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A new GW2 players observations of the game

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While I'm new to GW2, I'm not new to gaming having played PONG when it released in '76 on home console and every RPG worth its salt on every console, pc, since that time. IE, I've been gaming for over 40 years. So, having jumped into GW2, what have I seen?


1) Insta-spawn.


I get that with an MMO, you want mobs to respawn fairly quickly so players don't walk into a dead zone when they need to finish heart quests. But, when you kill a mob, start walking away, and it respawns behind you... putting you right back into instant combat... that is too fast. I've literally leveled after killing a mob, opened the reward tab, was looking at the choices, when the mob respawned and I had to just click SOMETHING to close it and enter combat. Your respawn time should be around 30 seconds giving players the time to actually act or move on. Having probably missed out on a reward I NEEDED because I had zero time TO look at the rewards before the mob respawned... yeah.


2) Aggro.


Seriously. THIS is one of the largest problems with GW2. I have LITERALLY been standing there doing nothing as a mob was being attacked by THREE other players, but because I was "within range", it attacked ME. Really? Mobs will randomly just attack anything in range regardless of it is in combat with other players? That isn't even an aggro system. That is a LACK of an aggro system. At the MINIMUM, mobs should be coded to attack players that are actively engaged in combat over players that aren't. The same is true with the Ranger class and pet bear, of which I am running. The bear is engaged in combat with a mob. I'm at distance firing bow at mob. Mob is shooting at ME, totally ignoring bear, which, isn't that the TANK pet? You know... TANK... that thing in the holy trinity where you hold aggro of a boss, miniboss, etc, while the DPS can act? Sure. There is a distance set where a mob will aggro a passing player. I get that. But once that mob is engaged in combat with a player, it shouldn't just be randomly attacking anything in range.


3) Map.


There needs to be a way to view the map of caverns. You have a map of the overland area, but, once you're in a cavern, suddenly all you can see is a little distance? Yes, this is a problem. Why? See #1. While you are wandering a cavern, trying to figure out where you are supposed to go, fighting mobs, they are respawning within seconds, making it a total slog to get through the cavern to where you need to go, instead of, you know, being able to open the map, and go to the spot you need. You LITERALLY set foot into a new zone and the ENTIRE zone of that area on the map opens. Bu, you can't see in a cavern you've walked into?


4) Rebalancing.


GW2 is 10 years old. TEN YEARS. And the classes aren't "balanced"... after TEN YEARS? Really??? As for the new elite specs, skills, that "balancing" couldn't have been done during production? There was absolutely NO testing before they were launched? NONE? To SEE if they were balanced or not? Because you know what pisses players off? It's logging in and finding out a character you've spent months, if not longer, leveling and gearing, grinding out all you need, is suddenly nerfed because you didn't "balance" the class TEN YEARS ago. In most games, it's a pvp issue, because once a player dies, suddenly everything NOT them is OP. But, by your own release notes, some if not many of the changes for "balance" are PVE changes. Which... again... for core classes... is TEN YEARS old. And, again, by your own notes, it's an "ongoing issue"???? Because... why? 


And no. It's not all bad. There are good things I've seen in GW2. There are things that make me want to continue playing the game. But, after running through a particularly aggravating map, with insta-respawns, the mobs ignoring the pet tanking it and other players engaged in combat, forcing a run for survival? This, AFTER seeing that GW2 classes haven't been "balanced" in TEN YEARS, and, by your own notes, WON'T be "balanced". Yeah. That was almost a quit moment. 

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You do realize that as new Elite specs are brought online, certain "10 year old" traits may or may not need tweaking if they synergize too well with the new stuff, yeah? I have never not seen an MMO that doesn't need balance patches periodically as metas change or as new stuff is brought into the game.

One of the best ways they test balance is getting these builds in front of players, the number crunching min-maxers who can do insane stuff with classes to see how functional and / or broken they are. It's one thing to look at all those decimal values on the patch notes, but another entirely to see them and how they hold up in game. I imagine the balance testers at Arenanet are a small group of people, and thus it's a small sample size compared to the entirety of the game's population.

