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Treat it like it is, a farming sim at this point, because everyone is gonna be running:

Core necro

Support Tempest
Condi and Power SB
Support Core Guard

You will also get matched up with the top 25 players from conquest for some reason because why not. Ain't nothing new. I won 6 games out of 4 so g2 to start with. Probably gonna be in plat later, who knows. Just treat it casually because people there sure as hell are going to be busting out their most cheesy, bunker-y comps for..idk what. 3v3s doesn't really tell you much about a player, so I'm not sure what's the point of sweating in 3v3s tbh. But yea, people only play it because their builds don't shine in conquest so eh. Btw, the builds I listed were all the ones I encountered in my 10 games to even get ranked, had to laugh a little bit because I saw more supposedly 'off meta' crap than the on meta ones. 

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Step 1: attach zerker amulet

step 2: add port to utility

step 3: teleport to enemy

step 4: push all buttons in correct order quickly 

step 5: run away 

step 6: repeat steps 3 to 5 until success 

that’s how most top players do it. They just have a friend  that does it at the same time. Thank me when you are legend rank.

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13 hours ago, Dreams.3128 said:

Treat it like it is, a farming sim at this point, because everyone is gonna be running:

Core necro

Support Tempest
Condi and Power SB
Support Core Guard



*Kicks door down*


I'm just saying, that's almost all the classes. If we can get some non obnoxious work for:

mes and thief  (Mes probably fine, remains to be seen) 

Berserker (Evaluation of new EC needed)


Condi Rev (Vindicator is still fine)

We'd actually have a good platform for -most- professions. I am an avid believer that if you can balance classes for deathmatch, balance for conquest is not far behind. 


Continue to complain, it's working.

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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19 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:


*Kicks door down*


I'm just saying, that's almost all the classes. If we can get some non obnoxious work for:

mes and thief  (Mes probably fine, remains to be seen) 

Berserker (Evaluation of new EC needed)


Condi Rev (Vindicator is still fine)

We'd actually have a good platform for -most- professions. I am an avid believer that if you can balance classes for deathmatch, balance for conquest is not far behind. 


Continue to complain, it's working.

You had a good start then you tripped into that emotional damage from another poster with: 
If we can get some non obnoxious work for: mes and thief

They just can't do it.

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8 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

I am an avid believer that if you can balance classes for deathmatch, balance for conquest is not far behind. 

TDM is just teamfight. Thats just one aspect of conquest. Many roles/builds exist in sPvP which require you be good at something else(like mobility, good 1v1 capability etc.). You cannot make everyone equally good at teamfighting and leave those extra capabilities(for example thief cannot be allowed to zoom-zoom in stealth in a world where everyone else is slow but good at teamfighting). Both modes literally cannot be balanced at once.

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1 hour ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

 You cannot make everyone equally good at teamfighting and leave those extra capabilities


(for example thief cannot be allowed to zoom-zoom in stealth in a world where everyone else is slow but good at teamfighting).


Both modes literally cannot be balanced at once.


I never said any of what you're talking about. 


I said if you can balance for TDM, then balance for conquest is not far behind. I didnt mean "If you balance the skills for TDM, they are balanced for conquest." I meant "If you can balance for TDM, the same principles can be used to balance for conquest."



Both modes literally cannot be balanced at once.


But they can?


If taking a set of traits makes you good at teamfighting at the cost of (insert mechanic here that would make the teamfight unfair) then you can balance across game modes. If there are a set of skills that would let the class in question break from that role in an overpowered way, just have those skills function at a reduced effect if (X) trait is taken. 

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Holy mother of a Textwall! i am sorry! but it sure is an interesting read, so bare with me ^_^

The games that tend to be the most balanced, are games that are balanced around winrates of 1v1 2v2 3v3 4v4 and 5v5 encounters rather than a metagame of a specific gamemode.

If you leave the metagame of a specific gamemode out of your balance equations, you can focus more on direct encounters.

"who wins against buildX , and what build beats buildX" You can establish and assess counterplay alot better. Overall leading to a point where you feel like your on equal footing with the others, and the outcome of this face-to-face-fight is dictate by "who played it better" rather than "am i running a Sidenoder build".


You can balance around metrics of a gamemode! But, If you balance around a specific gamemode, rather than around specific encounters, the only real metric that you should balance around is pickrates and winrates.... winrates in this specific gamemode to be more precise.

For example LoL is balancing like this. the highest winrates get a slight nerf, while the lowest winrates get a slight buff. They dont factor in anything else. Its solely based on "who is winning the most and who is loosing the most" This repeats on every patchcycle and is a pretty healthy way to go over balancing.


HOWEVER! Guildwars IS NOT DOING IT LIKE THIS. They dont take into account winrates/pickrates/yada yada. I am very confident they have this data... and maybe even look at it. But its not the deciding factor when it comes to balanceadjustment. And its very clear, because alot of specs didnt receive any love altho they are at the bottom of the dumpster. This alone is offputting for alot of players... because why kitten F is my scourge build not receiving buffs?  ITS GARBAGE!  WHY ARE THEY NOT BUFFING MY SPEC? WHY ARE THEY NOT BUFFING THIS SPECIFIC TRAIT THAT I WANT TO RUN? Dont they see that everyone is 10times stronger, altho i am trying my best?

They are solely balancing around the performance of toptier people inside this specific gamemode.... (and QQ in their private discord.)

When you are solely balancing around the performance of those Toptier people on metabuilds in a specific setting like Conquest... you will have alot of imbalance when you leave this specific setting/skillevel/or when someone decides not to run a metabuild.

