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Re-work to PVP - Bring in more Players


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I just want to say that there is probably no perfect system, and what Im about to suggest might not suit everyone. But what I want to accomplice with this suggestion is a healthier pvp population. Suggestions are always welcome.

Step 1: Remove Unranked and create just 1 pool of conquest - Brings ppl from both Ranked and unranked in to 1 pool of players.

Step 2: Remove penalty from loosing a game - Keeps players more motivated to actually join games, reduce toxicity. This also removes the issue of good players making second/third/forth accounts to smurf with. It also keeps the Rating easier to help balance in matchmaking.

Step 3: Make playing skilled players worth more - ex. if your team fight higher ranking players and win you get more points then if you won over players with lower rating. This number should grow exponential with the rank of members in your opponents team compared to your own in a higher degree then today to make an insensitive to fight, even wen the competition is hard.

Step 4: Matchmaking should be made to always true to make 2 even teams from the top of the pool queening, and then go down the list like that.

Step 5: (Optional) Prevent character change / skill change - Make ppl choose their role on queue.

Step 6: (Optional) Permanent 2vs2 or 3vs3 (or any vs mode), For those who like this (here you can keep current system or adapt the one i suggested above)

Some critics I can see coming from this:

1. What prevents ppl from afk throwing games - Well... ppl do that already 😛 and this will make it less punishing to the ones that tries.

2. Where is the competition? - I understand that this will bring down that element a bit - but we have to make this sacrifice to bring more ppl in to pvp - and there is still a competitive element as you will keep climbing as you win - and the amount of point you get should be increase allot the harder your competition is to keep the good players on-top.


3. How does this make more ppl play? - 1, less toxicity 2, 1 pool of players 3, no queue dodging by high rankers (they actually want to fight each others more in this system) 4, easier matchmaking

Well that's my ides, not that its going to happen but wanted to put it out there - Now feel free to flame - again this comes from the normal middle of the pack player - trying to get a healthier pvp community.


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10 minutes ago, Miannei.5072 said:

I just want to say that there is probably no perfect system, and what Im about to suggest might not suit everyone. But what I want to accomplice with this suggestion is a healthier pvp population. Suggestions are always welcome.

Step 1: Remove Unranked and create just 1 pool of conquest - Brings ppl from both Ranked and unranked in to 1 pool of players.

Step 2: Remove penalty from loosing a game - Keeps players more motivated to actually join games, reduce toxicity. This also removes the issue of good players making second/third/forth accounts to smurf with. It also keeps the Rating easier to help balance in matchmaking.

Step 3: Make playing skilled players worth more - ex. if your team fight higher ranking players and win you get more points then if you won over players with lower rating. This number should grow exponential with the rank of members in your opponents team compared to your own in a higher degree then today to make an insensitive to fight, even wen the competition is hard.

Step 4: Matchmaking should be made to always true to make 2 even teams from the top of the pool queening, and then go down the list like that.

Step 5: (Optional) Prevent character change / skill change - Make ppl choose their role on queue.

Step 6: (Optional) Permanent 2vs2 or 3vs3 (or any vs mode), For those who like this (here you can keep current system or adapt the one i suggested above)

Some critics I can see coming from this:

1. What prevents ppl from afk throwing games - Well... ppl do that already 😛 and this will make it less punishing to the ones that tries.

2. Where is the competition? - I understand that this will bring down that element a bit - but we have to make this sacrifice to bring more ppl in to pvp - and there is still a competitive element as you will keep climbing as you win - and the amount of point you get should be increase allot the harder your competition is to keep the good players on-top.


3. How does this make more ppl play? - 1, less toxicity 2, 1 pool of players 3, no queue dodging by high rankers (they actually want to fight each others more in this system) 4, easier matchmaking

Well that's my ides, not that its going to happen but wanted to put it out there - Now feel free to flame - again this comes from the normal middle of the pack player - trying to get a healthier pvp community.


haha 😄

i actually like the "carebear" approach to ranked.   you cant loose rating, and you will only gain rating 😄 The problem here is: playing alot will mean you go up higher and higher in the tiers. a Silver that plays 7 hours a day, will suddenly play with Plat players all the time.... and a platin player that only plays 4 games a week will face only "silvers".