It's also been Anet's pattern to make slight adjustments to numbers and values rather than over buffing/nerfing things and completely breaking a spec or a class. Small incremental changes until things get to a place the balance team find satisfying. As the saying goes, Rome wasn't built in a day. Balance can take some iterations to get right. Anet has already announced supplementary balance patches in the future, so honestly your best bet is to just take everything with several grains of salt and hold on for the wild ride that follows.

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"You do realize that as new Elite specs are brought online, certain "10 year old" traits may or may not need tweaking if they synergize too well with the new stuff, yeah? I have never not seen an MMO that doesn't need balance patches periodically as metas change or as new stuff is brought into the game."


Again, if the new elite specs/skills break the "balance" of core class skills/specs, why was this NOT found during production? Why was this put out live, THEN had to get patched AFTER it was released? It's a matter of testing. X does this, and we are adding Y. What does Y do? How does it affect X? 


"One of the best ways they test balance is getting these builds in front of players, the number crunching min-maxers who can do insane stuff with classes to see how functional and / or broken they are. It's one thing to look at all those decimal values on the patch notes, but another entirely to see them and how they hold up in game. I imagine the balance testers at Arenanet are a small group of people, and thus it's a small sample size compared to the entirety of the game's population."


Right. Because players can do what the production team can't? Like... TEST something? Ok. So basically, there is no QA, no testing team, and players are now the QA/testing ground?


"It's also been Anet's pattern to make slight adjustments to numbers and values rather than over buffing/nerfing things and completely breaking a spec or a class. Small incremental changes until things get to a place the balance team find satisfying. As the saying goes, Rome wasn't built in a day. Balance can take some iterations to get right. Anet has already announced supplementary balance patches in the future, so honestly your best bet is to just take everything with several grains of salt and hold on for the wild ride that follows."


Right. Slight changes. Over TEN YEARS? And by the dev's own patch notes and response by Grouch that balancing won't be done... like... ever... even after TEN YEARS... because... why? Because your response is exactly how it's being done now; make something, toss it out, let the players complain about (insert here), make a patch, then patch after more complaints, then more patches, rinse, repeat? Because in-house testing is non-existent?


My gf/caregiver and I just left ESO. Why? Because every few months the nerf/buff hammer kept coming out from Zenimax based on what pvp'r screamed the loudest that X was OP. She and I had spent a few years in the game, grinding, farming gear, crafting, watching our toons get nerfed, buffed, re-nerfed, re-buffed... and finally had enough of it. In GW2, supposedly, it's not even a pvp issue... it's that they can't even balance the classes for the pve content... classes that are ten years old now.


Is that what she and I have to look forward to in GW2? The same thing we JUST left ESO for doing? Because, as I said, you want to kitten your player base off, keep nerfing/buffing, re-nerfing/re-buffing, classes that players spend months and even years building, grinding, farming, etc.

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1) Usually mobs don't respawn that quick unless it's an event. I think you were probably standing there longer than 30 seconds.

2) What trinity? GW wasn't really built that way. But if you really wanna bear bow for some reason then stand behind your pet and let it engage first. There are no aggro mechanics outside of raids and possibly fractals. But those don't tend to work in the same way you might think.

3) yeah I agree with you on this point, better map readability for caverns and underground would be nice. 

4) Serious question,  are you new to mmos?


Edited by Serephen.3420
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1 minute ago, Serephen.3420 said:


1) Usually mobs don't respawn that quick unless it's an event. I think you were probably standing there longer than 30 seconds.

2) What trinity? GW wasn't really built that way. But if you really wanna bear bow for some reason then stand behind your best or let it engage first. There are no aggro mechanics outside of raids and possibly fractals. But those don't tend to work in the same way you might think.

3) yeah I agree with you on this point, better map readability for caverns and underground would be nice. 

4) Serious question,  are you new to mmos?



