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Omnislash Bladesworn - The Most FUN I've had in GW2 in 11 Years. | You won't be able to play this on the 27th! -_-


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❤️ Real talk ANet, can you PLEASE just put alacrity on [Immortal Dragon] instead and move [Daring Dragon] to the top Grandmaster slot? I don't think literally anyone uses this trait & honestly don't think that Bladesworn should provide alacrity to begin with. But if it's going to please, please, PLEASE put alacrity on Immortal Dragon instead. Currently it's the most redundant / least unique of the Grandmaster options (as Dragonscale Defense also provides protection when you enter Dragon Trigger.) I get that neither ID nor DD have a place in PvE right now. But giving alac to DD instead doesn't really fit with that philosophy of adding unique gameplay styles al-la: Soulbeast's [Eternal Bond] or Berseker's [Eternal Champion] or not deleting cool builds that you want to exist, or the idea that "every trait should have a role somewhere," And I'm 100% biased but I really don't want to see this build evaporate nor do I think everything in the game should play the same. ❤️ Please consider it, ty.

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too bad, the trait simply isn't practical in any sense, and you already have spike mine for reset as well.

also the half the reason this build even half working is because people expect DT will ignore blind and CC.

Edited by felix.2386
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It clearly is 'practical' cause he's making it work. I love this trait too & not every build needs to play the same way. There would be no point in class selection then.

& Half the reason any build "works" in PvP at this point is because a) The player either lives it & makes it work. Or b) You catch someone off-guard & they don't know how to counter you. C'mon man, you have a thief icon as your avatar, you should know that. 😂

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5 minutes ago, TyrantPuppy.1893 said:

It clearly is 'practical' cause he's making it work. I love this trait too & not every build needs to play the same way. There would be no point in class selection then.

& Half the reason any build "works" in PvP at this point is because a) The player either lives it & makes it work. Or b) You catch someone off-guard & they don't know how to counter you. C'mon man, you have a thief icon as your avatar, you should know that. 😂

he's making it "work" in like low gold tier or even silver...i'm top 50 warrior player and if i play this build i would drop to gold 2 easily in the current pvp state.

Edited by felix.2386
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7 hours ago, PseudoOAlias.4279 said:

Low gold huh?


bruh doesn't matter, this season you are definitely low gold.

every season is different, depending on the active population.

which is why i clearly stated "current pvp state"

i hate it when some guy just get to plat in an easy season once and thinks they are plat player, your past rating literally has no meaning, i've also got to legendary once in like season 2, you don't see me calling myself a legendary player.

last season everyone outside of top 100 is bot tier, this season is more difficult due to lower player base, so maybe outside of top 150~200 are bot tier.

but what doesn't change is the fact that, the build sucks, daring dragon sucks and I've seen bots higher than your rating.

especially daring dragon, also how clunky reentering dragon trigger actually is.

I do like the concept of the trait, but this is simply not it.

Edited by felix.2386
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Considering the whole concept of Bladesworn hinges on making DT the lynchpin of the spec at the cost of all other bursts, it would make no sense to remove Daring Dragon's current functionality for a cheap checkbox pity boon.

I would be curious to know, if the devs decide to go with their planned changes, what point or purpose would Immortal Dragon have since it's so redundant as is.

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43 minutes ago, Leo G.4501 said:

Considering the whole concept of Bladesworn hinges on making DT the lynchpin of the spec at the cost of all other bursts, it would make no sense to remove Daring Dragon's current functionality for a cheap checkbox pity boon.

I would be curious to know, if the devs decide to go with their planned changes, what point or purpose would Immortal Dragon have since it's so redundant as is.

I wouldn't call the current version "functional"...I'm glad some folks are having fun with it, but it is a complete design disaster. Being forced to reneter DT over and over again is seldom what is desired in any given scenario. Further, losing the unblockable/unblindable CC of UD is huge (and will probably seriously hurt the proposed DD trait, too).

