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Skirmish Claim tickets


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Returning player here, after 10 years I am back. Been back about a month ish. And would love to see WvW rewards increased. 

my current wall is Memories of Battle though. I have 800 tickets and 150 memories. And to buy memories, it’s super extensive.


I want memories of battle to buy rewards more but it seems to trickle so I do fractals.


even the marks seems very expensive. It costs more to grind the currencies and use them for ascended pieces than to just craft it. 

in fact, it’s probabaly the same price to raise crafting skill to 500 and 2 pieces than crafting 2 items worth of marks.


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On 8/31/2022 at 10:35 AM, Dawdler.8521 said:

Skirmish tickets are plenty and you'll drown in them after a while because once you start getting legendary gear... you cant sell them, the skirmish vendor become pointless, there's nothing you can use them for. Just stack em up.

Memories of battle on the other hand... 

Well, you drown in tickets when you don't need them. I wish they would rework the vendor a bit.

And Memories of Battle are probably the best thing you can get from WvW at 50g a stack. So I can't say anything too bad about them.

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On 9/1/2022 at 12:15 PM, Zok.4956 said:

So, only after a little more than one year of playing your favourite game mode you could have 3 sets of legendary armor. Not so bad, I guess.

I mean that sounds reasonable in theory, but then consider that you have to play like it's your job every week, 15+ hours, to get your max tickets. Realistically it will probably take the average player a couple of years to get the armor. People who do raids realistically can get a set within 6 months (taking into account the slower progress in the beginning as you learn the raids and play with other inexperienced players. The time investment is very disproportionate.

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On 9/3/2022 at 10:41 AM, Strider Pj.2193 said:

Then why are you complaining?  By your own logic, you won.  👏🤝


Who is complaining? I haven't once.


This is amusing. Someone got their feelings hurt so is using multiple accounts to try to show I am wrong because I do not break combat to change my build. 

😆 LOL 


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6 hours ago, Fizz.9384 said:

I mean that sounds reasonable in theory, but then consider that you have to play like it's your job every week, 15+ hours, to get your max tickets. Realistically it will probably take the average player a couple of years to get the armor. People who do raids realistically can get a set within 6 months (taking into account the slower progress in the beginning as you learn the raids and play with other inexperienced players. The time investment is very disproportionate.

Thank you for having both common sense and a grasp of realty.  

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On 9/2/2022 at 9:39 AM, Cyninja.2954 said:

The irony of your lack of knowledge and gloating is just funny at this point.

Hahahahaha 🤣 Rofl.


Yes. This game changing piece of knowledge. True fact. There is a lot I do not know about the game nor care to. Nor will I ever profess that I'm an expert at all things GW2. That you used something so weak to try and discredit me is wicked funny.



I fought one person.  He was losing easy enough. 

He broke combat and made changes. He came back. I had to put a little more effort in but no problem.

He broke combat again. Made changes. 


Came back. It was definitely harder but he was going to lose.


He broke combat again. So I said "f it and left. 


By your definition this is a top tier player? Hahahahahahahaha 


I fail to see how this mentality is top tier but I guess you said it to yourself enough times that you now consider yourself top tier. 



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1 hour ago, Jitters.9401 said:




I guess English is not your primary language given you fail to understand "engage" and keep on making things up. At least you are conceding that you know little about the game and have much to learn. Baby steps. You'll get there.

As to top tier, I'm not the one taking the barg-o-meter to 110% in each of my posts trying to convince others of how amazing I am.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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1 minute ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

I guess English is not your primary language given you fail to understand "engage" and keep on making things up. At least you are conceding that you know little about the game and have much to learn. Baby steps. You'll get there.



Ahhh hahahahahaha  Priceless. 

Absolutely Priceless. 


Not sure why you think you can insult me? You cannot. You can make me laugh though and you have.


A perfect example of someone who cannot handle that they are wrong is you right now.  People who are wrong and just do not have the maturity to handle it,  really like to dig deeper into insults.  This is not an insult. Just a fact. 


English could very well be my 2nd language. English is also the 2nd language of many people who play the game. The fact that you sink to the level of questioning language LOL 😆 , yeah.  That is both super mature and valid 😆


But you go girl/boy/ or however you want to define yourself.  Give yourself another gold star from the box you keep on the night stand next to your bed.


