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Tag Watchers !? Who needs them…


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Before anyone starts angrily typing at the keyboard, I feel like we should take this as a learning experience.

First thing is the relative spread of the group. The cohesion is extremely poor and the fact is that half the group ran and half stayed. You absolutely cannot be a tail or stick out and unfortunately you have to be a bit harsher on people that do not stick together. I feel like it is better to do something stupid together as a group than do multiple stupid things apart.

I bring this up because this is a very consistent problem. In fact, sometimes your members sometimes have worse aggro than some NPCs. That needs to stop. 

The second thing is pulls? CC? There was no stab on the Mesmer at the start of the video. Dragon Banners have a break bar. It didn't even  budge. Why were they allowed to freecast like that unpunished? They took a grand total of 3000 damage. Even if everyone does 500 damage each, they should be easily downed to focus fire.

Third, dragon banner, mortar was also devastating. Condition clears should always be spammed.

And finally, this is something out of this group's control. Remember if you see any one from SBI on EB you should assume they are a rallybot unless proven otherwise. And if they're on a non-meta class, either kick them or let them die first (takes about 2 seconds either way)

Now I know you had the misfortune of being linked with part of  SBI in that link which is effectively an autoloss, but do take that into consideration. At least you didn't get their worst players; they were on blue.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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Yeah worry less about who's watching you, and watch where you stand.

Move and don't stand in red circles.

Positioning is one of the top things to pay attention to in wvw, head on a swivel is the other.

Any commander that allows their group to sit in red rings all day long deserves to get wiped, even to one banner. 😕 

I've blown up groups sitting in lords rooms with dragon banner, but out in the open courtyard, big yikes.

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2 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

Please zoom in on the mini map so we can see the numbers around you.

They sure standing in a lot of siege fire too.

You can zoom in, spin around or how ever else you want to try and find out how many people we had.  Trust me when I say, what you see on the screen is what’s there. 4-5 and 1 guy on the mortar who doesn’t really hit the main group till after they are all down.


The point was that we don’t need to use “alts” to Tag Watch.

We don’t need “alts” to pile up in spawn to Que them out.  






Edited by moutzaheadin.4029
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1 hour ago, moutzaheadin.4029 said:

You can zoom in, spin around or how ever else you want to try and find out how many people we had.  Trust me when I say, what you see on the screen is what’s there. 4-5 and 1 guy on the mortar who doesn’t really hit the main group till after they are all down.


The point was that we don’t need to use “alts” to Tag Watch.

We don’t need “alts” to pile up in spawn to Que them out.  


For sure.  It's just a suggestion to improve the video.  Zooming in on the mini-map lends more credibility as viewers don't have to try and find out how many allies were around.  Far harder to argue and hedge about numbers when the mini-map would show it.

BTW, there's also some cannon fire from the third floor.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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37 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

For sure.  It's just a suggestion to improve the video.  Zooming in on the mini-map lends more credibility as viewers don't have to try and find out how many allies were around.  Far harder to argue and hedge about numbers when the mini-map would show it.

His camera showed the right side at the beginning, it clearly wasn't a zerg v zerg fight, it was like 5 vs 25-30, then after the downs starting coming he spun around and once again showed no massive amount of allies anywhere, took another 45s to even kill the downed. This isn't a case of indo bragging about killing a map blob with 30 while having 20 other greens around too. 🤭

Edited by Xenesis.6389
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Well, this is why PvP games should be relatively fair combatwise instead of one side having unavoidable banners, airships and claim buffs. Like immobile siege is fine it is easy to spot and choose a counterstrategy that minimizes enemy advantage.


I don't think there are any other games out there that disincentivise attacking anything so much. At least other games force groups to go to neutral ground, else they lose to many resources.


They need to reduce tactic banner duration to 3 minutes (so attackers can play around it), reduce claim buff combat stats massively (or even better rework it into non combat stats) and make airship last like 1 minute max.  SM and side keeps on borderlands should require at least 50% more dolyaks to upgrade. Then we would have a fighting game with constant action and people willing to attack all day.

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9 minutes ago, ivyivyivyivyyyy.6498 said:

Now I get it, they lost to 5 ppl because of three reasons.


1. Ping too high. (Yeah sure, let's assume 1000 ping is real)

2. Sieges/tatics too strong.

3. Tag watchers.


It is never about the players, right? 



Don't forget "hard cases", pugs, and new guildies of fun-loving adults.

Don't you teach your new players to stand in red circles too?

Maybe it was support training, see how long support can keep up their rotations under live fire?  I'd suggest there's better locations to do that kind of training in though...

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55 minutes ago, ivyivyivyivyyyy.6498 said:

Now I get it, they lost to 5 ppl because of three reasons.


1. Ping too high. (Yeah sure, let's assume 1000 ping is real)

2. Sieges/tatics too strong.

3. Tag watchers.


It is never about the players, right? 

Usually how it is, blame everything else but themselves so they don't have an excuse to improve as they did nothing wrong.

5 people kill 30 and we suddenly need to nerf banners, tactivators, claim buff, dolyaks, supply.... instead of those 30 people simply dodging out of red rings and rectangles like they're suppose to... 🥴

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19 minutes ago, Stash.8401 said:

"ViP on east keep"


*they suddenly waypoint out*.........every time


Are you implying that they don't actually want to fight?




Almost as unbelievable as implying that the folks complaining about 'tag watching' alt accounts would use their own spies to watch an enemy's team/map chat.

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40 minutes ago, Phelan.2014 said:


Are you implying that they don't actually want to fight?




Almost as unbelievable as implying that the folks complaining about 'tag watching' alt accounts would use their own spies to watch an enemy's team/map chat.

ViP doesn't fight anyone, the run away, doesn't claim anything, takes up space on the WvW server.  The leader is caustic, they don't add tactics, they don't allow members or officers to do anything but say yes kittenmaster with the weird spelling.  What else?  IMHO that guild is a joke.  Poor SoR, I transferred off that server because they were always linked to Dragon Brand. Oh and yes the guild leader called me a Mag spy, what a !##%$  I'm not even on Mag !!

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3 hours ago, ivyivyivyivyyyy.6498 said:

. Ping too high. (Yeah sure, let's assume 1000 ping is real)

As someone that occasionally hits 1000+ ping I assure you that you wouldn't even be stepping into SMC with that ping, much less leading a group into it because you would rubber band so hard that you'd get flung back to your own keep. It's also very evident if someone is lagging that badly-- you'll see them "teleport" via rubber banding.

Having your entire group lag, would suggest a server wide failure but that would affect everyone.

So either:

1.) Everyone's lagging so badly but they're all lagging in sync to vaguely form a cohesive group by sheer luck

2.) The group isn't working together and coordinated.

Furthermore even if 50% of the players were lagging, the other half would still be able to take on 6 people.

Also, I wonder how a group that has 1000+ ping always manage to chase solo players across  a map?

edit: In all fairness, the poster who brought up the lag was not speaking on behalf of VIP but based on something they heard.


20 minutes ago, Soupeod.5714 said:

Oh and yes the guild leader called me a Mag spy, what a !##%$  I'm not even on Mag !!

Sounds familiar.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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