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Tag Watchers


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1 minute ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Hence why I am trying to think about how people use it legit today and would it really impact them if it was changed?

I've personally used the friends list to:
1- Confirm if someone I am fighting is someone I know, like a friend.  Then we can DM and say gg.
2- Figure out which pokemon, I mean Anet dev (collect them all), is repping Anet on an opposing team.
3- Track when possible tag watchers log in.
4- Track when guys like Indo log in or log out so as to possibly avoid his map queue.
5- Track when other guild drivers log in to get an idea of who is in play during our rally times.

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1 minute ago, Chaba.5410 said:

I've personally used the friends list to:
1- Confirm if someone I am fighting is someone I know, like a friend.  Then we can DM and say gg.
2- Figure out which pokemon, I mean Anet dev (collect them all), is repping Anet on an opposing team.
3- Track when possible tag watchers log in.
4- Track when guys like Indo log in or log out so as to possibly avoid his map queue.
5- Track when other guild drivers log in to get an idea of who is in play during our rally times.


Outside of 1, would just showing in WvW work? I agree I usually don't get friendly whispers from the other side but if I do and it was legit someone being a good sport I typically add them so if we are matched together might be able to catch them for some roaming or havocing or just to emote. Nothing better than getting a Charr war dance off going in the middle of no where, well until that zerg runs us both over.

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7 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:


Outside of 1, would just showing in WvW work?

That's what it usually does except for the part where there's a bug and it shows the map a player on a linked server is on.

I think there's some players that go to linked servers exactly for that reason too.

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18 minutes ago, jballstars.8219 said:

I am in fact that commander who was chased and hunted, farmed, that is perspective, but we aren't running from any fights like a wanna be fight guild.   I will string them along to get that fight out of that cloud though.

Oh, if you're the commander, would you mind explaining what happened outside of Odel Academy on, iirc, Saturday night?  We saw VIP streaming out of of the south gate and went to the sentry then to the earth shrine south of that tower and completely ignore our little band of 15 players with catas hitting the tower.  It was really baffling to us how we ended up not being seen until after you all passed us.  Definitely not predictable behavior.

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2 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

That's what it usually does except for the part where there's a bug and it shows the map a player on a linked server is on.

I think there's some players that go to linked servers exactly for that reason too.


That's a part of the reason I was thinking about apply the same rules to people on your server as it would if they weren't if this was mostly to combat alt-spying. The rest of the mechanics would already work. I don't like changes though that would impact people using it legit to group up with people on their server but that's why I am wondering would it though. Again I would just do a shoutout or whisper to them asking where are you peeps.

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29 minutes ago, jballstars.8219 said:

I am in fact that commander who was chased and hunted, farmed, that is perspective, but we aren't running from any fights like a wanna be fight guild.   I will string them along to get that fight out of that cloud though.

Can I give you a pro tip?


It isn’t wise to chase that fluffy white charr with your entire Zerg. The boys know your doing it everytime and absolutely chew up your entire back line.

hope that helps



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8 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:


That's a part of the reason I was thinking about apply the same rules to people on your server as it would if they weren't if this was mostly to combat alt-spying.

Oh you mean have it show WvW for players on your same team?  I didn't understand your question.

Yea that would affect not being able to see which map allied guilds are on and then having to do the extra step of bothering them to find out.  It kind of defeats the purpose of the contacts list.

For example, when I first log into WvW I usually check to see if and where Tyrion and a few other FA commanders are on so I can get an idea of which map we would be most useful on.  (That's my #5.)

I could see that also impacting pugs who are trying to follow a publicly tagged guild and the guild hops maps and didn't let the pugs know which map they headed to.

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14 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

Oh you mean have it show WvW for players on your same team?  I didn't understand your question.

Yea that would affect not being able to see which map allied guilds are on and then having to do the extra step of bothering them to find out.  It kind of defeats the purpose of the contacts list.

For example, when I first log into WvW I usually check to see if and where Tyrion and a few other FA commanders are on so I can get an idea of which map we would be most useful on.  (That's my #5.)

I could see that also impacting pugs who are trying to follow a publicly tagged guild and the guild hops maps and didn't let the pugs know which map they headed to.

Yup that was more the question. I do agree when havocing and taking on a decoy role if trying to work with other havocs to create a muti map decoy it comes in handy to see they hit one so you can hit the other. The pugs are my main concern with the idea and for others that do just get on if a tag is on even if I don't use it that way. Trying to ponder a middle ground here if there is one.

Edited by TheGrimm.5624
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3 hours ago, solemn.9670 said:

Elitist toxic tryhard tag watchers ssssstrike again!

It's always the elitist toxic tryhards amirightguys

Those elitist, tryhard, toxic, elitist, did I mention toxic, did I mention elitist, etc..