😆 🤣 😂 

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On 9/6/2022 at 1:49 AM, Dawdler.8521 said:

Sounds like someone trying to adapt and learn from a tough fight even when he cant win.

I dont know how to define him, but I know how to define the player looking down upon him.

You seriously make me laugh. Is this what you do? 🤣 🤣 🤣 


You fight. You lose the fight. Then you go over the combat logs and in your mind how the fight went. That is learning.


Breaking combat to switch builds till you find the one you need to win the fight is a narcissistic mentality. If you can't handle losing once in awhile then you really should not be playing with other people.


Are you are the guy who flips a game board so he "technically  does not lose" .and says it is how you learn? 😆 


Give yourself more "likes" from your other accounts if it makes you feel good. I don't care.  This entire thread you have done your best (which was very pathetic) to  try and discredit me. You have even stooped to question whether English was my 2nd language. Who in this day and age actually does that? Like seriously. Who? You apparently.  


If you are under the age of majority, well, you have a lot, and I mean a lot of growing up to do.


If you are of the age of majority then lmfao. You have issues. 


Cool thing is, you know I am correct and it eats you up inside. I also am not going to read any other post you write because you are just nonsensical. 


And that is going to eat you as well.


i bet having that last word makes you feel superior so in this case. 😆  you aren't going to get it.


Oh. Haha. I finally lost a fight last week. In my defense, I have worked every day for months now and at that time had been awake for about 20 hours.


I logged in to do dailies. Was in wvw and fought a Specter. This person totally fought different than any specter I've fought before and he/she was doing things I've never seen a specter do. 


So I lost the fight.  I did not break combat to cheat.Ii could have escaped as well if I chosec to. I didn't.  I lost the fight, used the waypoint,  then pulled up the combat logs to see what I missed. 

I was so tired that I was fighting a vindicator and didnt realize it. But oh well. Still a loss and I am good with that. 



Last Word  😆 🤣🤪



Edited by Jitters.9401
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On 9/5/2022 at 7:03 PM, Fizz.9384 said:

I mean that sounds reasonable in theory, but then consider that you have to play like it's your job every week, 15+ hours, to get your max tickets. Realistically it will probably take the average player a couple of years to get the armor. People who do raids realistically can get a set within 6 months (taking into account the slower progress in the beginning as you learn the raids and play with other inexperienced players. The time investment is very disproportionate.


I did the math - at a minimum, you need to play 15 hours a week (if your server is always the top one) and a max of 20 hours a week - so and average of 17.5 hours a week.  Better hope you don't miss the last hour or so at the end of the week or you'll miss a large chunk of your rewards!

That's only one game mode.  So you need to average 2.5 hours a day on nothing but WvW and then grind in another game mode to earn gold to pay for all the memories of battle you'll need since WvW doesn't give you enough.


That's not a game mode - that's a job.  

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4 hours ago, The Boz.2038 said:

It takes too long, too painfully long, but that's not the biggest problem.
The biggest problem is the absolute insult of claim tickets you get if you can't devote an entire 20+ hours of WvW per week. The reward track is designed by a sadist who is entirely divorced from reality.

Remember when wvw achievements were projected to take like 9 years to complete with their insane numbers. Even when skirmish first released we could only get 175 tickets per week. Numbers crunching for wvw has always been terribad. 🤭

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22 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Remember when wvw achievements were projected to take like 9 years to complete with their insane numbers. Even when skirmish first released we could only get 175 tickets per week. Numbers crunching for wvw has always been terribad. 🤭

I know right?  They’ve buffed the gain of tickets then, along with increasing the base pips, then increasing the base pips again..


Sure, our rewards are bad.  They have gotten better which you’ve pointed out.


I just wish they would focus the rewards away from Pip gain and skirmish tickets.  Unless, and only unless, they give us options to use tickets for items that can be converted to gold.  But that would go against their normal M.O.


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2 hours ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

I know right?  They’ve buffed the gain of tickets then, along with increasing the base pips, then increasing the base pips again..


Sure, our rewards are bad.  They have gotten better which you’ve pointed out.


I just wish they would focus the rewards away from Pip gain and skirmish tickets.  Unless, and only unless, they give us options to use tickets for items that can be converted to gold.  But that would go against their normal M.O.


