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What kind of silly/wacky reworks do you wanna see on Warrior?


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Assuming the likeliness of it being implemented is certain, what kind of non-sensical and downright silly rework of traits/utilities/weapon skills would you like to see on Warriors?

For example:

- Bloody Roar: You deal 100% more damage while on 25% health, and 500% more damage while on 10% health.

- Headbutt: Now works as a finisher. Successfully landing a hit on a target kills both the user and the target instantly regardless of health remaining.

- Throw Bolas: Now replaced with Thief's Scorpion Wire. Imagine the horror.

- Earthshaker/Rupturing Smash: Now launches foes instead of inflicting stun.

- Arcing Slice: Now a Greatsword skill 2.

- 100 Blades: Now a Greatsword core burst skill, minus the root.

- Riposte: Works like Vindicator's Greatsword 4, coupled with a spinning animation. Inflicts 3 stacks of bleeding for every block.

- Impale: Flip skill now works as a pull.

- Dual Wielding: Increases the animation speed from 20% to 50%, stacks with quickness.

- Body Blow: Inflicting weakness deals bleeding over time. Increases strike damage by 5% for each conditions (bleeding and weakness).

- Rush: Pathing fixed 😂

- Counter blow: Same as Riposte but with vulnerability instead. Max stack is 25 stacks of vulnerability.

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"silly/wacky"? 🤔

fear me: transform all enemies around you into a moa and fear them, effect is permanent on filthy mesmers. 


sight beyond sight: enemies around you are revealed and have all their equipment skins hidden besides chest and legs. transmute chest and legs into savage scale skins.


hidden dragon: gain stealth when entering dragon trigger. gain stealth when using flicker step. flicker step has no cooldown and has 1200 range.

Edited by eXruina.4956
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Something like..."call in the red shirts" a Shout that gives us Seraph/Vigil Pets. Like Thief's, "Thieve Guild". They can do a variety of weaponry almost like Engineer's Elite Turret drop.

I play the story as the Commander, Warrior feels like the only class the Commander fits. Having a mini platoon dropping banners and shouts for them could open up a new playstyle for Warrior.

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I want to see hammer made into a viable 2 hand power alternative to GS focused on single target pulls and execution: 

Cull (skill 2): Slam your hammer down on the foes in front of you, dealing heavy damage.

Isolate (Skill 3): Reach out with your hammer and pull your foes towards you (line based AOE, 3 targets, 450 range)

Spinning Guard (Skill 4): Spin your hammer in front of you, blocking incoming attacks and dealing damage to nearby foes. Gain might per foe struck.

Gather (Skill 5): Swing your hammer around you, pulling in nearby foes (Same animation as current hammer 4, 240 range, 5 targets PbAoE)

Execute (Burst skill): Leap to your target and execute them with your hammer, dealing heavy damage. (AoE 100 radius, 900 range). Deal bonus damage to CCD foes (100%).

Merits of such a change:

1. Hammer would move into a niche that is currently unoccupied on Warrior; Pulls. Most of warrior’s kit synergizes well with pulls, only we don’t have them. We have many knock backs, but no pulls

2. Hammers kit will have added defensive value to bring it more in line with Greatsword via the improved range on the burst skill and the block.

3. Hammer will be less reliant on a singular skill with damage more evenly distributed and setups having some degree of range and, well, setup. With both the burst skill and the 2 skill being high-burst skills, there is simply more opportunity to land damage rather than be a 1 hit wonder.

4. Warrior will better represent its theme of weapon master. Hammers in combat were originally used for hooking and prying through armor rather than just smashing people. At least according to google. So it seems that Warrior, being the weapon master, should use the hammer in a way that is technically more advanced, no?

Granted hammer is not nearly as bad as it was when I first came up with this idea, but I still like it. Don’t ask me about actual damage values, this is a rework to the skills to give it the conceptual tools to better perform in a competitive environment. Numbers can always be tuned. 

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5 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

Is increasing Warrior's (and only Warrior's) melee range to 300 silly enough to count for this thread?

Not silly; based.

We are the physically dominant masters of war, it is only natural our melee range should be superior. 

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Wacky... hmmm....

I know I'm not the first person to think/say that goin' hulk doesn't really fit the image of a weapon master... so Rampage gets replaced with:

Elite skill: Combat Lessons.  The warrior's weapons appearance and weapons skills are replaced with those of the target, while the target's weapons appearance vanish and their weapon attacks are replaced with punch. Duration: 4 sec. CD: 30 sec. Does not work on opponents lacking weapons.  Occasionally when performing this skill, the character will shout "yoink!"

Sometimes I just wanna smack my opponent with their own weapon. 


Because why not, Tactics major grandmaster trait Martial Cadence gets modified to:

MGM Trait: Martial Bod.  When not wearing chest armor gain +125* to power, precision, ferocity, and vitality.  Expending Soldier's Focus causes blindness during the day and weakness during the night, for 3 sec, affects up to 5 targets within 600 units.

*rough number estimate to take the place of chest armor stats + 6th rune; likely would need adjustment.

At first I wanted to call it "oiled muscles," but then I remembered my warrior is Charr, and that's not a good look for fur.


Edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643
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Stomp: Direct hits on a downed player insantly finishes them.

Backbreaker: Using it on a knocked down target will add a status effect called 'back broken' that will pulse cripple.

Kick: 30% chance of disarming a target.

Whirling axe: Negates fall damage, floats user when quickness is applied.

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Honestly, as Cyber said, Stomp could become a bit better.

Idk about the finisher, but I do know that Stomp, even with peak performance, is very unreliable against more than 15 people in wvw.

The animation lock is big, the distance covered is small and the stability applied is clunky.

Vindicator has a much better alternative in Archemorus. A cc that does not knock enemies out of damage, does decent damage since it's a daze and has way less of an animation aftertast, which can be canceled altogether.

My proposal would be for Stomp to gain increased range and ignore blindfor starters. Stability could last longer as well, or have a third instance of stability application at the end of the skill (after the Stomp, to avoid getting corrupted during the aftercast).

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Increase Shattering Blow stability to 3 stacks and 5 seconds. Make the skill better to use, like the casting of it and target facing is very bad most of the times.

Increase power coeff and make it hit hard for strike damage builds. Maybe add cripple for 4 seconds too.

Sundering leap no longer cripples. It immobilizes. Increase radius by 50%.

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9 hours ago, Raarsi.6798 said:

Increase Rampage damage and volume by 500%.

And give it a burst skill or two.

F1 - Dust Shaker

Grab the enemy by the foot and slam him in the ground three times doing aoe DMG and pulse stunning everyone caught in the AoE for 1 sec per hit. 

Sound cue "Punny Commander"

Edited by Blackthunder.8679
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 A physical skill that lets you lift your foe into the air and shake them senseless sending boons flying off them regardless if they have stability and renders both individuals immune to damage through the channelled shakening at the end of the shakening both individuals are dazed for 2 seconds due to the  power of removing a single boon being the same as splitting open a gate in wvw with a mace burst skill .

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