You average player will not have any fun in for example the FFA..... he wont have fun in Deathmatch... he wont have fun in Stronghold.... he wont have fun duelling his friends.... And he will have even less fun if he dares to try and run his own build.... And i am going to explain to you why.


The best example here would be thief.

The metagame of conquest kind of forces thief into this Highmobility spec thats very good at decapping. But because you have this high mobility and can decap points.... it needs tradeoffs. The tradeoff being that you cant kill anyone in a timely manner unless you outskill him. It has gotten so worse, that your average thiefplayer is not able to win face to face fights with other people, simply because of the fact that the enemy is playing a so called "sidenoder" while he plays a "roamer". I have seen so many new thief players checking out pvp, realising they are loosing every fight they ever take..... and quitting pvp after a few days of getting their butt kicked.


Imagine you spend 2years building your thief... its your main and your very passionate about it. You then decide its time to jump into pvp and give it a shot. You are SUUUPER HYPED! Only to realize that your not able to kill anyone face to face whatsoever.... You are stuck in this "decap bot niche"....   But what if i want to kill someone? what if i dont want to just run from node to node?  Its very demoralizing for anyone that isnt deeply intouch with the pvp scene and who doesnt understand why certain things are balanced the way that they are.

They just see that they need to land a backstab that deals 1,7k damage while they get straightup bursted by a 8k rangermaul, that he instantly has ready again, after hitting his CC... so they instantly eat another 8k maul and lie on the ground wondering why the balancing is so Garbage.


This Metagame makes playing certainclasses for the average player very unsatisfying. And the worst part is: YOU ARE INSTANTLY LOOSING THESE PLAYERS! They are just gone. Forever.

For the average player, balance feels more "balanced" when the engagement with your enemy is dictated by skill rather than "what role is my class performing in toptier play in the setting of Conquest".

But this would mean that every class has to be equally good in 1v1, meaning that you loose to certain specs, but beat others.   the old "x beats y    y beats z   z beats x " thingy.  But at that point you need to make sure that a spec that is balanced in this fashion doesnt have more mobility than others, because then it could decap points better and would therefore have the edge on the other builds inside of Conquest.  -> Peopel will stack 5 of those in the MAT -> People Cry.


Anet has maneuvered itself in a weird corner with balancing around imaginary roles in the metagame of Conquest.

And this corner doesnt feel balanced for your average player, because no matter how hard they try they cant beat certain builds, simply because anet decided that this specific build is supposed to be a sidenoder, while you are supposed to be a roamer or dps spec.

Those "madeup roles" deter from achieving actual balance in the sense of " i can beat you, you can beat him, and he can beat me...... so its balanced"

To keep your average player entertained and to generate new players, you need to put everyone on equal footing so everyone can play everything, and perform the role that he wants, with the profession that he wants. Your "role" should be determined by how you play and how you structure your build, rather than: your are thief? -> you are decapbot!

But at this point we would loose Classfidentity.... because thief cant have great mobility while being able to beat a corenecro 1v1..... it would be hella imbalanced inside of the Conquest setting.....  So you HAVE to force builds into certain roles. The second a build can fill multiple roles at once and actually breakes out of this imaginary role system.... its overpowered and gets nerfed....      you see the problem here? 

in all honesty.... ITS JUST DOOMED.   We might have balanced Conquest at some point.... but it wont be atractive to new players, so gw2 pvp will keep on bleeding veterans and is not generating new players.


Conclusion: Gw2 PvP would actually be more attractive for newer players, if its balanced around 1v1/2v2/3v3/4v4/5v/ encounters.... in other words.... DEATHMATCH. and if they would scrap this whole "nodeholding thingy" alltogether. Because then, the game would also be balanced for little Jimmy that is trying to fight his friend for the first time. It would be balanced for sophie that is just jumping into here first pvp game. It would be balanced for Frank that likes to organize 1v1 tournaments. it would be balanced for Bob who is actually playing Stronghole. 

But right now......Right now, its only balanced for the top 10% that play Conquest... and even they think balancing is  garbo.

But a drastic change like this will never happen... because

a) we are wayyyyy to deep into this.

b) either class identity would be lost, or it will be imbalanced when it comes to actually holding a node.

c) Most people dont even realize that balancing around "player vs player encounters" rather than "what role do i play inside a nodeholding gamemode" would actually benefit the game in the sense of creating more engaging encounters and actually creating encounters that are dictated by "who played it better" rather than "am i running a sidenoder".     But the Conquest meta would suffer from this.... which leads to the only solution to scrap Conquest alltogether. And transition to new gamemodes like 5v5 - 15v15 - 30v30. This is the only way i can see that pvp could be revived and could be made attractive to newer players.

But again... not happening!

Thanks for taking the time to read this Textwall.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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13 hours ago, FrownyClown.8402 said:

Step 1: attach zerker amulet

step 2: add port to utility

step 3: teleport to enemy

step 4: push all buttons in correct order quickly 

step 5: run away 

step 6: repeat steps 3 to 5 until success 

that’s how most top players do it. They just have a friend  that does it at the same time. Thank me when you are legend rank.

Hilariously enough you are not wrong. Some dude named Wave was doing that in one of my matches with greatsword willbender. Other two teammates did nothing, they just supported him with aegis and everything while he hopped either me or my scrapper at the time. Support tempest with staff that sat in the back and auto attacked. I had to burst out laughing because it was so ridiculous. He was in top 5 two days ago, he might be lower or higher now.

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