There needs to be a hidden MMR that is not connected to your Badge, to create even matches.


and here comes the doomsayer speech: PvP has died long ago. You wont pull any new players into the game with pvp changes and your never never ever gonna pull pve players into pvp.  Even if every win would give 2 liquid gold, the pvp population will never be what it used to be.


Edited by Sahne.6950
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i actually like the "carebear" approach to ranked.   you cant loose rating, and you will only gain rating 😄 The problem here is: playing alot will mean you go up higher and higher in the tiers. a Silver that plays 7 hours a day, will suddenly play with Plat players all the time.... and a platin player that only plays 4 games a week will face only "silvers".

There needs to be a hidden MMR that is not connected to your Badge, to create even matches.

Yes its not perfect - but my hope is that with enough reward for those playing higher ranked games gaining allot more! then someone winning a game vs low ranked players, will balance this out a bit.

There is an issue that if you play allot of hours, you will eventually climb, but at some point that player will reach a block where the person will have harder time wining games/or gain as much points. While someone skilled will keep climbing faster as they win harder games.

On that note we should also throw away the understanding we have of the rating atm, and we would need to all start from the beginning and climb from there. There more you win the faster you climb - the more points you will get because harder opponents. The ladder might need to be larger but its numbers that would need to be sorted out after time.



and here comes the doomsayer speech: PvP has died long ago. You wont pull any new players into the game with pvp changes and your never never ever gonna pull pve players into pvp.  Even if every win would give 2 liquid gold, the pvp population wouldnt grow.

The only group of people that you might convince to play pvp... are the WvW people.

Well it is kind of dead yes, but allot of ppl i speak to do enjoy PVP now and then - they play unranked but dont dare touch ranked - because toxicity/flaming/ risk of loosing points.

This also goes for ppl playing ranked normally - they would play more "ranked" if not for the losses they risk.
This is not a perfect solution but a way to grow the community/activity 🙂

And sometimes we all just need a hug from carebears

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44 minutes ago, Miannei.5072 said:

And sometimes we all just need a hug from carebears

but you understood the need to seperate "rating" from your "elo" right?  because playing alot will mean you have a high rating, altho your elo might be silver.


if you ask me the solution is very simply.


  • add new maps
  • add permanent 1v1.
  • add permanent 3v3
  • add 1 rotating randommode ( CTF, King of the hill, 10v10 Deathmatch, Conquest with 5 capturepoints)
  • add a working report function




These ideas are a bit more spicy...


Remove Ranked, move all the rewards to unranked

make AT´s the new ranked and make them happen more frequently. <--- this is where your Badges will be.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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1 minute ago, Sahne.6950 said:

but you understood the need to seperate "rating" from your "elo" right?  because playing alot will mean you have a high rating, altho your elo might be silver.


if you ask me the solution is very simply.


  • add new maps
  • add permanent 1v1.
  • add permanent 3v3
  • add 1 rotating randommode ( CTF, King of the hill, 5v5 Deathmatch)
  • add a working report function




These idea is a bit more spicy...


Remove Ranked, move all the rewards to unranked

make AT´s the new ranked and make the appear more frequently. <--- this is where your Badges will be.

These ides are awesome, that would be great to have with a larger population. What I think if we do this we will spread the smal population to much.

I really like this and would love to have it in game but dont think gw2 pcp community could support it. We would need to grow first - hence the suggestion I made to just make more ppl play.

We talk allot about rewards, but there is also the satisfaction of climbing (without risk of loosing). This will bring more ppl in it dosent matter if their gains are low, as long as they dont loose progression ppl wants to join now and then = increasing the amount of player + brining in friends that bring in friends and it keeps growing.

Maybe when the community is larger spread out to more game modes would be great to increase the interest even more 😃 and retaining players

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22 minutes ago, Miannei.5072 said:

What I think if we do this we will spread the smal population to much.

i actually dont think so.

For example: we already have another mode in pvp called Stronghold. It alreadly "splits" the playerbase. Everyone would tell you that stronghold is dead... another mode splits the playerbase... yada yada....     weirdly, you rarely have a StrongholdQueue that is longer than 2 minutes.


The population is not so small, that you cant have 1v1, 3v3 and Conquest queues at the same time. That is possible even with current playernumbers. Additionally you put the ranked and unranked population into the same Queue.

People want other gamemodes, see Stronghold. This mode is quite literally garbage, but people still play it just for the sake of "playing something else besides Conquest for almost 10 years".

More gamemodes and more maps is the key in my eyes. 