1) I LITERALLY killed a mob and watched it INSTANTLY respawn in the same place I killed it. So yes, it does happen in game. That fast. 


2) I realize there are no aggro mechanics. That is exactly what I said in my OP. I LITERALLY was standing outside of the aggro range where passing a mob would aggro onto me when my gf/caregiver ran in, engaged said mob, and it started shooting at ME because I was within it's firing range, but NOT in it's instant aggro range... and I was just standing there. THAT is a lack of aggro mechanic and a mob just randomly attacking whatever is within its range.


4) I've played WoW, FFXIV, ESO, SWTOR, LOTR Online, and those are just the one's I remember off the top of my head. After 40-something odd years of gaming... there isn't much I haven't played if it's an RPG game. And, as I stated in the OP, most of the "rebalancing" in MMO's I've seen is due to a fantasy RPG trying to shove pvp into a game that wasn't designed to have balanced classes. You know why CoD players complain about X gun that can be bought in the cash shop doing more damage and NOT class A isn't doing the same damage as class B? It was a game designed for pvp players. Fantasy RPG's with classes designed to fill a ROLE (tank, dps, healing) are not designed for each class to be balanced to each other class. They are designed to fill a ROLE. 

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6 minutes ago, valeran.3029 said:

1) I LITERALLY killed a mob and watched it INSTANTLY respawn in the same place I killed it. So yes, it does happen in game. That fast. 

So... what mob and where was it? (as a general tip, I'd just advice moving out of the mob's respawn when you know you wnat to pick/look/read something and not focus on the combat)

Ongoing rebalancing isn't anything out of ordinary in games. It's not somehow exclusive to gw2.

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1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

So... what mob and where was it? (as a general tip, I'd just advice moving out of the mob's respawn when you know you wnat to pick/look/read something and not focus on the combat)

Ongoing rebalancing isn't anything out of ordinary in games. It's not somehow exclusive to gw2.


It was in the Norn region, 60-70 map, as for what mob? Don't remember WHAT type of mob it was that instantly respawned... but, it's not like it was the only one. I've watched mobs go from instant respawn to taking maybe 15 secs, so, it's not like there is a set respawn time for every mob that is universal from what I've seen. I do remember that it was Earth Elementals in that map that ignored my gf/caregiver AND my pet bear to attack me, regardless if I was actually in combat with the mob or not.

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1.  Mobs spawn around 30+ seconds. I never seen a mob insta-spawn. What most likely happened was another monster that died before got spawned right after you killed the one you just fought. It's not the same monster.


2. Aggro is suppose to be random for the most part. Enemies should attack anyone and anything it feels the need too. This is a Dynamic Combat system where you need to adapt to situations surrounding you. It's more realistic this way than mobs only attacking a player who engaged it in combat like traditional MMOs. Also, we don't have Tanks, Healers, DPS roles. Don't treat your bear like a TANK either. You need to learn how to survive without your pet and not rely on your pet for your survival. If you want traditional combat system with traditional roles and traditional aggro management system, then go play a traditional MMORPG... GW2 doesn't and shouldn't become another WoW clone.

3) NO.... You're suppose to explore and discover them. They are suppose to be hidden away to encourage you to find them.  The map system is perfectly fine the way it is.


4) Balance can make or break classes. But every game has a problem with balance. There isn't one game that is flawless when it comes to this aspect of MMORPG games.


Conclusion: Play another game if you don't enjoy this game for what it is. Many of us enjoy this game and don't want to see it devolve into "Just another WoW clone". For many of us, we left those games for this for a good reason.




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17 minutes ago, valeran.3029 said:

It was in the Norn region, 60-70 map, as for what mob? Don't remember WHAT type of mob it was that instantly respawned... but, it's not like it was the only one. I've watched mobs go from instant respawn to taking maybe 15 secs, so, it's not like there is a set respawn time for every mob that is universal from what I've seen. I do remember that it was Earth Elementals in that map that ignored my gf/caregiver AND my pet bear to attack me, regardless if I was actually in combat with the mob or not.

