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I've never seen so much negative feedback in any other game


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Like for real, i've never seen so many complaints about any game in my entire life as i see here about Guild Wars 2 WvW. ArenaNet, maybe it is time to think about the amount of negative feedback???

Everytime i want to return to the game, i open wvw forums first, read threads on the 1st page and decide not to install it every single time.

Edited by Daredevil.2745
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I don't know if I would use the forums as the basis for your decision for that though. A lot of people just play the game and therefore may not come out here to post opinions. They are just out playing the game and having fun. Another way to look at posts is that they have an active community, enough so they might be here while they aren't in game for various reason. Example I need to go cut up a tree and since I can't game yet I will eat some breakfast and reply before doing that since I can't eat and play as well versus type and chew. 🙂 Could also be seen as the game has a lot of passionate players which is a good thing but sometimes that leads them to post before looking at things from multiple angles which then hits upon something for another player that's just as passionate that they want to reply. Key is if a player is just reading and wondering, yes I would recommend this game. It has its issues but there is a lot going on here and there is a lot more potential here on top of what's already in place. 

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It's called denial. The game is almost 10 years old now and the more time passes the more the game feels like it is falling apart.
But apparently the denial at Arena Net is undeniable.
They don't really listen to the players and try to do things "their way" whether we like it or not.
I had a lot of fun playing this game but for a few years now,  my investment has been very limited.

Now we have to be patient and wait for a new Mmo which I hope will not be as disappointing as New World, Lost Ark, Black Desert Online and others even worse.
Ashes of Creation looks like a scam to me that will never come out (Selling dream is not illegal) But I hope I'm wrong.


Edited by illuvatar.7590
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Not even close.

Forum population is pretty small compared to other games, anet doesn't exactly interact with it much.

Forums will usually have negativity in it because it's the only avenue to post your feedback and complaints(if you're enjoying a game you most likely wouldn't be in the forums), or artwork in reddits case 🙄, not for constant praise and thank yous.

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8 hours ago, Daredevil.2745 said:

Like for real, i've never seen so many complaints about any game in my entire life as i see here about Guild Wars 2 WvW. ArenaNet, maybe it is time to think about the amount of negative feedback???

Everytime i want to return to the game, i open wvw forums first, read threads on the 1st page and decide not to install it every single time.

Good for you. The game is objectively worse than it used to be.

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Well, it is kinda normal that (especially publicly available) feedback is mostly negative. People usually don´t tell you if something is good, unless you explicitly ask for it. It is even the opposite: if people think it is bad, they are way more likely to speak up against it (even if their perception of negativity may be worse than the actual problem). 

Also, the forums are kind of a "special" place, where people tend to overreact on changes, especially when combined with a bias towards certain classes/mechanics/gameplay elements. So unless a "negative" feedback is properly backed up with facts, it´s usually nothing more than a biased opinion without any stable foundation. 

However: i aggree on the point that ANet doesn´t seem to care too much about it, which may partially even be healthy for the game balance. If ANet would change every little thing people complain about, the balance would be permanently be shifted in favor of biased opinions and adjustments may get applied, that may not even be necessary (or even worse: destabilize balance even further). 
The important part here is: the lack of feedback, interaction and reasoning on why changes are made (or NOT made). ANet still (even after all the years of complaints) doesn´t manage to properly communicate to the majority of players (which they do via blogposts and the forums). So even IF ANet would read every single thread, and consider every single opinion, WE do NOT know if it is the case, as ANet does NOT tell us. 

So yeah, what OP wrote is actually at least partially true, ANet should care more about the feedback they get. Not necessarily with adjustments, but rather with communicating on why they make certain adjustments, and why they DON'T

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I have, but then they were also games that overall lost population and dev resources over time instead of growing.

The idea it's a given is a bit of a misunderstanding tho; feedback is somewhat reflective of the relationship between studio and players. But many studios, it would seem, focus on presenting themselves well to investors over building and maintaining a healthy relationship with their community, so the norm is that they are generally effective at PR statements, but get trashed nonstop on forums and the like; which is reflective of how for so many studios now, the investors are the real customers and the people playing the game are part of the product, only temporarily achieving customer status in times of great concentrated outrage.

There are shades to it depending on the studio, but in broad strokes, that's kind of the sad state of things in video games when it comes to feedback.

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8 hours ago, illuvatar.7590 said:

It's called denial. The game is almost 10 years old now and the more time passes the more the game feels like it is falling apart.

I don't think it's just a feeling, but before people think I'm doing a doomer post, hear me out on the specifics: between the mass layoffs in 2019 and whatever further layoffs there were in 2020 (may have been minimal, may not, couldn't find any numbers) they have undoubtedly lost some people who very much knew what they were doing and how to do it, in maintaining this game. And that's the crux of it; things have to be maintained or they start falling apart, especially with a live MMO game type of service and the wide variety of detail work and hidden tasks going into doing it. And I don't mean strictly in the sense of keeping the servers up, but all the development processes that go into making sure certain kinds of things happen with consistency and that content/changes/etc. can be done efficiently and effectively and so on.

