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I really like the weaver now that they disabled the first trait!


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I tested it at pvp, and it felt so much simpler to use. I still could use the dual attack for like a 1 sec, after switching an attunement, until it changed to a normal 3rd spell. I cant even remember the last time I used the basic 3rd spell on weaver.

Anet could add the option to disable to first minor weaver trait for good.

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4 hours ago, TheQuickFox.3826 said:


Unravel is temporary. 5 seconds. I think the OP wants a toggle to disable the weaving altogether while still having some of the other features that the weaver elite spec brings.

Was more intended like a pun , but still it is an option , not 100% reliable , but still . And if he doesnt like the double attunement on weaver , i dont really can tell why he plays weaver , the whole spec is about that mechanic , now it's kinda of a mirage/thief mechanic where you have a skill unlocked for 1/2 or 1 sec after doing an action , feels just really weird to me .

Without the 2x attunement mech , there is really no point in playing weaver , especially when traits like "elements of rage" dont work anymore with that disabling , i dont think they gonna rework those trait to fit with a bug .

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I wish there where ways to modifier the elite spec class skills like this. Even if it though unravel (sadly dose not give you that window of the dule skills like the "bug fix" did.) Though i must say its very odd to see the reaction of the player base when weaver is THE swap class of the eles being able to get to your 3ed skill and have an dule skill back to back would make weaver more of an swap class then the 1/2 swap class it is now.

I guess every one will go back to not playing weaver now like they did before this kind of "i want something when i cant have it" hehe.

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On 4/19/2023 at 4:48 AM, Serephen.3420 said:

Or you can go play catalyst/tempest?

People want weaver not other specs. If they wanted other specs they wouldn't play weaver. Weaver is not cata/tempest.


The fact that I have to explain this such obvious explains a lot of the on going cata/tempest whining for buffs constantly.

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1 minute ago, JPUlisses.8756 said:

People want weaver not other specs. If they wanted other specs they wouldn't play weaver. Weaver is not cata/tempest.


The fact that I have to explain this such obvious explains a lot of the on going cata/tempest whining for buffs constantly.

Well if they really wanted weaver the dual element spec, they wouldn't be asking to make it play like core ele, cata or tempest.


So what it seems they really want is the reduction in attunement recharge, not weaver itself.  

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2 minutes ago, Serephen.3420 said:

Well if they really wanted weaver the dual element spec, they wouldn't be asking to make it play like core ele, cata or tempest.


So what it seems they really want is the reduction in attunement recharge, not weaver itself.  

They can ask for it and it's fine. The game play is totally different in weaver even with just 1 element than catalyst and tempest because it is still more complex. But I don't suppose a cata or temp would ever understand.


Weaver can be that single element and change to dual or have both choices sseparated. They were asking for it to be more simple by committing to a choice. Which would be optional as there is no way the dual elements would be removed from weaver.


It doesn't have to be the simple rotation as other eles.


Weaver just needs better power scaling so it can have decent options there, and adding a power stance would do just that and it could be powered by two different elements just like primordial stance but with a more power theme instead of condition.

Edited by JPUlisses.8756
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3 hours ago, JPUlisses.8756 said:

They can ask for it and it's fine. The game play is totally different in weaver even with just 1 element than catalyst and tempest because it is still more complex. But I don't suppose a cata or temp would ever understand.


Weaver can be that single element and change to dual or have both choices sseparated. They were asking for it to be more simple by committing to a choice. Which would be optional as there is no way the dual elements would be removed from weaver.


It doesn't have to be the simple rotation as other eles.


Weaver just needs better power scaling so it can have decent options there, and adding a power stance would do just that and it could be powered by two different elements just like primordial stance but with a more power theme instead of condition.

Umm ok? I mained weaver since its release in pof until cata got released in eod. Now I play both. I've also played ele since betas so I think I understand how ele works but ok😅


I suppose I could flip it back and say I don't suppose someone who has only played weaver would understand cata or tempest. But I'm more interested in having a reasonable discussion and reaching a mutual understanding than try take jabs at people I don't know.


Weaver especially power, has some reasonably easy rotations if you want to keep it simple. Lower apm than cata. Only tempest would be noticeably lower.

As for power scaling power weaver seems pretty reasonable to me as currently pdps weaver is the highest ele dps at the moment. Primordial stance also does strike damage and is used in power builds too. Power ele also benefits from damage increases to burning targets, so burning is not wasted there either.


Many traits would break, you'd essentially have to rework much of the class and its concept to do that. So it's not  just a simple a switch. You said there is no way to remove dual attunements, but are also asking for single attunement weaver, how would you keep a dual attacks in that? Weaver is and has been largely hybrid. I'd like to hear what exactly you are hoping to achieve what isn't already there or would otherwise not be possible without an entire rework?


And in what way would a power stance powered by two elements like primordial be any different? Add a bit more power damage? Remove the conditions? So what would the point be? Different coloured explosions, so the attunement used wouldn't really matter then.


I can think of one possible solution, and that would be to increase the duration of  unravel. 

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4 hours ago, JPUlisses.8756 said:

They can ask for it and it's fine. The game play is totally different in weaver even with just 1 element than catalyst and tempest because it is still more complex. But I don't suppose a cata or temp would ever understand.


