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Lost my desire to keep playing GW2 after this nerf


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Don't want to make this long but I really need to vent off....

I played Supports for a long time , I come to enjoy these roles more than the usual DPS, and in GW2 some Supports do work really well.... I discovered Specter Alac and fell in love with it, really unique really fun , really fluid.

It is not piano to play and really good reward from it.


You just deleted a unique fun-to-play support PvE EliteSpec to hundreds because 5 cats from a dead game mode called PvP decided to complain it was to strong for them. Way to go thats right, lets listen to the 2%(PvP)>98%(PvE) ratio of people that play the game and balance the game around it.But not just that let's bring the PvP changes also to the PvE community that does not give a crap about PvP.


But hey! its GW2 Team im guessing next patch they'll give perma quickness to Healer Alac Mechanist since everyone and their mother plays one. And lets butcher the other viable Support builds so that people are forced to play 2 classes and uninstall the game out of boredom., because this is my current situation.


You butchered  Ele a long time ago, 

You butchered  Reve....

And now you butcher Specter.


Im so done with you.


Edit: Thank youu all guys I did not think this many people would feel as I do, we do grow attached to our virtual heroes we spend a lot of hours with them. The resources, energy and time that we put into them does not deserve to go away in this kind of manner.


Like I stated in another topic, this nerf has 100% driven me off from playing , not because of thief itself but the way this company handle things..... I don't feel like leveling another class or trying something new just to be destroyed one month after falling in love with it.


All the time/energy that I put into Specter all the love + making her look kitten..... im not going to get this back you know?




Edited by keykey.9182
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I share your feeling.


Mindless, senseless, stupid, destructive, incompetent, heavy-handed is what comes to mind.

I have not logged in to the game since the balance preview, just canceled my raid spot indefinitely and will see if I ever come back to this great game that is ruined by some bad actors.

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With all these changes and the absolute destruction of Invigorating Precision, I'm legitimately worried about taking my thief into the Mad King's Labyrinth.

My favorite holiday and mindless activity of pumpkin-carving and candy-gobbling, and I'm not even sure if I'll live long enough to enjoy it.  Not even going to TRY the bosses on my thief, with where things stand, since I know I don't have the healing to stay on my feet for a fraction of a fight.

Maybe I'd play Specter, but ... haha, yeah, no.  No, that's not happening.

Edited by itspomf.9523
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8 hours ago, Eleandra.4859 said:

I share your feeling.


Mindless, senseless, stupid, destructive, incompetent, heavy-handed is what comes to mind.

I have not logged in to the game since the balance preview, just canceled my raid spot indefinitely and will see if I ever come back to this great game that is ruined by some bad actors.

And in November there will be another ☠️Balance Patch☠️ and I can't help wondering which elite class are they going to kill then. Please no more scheduled butcher patch. Your nerfs are always so high handed and ignorant that you are killing all varied fun builds and driving players away.

Edited by MintyMin.2718
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6 minutes ago, AikijinX.6258 said:

As long as we stay under the radar and don’t actually learn our class, and just play like dog water we’ll be fine apparently. If we excel too much that’s a problem.

Have you played this dumpster fire? Idk I played it and it feel bad I mean like bottom of the mmo classes out of my 30yrs of gaming bad. (excels in .01% of player/game mode) catches another 50% nerf. 5 endurance lul.

Edited by Mincsk.6028
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Add my name to the litany of complaints. I only play PvE and have enjoyed Specter as a fun build for open world. I never felt it was overpowered; if I needed a sure win, I'd take another class. But it had an enjoyable play style. Not anymore. The shroud nerf pulls the rug out from underneath how I played the build. Maybe there's some kind of skill/trait/gear workaround, but at this point I'm not seeing it.

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Add my name. Played since the 3 day headstart on thief religiously and mentored by Wild BIll slicgw. Time to put the game down


My most latter recent pist reply in the oct 4th megathread shows how they bandaid patch instead of reverting or adjusting past patches (for all classes) where relevant. They buff things used but dont revert what was nerfed prior to buffs or nerfs when they should have. Just bandaid patches that screw up the game more.


Take it from me, go to a dev core version with core release versions of all elite specs on a dev client...look at all the traits, weapon dmg, skills for each class...then start patching things...patching based off what is there is going to result in bandaids left and right. 


Hire me, ill do it for a buck an hour...its how passionate i am for this game. Hire more people if u want, we'll be the Dollar crew. Just...stop...butchering...the...game


Im trainable, i helped develop an app for the division...just please no more /beg

Edited by Lithril Ashwalker.6230
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I think you guys should keep on keeping on. Just look at the activity this profession’s sub forum has gotten. It’s actually really nice to see. It’ll catch wind. I’m sure at this point Anet has taken notice and will try to dmg control. This is just me huffing on some hopium, but don’t leave or abandon this class just yet. We need all the representation we can get to keep our voices heard.

But in contrast, have you seen the guardian profession sub forum? Literally NO thread was made in regard to post patch. Guardians are chilling, watching everyone else burn lol. It’s actually funny to see that stark contrast. Zero posts have been made. They must have it good lol. 

