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Firebrand Viable in PvP? When?


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7 hours ago, Hotride.2187 said:

You got core support and wb dps, play some other profession if that is not enough for you. FB is strong elsewhere, its very far from a dead spec.

I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask for your spec to be playable in pvp. Every spec should be at least playable, and firebrand is not.

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7 hours ago, Hotride.2187 said:

You got core support and wb dps, play some other profession if that is not enough for you. FB is strong elsewhere, its very far from a dead spec.

It's been three years and 15 days
Since they took PVP away
I cap every night and roam all day
Since they took firebrand away

Since it's been gone, I can play whatever I want
I can pick any spec I choose
I can kill noobs in a unranked match
But nothing
I said nothing can take away these blues

'Cause nothing compares
Nothing compares to firebrand


It's been so lonely without it here
Like a tome without pages
Nothing can stop these lonely tears from falling
Tell me baby, where did we go wrong?
I could put my time into every profession I see
But they'd only remind me of firebrand

I went to the doctor, guess what he told me
Guess what he told me
He said, "Girl you better try to have fun, no matter what class you play"
But he's a fool

'Cause nothing compares

Nothing compares to firebrand

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5 hours ago, Zuko.7132 said:

I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask for your spec to be playable in pvp. Every spec should be at least playable, and firebrand is not.

Dev resources are better spent on other professions. Guard is good in all game modes, FB doesn't have to be viable everywhere.

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23 minutes ago, ollbirtan.2915 said:

Are  you aware sPvP and WvW are totally different?

That why I mentioned them separately.... I would rather not keep responding so this will be my last comment.

My point is Guardian in general is fine and Firebrand is a great pick for WvW Zergs. 

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15 minutes ago, ventress.4879 said:

That why I mentioned them separately.... I would rather not keep responding so this will be my last comment.

My point is Guardian in general is fine and Firebrand is a great pick for WvW Zergs. 

mmmm this post is about spvp, I think you are missing the point. 

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4 minutes ago, ollbirtan.2915 said:

mmmm this post is about spvp, I think you are missing the point. 

The post talked about PvP and never specified so I can only assume he meant both. sPvP is conquest while PvP can include WvW but I will agree it is hard to tell which is why I use explicit language. 

The first real mention of a split between the 2 pvp modes was in my post. Most talk about them collectively with Firebrand.

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14 minutes ago, ventress.4879 said:

The post talked about PvP and never specified so I can only assume he meant both. sPvP is conquest while PvP can include WvW but I will agree it is hard to tell which is why I use explicit language. 

The first real mention of a split between the 2 pvp modes was in my post. Most talk about them collectively with Firebrand.

Again, if you really think like this, means that you haven't set foot in sPvP for the past 3 years.

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8 hours ago, Saiyan.1704 said:

EVERY single change on Firebrand in sPvP has been due to it overperforming in WvW... i honestly can't think of a single sPvP specific buff that wasn't done because of WvW... Sorry but you're better off with Core supp or WB dps.

Untill they decide to split it further I doupt any buff will come though due to how strong Firebrand is in WvW

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On 3/11/2023 at 2:49 PM, Hotride.2187 said:

Dev resources are better spent on other professions. Guard is good in all game modes, FB doesn't have to be viable everywhere.

This statement is silly. Everything should be viable everywhere, otherwise why the kitten do we even have devs? Any idiot can probably design something that does not work. And it was viable before, that means, some devs, intentionally or not broke it. If the pvp devs cannot do that, then they should he let go in favor of ones that do. 

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On 3/11/2023 at 8:49 PM, Hotride.2187 said:

Dev resources are better spent on other professions. Guard is good in all game modes, FB doesn't have to be viable everywhere.

  Specs (core included) doesn't need to shine in every game mode (in particular in PvP at which there's only 5 slots x team and 3-4 roles available), BUT there's a big difference between not being the top choice and moving from being amongst the best class designs ever done in PvE in GW2 and even compared to other games and at the same time being the absolute useless bottom tier for PvP.   Since the change is so radical, a lot of Guardian players which main Firebrand just don't step in PvP due how bad his spec is at that.

Edited by Buran.3796
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1 hour ago, Hotride.2187 said:

Ah yes, having everything but mobility is just the best class design ever.

   When GW2 was released the Guardian has an elite skill which was a tome, which swapped your weapon skills to spells to cast (with cooldowns but not cost in pages). 

   Then ANet ditched that elite, which was appreciated in both terms of lore and utility. After HoT, in PoF they come back to the same concept but this time making an entire specialization focused on it. The spec was broken overpowered, but the same could be said about the Spellbreker, the Scourge, the Mirage or the Holosmith. Some nerfs may have been required, but that could have been done easily polishing the numbers (less damage or heals, longer cooldowns, slower cast times... ). Instead, they gutted everything (no damage, no sustain, aegis removed, less support that core Guardian -which anyway is mediocre next to a Tempest- ).

   Firebrand also didn't "had everything": didn't had corrupt boons, alacrity nor ranged attacks, and the mobility remained as bad as it can be until the arrival of the Willbender. What stand the most about Firebrand is how cohesive was both the artistic design (visuals, sound effects) the lore and the performance, and that's something most of classes and specs should aspire to. 

   Now, is not only terrible in PvP, but will also remain in that state for long, because the last revamp of the mantras made it useless in PvP (I deleted one of my Guardians and changed the build of my Mesmer due how putrid and anoying they are now even in PvE!). 

   By the way, I say this while maining Rev since HoT; I focus on PvP and roaming and as an ex-guardian main has been a shame that such well crafted spec as the Firebrand has remained useless at competitive gameplay for more than half of the life the game has. And say what you want about how unbalanced or stacked the FB was at PoF release, but at that time at least this game has a PvP scene isntead of the dead game mode that is now...

Edited by Buran.3796
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3 hours ago, Buran.3796 said:

a shame that such well crafted spec as the Firebrand has remained useless at competitive gameplay for more than half of the life the game has. And say what you want about how unbalanced or stacked the FB was at PoF release, but at that time at least this game has a PvP scene isntead of the dead game mode that is now...

FB is pushed garbage, its not finely crafted. As long as it has 3 tomes, it can either be broken OP or nerfed into uselessness. There is no middle ground when you bring so much utility.

Core support in conquest is enough, no need to give it 3 tomes on top if FB were to become viable.

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2 hours ago, Hotride.2187 said:

FB is pushed garbage, its not finely crafted. As long as it has 3 tomes, it can either be broken OP or nerfed into uselessness. There is no middle ground when you bring so much utility.

Core support in conquest is enough, no need to give it 3 tomes on top if FB were to become viable.

  If Firebrand didn't exist Guardian still would fill exactly the same role, since the whole reason Guardian is meta at PvE and WvW (zergs) is "Stand Your Groud!"  As long as Guardian remains as the only class with a instant cast share of stability it would be better at support than anything else.

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