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Time to talk about Power Mech in end-game PVE


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It really needs a nerf. Don't nerf it into the ground, just reduce the damage by like 5k. That way people can still play it but it's not so effective. What's the point in playing anything else when you can just auto-attack on rifle and be top DPS? And I'm really not exaggerating here, from Voice and Claw to Twin Largos and everything in between, you can just auto-attack you way to glory.

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6 minutes ago, MrCrowe.8417 said:

It really needs a nerf. Don't nerf it into the ground, just reduce the damage by like 5k. That way people can still play it but it's not so effective. What's the point in playing anything else when you can just auto-attack on rifle and be top DPS? And I'm really not exaggerating here, from Voice and Claw to Twin Largos and everything in between, you can just auto-attack you way to glory.

But...but...but...it's so much fun being in God mode. Mech War 2 at Gang War is so much fun.

Seriously speaking, there shouldn't be such a big discrepancy. When you see half the players using mech at a meta, you know something is wrong.

Edited by Silent.6137
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1 hour ago, MrCrowe.8417 said:

when you can just auto-attack on rifle and be top DPS?

The ones that top the DPS chart are generally not just AAing and if those who play it "the meme way" actually manage to get top DPS then that says more about everyone else then it does about the build in question.

Edited by Tails.9372
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I can confirm from my own experience running it in raids/strikes/fractals that I am usually in the top 2 dps by just literally spamming skill 1 and putting all mech skills on auto. The ones who beat me are typically other rifle mech players that do more than spam skill 1. I used to play a variety of dps class like soulbeast, scourge, firebrand, mirage, but why would I do that now? I have dual monitors so I like to afk spam 1 on my rifle mech in "end game" content while being able to enjoy a twitch stream on my second monitor.


I have invested too much gold into this build so I would be sad if this gets nerfed. If everyone will start running rifle mechs, then so be it. If this game becomes an auto-battler like most mobile games, then so be it. Anet already made it clear from their balance patch preview that this was intended. All hail the rifle mech overlords!

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2 hours ago, rrusse.7058 said:

I don't raid personally so I have to ask those that do.

Are raid DPS roles being filled by power rifle mechs? How has the experience been?

Can't say what the experience is like for pugs, but my static lets people play whatever they want so long as you know your class and can do the mechanics. We have little difficulty clearing raids each week. 


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12 hours ago, Tails.9372 said:

The ones that top the DPS chart are generally not just AAing and if those who play it "the meme way" actually manage to get top DPS then that says more about everyone else then it does about the build in question.

This is simply untrue. Rifle mech can auto-attack from range while maintaining almost all of its DPS uptime. Most other builds don't have this luxury.

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I think it needs a small nerf only. The reason why it stands out so much right now isn't because it would be strong - it's because 90% of the alternatives are utter garbage since the big balance patch, which partially will be addressed next week. For Engineer specifically, Holosmith is way too weak, while pMech is only a very small amount too strong:


As of now: pMech 36.5k, Holo 32k

Post patch: pMech 37.5k, Holo 35k.

These numbers should be the other way around.

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Lower mech auto damage a bit again.  Give condi back a little of what was stripped off them in the last few patches to counter the auto nerf and we’re looking good for mech.  Then we just need buffs  to laser’s edge and some fixes for solar focusing lens and we’re all good.

Edited by Jerus.4350
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13 hours ago, Xyonon.3987 said:

I think it needs a small nerf only. The reason why it stands out so much right now isn't because it would be strong - it's because 90% of the alternatives are utter garbage since the big balance patch, which partially will be addressed next week. For Engineer specifically, Holosmith is way too weak, while pMech is only a very small amount too strong:


As of now: pMech 36.5k, Holo 32k

Post patch: pMech 37.5k, Holo 35k.

These numbers should be the other way around.

pMech should be 32k it's incredibly absurdly brainless Holo actually requires active input and thought so it should be rewarded

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1 hour ago, Atticus.7194 said:

pMech should be 32k it's incredibly absurdly brainless Holo actually requires active input and thought so it should be rewarded

Not really.  It performs amazingly well while being played brainless but to get the bench numbers right now it’s far from easy.  Pretty sure it’s higher APM than sword Holo.  Not that I want Mech higher or really even competing with Holo for bench numbers. I just don’t like downplaying a 90APM rotation because the build performs so well without it.

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18 minutes ago, Jerus.4350 said:

Not really.  It performs amazingly well while being played brainless but to get the bench numbers right now it’s far from easy.  Pretty sure it’s higher APM than sword Holo.  Not that I want Mech higher or really even competing with Holo for bench numbers. I just don’t like downplaying a 90APM rotation because the build performs so well without it.

I mean last I checked it was 32k with autoattack and auto mech skills engaged sooo

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On 8/16/2022 at 3:31 AM, rrusse.7058 said:

I don't raid personally so I have to ask those that do.

Are raid DPS roles being filled by power rifle mechs? How has the experience been?

Yeah.. some wings really feel like emboldened with pmechs. We atleast have 3-4 pmechs in our FC now. I mean.. when pmechs are top dps even on bosses like Matthias or Largos (where condi should be prioritized) you know something is wrong. It's just silly and a meme but it's effective so we use it. Many of us would prefer to play our main classes but whatever, who cares at this point, not really taking the game seriously. And what's more interesting that they are nerfing condi mech. Why? I wouldnt mind condi mech doing 37-38k dps cuz it actually requires some skill and it's melee. But nerfing condi mech and even buffing power mech further just doesnt make sense. That's why u just start to take things not seriously anymore, just a joke of a balance 🤣

Edited by Carnifex.3275
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On 8/15/2022 at 2:31 PM, squeegee.4320 said:

Despite this, the preview shows that they nerfed condi mech instead. 😐

They couldn't allow a build with no auto attack (talking primarily about pistol kits, i think mace was already less dps than rifle after jump shot fix) to out perform the one that they are actively encouraging to faceroll (to that builds own detriment) 

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On 8/15/2022 at 6:31 PM, rrusse.7058 said:

I don't raid personally so I have to ask those that do.

Are raid DPS roles being filled by power rifle mechs? How has the experience been?

Previous weekend we lfg 3 dps spots for raids, 2 of these pugs joined as rifle mechanists.


One of them was contesting my place for top dps on vale guardian while I was on another class I like to tryhard as, they decided to swap to virtuoso for gorseval just because they said it was really close and wanted to know how they'd perform as virtuoso, they fell way behind to like 3rd spot or something, getting beated by another rifle mechanist that got 2nd place lol.

Edited by Wolfb.7025
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14 hours ago, Wolfb.7025 said:

Previous weekend we lfg 3 dps spots for raids, 2 of these pugs joined as rifle mechanists.


One of them was contesting my place for top dps on vale guardian while I was on another class I like to tryhard as, they decided to swap to virtuoso for gorseval just because they said it was really close and wanted to know how they'd perform as virtuoso, they fell way behind to like 3rd spot or something, getting beated by another rifle mechanist that got 2nd place lol.

Not enough precision probably. Virtuoso is also broken atm but it requires specific gear. 

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On 8/17/2022 at 12:00 AM, Jerus.4350 said:

Naw that’s like 27-28k, maybe with no grenades is where you’re getting the 32k that’s about right for that.


This is correct.

No one is getting 32k on auto alone.

Still too high to be sure.

A good balance approach could be if A-Net could contrive a way to allow 1 Kit + Rifle + Mech to be at the current levels we have now, but non-Kit mech to fall back to about 25k.

I don't like kits, but a single one being required for high DPS is entirely reasonable.

Edited by lorddarkflare.9186
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