The only other profession sub forum that is speaking out as much as we are and have multiple threads up is the warrior sub forum, next ranger. 

You can really see who the favorite child is to Anet just by these reactions.

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12 minutes ago, AikijinX.6258 said:

I think you guys should keep on keeping on. Just look at the activity this profession’s sub forum has gotten. It’s actually really nice to see. It’ll catch wind. I’m sure at this point Anet has taken notice and will try to dmg control. This is just me huffing on some hopium, but don’t leave or abandon this class just yet. We need all the representation we can get to keep our voices heard.

But in contrast, have you seen the guardian profession sub forum? Literally NO thread was made in regard to post patch. Guardians are chilling, watching everyone else burn lol. It’s actually funny to see that stark contrast. Zero posts have been made. They must have it good lol. 

The only other profession sub forum that is speaking out as much as we are and have multiple threads up is the warrior sub forum, next ranger. 

You can really see who the favorite child is to Anet just by these reactions.

Ahhh anet so incompetent.


Needed to have a lead for each class before game kicked off tbh.  I swear they had that in gw1 forums.

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I could not agree more. I'm a thief main that has returned to the game after a long break. I was super excited to get my specter builds online. I saved gold for weeks, BOUGHT build and gear tabs, enjoyed it for a week and now this. I agree that there needed to be some changes for wvw and pvp, but this change was just straight up murder, and completely unwarranted in pve. Was the spec really being overly used in pve? I know I wasn't bumping into too many specters, but that could be because I'm a thief myself. After working hard and spending real money, this totally feels like a sucker punch.

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1 hour ago, AikijinX.6258 said:

I think you guys should keep on keeping on. Just look at the activity this profession’s sub forum has gotten. It’s actually really nice to see. It’ll catch wind. I’m sure at this point Anet has taken notice and will try to dmg control. This is just me huffing on some hopium, but don’t leave or abandon this class just yet. We need all the representation we can get to keep our voices heard.

But in contrast, have you seen the guardian profession sub forum? Literally NO thread was made in regard to post patch. Guardians are chilling, watching everyone else burn lol. It’s actually funny to see that stark contrast. Zero posts have been made. They must have it good lol. 

The only other profession sub forum that is speaking out as much as we are and have multiple threads up is the warrior sub forum, next ranger. 

You can really see who the favorite child is to Anet just by these reactions.

Do you know why most Thieves don't speak up?...because instead of fighting against an immovable force, it's easier to just reroll to a different class and be done with it; and once you're done with it, there's no reason for you to concern yourself with posting about it and fighting a losing battle.

Having said that, my 'hopium' tank has been empty for quite some time now (years actually). As I mentioned numerous times since a few months ago, I'm merely waiting for the November patch. That will determine my decision about whether I, personally, quit the game or not. Having been around for over 17 years with the franchise and over 10 years with GW2 alone, and spending countless hours and money in the games, I'm sure they don't mind losing people like me who've invested so much into their growth.

Granted a large portion of this is from afking, I think it still gets the point across of just how long I've been around...and how long I've tolerated the nonsense. When the team is so full of ignorant people who fail to recognize the issues with Trickery (Preparedness and Sleight of Hand specifically), Acrobatics, and Sword (in PvE specifically) for over 10 years, there's some serious problems.

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my first thought was "It can't be that bad! I'm sure people are just whining!"


so I was wrong. It's really painful to lose shroud from basic mob attacks. The only time it doesn't feel awful is with a heal mech or heal scourge giving me barrier to compensate... which makes me kinda irrelevant.

Also I JUST got ad inf so I could have ritualists on my backpiece...


also: EoD elite spec profile icons when??

Edited by soyfya.2187
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I honestly think Specter is still fine, it works well as a condi Alac plus some barrier

but I still cant believe the changes, I give my subgroup full Fury uptime with Siphon, why does one of the boons Well of Bounty gets to keep is fury and might too????/ Does Anet not realise that one of the skills makes steal give people fury? Like I dont even have full Concentration and I still give perma Fury and good might with Siphon.

And Shroud nerf in PvE is absurd, I get it in PvE, it can be annoying to use up all your burst skills then only realise its just one one of two HP bars, but in PvE's in unnecessary. It was the survivability aspect to Specter, like how DD's survivability comes from its dodge uptime and Deadeyes comes from rifle 4 and its great access to stealth, it makes no sense in PvE, it was good but it isn't the be all end all spec.

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It's impossible to shield people now while in-combat... when it's actually needed. You take the same time to stack the shadow force as before..when you don't take dmg. But now, when you take damage it's hard to get ahead of it sometimes to stack the shadowforce fully so you can heal/shield when it's really needed.

It feels awful that they made the pool so much smaller while having it still generate with a percentage. 


Edited by nTzT.9583
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Im really tired of gw2 devs nerfing thief. IF u cant literally win 1vs1 one ele with any spec, how is that u really keep nerfing it ? 