Well, then I can't really be sure I can believe your subjective view on the respawn time in that core map. You might have just kept reading the reward descriptions a little longer than you thought you did. Or maybe not. I don't know, can't check if we don't know what mob at what location it was.

More about aggro (still a bit vague though, varies between enemies):  https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Aggro

Finally, you say you were playing ranger and in the first post you've said the mob shot at you. Mobs have abilities too: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Earth_Elemental#Combat_abilities  As you can see, one of Earth elemental's abilities is "reflect" (the wiki lists it as "reflects projectiles", which is the result of an ability, not the ability itself -pretty sure the source of that reflect is the "magnetic aura". You can see magnetic aura around the mob when it's active). The mob wasn't suddenly shooting at you, you were shooting at yourself 😉

Edited by Sobx.1758
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2 hours ago, valeran.3029 said:

 The bear is engaged in combat with a mob. I'm at distance firing bow at mob. Mob is shooting at ME, totally ignoring bear, which, isn't that the TANK pet?

Hmm, my guess would be you engage in combat to early. Give your pet time to attack two or three times (best start with F1 "Attack my target" followed by F2 skill) then you can shoot your bow at will without getting aggro. With a tanky pet and a little target management you can easily lock three or four mobs to your bear and fight them totally unharmed from range.

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3 minutes ago, DreamyAbaddon.3265 said:

1.  Mobs spawn around 30+ seconds. I never seen a mob insta-spawn. What most likely happened was another monster that died before got spawned right after you killed the one you just fought. It's not the same monster.


2. Aggro is suppose to be random for the most part. Enemies should attack anyone and anything it feels the need too. This is a Dynamic Combat system where you need to adapt to situations surrounding you. It's more realistic this way than mobs only attacking a player who engaged it in combat like traditional MMOs. Also, we don't have Tanks, Healers, DPS roles. Don't treat your bear like a TANK either. You need to learn how to survive without your pet and not rely on your pet for your survival. If you want traditional combat system with traditional roles and traditional aggro management system, then go play a traditional MMORPG... GW2 doesn't and shouldn't become another WoW clone.

3) NO.... You're suppose to explore and discover them. They are suppose to be hidden away to encourage you to find them.  The map system is perfectly fine the way it is.


4) Balance can make or break classes. But every game has a problem with balance. There isn't one game that is flawless when it comes to this aspect of MMORPG games.


Conclusion: Play another game if you don't enjoy this game for what it is. Many of us enjoy this game and don't want to see it devolve into "Just another WoW clone". For many of us, we left those games for this for a good reason.





1) Ok. So. A mob died in that spot. Another mob ran to that exact same spot, that I killed, and the first mob respawned in that EXACT same spot? Rightttttttt.... 


2) It's more realistic that a mob being attacked by numerous players ignores them to attack another player? THAT is what you think is realistic? Ok. You have a guy punching you. Are you going to throw a rock at a guy standing off to the side doing nothing, OR, are you going to attack the guy punching you? THEN, tell me how realistic the combat is....


3) So. If you're supposed to explore and find things, why does the overland map open up when you walk into an area? Why is THAT area different than caverns? Why not a total fog of war for all areas? See the problem with that?


4) If you have a balance problem with your core classes after TEN YEARS... you have a problem.


Conclusion. Want to kitten off new players and lose player base. Tell them to go play another game.

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11 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Well, then I can't really be sure I can believe your subjective view on the respawn time in that core map. You might have just kept reading the reward descriptions a little longer than you thought you did. Or maybe not. I don't know, can't check if we don't know what mob at what location it was.

More about aggro (still a bit vague though, varies between enemies):  https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Aggro

Finally, you say you were playing ranger and in the first post you've said the mob shot at you. Mobs have abilities too: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Earth_Elemental#Combat_abilities  As you can see, one of Earth elemental's abilities is "reflect" (the wiki lists it as "reflects projectiles", which is the result of an ability, not the ability itself -pretty sure the source of that reflect is the "magnetic aura". You can see magnetic aura around the mob when it's active). The mob wasn't suddenly shooting at you, you were shooting at yourself 😉


Another of the Earth Elemental abilities is throw rock. Yeah. It tossed rocks at me.

