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Rifle turret should do at least 5x the current damage to compensate the lack of mobility and rate of fire.


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And we don't need to think so much about it, just take a look on how mobile is the jade mech while can do about 10x its damage, i'm not saying that the rifle turret should be some kind of mech, but for a damage turret, its pretty bad, it doesn't synergize with anything and its very unfun to play with.

With the lack of variety in builds turrets could be reworked already, you know, engineers should use machinery after all, and not just... grenades...

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8 hours ago, Nephalem.8921 said:

The turret itself is kitten but the toolbelt is extremely strong. Instant cast high hitting. 

If you place the turret strategically in PvP, it's damage adds up, especially in 1v1s and 2v2s. It's also fantastic for bleeding out downed bodies. Really good skill tbh. 


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Make them last a couple of seconds , but make them way more powerfull and add the overcharge mechanic on a  flip skill once the turret is active ? 

Also the rifle turret is called "mitrailleuse" in french , that traduction in english means machine gun , well for a machine gun it has the fire rate of a sniper rifle ... and the damage impact of a kids toy.

And does not the skin of the turret remind you of a meat grinder ?

Edited by zeyeti.8347
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4 hours ago, shion.2084 said:

The only reason anyone takes that skill is its toolbelt CD.   It is a horrid skill.   You could have like a nades kit in its slot instead.

You're missing the point, the actual turret is far from useless. Obviously you still only take it for static discharge synergy. 

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I'm in favor of either:

  • Deleting turrets and replacing them with something else (like more gadgets and kits!!!)
  • Giving them the druid spirit treatment or renegade spirit treatment (but at that point we just have more wells?)


If you want the AI gameplay, use mechanist which is already what turrets should have been:

  • Mobile
  • "Controllable"
  • Effective boon application
  • Damage


Edited by inci.3705
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Turrets need a complete overhaul, my idea would be to give all turrets ammuntion. Like that:

Rifle turret: has 20 Shots, 0.5sec fire rate, after all shots are fired the turret destroys itself. Can not be targeted or destroyed. Damage buffed, scales with players stats.

Rocket turret: has 5 rockets, 2sec fire rate, after all rockets are fired the turret destroys itself. Can not be targeted or destroyed. Damage buffed, scales with players stats.

and so on...

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In the past, the "turret" skill was ground target like the "Supply Crate", and the "overcharge" skill was activated manually.

At some update the "overcharge" skill became auto-cast after the turret be deployed, then the "turret" skill become repleaceable by "detonate" skill after the deploy.

At some update the "turret" skill no longer was ground target, limitating greatly its usability.


I think that turrets would be something close to:

1 - Let the "turret" skill (land version) again be ground target.

2 - Let the "turret" skill be a manual chain of skills.

2.1 - Skill sequence: "turret" skill -> "overcharge" skill -> "detonate" skill.

2.1.1 - Skill sequence 1: "turret" skill: A turret is deployed (like Supply Crate).

2.1.2 - Skill sequence 2: "overcharge" skill: Specific for each turret. Ex: - Rapid Fire (Rifle Turret overcharge skill): Rifle Turret greatly increases its rate of fire from 1 shot per second (updated rate of fire) to 8 shots per second for 1 second (much like Thief's Unload), and if possible, switches its target to the current player's target. - Saturation (Rocket Turret overcharge skill): Rocket Turret greatly increases its rate of fire from 0.5 shot per second (updated rate of fire) to 4 shots per second for 2 seconds, and if possible, switches its target to the current player's target.

2.1.3 - Skill sequence 3: "detonate" skill.



1 - All skills should be activated manually.

2 - The "overcharge" skill should have a cooldown (much like those on mantra system or Ammo system).

2.1 - If the "overcharge" skill is used, it enters on cooldown and it's replaced by the "detonate" skill.

2.1.1 - If the "detonate" skill is not used until the "overcharge" skill ends its cooldown, the "overcharge" skill becomes available again.

2.1.2 - If the "detonate" skill is used before the "overcharge" skill ends its cooldown, the turret explodes and the "turret" skill enters on cooldown.


Just some examples...

Edited by Ze Ninguem.6708
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25 minutes ago, Alcatraznc.3869 said:


Allowing the current turret to move around will not change anything because people are still not going to take a skill that does nothing. 

How about the turret will overcharge every time we move them? Of course there would need to be a reasonable cool down for balance's sake. 

Edited by Rezzvane.9645
Edited for Spelling
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10 minutes ago, Rezzvane.9645 said:

How about the turret will overcharge every time we move them? Of course there would need to be a reasonable cool down for balance's sake. 

That will still not be enough.


You have things like healing turret that are basically cast-->overcharge--> detonate because the regen you get when leaving it on the field is simply not enough and you are also delaying your next heal + condi cleanse.

Rifle turret is mainly used for its toolbelt skill but the turret itself deals mediocre damage. If you let it overcharge when moving, sure it will probably give it a slight boost but again, you will not take rifle turret for the turret but for its spammable toolbelt which is the problem.

Rocket turret is kind of in the same boat but worse. The skill has a long CD and its overcharge effect is just a CC. The toolbelt skill is ok but the rocket travel time isnt great. Honestly, Engineer has a lot of CCs already like throw mines or battery ram that justifying taking Rocket turret over any of the other CC is hard and overcharging it when moving around wont exactly change a lot for that matter.

  Thumper turret could probably be the turret that would benefit the most from this change. It is a CC but also a blast finisher. I could see some niche use with it where you would basically put it down inside an AOE field, blast inside while CCing the boss, then move a bit, relocating the turret to CC the boss again and blasting inside the AOE field once again. 

Net turret and Flame turret are just underwhelming enough that I dont want to develop anything about these 2.


Finally turret survivability is garbage. It gets easily clapped by AOE or trash mob. 

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1 hour ago, Alcatraznc.3869 said:


Allowing the current turret to move around will not change anything because people are still not going to take a skill that does nothing. 

the primary role of turrets in end-game pve and pvp isn't to use them as damage, but for crowd control, on-demand reflects, blast finishers, and boon generation (rifle turret stacks might, if i remember correctly). turrets may seem weak but they're already overloaded with features and we have to use care with buffing them.


i think just being able to move them, and overcharge-on-move, would be enough.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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