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Anniversary sale 2022 [Merged]

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I hope they give us news soon. The last anniversary sales started Aug 7th sometimes.. Like a day or two in the past and weeks to ramp up, and I really want full ice blood for looting strikes and ls3 earmarked. I don't really want to wait for sales vs buy anytime same price and use as I need but. Its been months of waiting and the last time I missed 500-1500 gems on a purchase on the prime day sale, I missed 1500 gems by lack of being a literal half day over the 30 day policy because the customer service reponse time of 2 hours was literally enough to disqualify a return.. No cap. 😂

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Firstly why is today the cut-off point to say a sale isn't happening?

Secondly they have announced some new items and some discounts in the gem store, they just haven't explicitly called it an Anniversary sale or said what they'll be doing after this week. I'm going to buy my annual bank tab when they're discounted, and maybe some shared inventory slots.

I'm expecting news about the anniversary either today or on the 16th (because news normally gets posted on a Tuesday) and it wouldn't surprise me if they call today the start of the sales and it's just that the standard "here's what we've already queued up" article doesn't need as much time and last-minute changes as one about the whole anniversary.

Edited by Danikat.8537
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Maybe the steam release got delayed or still needs more time on the dlc pages of steam for the expansions to work. The idea that the living seasons need expac content to play in gw2 fairly means that if you had to list ls4 on a sales page with pof as dlc, you'd have to list ls4 as dlc to dlc or sell the collection as default and f2p model on separate pages or something, who knows? But it'd still be nice to know a date for the ls sales and/or char slot sales. 

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1 hour ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

They just announced:

Returning This Week
20% Off—Bank Tab Expansion, Bag Slot Expansion, Additional Crafting License, Shared Inventory Slot

Sounds like Anniversary-type sales to me. 

Seems like I should have bought my shard inv slot back in May when it was on sale for 30%.  Was kinda hoping they would do a site wide 30% sale for the 10 year anniversary.  Oh well I'll keep waiting.

I also don't think this is the anniversary sale prices but we shall see.

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Sounds like sale-stuff but not mentioned as anniversary sale. Maybe they will mention the anniversary sale later - telling us that this belonged to it. Or they will have it separate ... because of the 10th anniversary huge stuff might happen. Maybe even bank tab expansion returning again ag a bigger discount. (Unless they actually plan to make less sales/discounts cause of the state the world's economy is in right now. Inflatoin everywhere and prices increasing.)

I considered buying 4k gems. But atm ... not really in the mood. Actually wanted another bank tab expansion and a storage expander. Waiting for christmas I guess. I also need to save money and that stuff is actually only for maxing things out. For convenience I do not really need anything that urgent - and I don't buy skins.

Should a bigger anniversary sale happen with bigger discounts - I might buy though. 😄 We'll see. Expecting it at the actual realease/headstart (when the first birthday gifts for 10 years appear) ... if they plan something bigger.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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Just to be clear: the anniversary sale does not mean bigger discounts than at other times of the year. More items are discounted and there's usually some exclusive items or seasonal items returning out of season, but they won't put a blanket discount on the entire gem store and probably won't offer more than 20% - 30% off any individual item.

Also items aren't discounted twice in the same sale. Since bank tabs, bag slots and shared inventory slots are being discounted this week they're not going to be offered at a further discount later on this month. (If they were it would make a lot of people angry because they'd have wasted money buying them this week.)

You can see what's been included in previous sales here: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gem_Store/Anniversary_Sales

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If I remember correctly, they never officially called last year’s sale at this time an anniversary sale. It fit the profile, though.

Im sure someone will let me know if I’m wrong on that, but I remember having this same discussion about it.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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7 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

Just to be clear: the anniversary sale does not mean bigger discounts than at other times of the year. More items are discounted and there's usually some exclusive items or seasonal items returning out of season, but they won't put a blanket discount on the entire gem store and probably won't offer more than 20% - 30% off any individual item.

Also items aren't discounted twice in the same sale. Since bank tabs, bag slots and shared inventory slots are being discounted this week they're not going to be offered at a further discount later on this month. (If they were it would make a lot of people angry because they'd have wasted money buying them this week.)

You can see what's been included in previous sales here: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gem_Store/Anniversary_Sales


Yeah I get that.  It is GW2's 10th birthday though and to have the same old weekly sale prices for the  anniversary would be kind of underwhelming.  It is obviously their choice. 


Like I said before I don't mind waiting.

Edited by Twitch.4635
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3 hours ago, squeegee.4320 said:

LWS2 is not bad at all. Some people say it is not worth the money because the maps (Dry Top and Silverwastes) are available without buying the story chapters. But that doesn't make it bad.

The additional open world maps are fine, but LW2's instanced story content is easily the roughest instanced story content in the game. I don't think people are even missing much important if they skip over it from LW1 to HoT. They'll miss some sense of continuity and a little character development for some of the main cast, but in broad strokes, a lot of it is filler lead-in to the first expansion, laying the groundwork for the introduction of its big bad. From what I remember, it isn't much of a story encapsulated in itself. Kind of weirdly paced, lot of moving pieces on the board into position from a writer's standpoint.