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30 minutes ago, valeran.3029 said:

Another of the Earth Elemental abilities is throw rock. Yeah. It tossed rocks at me.

Cool. Let's assume it really threw that one rock at you. Firstly: did you read the aggro page I've linked? Secondly: why does it matter that much for you that a mob can have a little(!!) more complex behavior than just "spam everything at the closest enemy, including my ranged attack"? How is this an issue? You try to claim this makes it seem that the game doesn't have an aggro system -but if that mob was aggroed on you, it wouldn't just chunk a rock at you and continue slapping your bear or w/e, it would run at you instead. Not only that, but even with the change of aggro, the only thing it could show is that the aggro isn't what you expect it to be.

Hypothetical situation: if you'd deal more ranged dmg and a mob aggroed on you because of that -does that mean the game doesn't have the aggro system?



Edit: went back to check the wiki and while I might be missing something, pretty sure the "throw rock" skill is one of the 4 possible skills ("stolen skills") that can be gained by using thief's "steal" ability. I don't see a "throw rock" usable by the earth elemental there. As such, for now I'm still inclined to believe it just reflected your projectiles back into you.

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6 minutes ago, DreamyAbaddon.3265 said:

Mobs spawn around 30+ seconds. I never seen a mob insta-spawn. What most likely happened was another monster that died before got spawned right after you killed the one you just fought. It's not the same monster

It happens quite frequently. That's why we veteran players don't idle around in hostile territory checking our loot, instead move to some safe spot or mount our skyscale, don't we?

@OP: respawn usually takes some 30sec as others already stated. Sometimes it happens a lot faster, though. For example if a bunch of other players are nearby during an event. Sometimes it happens without an obvious reason (meaning: you simply don't see the reason). But it's not a random timer even if it seems so. You'll adapt, give it time :-)

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It seems OP is placing norms from other MMORPGs/RPGs onto Guild Wars 2.  Guild Wars 2 is truly not your standard, and I quote, "Fantasy RPG's with classes designed to fill a ROLE (tank, dps, healing)".  If one wishes to continue playing Guild Wars 2, one must throw out all pre-conceived ideas of how an MMORPG should function.

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28 minutes ago, valeran.3029 said:


1) Ok. So. A mob died in that spot. Another mob ran to that exact same spot, that I killed, and the first mob respawned in that EXACT same spot? Rightttttttt.... 


2) It's more realistic that a mob being attacked by numerous players ignores them to attack another player? THAT is what you think is realistic? Ok. You have a guy punching you. Are you going to throw a rock at a guy standing off to the side doing nothing, OR, are you going to attack the guy punching you? THEN, tell me how realistic the combat is....


3) So. If you're supposed to explore and find things, why does the overland map open up when you walk into an area? Why is THAT area different than caverns? Why not a total fog of war for all areas? See the problem with that?


4) If you have a balance problem with your core classes after TEN YEARS... you have a problem.


Conclusion. Want to kitten off new players and lose player base. Tell them to go play another game.


1)  - Again, never seen this happen in game. I doubt this is the case.


2) - As I said, it's more realistic to be attacked randomly by an enemy regardless. What's less realistic is a monster retaining aggro by a Tank / Paladin class because it has some gear that increases enmity stats or whatever.  GW2 combat is dynamic and is not based on the Holy Trinity that you so want. If you want a holy trinity with traditional aggro system, there are plenty of other games to play.


3) - Because that is how it's designed... The map updates when you discover the caverns to encourage further exploration of what you discovered in that way.


4) - Every game has a balance problem... including core classes... Name me ONE game that is completely balanced with everything else. Not one exists.


