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Help with figuring out how certain classes are taking no damage


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On 1/2/2023 at 2:17 PM, captrowdy.9561 said:

Your playing a class that’s not doing much dmg. Switch to soulbeast. There’s a glassy build and a tanky one that’s more forgiving. I run marauders/zerk with wilderness survival and beast mastery. Great for roaming and outnumbered fights. 

Most of those ranger builds aren't doing anything to the new ele, mesmer and thief builds.

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On 12/24/2022 at 7:59 AM, meerfunkuhtron.9725 said:

I wasn't really sure where to post this, but since I've only been seeing this in WvW, I'll ask here.
I didn't play for a few years but have started being active again recently. So I know there's a lot of changes I've missed, and just not familiar with the new classes. I've noticed that there's instances when I'm not damaging enemy players at all; specifically, I've seen this on Willbenders, but have also seen the same against auramancers. Now, typically, when a damage is being negated, the game tells you, right? Like if they're blocking, invuln, or evading, etc. But I'm not seeing those in this particular instance--they are simply not taking any damage, both from melee and ranged projectiles. With Willbenders, I noticed they have what looks like a light aura during this time, but I was looking at their kit and didn't see anything about light aura or anything else completely negating damage (except for their heal skill which only negates one attack, from what I gathered at least, and not multiple attacks lasting for what feels like 10 seconds). I am also not blinded during these situations, which is the only other thing I was expecting that would make my attacks miss.


Any help here would be great! I'm not enjoying the fact that I'm not seeing the typical flying texts or other animations that accompany such powerful skills. But the next best thing is to figure out what possible skills are at work so I can plan my fights better. Thank you in advance!

Willy Benders are currently broken.

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For Untamed I typically run this: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POgAMFlFw8YssVmLO+OpR9Sk+HA-zVhYBRFKTMs5gAPCy4UCTCkpIoXhQLLA1cACYP8WiYGAA-w


It has good damage and good survivability for most matchups in a 1v1 scenario. 


Willbenders have a very front loaded burst. Especially if they are power. They are designed to port in unload their damage and port out. It's the assassin archetype. They don't have a lot of sustain damage. 


Guard in general has a lot of light fields it can generate which can be leapt through to grant light aura, but it sounds like the Willbender you are mentioning is likely running the Radiance trait line. The very first minor trait is called 'Justice is Blind'. This causes them to gain a light aura and blind nearby foes for 3 seconds in a 240 radius on activation of their F1. 

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  • 1 year later...
On 12/24/2022 at 8:51 AM, Dawdler.8521 said:

Boons, plain and simple. Perma protection, vigor, resistance/resolution, aegis up the whazoo, etc. And of course while doing all that, stack 25 might so that they can be bunkers doing more damage than full dps. 99% guaranteed to run cele gear.

Then add self healing, combo fields (eles are worse than guards though) and a shitload of teleports. 

The thing about Boons, their effect, coming from one players on his/her self, isn't that great to where a single player is going to become a Zerg.  There's websites showing the break down of every Boon and what it gives, so if Boons are making players into single Zergs, the Boons they're using are not normally possible.  This is evident if you play PvE...  You don't see Mesmers, "Eles" and Thiefs going into "God Mode" in PvE, they are dying in PvE, all the time because I keep picking them up off the ground.

Unless these players are wearing Gear better than Legendary, their Boons are some how "Jacked Up."  I've played all the classes and the ones that generate the most Boons, do NOT turn you into a God.  Saying it's the Boons is both the truth and a lie.  Yeah, it's the Boons, but it's Boons a NORMAL: player will never generate and that's the only reason these players keep killing other players in WvW.  They have no skills, they're just Gods because of Boons, Super-Speed, etc., they are magically getting...  Right!  Oh, it's the BUILDS! .....  Right!

"ArenaNet Babies" and Client-Side Hackers aren't going anywhere and will forever roam WvW.


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Yeah, game is filled with hackers getting perma boons from no actual sources it's ridiculous. Dummies who just spam evade constantly with infinite endurance while jumping 10 people alone and evading every source of cc for 30 seconds straight while being unkillable and doing insane damage. Just yesterday a kitten spectre with perma stability soloed 16 players in our main keep entrance lmao.

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  • 1 month later...

