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Aurene just got put on a bus


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17 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Where? :classic_huh:

4 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Ohhh, you mean the artwork image for the trailer? Yeah, that does look a lot like Zojja, doesn't it? Yay! 😄

Concept art at the end of trailer has 3 figures, one is Zojja from behind. We also see her on https://www.guildwars2.com/en/secrets-of-the-obscure/ in the 5th section.

She still has her iconic headgear, but now wears the Astral Scholar Outfit from 2021. She has an animated image next to a virtuoso wielding an axe and dagger.

If that's not Zojja, that's Zojja's twin sister Yojja.

EDIT: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/572595585174077469/1123285790584229988/image.png

15 hours ago, SinisterSlay.6973 said:

That's commuting on a bus then.  Still on a bus.

I find it interesting that you make it sound like it's a bad thing to have characters be put on the bus.

The entire purpose of "being put on the bus" is that the characters are out of the main plot until they're needed or relevant again, as opposed to just killing them or otherwise writing them off permanently.

Technically speaking, half of the main cast (read: Dragon's Watch) were swapping places on the bus ever since Season 3. Braham and Rox were put on the bus until Season 4 (mind you, this was poorly done as it made Braham an kitten despite having a perfectly valid point), while Marjory was put on the bus for PoF and S4. Etc. etc.

ArenaNet has been very open about being better and preferring to deal with a smaller cast of characters so that all characters involved get adequate writing exposure - the alternative is the Heart of Thorns situation, where half the cast is just silently following along with zero commentary for a full mission or more, until their role becomes relevant.

6 hours ago, Zola.6197 said:

I loved the instance, though it made me sad. I really enjoyed Aurene's VA's performance too. She sounded tired and ready to nap.

I did find it jarring that there wasn't some big cutscene sending her off. She's been the centerpiece of the entire franchise, so if this is really the last time we'll see her before her slumber, it feels... incredibly insufficient. Perhaps the next expansion will open with something to that effect? Hard to imagine an instance without an actual ending is all the devs have to send her off with...

The sunset effect was also very pretty in the instance.

I can agree that a cinematic would have been very fitting and should have been done. Though I imagine that this was low budget like WLW for the sake of putting more asstes into the expansion... Hopefully for that reason.

Edited by Konig Des Todes.2086
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3 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

I can agree that a cinematic would have been very fitting and should have been done. Though I imagine that this was low budget like WLW for the sake of putting more asstes into the expansion... Hopefully for that reason.

I can picture a hypothetical where she stays for the ladies’ wedding, and they use that as the opening set piece with Aurene’s departure afterward. Though part of me thinks they’ll be straight to the point with this expansions opening. Really feels like that event should be the true closing chapter of EoDs vs the opening to what seems to be a stand alone expansion.

Otherwise I’m curious to see who will be the major companions of this expansion. Zojja clearly, but Gorrik and Rama seem set up to be big reoccurring characters as they investigate under B&S.

Edited by Zola.6197
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21 hours ago, TwistedAlga.4235 said:

It was a very sad meeting with Aurene and Caithe. Sad to hear Aurene has to go to slumber but I guess it was time as an Elder Dragon and being tiring to filter all the magic all by herself.

A sad good-bye. But as Caithe said, we should except the unexpected the next time Aurene appears again.

What instance is this you are talking about? I've never heard or seen anything about this.

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1 minute ago, Kalavier.1097 said:

What instance is this you are talking about? I've never heard or seen anything about this.

They added it on Tuesday’s patch. There wasn’t really a notification for it though, but it’s a new chapter in the story tab that you have to activate.

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17 minutes ago, Zola.6197 said:

They added it on Tuesday’s patch. There wasn’t really a notification for it though, but it’s a new chapter in the story tab that you have to activate.

Sneaky, but nothing shocking. She was last in jade sea with Caithe cleaning stuff up. 

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On 6/28/2023 at 1:31 PM, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

I guess simply not being relevant to the plot because the plot doesn't involve the character's nation, job, etc. means being put on the bus nowadays.


On 6/28/2023 at 3:14 PM, TwistedAlga.4235 said:

She hasn't been active ever since the White Mantle fights after HoT... the last time we saw of Queen Jennah was Head of the Snake chapter with the White Mantle, I think.

And that was then Logan and Jennah said they can't continue their love intrest... which is sad.

But with Cantha reopened and all, I would kinda except Queen Jennah would appear with Empress Ihn.

Gonna to agree with Konig, merely not being used because the plot hasn't called for you shouldn't be the same thing as "being put on the bus".  Aurene got put on the bus, Rox at least temporarily got put on the bus, Rytlock has been put on the bus. But Jennah's a background character that's only going to be usable in limited situations, and given how the story has been away from Kryta for the last several years and the limied time Anet has it makes sense we'd only hear about her.

You wanna know who I've recently realized we hadn't heard from in the longest time even though they should actually still be having a significant influence on events throughout Tyria? Riel Darkwater, the Master of Whispers, who to my knowledge hasn't been seen since Victory Or Death. Same goes for Steward Gixx, now that I look it up.  Maybe Anet will fix this oversight in this xpack of ignoring two Order leaders while allowing one to still take part in the story...before she got fridged at least.


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11 hours ago, The Greyhawk.9107 said:


You wanna know who I've recently realized we hadn't heard from in the longest time even though they should actually still be having a significant influence on events throughout Tyria? Riel Darkwater, the Master of Whispers, who to my knowledge hasn't been seen since Victory Or Death. Same goes for Steward Gixx, now that I look it up.  Maybe Anet will fix this oversight in this xpack of ignoring two Order leaders while allowing one to still take part in the story...before she got fridged at least.


They are just forgotten.

Jennah was left holding the shield up?  My memory is fuzzy now

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On 6/30/2023 at 7:44 PM, SinisterSlay.6973 said:

They are just forgotten.

Jennah was left holding the shield up?  My memory is fuzzy now

Jennah activated the shield, but she did not maintain it. It was a defense prepared beforehand that she merely needed to activate, along with the smaller barriers.

Jennah was left sitting on the throne of Kryta like a good little queen. She won't be actively involved in any plot that doesn't involve Krytan politics, more than likely.

On 6/30/2023 at 8:21 AM, The Greyhawk.9107 said:

You wanna know who I've recently realized we hadn't heard from in the longest time even though they should actually still be having a significant influence on events throughout Tyria? Riel Darkwater, the Master of Whispers, who to my knowledge hasn't been seen since Victory Or Death. Same goes for Steward Gixx, now that I look it up.  Maybe Anet will fix this oversight in this xpack of ignoring two Order leaders while allowing one to still take part in the story...before she got fridged at least.

Riel and Steward Gaxx were really shafted for their roles compared to Almorra for some reason. Not quite sure why, Riel was more interesting to me, and Gaxx provided a fun little anti-human point of view that would have been an enjoyable contrast to S3-PoF-S4's human-focused narratives.

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