Tell me you are one of them without typing it directly , thanks for contributing that mind blowing perspective.

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2 hours ago, jballstars.8219 said:

I am in fact that commander who was chased and hunted, farmed, that is perspective, but we aren't running from any fights like a wanna be fight guild.   I will string them along to get that fight out of that cloud though.


well first of all it isn't perspective i distinctly remember sor having a sub 0.3 kdr during those hours and you guys were the only sizeable group online so it wasnt like mag was farming anyone else


secondly you guys are extremely easy to predict, team chat is literally spammed with your exact location every time you come out of spawn on any map that isn't red, and especially when you wipe the cloud instantly ported to smc or overlook every time because you were either going to hit mendons or veloka OR take the long way out of spawn and run through dredge/west smc to golanta where you would be unable to kill the one scout there contesting long enough for the rest of the cloud to show up. your group would then pretty much stand still as the mag cloud bombed around you guys until you died. then you either did the same things again or you ported maps and got scouted by the roamers on the borderlands. and yes, the mag hivemind mentality is there because once one roamer knows where you are you best believe the entire cloud knows where you are

Edited by Corabelle.3254
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1 minute ago, Corabelle.3254 said:


well first of all it isn't perspective i distinctly remember sor having a sub 0.3 kdr during those hours and you guys were the only sizeable group online so it wasnt like mag was farming anyone else


secondly you guys are extremely easy to predict, team chat is literally spammed with your exact location every time you come out of spawn on any map that isn't red, and especially when you wipe the cloud instantly ported to smc or overlook every time because you were either going to hit mendons or veloka OR take the long way out of spawn and run through dredge/west smc to golanta where you would be unable to kill the one scout there contesting long enough for the rest of the cloud to show up. your group would then pretty much stand still as the mag cloud bombed around you guys until you died. then you either did the same things again or you ported maps and got scouted by the roamers on the borderlands

We are easy to predict because the only spot we can come out is spawn, Mag in fact spawn camped on every map except our home.   Our KDR was so low because the pugs ran into them, and we definitely melee ball vs the cloud, but we move just fine.  We could just stay on our borderland to avoid the camping but we aren't dwelling on the KDR and giving in to Maguumas bullying tactics.   That KDR is such a small aspect of the game and yet folks love throwing that out as the end all measurement of success in WvW when there are so many contributing factors.    We do WvW for the comradery and the fun, the fights and the laughs.  Maguuma and others HAVE to validate themselves , cheat , and use such underhanded tactics as tag watches and alt que's because they couldn't otherwise stay relevant.


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10 hours ago, jballstars.8219 said:

Why does ANET continue to allow tag watching to be a thing?  Followers should have to be approved.   Furthermore followers should not be able to see our location while we are in WvW.   My followers list is way too long to go through and block every alt, tag watching try hard.   Nor should I have to , turn that off in WvW.   We shouldn’t have to go offline to avoid the cheaters.   If it isn’t tag watching , there are other try hards who use alt accounts to sit on maps and keep an eye on us.  Are they that bent on winning that this all seems acceptable?  Guilds like mine who don’t play the game this way are ridiculed, lambasted, called names, bullied and hunted.  I welcome these try hards to try and chase us off , almost 5 years they haven’t yet. Alts que’ing our maps by guilds we are matched up against,  FairPlay is becoming more and more rare.   No game is this serious , nor the rewards that great to try this hard, yet they do it and at the expense of others every day while the FairPlay folk suffer and are persecuted by elitist toxic try hards. 

Just because you're paranoid, don't mean they're not after you.

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2 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:


Outside of 1, would just showing in WvW work? I agree I usually don't get friendly whispers from the other side but if I do and it was legit someone being a good sport I typically add them so if we are matched together might be able to catch them for some roaming or havocing or just to emote. Nothing better than getting a Charr war dance off going in the middle of no where, well until that zerg runs us both over.

I have those that I am friendly with, likeminded or not , and I share the gg with those that aren't trolling or being bullies.   Sadly most of the whispers I get are negative and name calling ones, telling me to take my guild and its players back to PvE.    I was even dox'd by some sad soul , my info was given to a hate group led by a disgruntled sad little man.  They had their accounts taken away for 6 months, should have been a perma ban but ANET.


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3 hours ago, Corabelle.3254 said:

you guys were the only sizeable group online so it wasnt like mag was farming anyone else

How unrealistic is it to expect that the only major available content during some skirmish isn't going to get chased?

Seriously, make alliances with other guilds to avoid those situations...