My "Engi" generate sustain boons like crazy with lots of stability uptime, but still take damage as if my boons are not there.  For a gear level game, (legendary and ascension) with all the meta builds online, there's no reason why one player with a meta build can absorb all damage while another player with the same build, gets killed in one or two hits, generating the same boons.

It's a red flag and one that's going to be there until the servers go dry....and they will.

When you're in WvW, you're just a rabbit for those privileged players and if they're hunting you like they're hunting me, they will teleport on top of you no matter what their class is.  I even had one left in the dust while I was on mount and he was on foot and he teleported about a game mile in front of me and stayed invisible until I got close and then did a one hit ranged shot.  It's to the point they teleport on top of me and stay invisible while attacking.  If I'm lucky, I'll see them show themselves after I'm downed.  Sometimes they'll just stay floating on top of me invisible dealing smaller damage as I move, not enough to down me, but just enough for me to know they're still there, even thought I'm basically back in my own Keep.  They also like to automatically slow my movement speed when I'm in a Zerg, even though I'm under the effect of multiple swiftness boons and speed relic, they ignore all that, even stability and make my character get behind and singled out, then they'll do a pull while my stability is still up.

One of these days, I'm going to be recording everything and Youtube will blowup with the videos.  The only reason I haven't started recording it is because I don't want to buy the liquid cooling gaming PC I have on my shopping list, yet.  Not an issue, it's only 1700 USD, but I don't have the time to be playing GW2 like that since I have so much developing work to do.

One of these days though...  There will be an explosion of videos showing how the "ArenaNet Babies" do it, every day, all day and Fan Boys and "Gurls" won't be able to lie about it anymore.


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3 hours ago, pcgamefreak.5208 said:

The only reason I haven't started recording it is because I don't want to buy the liquid cooling gaming PC I have on my shopping list, yet.  Not an issue, it's only 1700 USD, but I don't have the time to be playing GW2 like that since I have so much developing work to do.

One of these days though...  There will be an explosion of videos showing how the "ArenaNet Babies" do it, every day, all day and Fan Boys and "Gurls" won't be able to lie about it anymore.

you do not need liquid cooling to record videos, don't let trivialities such as cooling systems hold you back! - looking forward to your videos.

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On 12/28/2022 at 12:53 AM, oscuro.9720 said:

I would recommend learning matchups in duels vs classes you struggle with. You’ll get a better grip of how to interact with them just from the volume of fights you can get dueling instead of roaming. I have a few willbender friends of varying skill level, if you need help finding someone to duel.

The first thing you learn is:
Don't fight thieves because you can't win
Don't fight willbender because you can't win

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58 minutes ago, urd.8306 said:

The first thing you learn is:
Don't fight thieves because you can't win
Don't fight willbender because you can't win


I can stall does that count as win? Ofc players that know how to play will win but must are keyboard maaaashers.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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On 12/24/2022 at 7:19 PM, Chaba.5410 said:

It's refreshing to see the rare post in this forum from someone who is willing to learn what's happening rather than the usual post accusing players of hacks and exploits or calling for nerfs.  Trying and learning the builds is a great step to learning counters for them.

If only that was 100% true though.... except it's far from it.

WvW is rife again with haxters.. right now in our Palawadan matchup, there are at least 3 mesmers using under surface hacks and at least 1 or 2 will benders doing this also with god mode  playing on the Fortunes Vale team.

Learning to counter a 20-30 man boon ball is completely useless .. 1v1 maybe.

Add to that if everyone was to join the coolade and run those builds, then what's the point of having other classes in the game.


No the real issues lay in the total garbage balancing of the mode by WvW Anet devs.. It seems many of the buffs and nerfs are pushed into the mode to suit their own gaming. Risk and reward of toon builds has disappeared, now it run "META" or be prepared to lose the enjoyment of WWW.

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10 hours ago, urd.8306 said:

It's not a win when they survive.

meanwhile one can demolish them with warrior with spear bypasses everything even herald healing skill convert damage o heal  🙂  I am literally being melted and cant heal with spear warriros xD

bug or intended... its far more broken than bender, wiped the bender near me in 2 seconds, me in another 2 seconds and other 3 players xD

10k harries tosses, so many heavy hits dunno  if Anet forcing every one to play minstrel or something else 😕

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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