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Why don't we get balance hotfixes?


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Because it's always the same


You do emergency patches and ppl are just unhappy why abc didnt get nerfed too or why xyz classes didnt get a buff


They rather just not do it


I'm very surprise spec, cata and bs didnt get nerf after teapots tournamemt, since it was almost the same classes that won mat in both regions

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Genuine balance updates are infrequent, yes. However, they've done emergency balance patches on bugs like fire weaver getting constant barrier, bugs on power harb and mech etc. If you read some of the threads on the main section, a lot of PVEers abhor PvP and feel they subsidize the existence of PvP. (has something to do with some achievement where they are "forced" to pvp)


I guess it takes a rare personality to enjoy competition.


Even though I don't play mech at all in any mode, I like the entry level gameplay of it that makes pvp more bearable to newer players (what we kinda need)

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11 hours ago, ArthurDent.9538 said:

It is funny how they repeatedly hotfixed vindicator and willbender until they were dead (harb too but it's still decent) while we are going 3-4 months of specter stacking for MATs and nothing for them at all.

I feel that's a matter of luck


If they have a bunvh of pve stuff to do you get less pvp patches


As they have "nothing" to do aftet eod release the classes that were stronget at first had quicker nerfs


The spectre/cata/bs meta came when they were busy with steam release 


Now they gonna nerf those and we'll have a new meta again


You basically gotta pray to your favorite class dont be absolutely oppressive at first, cuz they'll be more likely to be nerfed fast

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On 9/13/2022 at 10:21 PM, Zizekent.2398 said:

Why not? "emergency" patches that at least tries to minimize the abuse of the current busted classes, like a nerf on bladesworn heals, can be made on a really short patch at any day.

Their development cycle is really bad and inefficient with tons of merge conflicts.


On 9/14/2022 at 1:58 AM, ArthurDent.9538 said:

It is funny how they repeatedly hotfixed vindicator and willbender until they were dead (harb too but it's still decent) while we are going 3-4 months of specter stacking for MATs and nothing for them at all.

Thief doesn't abide by the same rules as other classes in PvP.  It has defined the meta since alpha.

Edited by Kozumi.5816
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On 9/14/2022 at 7:58 AM, ArthurDent.9538 said:

It is funny how they repeatedly hotfixed vindicator and willbender until they were dead (harb too but it's still decent) while we are going 3-4 months of specter stacking for MATs and nothing for them at all.

Specter being stupidly overpowered doesn't mean those classes you listed are dead, far from it. They're simply in Specter's shadow biding their time.

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