And the competetive aspect of the game has to stop being with 2manQ´s only, as its a coinflip wether you get good or bad teammates and that is what frustrates most people. You loose because in your eyes you get bad teammates. And thats where alot of the toxicity starts.


Non competetive Conquest environment with fullloot for everybody, and 5 man AT´s for people that want to take it more seriously and earn a badge.

PvP guilds would finally become relevant again, as you need to form groups of 5 to really compete (which i think is a good thing!)

Edited by Sahne.6950
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3 hours ago, Miannei.5072 said:

Step 1: Remove Unranked and create just 1 pool of conquest - Brings ppl from both Ranked and unranked in to 1 pool of players.

It might help, but I myself sometimes don't feel like tryharding in ranked and just q unranked. In case of your suggestion, what am I suppose to do now, when I want chill games without much pressure of ranked? I believe, I'm not alone with this.


3 hours ago, Miannei.5072 said:

Step 2: Remove penalty from loosing a game - Keeps players more motivated to actually join games, reduce toxicity. This also removes the issue of good players making second/third/forth accounts to smurf with. It also keeps the Rating easier to help balance in matchmaking.


It looks like an antipod of ranked system to me. 


3 hours ago, Miannei.5072 said:

Step 5: (Optional) Prevent character change / skill change - Make ppl choose their role on queue.


I don't like it, how am I suppose to adapt? There will be situations when I will be completely countered and have really frustrating matches. Also, metagame will become even stronger.


3 hours ago, Miannei.5072 said:

Step 6: (Optional) Permanent 2vs2 or 3vs3 (or any vs mode), For those who like this (here you can keep current system or adapt the one i suggested above)


In you first step you suggest to make population less divided. In your 6 step you suggest to make it more divided. I am confused now.

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3 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

but you understood the need to seperate "rating" from your "elo" right?  because playing alot will mean you have a high rating, altho your elo might be silver.


if you ask me the solution is very simply.


  • add new maps
  • add permanent 1v1.
  • add permanent 3v3
  • add 1 rotating randommode ( CTF, King of the hill, 10v10 Deathmatch, Conquest with 5 capturepoints)
  • add a working report function




These ideas are a bit more spicy...


Remove Ranked, move all the rewards to unranked

make AT´s the new ranked and make them happen more frequently. <--- this is where your Badges will be.

Permanent 1v1 sounds pretty good to me. 

Permanent 3v3 not so much but I can understand why you’d want these in addition to a 1v1 mode.


About the subject of the topic: dwindling player base is not a simple problem with a simple solution…it is in high likely hood a combination of many problems that all contribute:


age of the game (old)

Anets marketing tactics (terrible)

pvp balance (a mess)

the kind of players the game attracts in the first place (solo players)

whether the game is fun or not (lack of build expression)

how the competitive aspect functions (rating, elo, ladders w.e.)

cheating and fairness

variety, novelty. 


the list kind of goes on and on…to solve the problems needs not just a single solution but a generic turn around of all the issues the game has. it could be summed up simply as “just make the game good.” But how to make the game good requires well…people that know what to do…. that’s the hard part…who knows really what to do…everyone’s got ideas, but who’s will actually work.

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59 minutes ago, Spellhunter.9675 said:

It might help, but I myself sometimes don't feel like tryharding in ranked and just q unranked. In case of your suggestion, what am I suppose to do now, when I want chill games without much pressure of ranked? I believe, I'm not alone with this.



It looks like an antipod of ranked system to me. 



I don't like it, how am I suppose to adapt? There will be situations when I will be completely countered and have really frustrating matches. Also, metagame will become even stronger.



In you first step you suggest to make population less divided. In your 6 step you suggest to make it more divided. I am confused now.

So for the tryharding, with this system you dont need to try hard in that sense. You dont get penalty for not being on-top of your game, and others dont get a punishment either (if you dont count the 10 mins of time the game takes)

Well I would not say it an antipod, look at any sports competition around the world, do they get minus when loosing? or do they get points and climb only? Most sport I know of only get points for wining (or draws) and 0 when losing. SO you can still keep a competitive environment like this. Ofc there are details to sort out, how much points/how large ranking should be/length of season/ points gain compared to skill lvl and much more. But defiantly doable.

On the number 6: It was set as optional, as Im not 100 on this, yes it would divide player base a bit more so not sure this is a good option. But I also seen a request from many ppl of this game mode. If possible to not divide to much maybe implement it but the other suggestion 1-4 are the important to start with.


