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World vs. World: January 31 Update Preview

Rubi Bayer.8493

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New player experience: catch-up with teammates on warclaws. Always arrive too late at parties and miss out on xp and fun.


Essentially the first hours, you will do nothing, no fighting, no objectives, nothing. Because you will never be able to keep up. So just walk around the map and try to keep up for a few hours until you get enough ticks and then you can finally participate in WvW with your team.


This is such a major design flaw... you basically exclude all new players and they lose apatite for this mode because of this.

Time gating WvW (ticks -> warclaw) not player friendly.

Edit: it's also hard to keep Tier up for ticks. If I die, I have to walk back. By time I can join fight I lost several tiers. Again. Why do you do this to new players? Shouldn't you help new players ease into the mode instead of the opposite? The first few hours everything works against new players.


Edited by GroteDwerg.4752
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57 minutes ago, GroteDwerg.4752 said:

New player experience: catch-up with teammates on warclaws. Always arrive too late at parties and miss out on xp and fun.


Essentially the first hours, you will do nothing, no fighting, no objectives, nothing. Because you will never be able to keep up. So just walk around the map and try to keep up for a few hours until you get enough ticks and then you can finally participate in WvW with your team.


This is such a major design flaw... you basically exclude all new players and they lose apatite for this mode because of this.

Time gating WvW (ticks -> warclaw) not player friendly.

Edit: it's also hard to keep Tier up for ticks. If I die, I have to walk back. By time I can join fight I lost several tiers. Again. Why do you do this to new players? Shouldn't you help new players ease into the mode instead of the opposite? The first few hours everything works against new players.


Hello and welcome to this crazy mode.

I don't remember taking long to get the mount (a couple of days?). If you are new you will also have plenty of things to do and learn. Maybe it's easier if you're on the home map, stay close to your facilities, and move with others as much as you can.

Also do not be afraid to write it on the ciat to slow down the pace because you do not have a mount. Usually players always worry about newcomers. They will be waiting for you, unless conditions force your team to move extremely quickly for a double enemy in attack.

Edited by Mabi black.1824
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WvW scales with number of players like no other game mode (just few open world meta events are exception) , WvW need consistently high amount of players to even be alive.

New rewards are better than nothing but they are not consistent/repeatable so they will not bring consistent population and will not adress population issues.

People will just log in on their pve builds for fast achievs as they already do for veteran or kill guard daily.

Unless rewards compete with at least open world there is no fix, players want to be rewarded its not rocket science.

I play wvw for years just for fun of it, but its not fun if there is lack of players which leads to imbalance of population on servers, which in turn leads to all sorts of problems killing that same fun i came for.


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41 minutes ago, Daxia.1425 said:

I like they doing something but im confused.... i hope it turns out to be a good thing. I wonder if they use feedback from the community. 


The feedback they do and don't pay attention too is the problem.  Many of us have been asking for defense of objectives to be made more rewarding, and asking for support roles to be better compensated for doing anything support related since they literal start of the game and yet here we are.  Unless you are zerging around and doing damage in fights and not bothering to protect a structure, you will be rewarded.  Everything else is bunk.  So in the end, join a zerg and hope they don't require you to be on comms or you might get kicked from the squad or just left behind on a map or you can have a go at solo roaming to flip camps until the enemy zerg finds you and roles through you.  

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Honestly at this point it wouldn't surprise me if they all of a sudden make placed siege usable by all teams on the maps. Meaning that anyone from red blue or green teams could interact with any siege that is fully built or in other words "People leaving their keys in their rams, catas, and cannons again!"🧐🤷‍♂️🤣 

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3 minutes ago, prototypedragon.1406 said:

Honestly at this point it wouldn't surprise me if they all of a sudden make placed siege usable by all teams on the maps. Meaning that anyone from red blue or green teams could interact with any siege that is fully built or in other words "People leaving their keys in their rams, catas, and cannons again!"🧐🤷‍♂️🤣 

It would fix the camp golem issue so I would be fine with that.

And in regards to the patch itself...

The cornerstone is still invisible, right?

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This is really embarrassing. Pretty much nothing was done. I remember some ArenaNet staff saying the WvW reward changes are planned to incentivize players to "rumble" more, yet all I see, the Skirmish Ticket achievement aside, is a joke. 

For example "Increased the damage and health of camp supervisors by 10%." 

WTF? Really? So for a small group of 4-5 players, it will take 3.5 seconds instead of 3.2 seconds to kill the supervisor? Wow! What a game changer!

Honestly these changes are borderline insulting, because they make it appear as if the developers think of the players so little that we can't even spot the difference between pretending of making changes versus actual substantial changes being made.

The WvW will play exactly the same. It will remain the exactly same, burning out game mode.

Do you want examples or REAL changes?

