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How much hours of GW1 gameplay to unlock all GW2 stuff

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Have a look at this guide:

I'm not sure how many hours it would take (I'm really bad at estimating things like that), but that gives you an overview of what's required. Note that the first point is to beat all 3 main campaigns and the Eye of the North expansion. That on it's own is going to take you a while even if you don't get stuck (probably comparable to completing the story for a GW2 expansion).

Edited by Danikat.8537
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I think it’s reasonable to expect it to take a few months to get to 30. I am always appreciative of the Guild Leader of my GW1 guild who stayed up to the early hours of the morning just before GW2 launched to help me finally get enough hero armour to finish mine.

If you are out there. Thank you 👍

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A friend started doing that a month before GW2's release and got done a bit after release but that was also with help from people who had played it for years. Everyone had a lot more time back then so I would put the estimate at 150-200 hours but I think so things are also easier now with the weekend buffs being weekly buffs.

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Getting to 30 points should be around 150-200 hours if you are using a guide as mentioned by Kisanth.2948. That's around 3-5 hours per day for a month (if you do not burn out). I'd recommend intermdiate goals and taking some time (spread this out ofer a few months of even to the end of the year), like enjoying the story etc. 

Can absolutely recommend, GW1 is a great game even today and the heroes are good fun (allowing for easy soloing).


Getting to 50 points, that will take considerably longer and might even require help from GW1 veterans to speed things up. I would personally not recommend it for your sanitys sake (I have the 50 and while I do not regrett going the distance, it took me years and some help to finish).

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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I think it also depends on the playstyle. The estimated hours might be true - but then I guess it really needs focus and a guide + only focusing on that. Personally I also started with this. Played GW1 at release a few days and then forgot about it and only came back to Guild Wars with GW2. Really playing GW1 I did start in 2019. Wanted to get more out of it - a bit from the lore and other stuff.

So I did a non-recommended way - but I prefer it that way: Playing in order of release. (The core/Prophecies story without heroes.) Which made it harder and take a long time. Also already working on exploring the map for cartographer and getting some elite skills. (Which only/mainly might be needed for the GWAMM which also seems super grindy. Where the old veteran players have it easier because of the account titles that they already maxed.)

Only have 14/50 atm. But a lot ready that later might finish quicker. (Main has full cartographer for all 3 campaigns and I have a 2nd and 3rd char for the other campaigns that did complete their campaign + the other one after it - for the Cantha guy.) And collecting pets levelling them to 20 for ... completion reasons just in GW1. Making it easier to later stuff like pets and things like that. When planning ahead you know that from festivals you can get certain pets for sure.

The new years where I first got the pet that would be in rotation in 11 years again from the token vendor + gambling for the current one from the lunar favors. I still don't know a lot about being pro in combat lol. Might only start to learn that later when I have completed EotN (where I am currently at) with the main. Then trying hard more. Or maybe  bringing other professions trough the story to unlock skills for heroes + ... having a guy with that profession ready with completion lol.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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