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24 minutes ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

Permanent 1v1 sounds pretty good to me. 

Permanent 3v3 not so much but I can understand why you’d want these in addition to a 1v1 mode.


About the subject of the topic: dwindling player base is not a simple problem with a simple solution…it is in high likely hood a combination of many problems that all contribute:


age of the game (old)

Anets marketing tactics (terrible)

pvp balance (a mess)

the kind of players the game attracts in the first place (solo players)

whether the game is fun or not (lack of build expression)

how the competitive aspect functions (rating, elo, ladders w.e.)

cheating and fairness

variety, novelty. 


the list kind of goes on and on…to solve the problems needs not just a single solution but a generic turn around of all the issues the game has. it could be summed up simply as “just make the game good.” But how to make the game good requires well…people that know what to do…. that’s the hard part…who knows really what to do…everyone’s got ideas, but who’s will actually work.

Ye game has allot of issues, and one of the biggest issues are population. There are several reasons for this and there are even more solutions. The solution I suggested i think would be easy to implement to start getting more ppl active and maybe Arena Net could build from there?

From the start GW2 wanted to be an Esport - with a competitive scene. It dint happen, maybe its time to let go of that narrative a bit and open up the scene to more casual players to get in to the game mode and maybe build a base from that?

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4 minutes ago, Miannei.5072 said:

Well I would not say it an antipod, look at any sports competition around the world, do they get minus when loosing? or do they get points and climb only? Most sport I know of only get points for wining (or draws) and 0 when losing. SO you can still keep a competitive environment like this. 

It is only possible, when there is finite and even for everyone number of events to participate.

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Hi hi there! So im not a game developer myself or anything close to that so this comes only from my personal experience. When i started playing gw2 about 2 years ago and i got into pvp it actually caused me to quit the game for several months and that multiple times.

Reason for that was because it simply was very hard to get into and just constantly dying due to lack of knowledge was very frustrating. Worst thing however was to get that knowledge, since in my opinion the game itself does a poor job at explaining pvp to new players and you have to find external sources to help with that, which i think is not ideal. And yes i agree a little bit new content like new maps certainly could spice things up a bit, but i do not think that it is the most pressing matter.

I believe that introducing better ways to teach pvp to newer players is much more important in order to grow the pvp community and keep ppl playing.

Like i said at the beginning i very much disliked pvp, now however, nearly 2 years after, im happy that i always came back and kept learning. Now i play at a g2/3 level with at least a basic understanding of pvp mechanics and i honestly am having a blast most of the time.


Now here are a few things i think might have a good influence on the pvp scene:


1.  An rework of the pvp UI might go a long way. A good UI could passively teach players a lot about the game. Im talking about marking yourself with a dedicated role like healsup, dps, duelist etc. before the game starts. Now i think preventing character swaps completely would be too restricting. But simply having that UI to see my ele is planing to play healer would be very helpful and it would help players learn about pvp roles. And if that ele wants to swap to healguard so be it.

1.2 Secondly i would like to have a second waiting phase at the start of the game. Normally you have about 1 1/2 min to prepare your build and swap characters. After that there could be a second phase where character and build swaps are locked and y can see runes and sigils of all players. So not only will you know whos damage to avoid but also who in your team to protect/ support. In most cases that would not change to much for veteran players since they will very quickly be able to figure out, who plays what but i think especially for new players it would be very helpful.

1.3 Announcements! Have kills being celebrated, similar to lol. Yes this might raise toxicity if you get your fourth death rubbed into your face but thats what the mute function is for right? More importantly it would make ppl more aware to their mistakes and maybe motivate them to learn to not walk without plan and alone into three enemys. Also it would warn teammates that the team whiped, so they can prepare to kite while outnumbered on the map.


2. Proper tutorials. You know teach ppl the basics, even things that seem self explanatory like not to walk into outnumbered fights or to stay by your team as support. Maybe even proper bot fights where you can learn by fighting npcs. Or at least bring the npcs in the pvp lobby up to date.


4. Spectator mode. Let ppl spectate high lvl games or at least the ATs, there is a lot to learn there.


3. A permanent 1v1 mode perhaps even with separate ranked mode might help a lot in developing essential skills for pvp too. Ofc such a game mode, if handled like 2v2 and 3v3, might encourage ppl to play boring bunker builds and wait for the timer to run out in order to win. So perhaps a different system, that maybe rewards the player with most dealt damage instead of the one with most heals and the knock backs to knock ppl into the kill zone.