I would rather see a new player leave GW2 who doesn't enjoy GW2 for what it is and how it works, than to keep that new player to spread bad influences that could devolve the game into some generic MMORPG that most of us left. I and many others have left those generic MMORPGs for THIS game because THIS game does things differently than the ones we came from. This game is for those who want something new. Not same old WoW clone we keep getting.


Suggestion: Play a traditional MMORPG game if you expect and desire traditional MMORPG mechanics. There are plenty of those but there is only one GW2.


You may think I'm a GW2 Elitist but I'm actually a GW2 conservative. I want this game to keep it's identity and keep true to it's roots. If changes happen, I want it to improve upon this game's philosophy not adopt the ones of others.

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30 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

It seems OP is placing norms from other MMORPGs/RPGs onto Guild Wars 2.  Guild Wars 2 is truly not your standard, and I quote, "Fantasy RPG's with classes designed to fill a ROLE (tank, dps, healing)".  If one wishes to continue playing Guild Wars 2, one must throw out all pre-conceived ideas of how an MMORPG should function.

Did people seriously believe that? Do people seriously still believe that?

That was marketing speak. The game quickly developed a meta with roles to fill. Expansions quickly adopted the idea of building around specific roles.

GW2 has poorly implemented roles, but they're roles all the same. Sure you can play open world however you want™, but if you want to join anything in any way structured...you're looking at fulfilling roles.

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46 minutes ago, valeran.3029 said:

1) Ok. So. A mob died in that spot. Another mob ran to that exact same spot, that I killed, and the first mob respawned in that EXACT same spot? Rightttttttt.... 


This right here does make me rather skeptical that you've played other MMOs before. This is a very common behaviour in all MMOs. I've also played WoW, SWTOR, and actively play FFXIV currently alongside GW2, and have seen this in literally all of them, very frequently.


The only real point from your OP I have anything to say on is 4 though. At some point during the life cycle of this game, every core trait line for every class has been both overpowered, and underpowered, in relation to other trait lines, and synergies with the class, based on the evolving meta. It's not that "the traits still aren't balanced after 10 years". It's that their balance is constantly shifting based on the meta. Which to be fair is the same as saying the balance is constantly shifting based on how many Firebrands you have in your group, but the point still stands that you can't just balance core traits and leave it at that. Every tweak to every other skill or trait in the game requires constant reassessment of other skills and traits. Another thing I feel you'd be completely familiar with as a concept if you were an MMO vet.

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7 minutes ago, LSD.4673 said:

Did people seriously believe that? Do people seriously still believe that?

That was marketing speak. The game quickly developed a meta with roles to fill. Expansions quickly adopted the idea of building around specific roles.

GW2 has poorly implemented roles, but they're roles all the same. Sure you can play open world however you want™, but if you want to join anything in any way structured...you're looking at fulfilling roles.

I think some people really want to believe GW2 is super special and unique so it'll do well, when a lot of it is standard MMO fare with a different skin. It has its unique elements for sure, but then, so does any MMO that is capable of making it 10 years and still producing content. It's just not as special as some people want to think it is and I think that irritates them because it means the game is more replaceable.

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24 minutes ago, Dante.1508 said:

Totally agree op this forum is crazy bias against changes.. Remember the people that frequent this forum are Anet shills.. Not actual customers.

I agree with you 100%


Ummm... NO?


I and many others buy stuff in the cash store because we love this game for what it is and we want to support it. We don't come to forums and complain and leave. Did you buy anything in the cash store to contribute to the game? If so then great. If not then your opinions are less valuable than of those actual paying customers who continue to support the game financially even after it's initial purchase. And if you're a Free to Play, Player... you are hardly a "customer"... 


We want change but only if it follows the game's core founding principles and roots. Not all change is good change and not all opinions or influences are good opinions and influences too.


Don't like the game? Play something else.

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4 minutes ago, DreamyAbaddon.3265 said:


Ummm... NO?


I and many others buy stuff in the cash store because we love this game for what it is and we want to support it. We don't come to forums and complain and leave. Did you buy anything in the cash store to contribute to the game? If so then great. If not then your opinions are less valuable than of those actual paying customers who continue to support the game financially even after it's initial purchase. And if you're a Free to Play, Player... you are hardly a "customer"... 


