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Perhaps this new model is not ideal?

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17 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

How is this different then my idea?

If you see all the lfg posts then the subcategories are worthless and should be taken out like I said.

Leave subcategories (and having to post in those) as kind of a filter. This will allow someone to either look for specific dungeon, or for all dungeons, as they please.

In short, subcategories are not worthless. The issue is that we cannot look in more than one at a time.

As a separate idea, an ability to look in more than one category at the same time (for example by marking a checkbox) would be greatly appreciated as well. There's been more than once when i was looking for LFGs from raids and strikes at the same time (for example)

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We can endlessly discuss the better business model, but the real issue is that someone in charge of money has limited the amount of people working in the game.

You can dribble out what they are able to produce, or you can dam it up and release periodic gushes, but the amount is still based on how willing the powers-that-be are to fund staff.

They’ve said as much, drawing a line in the sand that they won’t overwork their employees. When someone comes out and publicly says that, they’re also leaving unsaid that having more staff would mean they could do more.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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5 hours ago, YourOnlyOne.4937 said:

I'm 50-50. This was the model of Guild Wars (at least the 6 months part) and did not work. Then again, for GW, they want to release an expansion every 6 months, which was a daunting task. I'm afraid this might end up with “rushed” content.

The main problem with GW1 was not the release schedule. It was being locked to a certain set of expectations (2 new classes, new skills for all classes, new start areas because the new campaign had to be independent, and having to balance all of that later on). It was all that which would have made them switch to an expansion model like EotN, eventually, even if they did not decide to go for GW2. Of course constantly hitting limitations of game engine when they were deciding on new stuff for new campaign was what made them decide for the latter, but even without that there would have been changes eventually.

Notice, btw, the parallel with being tied in gw2 to new elite specs (and major mastery tracks) in expansions. I'm quite sure that part of the reason behind incoming change is an attempt to get out of those expectations. After all, they tried it once already during IBS.

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I dont know what to think really, on one hand i love the idea of more frequent expansions. But otoh if they have a sparse amount of content in them or are cobbled together in a way thats not integrating with the rest of the game then can they really be called expansions. More like a patch, I just hope they remember they have different game modes in gw2, dont forsake one for another, keep them all relevant. The hallmark of a well balanced game is one that can share the love between modes.  pst Alliances plz! and maybe a wing 8 ..ill be quiet now.  

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On 3/5/2023 at 3:55 AM, Balsa.3951 said:

if the next expansion has no new elites or 3 new classes, i will not buy, the Story is just bad.

Anet refuses to get older, while gamer now in their late 30ths still get treated like 9 years old. All the bad humor takes away from the drama

Marvel  writing by Marvel lovers.

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On 3/9/2023 at 5:57 AM, fatihso.7258 said:

Players should understand that this episode and Gyala Delves map, including its unreleased next half is transition episode from the old release cycle system to new mini expansions model. Expecting "What Lies Beneath" as the actual fully pledged and first actual meaty release of the new system is unfair to company and playerbase. Again it's just a transition so far.

Let company finish the transition and fully go into the new cycle then you can judge fairly.

The game over a decade old, the "it's just release!" excuse doesn't work anymore.

They had 10 years to figure out how to make a MMO, they still  haven't, for whatever reason.

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Bug Fix:

  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from receiving progress toward the achievement Ongoing Investigations: The Jade Brotherhood when listening to the Jade Brotherhood’s and Yao’s audio logs.

There have always been bugged achievements here and there in the past, but this release, at least to me, stands out in that regard.

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