So yea that would be a few things, that i think could help here. Again not a game dev, so no idea how much effort any of this would be to implement. Also im aware that gw2 devs might simply have other prioritys but well... Maybe there is something here that can inspire them.

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On 11/8/2022 at 11:48 AM, Miannei.5072 said:

I just want to say that there is probably no perfect system, and what Im about to suggest might not suit everyone. But what I want to accomplice with this suggestion is a healthier pvp population. Suggestions are always welcome.

Step 1: Remove Unranked and create just 1 pool of conquest - Brings ppl from both Ranked and unranked in to 1 pool of players.

Step 2: Remove penalty from loosing a game - Keeps players more motivated to actually join games, reduce toxicity. This also removes the issue of good players making second/third/forth accounts to smurf with. It also keeps the Rating easier to help balance in matchmaking.

Step 3: Make playing skilled players worth more - ex. if your team fight higher ranking players and win you get more points then if you won over players with lower rating. This number should grow exponential with the rank of members in your opponents team compared to your own in a higher degree then today to make an insensitive to fight, even wen the competition is hard.

Step 4: Matchmaking should be made to always true to make 2 even teams from the top of the pool queening, and then go down the list like that.

Step 5: (Optional) Prevent character change / skill change - Make ppl choose their role on queue.

Step 6: (Optional) Permanent 2vs2 or 3vs3 (or any vs mode), For those who like this (here you can keep current system or adapt the one i suggested above)

Some critics I can see coming from this:

1. What prevents ppl from afk throwing games - Well... ppl do that already 😛 and this will make it less punishing to the ones that tries.

2. Where is the competition? - I understand that this will bring down that element a bit - but we have to make this sacrifice to bring more ppl in to pvp - and there is still a competitive element as you will keep climbing as you win - and the amount of point you get should be increase allot the harder your competition is to keep the good players on-top.


3. How does this make more ppl play? - 1, less toxicity 2, 1 pool of players 3, no queue dodging by high rankers (they actually want to fight each others more in this system) 4, easier matchmaking

Well that's my ides, not that its going to happen but wanted to put it out there - Now feel free to flame - again this comes from the normal middle of the pack player - trying to get a healthier pvp community.


1- what about people that like ranked instead? me and many other players would play less without a place that is strictly competitive, thus reducing the playerbase

2- it already works like that, kinda, if you play as a plat 2 against people in gold you will receive something like 4 points therefore if you win as a gold against a plat you already receive more points

3 - i disagree almost entirely:

1- less toxicity? why? toxic people that played in ranked only would now play with casuals, and the casuals/newbie wouldn't have a safe place to try goofy builds/learn without getting flamed

2- you merge 2 pools of players with different goals, in the long run they will both be unhappy about being forced more in the same way the other pool previously played

3- you'd have no que dodging simply because they would not have a goal to play casual pvp anymore lol, the playerbase would only be reduced

4- well yeah, kinda?

Edited by mariugo.4856
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I believe what would help gw2 pvp the most, in terms of hooking new players, is rookie servers.

I have this idea from FPS-Shooters like Crossfire.

The first 15 levels, you will be paired only with people that are also under level 15. This way new players will learn the game with other new players, and dont get roflstomped by some AT ready 5man squad.

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3 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

I believe what would help gw2 pvp the most, in terms of hooking new players, is rookie servers.

I have this idea from FPS-Shooters like Crossfire.

The first 15 levels, you will be paired only with people that are also under level 15. This way new players will learn the game with other new players, and dont get roflstomped by some AT ready 5man squad.

I like that, it might solve the whole frustration issue. But i also see couple problems with that... First would be untill when someone counts as ``rookie´´ and how that is managed. If its managed from the side of arena net then how would they decide who goes to be on the server. If by skill, then that would just be a replacement for rating right? And if only new acc can be there then what will stop ppl from making smurfs and trolling these servers?... Also i think those new players would still need a bit of a lead in order to gain the knowledge to eventually be able to play on the ``normal´´ servers, since there is only so much you can learn from playing against another new player. I think....