When you boot a bunch of people, some of whom were probably doing things that weren't even strictly on the record as a task they needed to do, but which became part of their job, then you bring in a bunch of people who have no idea how any of the existing systems work and don't know these hidden tasks even existed, much less how to do them, stuff is definitely going to slip through the cracks and in ways that may not be clear on paper, but which can be picked up on by the players, especially ones who have been with the game for a long time.

The reason I emphasize this is not a doomer post is because every MMO is going to struggle with this to varying degrees because of natural turnover of employees and from this perspective, every MMO is "dying", the question is whether it's being sufficiently maintained to also grow. It just seems that GW2 has been hit especially hard by the problem because of the layoffs in recent years and general issues with development direction and allocation of resources. From where I'm standing, it appears there is def interest in turning the ship around at anet, but actually doing that, in practice, it's undoubtedly going to take a lot of time to rebuild what they've lost while simultaneously trying to address the cracks that keep appearing and continue a development cadence that will keep people interested in the game. I don't envy their position and neither do I say this to make excuses for them, but just stating what the reality of it appears to be.

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17 hours ago, Daredevil.2745 said:

Like for real, i've never seen so many complaints about any game in my entire life as i see here about Guild Wars 2 WvW.


Okay and what has your contribution been to remedy or improve this? Going by your recent post history, you are literally part of the problem you are complaining about.

There are a lot of things the developers could do, but here is the 1 thing everyone themselves can do: change their attitude. Given none of us have direct control over the developers it seems reasonable that the later might be a more realistic approach.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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Honestly, WvW has multitude of issues from the developers:

  1. Anet doesn't read opinions of actual people that play the game. They only listen to opinions of a few streamers that play WvW on and off (thus they only do supervicial patching like dragon banner and took several years too long to fix stealth)
  2. They do not play WvW so they do not care about it
  3. They seem to have no competitive background in other games since competitive environment doesn't fall under their balance philosophy. The original WvW devs spent years to master the siege and objective balance then new gen devs sweeped in, ruined it in 1 patch (HoT) for sales and never touched it after.
  4. They only bother with class balance
  5. They make "lukewarm" decisions like keeping extra servers or desert map just because they try to please too many people. The gamemode just ends up worse off.
  6. They spend 5+ years to develop alliances that might not even make gamemode better
Edited by Riba.3271
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The main thing I get enjoyment from in this game is making my own off meta builds for roaming (some of which were obnoxiously strong). Many of them have been rendered obsolete or outright removed by balance changes. I figure that just gives me chance to find something new and move on to the next build, so in that way I retain the "fun" in my experience. Change is a constant in this kind of game. The longer you're here, the more things will change and the only real question is if you like the changes and if you still have fun playing the game. If you are unwilling to change with the times and adapt to the new systems then the answer is probably not, but that's a very subjective thing that really cannot be answered by looking at a forum. 

Something else to bear in mind is that plenty of people (myself included) will complain about the 5% they see as negative while enjoying the other 95% of the game, and the fact that we KEEP complaining is evidence that we are still invested in it. Evidently you are too, otherwise you'd not have bothered to post this thread.

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7 hours ago, Riba.3271 said:

Honestly, WvW has multitude of issues from the developers:

  1. Anet doesn't read opinions of actual people that play the game. They only listen to opinions of a few streamers that play WvW on and off (thus they only do supervicial patching like dragon banner and took several years too long to fix stealth)
  2. They do not play WvW so they do not care about it
  3. They seem to have no competitive background in other games since competitive environment doesn't fall under their balance philosophy. The original WvW devs spent years to master the siege and objective balance then new gen devs sweeped in, ruined it in 1 patch (HoT) for sales and never touched it after.
  4. They only bother with class balance
  5. They make "lukewarm" decisions like keeping extra servers or desert map just because they try to please too many people. The gamemode just ends up worse off.
  6. They spend 5+ years to develop alliances that might not even make gamemode better

Regarding the devs' experience of PvP, three of them are all about the PvP;

Josh Davies, Roy and CmC all have that PvP background. 

The other guys seem to just do random stuff. "Grand Field Play" wtf?!


Perhaps some women should have a go at balance, they can't do much worse... or can they?

Edited by Svarty.8019
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On 10/29/2022 at 11:40 AM, Daredevil.2745 said:

Like for real, i've never seen so many complaints about any game in my entire life as i see here about Guild Wars 2 WvW.

The reason for this is because they listen to and soley balance the game mode entirely around the < 50 players total boon balling in WvW guilds and ignore the majority of MMO PvPers. All the complaints are coming from people who want a better MMO PvP mode.

Thus the mode slowly dies as no new players replace the old because they designed the game mode for veterans who are slowly quitting over time.

If they made a WvW game mode that the majority of people who like MMO combat want they'd actually attract and gain players, but they refuse to.

Edited by Kozumi.5816
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