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5 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Neither does the Mech. 25-30% is around the amount of the damage the Mech does. A Ranger's pet is usually around 20%. 

Yeah, the Robot damage is around 25% or less, depend the setting, but now is even less if you consider the penalty of the 360 range in action, so, the Robot  can even do less damage then a ranger pet, even though, the basic of the Mecha class is founded on the Shared Robot damage and skill.............. Mecha loose utility F skills, 80% of the trait of the spec for the Robot, and we get nerf on nerf every patch......... and the max dps of the power spec BEFORE the patch was 32k-33k only as max........ (now i think is a bit lower too).

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10 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Neither does the Mech. 25-30% is around the amount of the damage the Mech does. A Ranger's pet is usually around 20%. 


Pmech benches at 33-34k.


Someone tested post nerf rifle does 17k.  


So yes, the mech DO represent at least 50% of the engineer damage

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4 hours ago, Alcatraznc.3869 said:


Pmech benches at 33-34k.


Someone tested post nerf rifle does 17k.  


So yes, the mech DO represent at least 50% of the engineer damage

Someone who benches 18k tested post-patch and got 17k, and instead of concluding that they bad, confirmation bias stepped in.

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On 12/1/2022 at 8:51 PM, Alcatraznc.3869 said:


As far as I know ranger pet does not represent more than 50% of the Ranger damage. 

Its way less than that, they only do about 5k max if even that. I guess that's roughly 10 to 20 percent of the Rangers total damage. 

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You cant compare rangers pet to mec, on rangers forum you have a post on pets dmg, that is counying them with boons even, but for boons they need nature magic wich is mostly a suport line, also beastmastery wich increases pets stats isnt that strong dps wise as a trait line, so you need 2 diferent trait lines to make pets do like 5k or so dmg, while mec uses a signet that is also a tp and its own trait line, also mec does more double pets dmg, have more life, etcetera.

the trait was made so you could not be a mec, go for a mecanic in strikes, raids or fracts, and have the mec doing all the dmg, because mecs were simply too op, doing mecanics and still doing almost all the dmg and suport, while other had to sacrifice dmg or boons to do a mecanic.

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I think the inconvenience of the buff range thing is overstated because in combat, the mech's positioning feels much more predictable than its idle movements because in fights the mech tracks with a target very consistently

. When the mech is in autoattack mode for both melee versions, it stays on the target and the F1 command also scoots it right up to the target if the mech happens to get a little out of position. In ranged mode, the mech stands still while pewpewing, so it's even more predictable. If you use the signet-boosting area CC F3, that also scoots the mech much closer to the target, in both melee and ranged modes.

The only time I found it difficult to manage positioning was when I put the mech in ranged mode, but I myself was using mace/shield.

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12 hours ago, Alcatraznc.3869 said:


Pmech benches at 33-34k.


Someone tested post nerf rifle does 17k.  


So yes, the mech DO represent at least 50% of the engineer damage

Power Mechanist got nerfed so hard that the Mech itself is equal to you now? I guess it's time to stop complaining about Power Mech now that people's "requests" are met.

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On 12/2/2022 at 5:57 AM, Alcatraznc.3869 said:

Most likely, my bad 

To be clear, I'm not even talking about a specific %, it's more about the approach of: the more significant it is, the less "automated" it should be. I'm relatively ok-ish with more passive pets as long as they don't have a -subjectively- rather big impact on the outcome of the build. The more the pet does, the more it should be controlled by the player. That's how "but that other option doesn't have to care about the pet that much/at all!" is -and reasonably should be- connected to "but it doesn't do as much as mech".

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On 11/28/2022 at 8:45 PM, Ashen.2907 said:

The Mechanist's Mech companion is simultaneously affected by shift signet. There is no need for it to "keep up."

The Mech is immune to CC.

Mechanist builds will still be very effective after tomorrow's patch. Even more so if you choose to stand near your companion.

How sure are you of that?  Because my friend and I tested it in pvp, and it is not immune to cc.  My post never said where.

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On 11/29/2022 at 6:15 AM, Sobx.1758 said:

Luckily they're not outside of the player's control. They're only outside of player's control if the player refuses to press additional buttons to actually have control over the mech in the first place.

Pfft....the mech is an AI, it does a lot of things outside of the player's control, EVEN when the player presses additional buttons.  You are making assumptions that players refuse to press additional buttons.  You can't have complete control over the mech or a pet, it is an AI.  Just because you tell either what to do, doesn't necessarily mean either do it.  My main is a ranger.

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3 minutes ago, HeIIica.2945 said:

Pfft....the mech is an AI, it does a lot of things outside of the player's control, EVEN when the player presses additional buttons.  You are making assumptions that players refuse to press additional buttons.  You can't have complete control over the mech or a pet, it is an AI.  Just because you tell either what to do, doesn't necessarily mean either do it. 

Not making assumptions, players not having issues with pressing buttons and pay attention to the mechs are still playing mechs instead of pretending it's somehow the spec-breaking change.

3 minutes ago, HeIIica.2945 said:

My main is a ranger.