  • Remove all the gates. Just delete them
  • Remove any Righteous Indignation timers
  • Add permanent Respawn Waypoints to more places on the map
  • Just watch players have fun

But no, instead we get:

05/05/2024—May 5 Release Notes:

World vs. World:

  • Warclaw mount speed increased by 1.5%
  • Health of all gates and walls decreased by 2%
  • Reduced the brightness of tower wooden wall textures by 10%
  • The wind sway animation of the trees on Eternal Battlegrounds map has been slowed down by 30%
  • Camp supervisor hats are now randomized. The camp supervisors have up to 5% chance of not wearing any hat at all.
  • Fist, non-repeatable tier of Diamond reward chest now rewards players with one more Skirmish Claim Ticket.
  • Miniatures can once again be summoned in WvW. We want the players, whom are proud of the blood, tears, sweat and money they've put into acquiring them to be able to show their pride.


Edited by SpaceMarine.1836
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5 hours ago, GroteDwerg.4752 said:

New player experience: catch-up with teammates on warclaws. Always arrive too late at parties and miss out on xp and fun.


Essentially the first hours, you will do nothing, no fighting, no objectives, nothing. Because you will never be able to keep up. So just walk around the map and try to keep up for a few hours until you get enough ticks and then you can finally participate in WvW with your team.


This is such a major design flaw... you basically exclude all new players and they lose apatite for this mode because of this.

Time gating WvW (ticks -> warclaw) not player friendly.

Edit: it's also hard to keep Tier up for ticks. If I die, I have to walk back. By time I can join fight I lost several tiers. Again. Why do you do this to new players? Shouldn't you help new players ease into the mode instead of the opposite? The first few hours everything works against new players.

Yes getting the mount for a brand new player can be a bit daunting, trying to learn wvw while also trying to get the mount.


Here's some tips for you.

1. You can get credit for captures by killing a guard associated with the objective, you don't need to kill the lord, you don't need to be in the ring, you just need to kill a guard. You can also do this early and stay on the map for credit for whenever the objective eventually flips, yes even hours later as long as you don't leave the map to another.

2. Load up mobility/stealth skills if possible, some classes now have a lot to choose from.

3. Get close to mounted players, if traited they can give a buff to nearby players for run speed. You'll probably notice a lot of commanders don't even mount up and instead use the movement speed buff.

4. Check the map, learn to read the map, read chat for scout calls, learn to be a little predictive of when something will happen. If you have places on your home map that is in enemy colors, it may be recaptured soon, depending if your home side has players on there, but even scouts will do this. If there are keeps that are t0 or recently captured by enemy, there's a chance they may be recaptured soon especially if a commander is around. The north towers and camps on your home map will mostly likely be recaptured soonish, so either prepare to head there or kill a guard for precredit of the capture.

5. Practically everything you kill will give you participation, kill players, guards, lords, dolyaks, mercenaries. The highest amount of 10 mins you will get for killing players (you just need to tag them with damage at minimum for credit), or capturing objectives, even as easy as camps.

6. Ask in map/team chat for help, while there are a lot of toxic arrogant players in wvw, there are also usually a fair amount of good team mates willing to help with something.

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2 hours ago, VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig. said:

I hate this change:

  • Miniatures can no longer be summoned in WvW. This change is aimed at reducing screen clutter in large-scale combat and to remove a bad interaction with stealth that disproportionately affected players new to the game mode.

I always loved those pve thieves thinking they are in stealth... 

ngl, for a while there I used to play my thief and ranger with the mini, so I could bait someone to chase me into traps. lul

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2 hours ago, prototypedragon.1406 said:

They may add fish to the water for fishing in world versus world before anything that one would think would be higher on the radar of necessity and is implemented in terms of reasonability.🎉🤣 

stop. giving. them. bad. ideas.  Cripes, now we are gonna have fishing spots at the JP or some nonsense....

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1 hour ago, PookieDaWombat.6209 said:

stop. giving. them. bad. ideas.  Cripes, now we are gonna have fishing spots at the JP or some nonsense....

I'm a 10 year veteran world versus world player, I highly doubt anet would even look in my ideas general direction 🤣 even if they were looking at the forums that we all assume they do. And besides that is already a feature in wvw and it would probably be more profitable then the 8 gold a week 🧐😄🤣


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5 hours ago, SpaceMarine.1836 said:

Reduced the brightness of tower wooden wall textures by 10%

I like that one 😄 and its even possible they done that. The changes are there, it's something but .... we are waiting so long now for something mayor. 


5 hours ago, VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig. said:

Miniatures can no longer be summoned in WvW. This change is aimed at reducing screen clutter in large-scale combat and to remove a bad interaction with stealth that disproportionately affected players new to the game mode.


Is that also with PVE when you go in some instance? I dont pve so no clue. It's silly, just remove stealth! Reduces stealth! Give more mechanics to reveal. Sorry.. i hate stealth. 

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