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[Suggestion] Players should be notified when the support takes action after a report

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In other games the players is usually notified after they report another player and they take action against the reported player. I think the support should do the same here.

Edit: not sharing the username, but receiving an ingame notification about action being taken

Edited by andreiblue.8231
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In game mail saying "thank you for your report, it has been investigated and appropriate action taken" would be good. Otherwise it's screaming into the darkness. Why bother reporting if you never find out if your report made a difference?

Edited by SinisterSlay.6973
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1 hour ago, SinisterSlay.6973 said:

In game mail saying "thank you for your report, it has been investigated and appropriate action taken" would be good. Otherwise it's screaming into the darkness. Why bother reporting if you never find out if your report made a difference?

If an automated in-game mail was generated for every in-game report, would it really make a difference?  Because there is no way GMs would take the time to send a mail for every report; if they did, investigations would take weeks or months longer. 

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12 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

If an automated in-game mail was generated for every in-game report, would it really make a difference?  Because there is no way GMs would take the time to send a mail for every report; if they did, investigations would take weeks or months longer. 

When the GM closes the report on whatever software they are using, have it send an automated email to the player that submitted the report.

If this is an in house tool, this should be effortless to implement.

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2 hours ago, JayHog.3280 said:

League tends to give a vague warning that someone got punished, without specifying who or what for. Gives people a feeling of grandeur, but doesn't let them name and shame whoever got punished.

Yes, this is what I mean, at least let players know that reporting does something

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2 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Why?  What if you don't agree with the action taken?  What if it is a mistake? Do you want your name bandied about for others to judge? 

Just like 'name and shame' is not allowed, likely this will not come to pass.  Especially, when the Devs have stated that they will not share this kind of information. 

I never said anything about the name, the username doesnt have to be mentioned

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Actually, this is a brilliant idea if, and only if, it posts on the forums when that action is taken, and if, and only if a report turns out to be false, that it reports the same thing, in the same way.  It should also automatically suspend the account, in either case, for x amount of days, both in game, and on the forums, and it should include action against accounts that post that "X was unfairly banned for reporting a bot".  This to prevent sock puppet accounts from trying to generate sympathy for how "unfair" it was that they filed a false report and got banned for it.  /s

Nope.  Any actions taken against another account are none of my business.  They are also none of anyone else's business, except for the owner of the account.  Reading through this thread, it seems like some people feel like they need a pat on the back for "doing the right thing".  They don't.

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Personally, I think anyone that gets their account suspended, should have their main character placed in a pillory in the middle of Lion's Arch for the duration. Hovering your mouse over the character will show their crimes against the populations of Tyria. Rotten tomatoes will be available for sale from NPCs for the price of mystic coins.

Permanent bans, their main characters will just be skeletons lining the Avenue of the Miscreants. A place where you can take your children to see the awesomeness of the Mighty Ban-hammer.

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2 hours ago, andreiblue.8231 said:

I never said anything about the name, the username doesnt have to be mentioned

Then, you must be careful to only report one player per whatever time period it takes for an action.  Be aware that Devs have stated they often ban in waves, and it could be months (or more?) until the next ban-wave. 

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2 hours ago, SinisterSlay.6973 said:

When the GM closes the report on whatever software they are using, have it send an automated email to the player that submitted the report.

If this is an in house tool, this should be effortless to implement.

I can just see the forums now:  "Those automated mails are just baloney; the Devs never really investigate or do anything!!!".

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3 hours ago, Silent.6137 said:

Personally, I think anyone that gets their account suspended, should have their main character placed in a pillory in the middle of Lion's Arch for the duration. Hovering your mouse over the character will show their crimes against the populations of Tyria. Rotten tomatoes will be available for sale from NPCs for the price of mystic coins.

Permanent bans, their main characters will just be skeletons lining the Avenue of the Miscreants. A place where you can take your children to see the awesomeness of the Mighty Ban-hammer.

Well. We do have the prison in rata sum. You won’t get out before you figure out a solution for the quadratic matrix of a cubic paradigm when used in a flux inhibitor 👀

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40 minutes ago, andreiblue.8231 said:

Obsessed? I just wanna know if the guy who kept spamming my inbox, calling me names, was banned

If you want the person banned so they stop 'spamming your inbox', block them; serves the same purpose.

If you want the person banned for some kind of revenge, well, you are likely out of luck. 

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