Well tickets are the main currency for wvw, can't really get away from that, cause rewards are going to either be based on buying stuff or from drops. I actually prefer the personal rewards like the the skirmish/reward tracks, rather than giving out more group based for just killing stuff with a blob, so it's more fair to the even the people roaming. Server rewards are obviously out because of stacking, but maybe that'll change after restructuring.

But, tickets are a big problem because they center around the biggest prize in wvw, the legendary armors, and until you get those completed nothing else matters for tickets. You might be temped to buy the ascended and accessories but not more than you need to build the legendaries first. No one wants to waste their time gated currency for anything else until that one big hurdle is done, maybe a couple ascended weapons if you don't get them already from drops.

So yeah I guess it's time they expanded on what you can buy with skirmish tickets, but I think more so for the other available wvw currencies. A lot has changed in 5 years since it was implemented, and apparently we're getting people who finished the armors and stockpiling tickets now. I think most of the extra fluff you can get with tickets should also be available under the other currencies. The skirmish/reward tracks could use some updating as well.

All we've gotten in 5 years is new ascended weapon skins basically, but I'm not going to spend my precious tickets on fluff stuff or skins when I still need to finish the armor which is also priority for me and I'm sure for many others, but when I'm done with that I need something else to go after to use my currencies on.

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On 9/2/2022 at 10:39 AM, Cyninja.2954 said:

As mentioned by others, free accounts don't post here.

The irony of your lack of knowledge and gloating is just funny at this point.

Actually what I was referring to was the fact that you can't weapon swap legendary weapons (not weapon swap between both equipped sets but exchange with another weapon in the inventory) with weapons from the inventory when swapping for blasting in an efficient way. Something which is very common among higher skilled WvW players (to get say 3 blasts in as firebrand with staff 2, focus 5, hammer 5, return to staff). Legendary items lose their stats and in fact would not even move to inventory with the armory (or before if equipped in another template before the armory), making it take far to long to swap back to, versus simply swapping ascended weapons around.

This is also used in high skill pve content for blasting if need be and speed-runners are seen using this method constantly. As such, exotic and ascended weapons are superior for any player which wants to use this.

Something you would not know about obviously at your skill level.

At the expense of being off-topic, with regard to the issue that you cite (regarding legendary vs. exotic/ascended), can’t you just swap weapons per the normal method, not worrying about the stats on the blasting weapon (because it doesn’t matter if you’re literally just blasting a field), and then just re-select the build that has your preferred weapon-set on it? This should refresh your build to the default. What am I missing here?

 Is it because you would be missing potential boon up-time because of the lack of stats?

Edited by crewthief.8649
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On 9/13/2022 at 6:50 PM, Xenesis.6389 said:

Remember when wvw achievements were projected to take like 9 years to complete with their insane numbers. Even when skirmish first released we could only get 175 tickets per week. Numbers crunching for wvw has always been terribad. 🤭

Are you closing in on one million dolyak kills yet?

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I've made every WvW leggy item including two Conflux and full sets of all three weights of leggy armour. I have also bought numerous other items from the Skirmish Supervisor with a ticket cost and still have 60k left.

The drop rate is not too low based upon current possible usage.

What we really need is an increase in the items you can buy with them.

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5 hours ago, crewthief.8649 said:

At the expense of being off-topic, with regard to the issue that you cite (regarding legendary vs. exotic/ascended), can’t you just swap weapons per the normal method, not worrying about the stats on the blasting weapon (because it doesn’t matter if you’re literally just blasting a field), and then just re-select the build that has your preferred weapon-set on it? This should refresh your build to the default. What am I missing here?

 Is it because you would be missing potential boon up-time because of the lack of stats?

The moment you exchange an item, the current template is saved. Legendary items replaced by another item lose any settings they had when reequipped. Knowing that it means:

Yes, technically you could use a spare template slot to blast, aka you have 1 equipment template dedicated to switching through weapons, then at the end you swap back to your actual equipment template. You are now:

- wasting 1 equipment template slot

- have to press at least 2 buttons more (swapping to your blast equipment template, then swapping away from it again)

versus just using exotic/ascended weapons from inventory. Seems a pretty bad deal.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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