about 9% discrepancies, but the overwhelming majority of people I've seen with takes on the balancing, for both pve AND pvp, are somewhere along the path of "I have to press x,y,z buttons and x1,y2,z3 buttons, take a traitline I dont like, take weapons I dont like, just to do 30% of what class x,y,z get to do by pressing 1/not weapon swapping, and every time Anet looks in my general direction I can feel the joy escaping from my soul". 


If you're going to suck the life out of the people playing your professions, at least make sure they do the job well in exchange for being a snoozefest.


On 7/2/2022 at 3:33 AM, Hotride.2187 said:

It is amazing that they focus on raids and still kitten off the raid playerbase. Maybe not focusing on competitive let it die a slightly slower death?...


It would be a cruel twist of irony if ignoring balancing direction for pvp robbed the devs of the foresight that would have saved them from upsetting people looking to raid.

After all, what is raiding but a competition to join a multi-slot group to accomplish a goa- oh. Oh no.

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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