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Catalyst ruins the game


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It's not fun to play against at all.  If you see on on the opposing team you just have to pray they are new to the class.  If they just know how to press 2 3 quickly and change attunements they can hit you for like 20k bursts and then just reset cd with fresh air and do it again.  Its the most oppressive thing I've ever played against because there's literally no counter play.  Focus the ele?  No... he just becomes a bunker for 40 seconds with all his blocks and invuln.  Then turns on his water sphere and heals to full.  It's like fighting a living god while you're just peasants.   By the time you get up to over gold elo you just fight like 2 every single match and they are all people with meme names about how they are literal gods and stuff.   


When is the next balance update?  I'm just not going to play until that happens.  Its too boring to fight against 2 ele every single match.  Sometimes 3 ele 2 catas and a tempest healer.  Fun.  

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13 hours ago, Coraline.4173 said:

It is op but not as much as u claim. Pre nerf mirage, nade, rev, daredevil, scg… were wayyyy worse things.

This ele isnt even on level of pre nerf burn dh.

Most people playing ele are noobs and still can play it effectively.  On a good player who actually uses their defensive and supporting skills its way more broken than anything you mentioned.  All the dps class you mentioned fall over if you look at them sideways.  They weren't tanks who could then heal their team to full health spamming blast finishers in water fields.  

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On 1/28/2023 at 10:39 AM, Coraline.4173 said:

It is op but not as much as u claim

Proceeds to have a 5 cata team steamrolling the whole MAT, the finals being so bad Teapot straight up refused streaming it for the first time ever.
That just a few hours after your comment.

We need to talk about forumposters, because you people are getting out of control.

Edited by Terrorhuz.4695
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there is always something that ruins the game, if you had seen the scourge meta, that was way more spammy and hard to kill even in like gold 1 hands.

Next will be chrono bunker meta, maybe they'll focus too much on cc spellbreaker and the condi one survives untouched, also if cata is completely gone from meta you may see a lot of untamed and maybe condi herald.

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3 hours ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

there is always something that ruins the game, if you had seen the scourge meta, that was way more spammy and hard to kill even in like gold 1 hands.

Next will be chrono bunker meta, maybe they'll focus too much on cc spellbreaker and the condi one survives untouched, also if cata is completely gone from meta you may see a lot of untamed and maybe condi herald.

Something will always be best but that doesn't mean if something is super broken you shouldn't nerf it.  I'd rather face 5 untamed or 5 spellbreakers than 5 cata any day of the week.

 Anet needs to learn to make frequent patches with small changes.  Instead of wait 5 months and then buff a class like 28 times.  OH NOES how did this class become overpowered? who could have forseen such a thing?

Edited by Kstyle.5829
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7 hours ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

Proceeds to have a 5 cata team steamrolling the whole MAT, the finals being so bad Teapot straight up refused streaming it for the first time ever.
That just a few hours after your comment.

We need to talk about forumposters, because the whole thing is getting out of control.

there was not even good team to fight against


winx and ultranumb only 2 premade

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7 hours ago, CutesySylveon.8290 said:

They're not delusional; they're lying. They know it's busted, but they just want to keep the easy wins.

I dunno I think many people actually just believe themselves to be highly skilled at whatever class is broken.  Every game forum is like this about imbalanced stuff.  Most people don't have the ability to look at things objectively.  They just think "this is my best class because I'm skilled at it".  

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6 hours ago, Kstyle.5829 said:

I dunno I think many people actually just believe themselves to be highly skilled at whatever class is broken.  Every game forum is like this about imbalanced stuff.  Most people don't have the ability to look at things objectively.  They just think "this is my best class because I'm skilled at it".  

Yes and when actual insight is given thread ends, more threads of "this is OP, ANET NARF!" appear.

You want to fix catalyst?
The GM trait changes the aura granted by Elemental Epitome to either fire, dark or light aura
You only get stab when gaining an aura in water or earth attunement.
Scepter needs some ammo removing, dragons tooth less damage, water trident a tad less (it's nice having a damage skill in water now) and remove the blind from dust devil. 

It will still be strong but it'll be in a better state to balance without reworking the spec entirely. Hammer honestly needs to be looked at though, the 3 skills are just not a good idea imo.

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On 1/28/2023 at 6:53 PM, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

Proceeds to have a 5 cata team steamrolling the whole MAT, the finals being so bad Teapot straight up refused streaming it for the first time ever.
That just a few hours after your comment.

We need to talk about forumposters, because you people are getting out of control.

Really?    I never watch streams or follow the pros.  But that would be funny to see.  Is there a link?

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The other funny bit from that stream was where he gets the leader of the 5 cata team on the call.   He's like... so you were kind of meme building with catalyst right... I mean that's not the strongest comp you could make.   And dude's like no, if you have five good cata that is the strongest comp.  We would beat team USA.

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