We want change but only if it follows the game's core founding principles and roots. Not all change is good change and not all opinions or influences are good opinions and influences too.


Don't like the game? Play something else.

Of course i buy stuff from the cash store, i just do not agree with how they do the armors and Costumes.. Armors used to be bought as a set now its 500gems a piece that is horse kitten.. I will not buy those. You are why its like that.

Funnily GW1 had trinity and it was loved.


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Just now, Dante.1508 said:

Of course i buy stuff from the cash store, i just do not agree with how they do the armors and Costumes.. Armors used to be bought as a set now its 500gems a piece that is horse kitten.. I will not buy those.


You are why its like that.


Actually I agree with you on how they handled  armors and costumes was kitten poor in the cash store. I also think most of these should be earned in game tied to achievements. But actual customers, you and me, are the life blood of this game. Every dollar is a vote and I hope you don't vote to turn this game into a generic mmorpg game. Conservative not Shill.

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2 hours ago, valeran.3029 said:


1) I LITERALLY killed a mob and watched it INSTANTLY respawn in the same place I killed it. So yes, it does happen in game. That fast. 


2) I realize there are no aggro mechanics. That is exactly what I said in my OP. I LITERALLY was standing outside of the aggro range where passing a mob would aggro onto me when my gf/caregiver ran in, engaged said mob, and it started shooting at ME because I was within it's firing range, but NOT in it's instant aggro range... and I was just standing there. THAT is a lack of aggro mechanic and a mob just randomly attacking whatever is within its range.


You saw the same creature spawn instantly when it was killed? How could you possible know it's the same creature. All you know for sure it's its the same KIND of creature. That kind of assumption is exactly what's wrong with the post. It's making assumptions that might not be true. I've seen things spawn next to me other people passing through have killed, and there were others around at the same time, which means, if I'd killed one and one spawned, I could draw a correlation between those events, but no correlation exists. 


As for aggro mechanics there are actually aggro mechanics in the open world, they're not not written in stone. Most creatures in the game tend to go for people with more toughness. If you loaded yourself up with toughness you'll get atacked more no matter where you are.  It may seem like toughness will get you killed less, but in reality most people aren't running toughness in the open world, and as such if you have toughness you'll draw aggro and they won't. 


Sometimes it's just people not understanding that this game is different. If you come here from other games and expect the same game with a different skin, you're going to be very dissappointed. Also experienced players kill a lot faster than newer players, which means that the spawn rate often only means something if you're killing too slow. If you're putting a lot of toughness and vitality on your gear in the open world, you're using stats that take away from your DPS. Killing slower makes the open world much harder.

You're playing a game with three expansions that has neither raised the level cap nor introduced a new tier of gear.  You can't say that about the vast majority of MMOs. This MMO does some things differently and obviously some of us like it that way. If they turned this MMO into a reskin of other popular MMOs I, for one, wouldn't be here.

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42 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Most creatures in the game tend to go for people with more toughness. If you loaded yourself up with toughness you'll get atacked more no matter where you are. 

This is honestly super big. When I started playing I was running a condi thief build with rabid armor that has toughness and I essentially had global taunt on. I agree it's annoying if you weren't even in combat but the amount of times it is going to happen like you described is going to be super low. As mentioned by others, standing around near mobs is just bound to get you in combat anyway be it by AoEs or something else and if you don't want that to happen, you'll position yourself in safe spots.

Since you seem to be playing ranger, make sure you go through your pets to find one that has more toughness than you do.

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Is toughness aggro really a thing?
I seem to remember a developer dispelling this at some point saying that only certain raid bosses (and even then not all of them) actually factored toughness into it's threat table.

Admit I could be wrong on this one but... Open World, Dungeons, Fractals I have never once noticed a difference in aggro mechanics. I am no stranger to running things like Trailblazers or Celestial, while also running full damage gear.
I suppose some science is in order.

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