However, the new DD provides both higher damage per charge (which is superb in competitive modes where you rarely have time to charge for 2.5s anyway) and alacrity. If the alacrity uptime is good, it will further support BS's spammy playstyle, boosting both it's offense and defense. And that is on top of the reduced CD on shouts that's also coming. Assuming perma alac, I get every charge of FGJ on 16s CD, combat stimulant on 20s CD, and Tactical Reload on a 30s CD.  That's pretty freaking great (I realize, of course that they probably won't allow perma alac in PvP, but you get the idea.). It will also reduce the CD of DT, providing a sort of positive feedback loop.

All that to say, there are some real possibilities here.

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16 minutes ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

I wouldn't call the current version "functional"...I'm glad some folks are having fun with it, but it is a complete design disaster. Being forced to reneter DT over and over again is seldom what is desired in any given scenario. Further, losing the unblockable/unblindable CC of UD is huge (and will probably seriously hurt the proposed DD trait, too).

However, the new DD provides both higher damage per charge (which is superb in competitive modes where you rarely have time to charge for 2.5s anyway) and alacrity. If the alacrity uptime is good, it will further support BS's spammy playstyle, boosting both it's offense and defense. And that is on top of the reduced CD on shouts that's also coming. Assuming perma alac, I get every charge of FGJ on 16s CD, combat stimulant on 20s CD, and Tactical Reload on a 30s CD.  That's pretty freaking great (I realize, of course that they probably won't allow perma alac in PvP, but you get the idea.). It will also reduce the CD of DT, providing a sort of positive feedback loop.

All that to say, there are some real possibilities here.

Don't forget that it's competing with Unblockable/Unblindable Dragon Slash that Stuns. And you won't even be able to multicast it like in the OP's build anymore to alleviate this tradeoff.

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22 minutes ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

Don't forget that it's competing with Unblockable/Unblindable Dragon Slash that Stuns. And you won't even be able to multicast it like in the OP's build anymore to alleviate this tradeoff.

Oh I haven't forgot about that at all (I mentioned it in the first paragraph of the post).

I'm not sure the new DD will change the way BS is played in competitive modes; really depends on how much alac and how much dmg it does. I've argued elsewhere that I think dragon slash attacks need to be at least unblindable and preferably unblockable as well at baseline. Otherwise, immortal dragon and daring dragon face a steep uphill battle to provide similar value to unyielding dragon.

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8 hours ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

Oh I haven't forgot about that at all (I mentioned it in the first paragraph of the post).

He's talking about in reference to the new Daring Dragon. Yeah it has alacrity and will do more damage per charge (but lower max charge, which basically it just means faster max charge) but it's not immune to blind or blocks and does not stun. It's just faster DT with alacrity (without the might generation too). Doesn't seem like much of a mechanical change especially compared to current.

As for the point of reentering DT multiple times, I'd have to mess around with it. I never really bothered to consider using force/boost/reach asap instead of charging it. Triggering successions of burst effects quickly with the easiest bursts to land (at least imo) is mechanically different than charging for a single strong burst that you have to build up for again. If this type of style remained, it wouldn't be hard to help the build out with traits that facilitated its function (too bad they took stab from Dragonscale Def in competitive tho).  Add more effects that trigger upon entering DT or spending a charge or on using a burst (like the OP) and I think it could work. In competitive tho? Not my lane but the alternative doesn't seem any better. Whereas putting that alacrity in immortal dragon seems like a great compromise.

Also also, being forced to reenter DT? You can just move to cancel. 

Edited by Leo G.4501
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4 hours ago, Leo G.4501 said:

He's talking about in reference to the new Daring Dragon.

....I know. I literally addressed this my initial post:

13 hours ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

losing the unblockable/unblindable CC of UD is huge (and will probably seriously hurt the proposed DD trait [I,.e. what Anet intends to do on the 27th] too).


4 hours ago, Leo G.4501 said:

Whereas putting that alacrity in immortal dragon seems like a great compromise.

Also also, being forced to reenter DT? You can just move to cancel. 