I wish it wasn't so rough and I hope they'll revisit it at some point, but as it is now, I think it's one of those problems with ordering, where the lower quality is sooner in the experience. Now with LW1 being there at least there will be a more polished introduction to LW first, which is great. The most important parts for being quality in a story are beginning and end. Beginning to get them hooked and end so they'll remember it fondly. Middle is where you can most get away with a little boredom, as long as the beginning hooked them well enough they want to keep going to see where it leads.

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3 hours ago, squeegee.4320 said:

LWS2 is not bad at all. Some people say it is not worth the money because the maps (Dry Top and Silverwastes) are available without buying the story chapters. But that doesn't make it bad.

I would have enjoyed LWS2 if not for the playing as Caithe engaged in genocide aspect. That ruined the entire season for me.


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4 minutes ago, squeegee.4320 said:

Imagine you're two years old and your hot girlfriend is getting attacked and pleading for your help. That's where she was mentally.


Two years old in sylvari years is (at least) 20 in human years. If you are old enough to wield deadly magic while attacking  others (She was the aggressor, not the centaurs) you are old enough to exercise restraint. Ultimately it doesn't matter why she chose to engage in genocide any more than every genocidal murderer in our history who has justified their actions


Edited by Ashen.2907
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16 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

She was the aggressor, not the centaurs

The actions between Faolain and the centaurs are not visible to Caithe as she is talking with the centaur leader in the tent. We, as the viewer re-living the events, know what kind of person Faolain turned out to be and that she likely instigated the incident.

Also, people do crazy things when loved ones are in danger. This event (and others) is basically the whole reason these two had a falling out and Caithe has since atoned for her actions and reconciled with the Pale Tree over it.


16 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Two years old in sylvari years is (at least) 20 in human years.

Sylvari are awakened with a fragmented knowledge of their predecessors and the Pale Tree, not their direct experience, which they must learn for themselves. Being a firstborn, Caithe has even little more than that, just what the Pale Tree knows, and what knowledge her limited number of peers have gained in two years.

She may be fully grown by human standards, and knowledgeable about how to use a blade, but she has, in a very real sense, only been experiencing life for two years.

Edited by squeegee.4320
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1 hour ago, Ashen.2907 said:


Two years old in sylvari years is (at least) 20 in human years. If you are old enough to wield deadly magic while attacking  others (She was the aggressor, not the centaurs) you are old enough to exercise restraint. Ultimately it doesn't matter why she chose to engage in genocide any more than every genocidal murderer in our history who has justified their actions


It hasn't crossed your mind before that the whole story in GW2 is told from the perspective of the oppressors? All the dredge and centaur and any other race we slaughter because they fighting back against the intrusion on their land. That whole bandit side story in Kryta seems suspiciously like an attempt to eradicate those who are fighting against an (oppressive?) regime. Also, I'm not entirely convinced that the dragons are relatively evil. From the centaur and dredge perspective, we must be the dragons.

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1 hour ago, squeegee.4320 said:

The actions between Faolain and the centaurs are not visible to Caithe as she is talking with the centaur leader in the tent. We, as the viewer re-living the events, know what kind of person Faolain turned out to be and that she likely instigated the incident.

Also, people do crazy things when loved ones are in danger. This event (and others) is basically the whole reason these two had a falling out and Caithe has since atoned for her actions and reconciled with the Pale Tree over it.


Sylvari are awakened with a fragmented knowledge of their predecessors and the Pale Tree, not their direct experience, which they must learn for themselves. Being a firstborn, Caithe has even little more than that, just what the Pale Tree knows, and what knowledge her limited number of peers have gained in two years.

She may be fully grown by human standards, and knowledgeable about how to use a blade, but she has, in a very real sense, only been experiencing life for two years.

She acts pretty much like a young adult in RL tho at that point, from what I remember. Older teenager at the youngest. So excusing it on what she technically is, in the lore, is kinda like those anime where it's like "they may look like a child, but they are actually 5000 years old." Like we can play make believe, but some things are a stretch.

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1 hour ago, Yaki.9563 said:

It hasn't crossed your mind before that the whole story in GW2 is told from the perspective of the oppressors? All the dredge and centaur and any other race we slaughter because they fighting back against the intrusion on their land. That whole bandit side story in Kryta seems suspiciously like an attempt to eradicate those who are fighting against an (oppressive?) regime. Also, I'm not entirely convinced that the dragons are relatively evil. From the centaur and dredge perspective, we must be the dragons.

It is pretty weird. Fantasy games (heck, maybe just fantasy genre in general) and romanticizing monarchism seems to go hand in hand. It gets a bit better late on, I think, with the handling of the dredge in thunderhead peaks. And the way monarchism is handled w/ regards to Joko. But then there's Queen Jennah, who apparently never does anything wrong? I can't think of a single moment the writing even hints at her being anything but a perfect good person who is doing her best to protect her people.

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