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I've been paired to ViP before and what I noticed is they often play closed squads, don't recruit in wvw, nor do they respond to team chat or map chat to scouts nor to guilds who they could fight with as allies. Never seen a discord link or then advertising their raid starting, and half the time they think ppl are spying on maps on them when people just look at friends list from their mains so they go private tag. Seems to me ViP has a teamwork issue and is too exclusive for their skill level. Now I could be wrong but that was my experience being on the same link with them. Having an alliance with other guilds or trying to get bigger groups would probably help them out if they don't want to focus on the bigger issue of player skill. 

However I wouldn't be against people in wvw just showing "wvw" of some sort for anyone in a wvw map. Wouldn't bother me much. 


Not really sure what spitty is asking anet for though. 

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Got paired with ViP before too, not a pleasant experience to be honest. And they seems to be one of the largest guild out there with the guild members spreading across several sister guilds since the main guild not able to accommodate all. 


So this is your problem here, why blame on tag watching when you have guild size that large?

Can it be that you already have a two-timer traitor? 


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Having read through most of the posts in this thread, I must confess I find the OP's complaint a bit amusing; not so much that it's happening, but more so the fact that they're acting as though it's something recent in the gamemode. Tag-watching/pin-sniping has been going on for as long as the gamemode has existed. Personally I find it rather silly to waste one's time logging into an alt account just to spy on the enemy, but there will always be others who feel the need to resort to such methods to gain an advantage.

But there are several things you can do to prevent it:

1) Run with a private/hidden tag.

2) Make sure no one in the guild being tracked is repping that guild (at least when you leave the spawn area and also whenever you're capping an objective; even if you don't claim the objective your guild tag will appear in the list of guilds with a possible claim when the objective first flips).

3) Have the members of your guild run 'invisible' (ie. rather than showing as online/away) and move maps frequently if you feel your guild is being followed/tracked.

Is it annoying to have to go through all this? Yes. But at some point you have to take matters into your own hands rather than expect Anet to do it all for you.

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12 hours ago, jballstars.8219 said:

I am in fact that commander who was chased and hunted, farmed, that is perspective, but we aren't running from any fights like a wanna be fight guild.   I will string them along to get that fight out of that cloud though.


On sos the scouts call out were vip is and lots come for the easier fight.  

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It is stupid. Typically there is only 1 enemy blob at a time anyways. It just ends up with the winner chasing you down. Even some nicer guilds have a person to do this, just because they don't want to capture things (which is natural with the bad objective balance atm)


What is even worse is that if you lack numbers at the time, you're supposed to play more "strategical", which means trying to capture something without being spotted. But half the time there is a "scout" that just checks his friendlist and follows you, then types it in teamchat. Even if you go invisible (which removes whispers and guild chat), they can just do it to someone else in your blob.

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1 hour ago, Ronin.4501 said:

3) Have the members of your guild run 'invisible' (ie. rather than showing as online/away) and move maps frequently if you feel your guild is being followed/tracked.

You lose whispers and ALL guild chats doing this. Also it isn't option for open tags.


Lets say you actually do it and give up guilds and whisper chats. Doesn't that just make the game much worse? Lets say they removed Whisper and guild chats from people for anyone in WvW, would you also find that reasonable feature?

1 hour ago, Ronin.4501 said:

Is it annoying to have to go through all this? Yes. But at some point you have to take matters into your own hands rather than expect Anet to do it all for you.

The game originally blocked vision of enemy servers in WvW. Devs are supposed to make the game better, not worse. All it takes is 1 person to do this to make the gamemode much worse.

Edited by Riba.3271
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16 hours ago, Guybrush.4762 said:

Listing their location as a generic "World vs World" should do the trick, though as often with UI changes it may be easier said than done.

It shouldn't be too difficult to integrate as it's already a feature when you check your friends list from the character select screen; from there, it only shows "World vs. World". 

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21 hours ago, jballstars.8219 said:

Why does ANET continue to allow tag watching to be a thing?  Followers should have to be approved.   Furthermore followers should not be able to see our location while we are in WvW.   My followers list is way too long to go through and block every alt, tag watching try hard.   Nor should I have to , turn that off in WvW.   We shouldn’t have to go offline to avoid the cheaters.   If it isn’t tag watching , there are other try hards who use alt accounts to sit on maps and keep an eye on us.  Are they that bent on winning that this all seems acceptable?  Guilds like mine who don’t play the game this way are ridiculed, lambasted, called names, bullied and hunted.  I welcome these try hards to try and chase us off , almost 5 years they haven’t yet. Alts que’ing our maps by guilds we are matched up against,  FairPlay is becoming more and more rare.   No game is this serious , nor the rewards that great to try this hard, yet they do it and at the expense of others every day while the FairPlay folk suffer and are persecuted by elitist toxic try hards. 

if you have block people, they cannot see you anymore on their friends / foes list.

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