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How do you feel about Rifle Burst? (Poll)


Tyria's next top rifle  

118 members have voted

  1. 1. Which animation is/was the best?

    • Hip Shot - (One Bullet)
    • Rifle Burst - (Two Bullets)
    • Rifle Burst - (Three Bullets)
    • Just make it a shotgun lol

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I would prefer they just make a shotgun instead. It can shoot slugs if they want, but all I care about mainly is that you shoulder fire it still and that they don't revert to the ugly unprofessional hip shot. Just because it is a shotgun doesn't mean you don't have to aim it still. But if shotgun never comes I can live with 2 shot because they at least still aim it with the shoulder and all.

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Make it a chain autoattack. Bullet. Bullet. Grenade. Keeps it mostly firing bullets but they can slow down the chain to something reasonable (adjusting coefficients to match). Would mean less explosion procs, but to be honest, I'd also like to see grenades reduced to one grenade per throw so explosion traits don't have to be balanced on the basis that they may be being procced in threes.

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Not sure if this makes any sense, but if they do keep it 2 shotter do it like a double barrel. Like Doom or any other FPS. Start the animation and fire instant. Pew, Pew! 2 shots directly after each other with a short reload animation after.


Not like it is now: Attack! ...Pew! ........Pew?............. 🥴

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2 hours ago, HeIIica.2945 said:

I paid for a legendary rifle, not a shotgun. 


Well, hate to break the news to you, but it is a shotgun still. Look at all the traits and the actual skills. If you want a rifle, you need to go to warrior or deadeye for that. The engi "rifle" has always been a shotgun in everything but name.

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On 1/1/2023 at 1:14 AM, Doctor Hide.6345 said:


Well, hate to break the news to you, but it is a shotgun still. Look at all the traits and the actual skills. If you want a rifle, you need to go to warrior or deadeye for that. The engi "rifle" has always been a shotgun in everything but name.

A rifle is a rifle is a rifle, and what I paid for was a legendary r-i-f-l-e.  A shotgun is shotgun.  An apple is an apple, and an orange is an orange. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, its still a r-i-f-l-e!

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10 minutes ago, HeIIica.2945 said:

A rifle is a rifle is a rifle, and what I paid for was a legendary r-i-f-l-e.  A shotgun is shotgun.  An apple is an apple, and an orange is an orange. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, its still a r-i-f-l-e!


     That is only because of game rules basically. They probably didn't want to go too far down the modern weapon route with shotguns, submachine guns etc... So they just stuck with pistol and rifle. They decided to use the actual traits and skills to make the difference in how they actually play. 

     So, I am going to use the same kitten annoying tone you used with mine to finish this off. It has the traits of a shotgun, the skills of a shotgun, the most effect range of a shotgun for damage(for video game logic), so it is a shotgun. Well, would you look at that. Mine actually matches up to how it actually plays in game to be most effective with it. And it turns out to be basically a shotgun. Who would have thunk it!

Edited by Doctor Hide.6345
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6 minutes ago, Doctor Hide.6345 said:


     That is only because of game rules basically. They probably didn't want to go too far down the modern weapon route with shotguns, submachine guns etc... So they just stuck with pistol and rifle. They decided to use the actual traits and skills to make the difference in how they actually play. 

     So, I am going to use the same kitten annoying tone you used with mine to finish this off. It has the traits of a shotgun, the skills of a shotgun, the most effect range of a shotgun for damage(for video game logic), so it is a shotgun. Well, would you look at that. Mine actually matches up to how it actually plays in game to be most effective with it. And it turns out to be basically a shotgun. Who would have thunk it!

Tone would be facetious, and yet, it is still a rifle.  😀

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Just now, Doctor Hide.6345 said:

 Yeah, you are just a troll. I got it now. Good bye.

No, I am not a troll.....I have a very, very, valid point......I paid for a legendary RIFLE, I didn't pay for a legendary SHOTGUN. My original post was a statement of fact, you are the one who responded to it.   I didn't call you names, so pls don't call me names. 

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Just now, HeIIica.2945 said:

No, I am not a troll.....I have a very, very, valid point......I paid for a legendary RIFLE, I didn't pay for a legendary SHOTGUN. My original post was a statement of fact, you are the one who responded to it.   I didn't call you names, so pls don't call me names. 


     You didn't need to call me names because you responded with that facetious tone. That is more than enough reasoning for my calling of names back. If you didn't want me to call you that, you should have responded more serious with me. I am not a joking person.

     The fact of the matter is it doesn't matter what you paid. The engi "rifle" has always been a shotgun since the very start of the game. You should have done your research first into what the actual profession is before spending the time and money on getting a legendary for it. It doesn't matter that it shot 3 rounds for a bit or a hip shot or the now 2 shot. At it's core with skills and traits was always a shotgun.

     Now if you paid for a lego rifle for other professions than that is all nice and dandy, but that purchase doesn't mean diddly squat when it comes to engineer because that weapon was never a rifle to begin with.  

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4 hours ago, HeIIica.2945 said:

No, I am not a troll.....I have a very, very, valid point......I paid for a legendary RIFLE, I didn't pay for a legendary SHOTGUN. My original post was a statement of fact, you are the one who responded to it.   I didn't call you names, so pls don't call me names. 

One of the legendary rifles is actually a cannon. I don't think your point is all that valid.

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5 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

One of the legendary rifles is actually a cannon. I don't think your point is all that valid.

And in a way, engineer 'rifle' does feel a bit like a miniature cannon, especially now. Fire an explosive shell! Fire grapeshot! Fire a shot with so much momentum behind it that it throws enemies flying! Net shot and the rocket jump are a little harder to explain within this paradigm, but still. Using The Predator with engineer skills has always had a bit of weirdness to it.

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On 12/31/2022 at 10:40 PM, HeIIica.2945 said:

I paid for a legendary rifle, not a shotgun. 

I have to agree with this. Changing the skin completely to a shotgun really screws the people who paid gold already for the legendary rifle skin for its look and animation. Tbh I'm not happy with the animation change they already did with the original rifle mech. It looks like the mech is just blowing up grenades in its own face now (looks more ridiculous with quickness on). No longer does the mech look like hes firing awesome big blazing orange sparkling shining bullets across the screen with the fiery legendary rifle. Does anyone other than ME even remember how awesome the old animation looked with that?? This is why people buy skins folks! It's not just about how the weapon art alone looks, but also the ANIMATION when using it!

Please consider changing the animation back to the original way it was. Improve the grenade animation or just get rid of it and go back to the original 3 bullet animation. (not saying to increase/decrease damage, just improving the animation only. Skins and art animation are everything in this game, and the way for example the legendary rifle currently operates on the mech during combat is just awful, and it deserves MUCH better imo. The original animation was really the best. Any new premium rifle skins in the future would look a lot better with it too.

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