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15 minutes ago, Luvo.6350 said:

I like that, it might solve the whole frustration issue. But i also see couple problems with that... First would be untill when someone counts as ``rookie´´ and how that is managed. If its managed from the side of arena net then how would they decide who goes to be on the server. If by skill, then that would just be a replacement for rating right? And if only new acc can be there then what will stop ppl from making smurfs and trolling these servers?... Also i think those new players would still need a bit of a lead in order to gain the knowledge to eventually be able to play on the ``normal´´ servers, since there is only so much you can learn from playing against another new player. I think....

I think you can start doing ranked at level... 20!? i think its 20. Until then you count as a rookie.


What stops people from creating alt accounts? nothing.  Just like it is right now.

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32 minutes ago, Eddbopkins.2630 said:

Imo nothing can bring in a hoard of new players NOTHING. This is a 10 yr old game. What mass group of people will go "oo yess a 10 yr old game let's play it." Gw2 pvp is what it is now. It won't grow any larger it will just fizzle at low population till the servers go dark.

sad but true.

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1 hour ago, Eddbopkins.2630 said:

Imo nothing can bring in a hoard of new players NOTHING. This is a 10 yr old game. What mass group of people will go "oo yess a 10 yr old game let's play it." Gw2 pvp is what it is now. It won't grow any larger it will just fizzle at low population till the servers go dark.

Maybe true but it does not have to be a hoard of new players, does it? Just getting those couple new players to play pvp and making sure that they KEEP playing it would be nice. Besides gw2 seems to have a large community already, its just that pvp is not the most popular game mode. And in my opinion just a couple tweaks to make it more accessible and beginner friendly might change that or at least shrink that gap between game modes.

Again thats my personal experience but after 2 years of playing and learning the basics pvp is by far my most favorite mode and im not even that good at it. I just had to overcome the very frustrating beginner phase of learning, which is probably where most ppl stop playing pvp.

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In order to bring more players into PvP, imo we should listen to the people who are completely scared about the game mode, rather than improving it for the ones who already play it, even if they complain. For these players, I think the worse things are the toxicity and the fact that they have a hard time understanding the game mode. A couple of additional maps or modes won't change anything imo.

Rather than merging Ranked and Unranked, I would actually make them even more different.

- Ranked: I would rename it "Competitive" and leave it basically as it is.

- Unranked: renamed to "Friendly Match", with the following changes:

  1. Show the personal rank. Unranked also uses Glicko2, it just hides the MMR. If players were able to see their score, it would probably be useful to understand their level (and possibly refrain them from being toxic when they are just silver).

  2. Give the same small reward, both for winning and losing. Yes, the usual GW2's reward for participating (and completing the daily). Unranked/Friendly Match should be considered a tutorial (20 levels) to understand how the different maps work, how useful is to cap vs killing enemies far from the points, the bell, and this stuff. Once you learn, there is no reason to play Unranked. In my experience Unranked is more toxic than Ranked, and you gain less rewards.


If you merge the 2 modes and remove penalty for losing, you'll have a wild range of skilled players playing the same match. We'd have more unfair 500 vs 50 matches than now. If you remove the rewards (or make them the same), there shouldn't be much toxicity (one of the reasons pure PvErs don't play PvP imo), because Unranked would be played only by new players, or people that want a relaxed match just for the daily (and slowly but steadily, they will gain experience and confidence).


I agree with locking the character change though. There is not point in trying to balance the professions' composition if we can change it before the start. Nothing against a permanent 3 vs 3, but I guess the reason why it's not permanent, it's that it would have much longer queue times in that case. Now people play it because it's the only option available in Ranked, during the mini-season. But probably many of these ppl wouldn't play it if they could choose a standard 5 vs 5 instead.

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On 11/8/2022 at 12:58 PM, Sahne.6950 said:

i actually like the "carebear" approach to ranked.   you cant loose rating, and you will only gain rating 😄 The problem here is: playing alot will mean you go up higher and higher in the tiers. a Silver that plays 7 hours a day, will suddenly play with Plat players all the time.... and a platin player that only plays 4 games a week will face only "silvers".

Probably happens anyway with the current low population.

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There are waaaay too many problems with ranked to care about salvaging it at this point. New or casual players may not understand what I mean by this, but ranked no longer works. Like it doesn't work at all. It's completely dysfunctional in every mentionable way. That's not an opinion, I'm actually being serious.

It probably would be best if they turned ranked off and pooled remaining population all into unranked.

Leave ATs for competitive.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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