I don't think it would be good to put it on immortal dragon...would be busted. You'd be able to have perma protection, a heal from DT damage, AND alacrity? On top of BS's already crazy sustain (which gets even crazier thanks to reduced CDs)? That'd be pretty nuts.

As I said above, DS attacks need to be at least unblindable and preferably unblockable as well at baseline. Immortal Dragon would immediately be viable then.

As for the current Daring Dragon, you automatically re-enter DT. This stops you (the self root) and costs flow. Yes, you can cancel with movement, but the delay and wasted resources is suboptimal at the very least, esp in competitive modes.  What could have worked would be if there was simply no CD on DT; as long as you pay the flow cost, you can enter DT whenever you want. But you're not automatically entered into DT.

But this new alacrity thing (which is really only being added so that warrior can have some Alac support option in PvE) could be ok too. We'll have to see.

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2 hours ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

....I know. I literally addressed this my initial post:

It's a clarification. 

If you read your whole paragraph in question:

"I wouldn't call the current version "functional"...I'm glad some folks are having fun with it, but it is a complete design disaster. Being forced to reneter DT over and over again is seldom what is desired in any given scenario. Further, losing the unblockable/unblindable CC of UD is huge (and will probably seriously hurt the proposed DD trait, too)."


When you add the transition "Further", there is no indication you're talking about the proposed DD but rather the current DD. I suppose the point made of losing the effects of UD being "huge" when we're comparing the current vs the proposal is the clarification. While both are losing a sizable effect, one is closer to a trade-off than a huge loss, at least in my opinion. Losing the effects of UD just to get alacrity and a shorter charge seems more huge to me.

2 hours ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

I don't think it would be good to put it on immortal dragon...would be busted. You'd be able to have perma protection, a heal from DT damage, AND alacrity? On top of BS's already crazy sustain (which gets even crazier thanks to reduced CDs)? That'd be pretty nuts.

As I said above, DS attacks need to be at least unblindable and preferably unblockable as well at baseline. Immortal Dragon would immediately be viable then.

As for the current Daring Dragon, you automatically re-enter DT. This stops you (the self root) and costs flow. Yes, you can cancel with movement, but the delay and wasted resources is suboptimal at the very least, esp in competitive modes.  What could have worked would be if there was simply no CD on DT; as long as you pay the flow cost, you can enter DT whenever you want. But you're not automatically entered into DT.

But this new alacrity thing (which is really only being added so that warrior can have some Alac support option in PvE) could be ok too. We'll have to see.

I personally disagree but I'd be curious how others feel about the proposal of the OP.

From watching the OP's gameplay, the flow cost to reenter DT is not an issue. Does it waste flow? Sure, but so does missing or getting CCed out of it. The whole economy of flow is different with current DD. He's using up a whole boost just to reposition sometimes. 

If having protection on ID is too much, remove it and put the alacrity there in it's place. The spec already has a source of protection. The only reason I can see to change DD to this new thing is some people were complaining about the range or movement it gives...

As far as making DS bursts unaffected by blind or block, kind of makes UD less special. You basically only get stun then while the other GMs give a lot. I dunno, current DD and UD feel distinct. The upcoming change, less so with UD being superior in general play (talking about without your suggestion btw).

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I find it interesting just how many people have come out of the woodwork to defend a trait that has universally been trashed on or ignored for so long.  

Personally I wouldn’t care much if it was Inmortal Dragon getting picked for Alac, but I have at least run that trait seriously in the past for some open world solo stuff.  

However, even after watching this vid, I still don’t see this trait as a better option for any situation.

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14 hours ago, Dahkeus.8243 said:

I find it interesting just how many people have come out of the woodwork to defend a trait that has universally been trashed on or ignored for so long.

I think there's a degree of "I know it's not optimal, but it is (or looks) fun" to it. It wasn't hitting the meta leaderboard in any mode, to be sure, but people who like the idea can still be saddened by the likelihood that it's simply going to be deleted rather than ArenaNet bringing it up to a better balance state.

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