Weaver can be that single element and change to dual or have both choices sseparated. They were asking for it to be more simple by committing to a choice. Which would be optional as there is no way the dual elements would be removed from weaver.


It doesn't have to be the simple rotation as other eles.


Weaver just needs better power scaling so it can have decent options there, and adding a power stance would do just that and it could be powered by two different elements just like primordial stance but with a more power theme instead of condition.

Arguably the best power DPS spec in the game currently needs better power scaling, huh?  Interesting take.

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I've been playing with my elementalists, and honestly, I cannot tell the difference at all.

Either I am totally oblivious to what that sunspot or whatever it is did... or was supposed to do, or I did not pay enough attention to it.

So I am totally confused.


Now it is an adequate time to place a lot of confused emojies, because I honestly am.

I go through so many characters skills and traits, that I never focus 100% on any of them.

I just quickly read what it does and just slap it in. "Oh. It causes burn? Whereas the other two just breaks immobilised and grant you endurance? Burn it is. That'll do."

... and that's how I do for all my characters.

I never go beyond: "oh. So this rune and that sigil would be better for fire attunement, because..."

I'm like...: "ohhh. Fire runes on a fire elementalost? Sounds good to me. Have it son."



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3 minutes ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

I've been playing with my elementalists, and honestly, I cannot tell the difference at all.

Either I am totally oblivious to what that sunspot or whatever it is did... or was supposed to do, or I did not pay enough attention to it.

So I am totally confused.


Now it is an adequate time to place a lot of confused emojies, because I honestly am.

I go through so many characters skills and traits, that I never focus 100% on any of them.

I just quickly read what it does and just slap it in. "Oh. It causes burn? Whereas the other two just breaks immobilised and grant you endurance? Burn it is. That'll do."

... and that's how I do for all my characters.

I never go beyond: "oh. So this rune and that sigil would be better for fire attunement, because..."

I'm like...: "ohhh. Fire runes on a fire elementalost? Sounds good to me. Have it son."



The issue is resolved now, but sunspot is a pretty significant trait for most ele builds because of interactions with other traits.  For example, condi DPS builds gain a lot of passive damage from Burning Rage, which adds a 5-target, 2-stack area burn to the sunspot effect - all passively applied simply by rotating into fire!  For support builds, sunspot is an important source of cleansing due to the interaction with smothering auras, especially when paired with the focus offhand which allows transmuting the sunspot aura for additional cleansing + area might for allies.  There are also interactions in the catalyst and tempest line.

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I like to see for weaver catalyes and tempest means of chansing there class skill even if it just for an shot time or one use. For weaver it would be Unravel giving an added 1-2 sec window to let you use the dule skills (kind of like how it was with the bug fix) for tempest i like to see rebound let the tempest get an instance cast and ranged for one overload (so the overload become an pAoE that still channles but you are no longer locked for that channle) and for catalyest i like to see the agument Elemental Celerity make your F5 stay on you (i think it should be for an time so you can get as many f5 effects to stay with you as you want).

The ability to change on the fly how you play an elite spec is very important for the over all flexibility for the ele class its not about "not playing" and given an elite spec but the ability to play it different. It seems anet system CAN make updates like this after we seen this "bug fix" so it is something we can ask for.

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1 hour ago, Jski.6180 said:

I like to see for weaver catalyes and tempest means of chansing there class skill even if it just for an shot time or one use. For weaver it would be Unravel giving an added 1-2 sec window to let you use the dule skills (kind of like how it was with the bug fix) for tempest i like to see rebound let the tempest get an instance cast and ranged for one overload (so the overload become an pAoE that still channles but you are no longer locked for that channle) and for catalyest i like to see the agument Elemental Celerity make your F5 stay on you (i think it should be for an time so you can get as many f5 effects to stay with you as you want).

The ability to change on the fly how you play an elite spec is very important for the over all flexibility for the ele class its not about "not playing" and given an elite spec but the ability to play it different. It seems anet system CAN make updates like this after we seen this "bug fix" so it is something we can ask for.

I always thought Unravel should have been an F5 skill.

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6 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

I always thought Unravel should have been an F5 skill.

Maybe but i can understand keeping it as an utility. I just want it to have an window of an dule skill like the "bug fix" that more then any thing would make it useful.

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9 minutes ago, punahou.3986 said:

im confused


my 3rd weapon power no longer hybridizes?--- wasnt that the point of the weaver?

Its an question of how to get to that hybridizes i personally and maybe the op like the ideal of keeping 12 and 45 the same atument only having the 3 skill for an time to be an mix of the last atument you where in and the one you just swap into. Like the bug fix we just had.

I find the weaver 1/2 swap more of over complicating the class for very low added out put. Its just to slow for an always swaping class.

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On 4/23/2023 at 3:20 AM, punahou.3986 said:

I guess my question is this


are we losing the 3 weapon skill now?


and what are the benefits of the weaver if we are?

We are losing nothing, Weaver is completely normal and nothing has changed. The OP just suggest to boil the Weaver down to funktion like the other ambush skill classes and specs like thief, mirage and untamed.

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