No relevance to anything said above.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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On 11/29/2022 at 2:06 AM, HeIIica.2945 said:

Penalizing the engineer for something that is, under most circumstances, outside of its control, is really, as stupid does.  First, the bot, generally speaking, is super freaking slow. Second, clicking return to me key is even slower, due to needing an act of God, most of the time, to get it to work.  Thirdly, penalizes the use of some teleport skills, because the bot doesn’t keep up.  Why should we be penalized for actions that are outside of our control?  We can’t control our bot, at times, when it is being cc’d, or being engaged in battle.  This means I can’t leave an area now? I can’t escape, because it will kill my bot?  Will I become my bot’s defender? Anyone got super glue? A leash?


I heard this change is due to some people complaining, because the engineer would fight a distance from the bot, but um….all of these same things happen with the ranger…..is the ranger next?  Will the ranger be subject to being penalized for something outside of its control?  The same conditions exist for the ranger, except, the ranger can merge with its pet, making it stronger, and if you kill a ranger’s pet, it doesn’t render the ranger useless, unlike most mech engineers, who are useless without its mech.  Quack, quack, sitting ducks.


I suppose that brings me to the complaint I’ve seen, and read over and over again….the mech engineer is too strong for doing nothing, but yet there are tons and tons of posts stating the mech engineer’s damage is NOTHING, compared to other professions/builds, and we all know this is true.


Well look, fact of life, not everyone has the ability to play like the Tasmanian devil on speed, we all can’t be rocket scientists.  Pin a medal on your nose for being so wonderfully gifted, but I have two words for you, and I will spell it out for you…..C-A-R-P-A-L  T-U-N-N-E-L. I hope your parents have enough money to hire someone to wipe your butts….oh wait, if we are all rocket scientists……


It is wrong to penalize the engineer for an AI’s actions that are outside of the player’s control. Therefore, I’m not going to rage quit playing…..…I’m going to rage quit spending.


Ps….why, why, why are you breaking the balls to the staff Mesmer?


Mecanist did preform to good for how easy\low intesety if where, atleast that what i and many other belived where the chase before the nerf.


Now it have a weaknes you must play around and it makes require more skill to use optimaly.

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On 12/2/2022 at 3:10 PM, voltaicbore.8012 said:

I think the inconvenience of the buff range thing is overstated because in combat, the mech's positioning feels much more predictable than its idle movements because in fights the mech tracks with a target very consistently

. When the mech is in autoattack mode for both melee versions, it stays on the target and the F1 command also scoots it right up to the target if the mech happens to get a little out of position. In ranged mode, the mech stands still while pewpewing, so it's even more predictable. If you use the signet-boosting area CC F3, that also scoots the mech much closer to the target, in both melee and ranged modes.

The only time I found it difficult to manage positioning was when I put the mech in ranged mode, but I myself was using mace/shield.


I was explicitly refraining from mentioning it because the entire whining around mech was just going to far imo. It did irk me though that so many "mech mains" made confusing statements about how their mech will not stay close out of combat, never realizing that in combat movement and control is very different than out of combat.

Do I find the new interaction fun having to babysit the mech? Not really but I was doing that before already, especially on HAM. Do I prefer this solution versus shaving off another 2-4k dps from the spec, yes. It allows players with half a brain to at least mess around with mech without sending it to the bin.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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Yeah mech is now awefull to play, well down hater for making the game worst for other. Engineer rifle 1 animation is now the worst weapon animation of the entire game well down anet for listening to cry baby. Making engineer worst to play since 2019 aint a good way to balance your game. Anet gold of draining the fun out is killing my will to play. Wont log in till you bring back the 3x burst animation and unkitten mechanist. And before some stupid kid comment, I dont care about number, nerf the number if you must, but dont give me crap animation and crap mechanic.

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On 12/3/2022 at 7:25 PM, Sansar.1302 said:

Mecanist did preform to good for how easy\low intesety if where, atleast that what i and many other belived where the chase before the nerf.


Now it have a weaknes you must play around and it makes require more skill to use optimaly.

Go play mechanisit and tell HOW FUN and HOW ENGAGING is to play around a disfonctinnal mechanic and a weird bugged looking animation. Its nice that anet listen to people that dont play engi to know how engi should be balance.

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2 hours ago, Makuragee.3058 said:

Go play mechanisit and tell HOW FUN and HOW ENGAGING is to play around a disfonctinnal mechanic and a weird bugged looking animation. Its nice that anet listen to people that dont play engi to know how engi should be balance.

I am playing it and I have no problem controlling the mech keeping it in range. The animation is better than the weird meme-ish machine gun it was before. Obviously, people had some time to get used to it, which is why even just slowing it down now feels worse, but I think it does look k. Well, at least for asuras, since that's what my eng is. Still FUN and ENGAGING though.

I don't know what's about this repeated claim that anet somehow did it because of the players not playing engies -do you (and people like you who keep repeating this tired kitten) really think people not playing mech repeating they want it nerfed came up with a wide-spread idea to change it the way it got changed? My guess is that if people not playing/liking mechanist were in charge of the changes, they'd probably mostly just blow up the dmg coefficients. So please explain why this bullkitten keeps getting repeated here.