Please devs answer me, how many hp the core necro shroud has ? have u ever nerf it ? Holly kitten the shroud is 13k but u loose like 1k per tick, , so you get to hits and u go out of shrod as thiefs dont use thoughness.

Specter had only 1 thing good, which was that shroud, and they fcked it, cuz synergy  scepter-pistol scepter-dagger is an absolutelly 0. Dont even talk of trying to hit more than 1 target with scepter xd and the attack speed of its skills, the useless 2nd skill that nobody uses, etc 

Have u even forget the venoms nerf  on the previous patch ? 

All data source it seems they take into account:

Random Guy - "Specter is doing well in PvP" 

Devs - Oh no how could it be posible?  here u have a ¡¡¡¡¡¡50%!!!!! nerf in all modes. 

Omfg have u ever seen that huge nerf before ? a 50% XD, it definetly has non sense


Edited by eduminator.7845
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In correspondence to you pve players, I definitely feel your pain. The transference of the pvp nerfs to pve are definitely uncalled for.

Although I do have to say, the matches without any thieves and mesmers in them are so much more fun; it is unbelievable. 

Edited by Dr Meta.3158
Grammar, spelling, phone typing sucks.
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7 minutes ago, Dr Meta.3158 said:

You pve players i definitely feel your pain and the transference of the pvp nerfs to pve are definitely uncalled for.

Although I do have to say... the matched without any thieves and mesmers in them are so much more fun. Its unbelievable. 

Oh, for sure. I don't begrudge the PvP nerfs at all. They make sense. It is just beyond tiring having major changes to PvE Thief because of PvP, especially when they are poorly thought out and very heavy handed.

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1 hour ago, Lucinellia.9247 said:

Oh, for sure. I don't begrudge the PvP nerfs at all. They make sense. It is just beyond tiring having major changes to PvE Thief because of PvP, especially when they are poorly thought out and very heavy handed.

I have to disagree here,

there is a stark difference between nerfing a spec in pvp and removing it from the game mode.

I am not good enough to decide what constitutes a reasonable nerf but I believe Sindrener and MightyTeapot are. Watch MightyTeapot's stream from October4th where he reads messages from Sindrener to him about the patch and comments on the effect of the patch himself.


And Dr. Meta's comment already implies that the nerf was not well done. Having "no thiefs and mesmers in matches" implies that more than 20% of the classes are not represented in matches they encounter.


@Dr Meta.3158: Not attacking you, I am aware that you just express your personal feelings and that is valid.


I for example hate warriors in pvp and Guardians but I am never happy to not see them because that means the pvp player base is bereft of players who would play these classes in pvp. I want to see a well balanced gameplay against these classes but I never want any one class to be absent from a game mode.


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Apologies for the lack of clarity. My point is less about whether or not the nerfs are appropriate and reasonable, but rather that they make sense within the context of the mode and what was happening. However, even if they were reasonable for sPvP, the impact on PvE should also have been considered and, from the discussion that has been happening on the forums after the livestream and implementation of the balance patch, I am not of the opinion that it was.

A number of players raised concerns with the nerf on the forums, on Reddit, in Discord channels that we know devs consider and also by tagging developers into conversations on social media. Sadly, our concerns don't seem to have been picked up on, despite there being a willingness to better address the situation for Mirage previously (it still does an incredibly overtuned amount of Might!) and Scrapper more recently.

Broadly speaking, PvE Thief has suffered heavily due to changes made as a result of competitive game modes and because of PvP-first design. We can see this in Daredevil (Swipe), Deadeye (the entire state of the elite spec), the recent Shadow Arts rework (which made PvE healing Specter worse!), the recent Acrobatics changes, the Well of Bounty alterations not considering the loss of Regen and Protection and, well, the utter entirely of the mess that is single target healing in a game that lacks a UI and UX, and broader encounter and gameplay design, to support it!

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12 hours ago, SamuelW.2685 said:

I honestly think Specter is still fine, it works well as a condi Alac plus some barrier

but I still cant believe the changes, I give my subgroup full Fury uptime with Siphon, why does one of the boons Well of Bounty gets to keep is fury and might too????/ Does Anet not realise that one of the skills makes steal give people fury? Like I dont even have full Concentration and I still give perma Fury and good might with Siphon.

And Shroud nerf in PvE is absurd, I get it in PvE, it can be annoying to use up all your burst skills then only realise its just one one of two HP bars, but in PvE's in unnecessary. It was the survivability aspect to Specter, like how DD's survivability comes from its dodge uptime and Deadeyes comes from rifle 4 and its great access to stealth, it makes no sense in PvE, it was good but it isn't the be all end all spec.

The new Well of Bounty giving an increased amount of Might is really nice from a PvE perspective. This is a good change since it means running Alacrity Specter in PvE is more versatile in terms of the quickness pairing and group composition. The Stability is also nice! Fury and Vigor being present on Well of Bounty is very strange though. As you point out, we have Siphon for that, and Well of Bounty not being able to give at least some Regen and Protection really hurts heal Alacrity Specter - which was already in a pretty terrible place and has been further nerfed, unfairly, by the Shadow Shroud health scaling changes.

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