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Worst PvP Balance I've Ever Seen - Wallet Closed


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Not spending another dime on this game until you fix PvP.  Of course there's always going to be some imbalance, because this isn't chess - but the level of imbalance and the duration it has stayed in this state is either flagrant incompetence or purposeful.


This extreme level of "meta" garbage needs to stop.  There seems to be no thought regarding the total amount of damage, blocks/invuln/vanish, and mobility a single class can have (catalyst and mesmer, for example), while others are left in the trash (scourge with its useless barriers, for example).

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7 hours ago, RedAvenged.5217 said:

Only major problem rn is cata and arguably a few other specs.


get down to the wire and many will be decent.


if you just hard nerf cata and shave off holo, vindi and spellbreaker than pvp will be in one of its most balanced states

You'd just start whining about the best next thing that kills you regularly....and it could be even a spec of the only class you play...The amount of times I read:"nerf this and that and game will be balanced"....then proceed to list all specs you can't win against with your cookie cutter build.....only to start whining again when new specs , that smash you around on that cookie cutting build, start to emerge..lol

Edited by Arheundel.6451
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17 minutes ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

You'd just start whining about the best next thing that kills you regularly....and it could be even a spec of the only class you play...The amount of times I read:"nerf this and that and game will be balanced"....then proceed to list all specs you can't win against with your cookie cutter build.....only to start whining again when new specs , that smash you around on that cookie cutting build, start to emerge..lol

TBH before the recent spellbreaker\scepter buffs the game was about as balanced as it could possibly be. Maybe a slight buff here, a little nudge there, but the whole thing was overall acceptable. Some classes were stronger than others, but you had tools to slightly counter them or outrotate them... you still had some options to choose even when you were playing some underdog spec.

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5 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

You'd just start whining about the best next thing that kills you regularly....and it could be even a spec of the only class you play...The amount of times I read:"nerf this and that and game will be balanced"....then proceed to list all specs you can't win against with your cookie cutter build.....only to start whining again when new specs , that smash you around on that cookie cutting build, start to emerge..lol

no the game is pretty balanced with the exception of those classes.


I know how to beat a cata or even spell breaker, the problem is that if they are good this process could take 5 mins.


a build is in many cases busted when the only counter takes so long that you lose the game by the time you pull it off

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6 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

"You'd just start whining about the best next thing that kills you regularly...."


THAT'S THE PROBLEM - there should be no class that kills any other class regularly, given roughly equally skilled players.  What you're describing is bad balance, which this game has.  Winners should be decided on player skill and strategy, not arbitrary class choice.

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2 hours ago, Tnanever.3192 said:


THAT'S THE PROBLEM - there should be no class that kills any other class regularly, given roughly equally skilled players.  What you're describing is bad balance, which this game has.  Winners should be decided on player skill and strategy, not arbitrary class choice.

You are seeing equal skill level, what you are not seeing is how people get hardcore mad, their faceroll tactics of fire and forget from range doesn't work anymore vs warrior, who know use longbow and have better sustain and ele, with scepter finally buffed after 10 years from launch. Regardless of how many nerf threads are created, the changes will remain, altered maybe but they will remain. Scepter ele, tanky warrior...a reality people here need to get used to...or uninstall and move elsewhere

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4 minutes ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

You are seeing equal skill level, what you are not seeing is how people get hardcore mad, their faceroll tactics of fire and forget from range doesn't work anymore vs warrior, who know use longbow and have better sustain and ele, with scepter finally buffed after 10 years from launch. Regardless of how many nerf threads are created, the changes will remain, altered maybe but they will remain. Scepter ele, tanky warrior...a reality people here need to get used to...or uninstall and move elsewhere

Wrong.  Go play a low tier class in PvP for a few days, then a meta tier class, then see the results for yourself.  You seem to have a hard time accepting that the balance is very trash right now.  You will pretty much always lose to meta classes while playing as low tier.

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16 hours ago, Tnanever.3192 said:


THAT'S THE PROBLEM - there should be no class that kills any other class regularly, given roughly equally skilled players.  What you're describing is bad balance, which this game has.  Winners should be decided on player skill and strategy, not arbitrary class choice.

Teefs in WvW: I beg your pardon.
If you think that current balance is "worst pvp balance" then you started playing this game very recently. Current balance is not perfect by any means, but still 100x better than what was in HoT or PoF.

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21 minutes ago, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

Teefs in WvW: I beg your pardon.
If you think that current balance is "worst pvp balance" then you started playing this game very recently. Current balance is not perfect by any means, but still 100x better than what was in HoT or PoF.

Has been a while ago, so I don't remember that well anymore, but did we see the same elite spec stacked 5 times and they won tournaments?

Because that is an indicator for balance being really bad right now.

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4 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

Has been a while ago, so I don't remember that well anymore, but did we see the same elite spec stacked 5 times and they won tournaments?

Because that is an indicator for balance being really bad right now.

Indicator for bad balance was removing cap for conditions before HoT even dropped, then HoT happened with abominations like Daredevils, Dragonhunters, Chronomancers and other bs. It was already very kitten bad back then. Like 12k/tick Bleeds from Reapers in WvW. Does anyone remember that? Probably not. Chronomancers pretty going on macros sitting on points rotating through their bs being also untouchable was great, wasn't it? Then nerfs happened and PoF released and guess what? Mirage was kitten same bs of untouchable bs as well, same thing different iteration, disgusting.
Currently what is described as "busted" won't even compare to what kind of bs was Chronomancer at its peak, so stop the cap.
Stacking 1 elite specialization in teams for tournaments only shows how overall system is flawed, there shouldn't be even possibility to have more than 1 class in teams for serious rankeds or tournaments in the first place with 9 classes and 27 specializations, that is 36 possibilities right away. Even you could lock specializations and that would work as well, but no.
Is Catalyst strong? Yes. Should it get nerfed? Yes. Is it the worst balance in 10+ years of GW2? Absolutely kitten no. Is it the only class that needs nerfs? Even bigger no.
People somehow forgetting a lot of bs that happened or even still is present to this day, ridiculous.

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