2 hours ago, Makuragee.3058 said:

Yeah mech is now awefull to play


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34 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

I am playing it and I have no problem controlling the mech keeping it in range. The animation is better than the weird meme-ish machine gun it was before. Obviously, people had some time to get used to it, which is why even just slowing it down now feels worse, but I think it does look k. Well, at least for asuras, since that's what my eng is. Still FUN and ENGAGING though.

I don't know what's about this repeated claim that anet somehow did it because of the players not playing engies -do you (and people like you who keep repeating this tired kitten) really think people not playing mech repeating they want it nerfed came up with a wide-spread idea to change it the way it got changed? My guess is that if people not playing/liking mechanist were in charge of the changes, they'd probably mostly just blow up the dmg coefficients. So please explain why this bullkitten keeps getting repeated here.


Something tell me youre not a good animator if you think the rifle 1 animation look ok now, it does not even look like the bullet are fired from the gun. It feal like my character is waving the gun back and for like an idiot and some time bullet come out of it. It has no impact, no weight, it look amateur. Ive seen student project looking way better than this. And yes mechanist new mechanic is clunky. But hey if you like it more power to you, I guess I just keep not logging in, but youre probably the type of person that will say it does not matter if people dont play your mmo. Surely less traffic and and thus less money in anet pocket is good for your mmo. Anet kitten up on this patch, most of the engi player agree on it. Before some stupid kid comment, yes POWER mechanist needed a nerf, not a middle finger.

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10 minutes ago, Makuragee.3058 said:

Something tell me youre not a good animator if you think the rifle 1 animation look ok now, it does not even look like the bullet are fired from the gun. It feal like my character is waving the gun back and for like an idiot and some time bullet come out of it. It has no impact, no weight, it look amateur. Ive seen student project looking way better than this. And yes mechanist new mechanic is clunky. But hey if you like it more power to you, I guess I just keep not logging in, but youre probably the type of person that will say it does not matter if people dont play your mmo. Surely less traffic and and thus less money in anet pocket is good for your mmo. Anet kitten up on this patch, most of the engi player agree on it. Before some stupid kid comment, yes POWER mechanist needed a nerf, not a middle finger.

It seems all your responses go right into personal insults mode, including your constantly repeated "before some stoopid kid comment!" remarks "just in case" someone dares saying anything you dislike 🤷‍♂️

I don't know why you think the animation isn't synced up with the bullet going out of the rifle, but seems like it's fine on my asura eng. 🤔 Maybe you're just too used to the pure PEWEPWEPEW caricature it was before the change. I find it weird they kept it in the previous form for this long, but oh well, somehow I still managed to live with it without calling people names just because it wasn't optimal for me.

Power mechanist didn't get "a middle finger", it's doing perfectly fine.

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16 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

It seems all your responses go right into personal insults mode, including your constantly repeated "before some stoopid kid comment!" remarks "just in case" someone dares saying anything you dislike 🤷‍♂️

I don't know why you think the animation isn't synced up with the bullet going out of the rifle, but seems like it's fine on my asura eng. 🤔 Maybe you're just too used to the pure PEWEPWEPEW caricature it was before the change. I find it weird they kept it in the previous form for this long, but oh well, somehow I still managed to live with it without calling people names just because it wasn't optimal for me.

Power mechanist didn't get "a middle finger", it's doing perfectly fine.

Seems like all the complainers just want a direct nerf. 

Maybe if we took the damage reduction to the Mech for not being close to the player and make it the default. They might be happy with that since now they don't feel like they are missing out by playing bad. 

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1 hour ago, Mell.4873 said:

Seems like all the complainers just want a direct nerf. 

Maybe if we took the damage reduction to the Mech for not being close to the player and make it the default. They might be happy with that since now they don't feel like they are missing out by playing bad. 

Not sure that's what you've meant, but I think that comes up to a good point. Anyone "being fine with just direct dps nerf" -and some of the people unhappy about the current change said exactly that- can simply ignore the added mechanic and play with that exact "direct nerf to damage" they'd "prefer". All the current option adds is better performance for more actions taken and more attention paid.

If someone "feels bad because they're missing out without playing more actively" then that seems rather self-centered and selfish to me. Basically "I don't want to play more actively, so nobody should be rewarded for doing it" -sounds awfully counter-productive.

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35 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Not sure that's what you've meant, but I think that comes up to a good point. Anyone "being fine with just direct dps nerf" -and some of the people unhappy about the current change said exactly that- then they can simply ignore the added mechanic and play with that exact "direct nerf to damage" they'd "prefer". All the current option adds is better performance for more actions taken and more attention paid.

If someone "feels bad because they're missing out without playing more actively" then that seems rather self-centered and selfish to me. Basically "I don't want to play more actively, so nobody should be rewarded for doing it" -sounds awfully counter-productive.

Yup you got my point.

I could have said the same thing with the Rifle, keep old animation and slash the dps by 20%. Mind you the real problem with the machine gun animation was in PvP not really in PvE. 

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