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warrior is now officially trash in pvp


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after the lastest balance patch.

there are now people queuing as warrior and then swap to other classes, to avoid being teamed with one.

warrior already suck at team fight, 2v2/3v3, support, ganks, like always.

warrior could always play as side noder.

but warrior is now a b tier pure side noder in a meta where pure side noder is not demanded.

so warrior is super mediocre or even below mediocre in a job that's not demanded, warrior is now jobless.

Edited by felix.2386
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1 hour ago, Treacy.4067 said:

Hmm , I seem to recall a couple of pvpers hailing the changes and dismissing everyone else that screamed fire.  Leopards Ate My Face.

if you are trying to sound smart in a topic that you do not understand and imply that changes to 1 hit from 3 hit arc divider destroyed warrior in pvp and try to relate the state of pvp warrior with power berserker.

i will tell you right here, power berserker was so trash that it shouldn't be considered as part of pvp warrior power level to begin with.

change from 3 hits to 1 hit HELPED, but power berserker was completely trash pre-update, so it did make power berserker stronger, but it doesn't matter.

as warrior in general just has no play, due to the fact that it does little outside of side noding and it is pretty bad at the only job it can do, and the job itself is also less demanding in current meta

like PvPers trying to teach you how 1 hit arc divider is better has nothing to do with the state of warrior in pvp right now.

if you truly tried to link the dicussion about arc divider with viability of warrior...power berserker was the worst pvp warrior spec to have any relation to the topic, now power berserker is at least playable, in warrior standard that is.

Edited by felix.2386
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if you still can't understand.

and the changes PvPers are hailing have no relation to what warrior is today in pvp, and consider the fact that the rest of the changes are all basically buffs with big cooldown reductions(except brutal shot)

it's more due to how other classes are performing.

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Warrior had some glory back in early GW2 and when the Spellbreaker was OP since then I don't remember it being on par with any other profession,please correct me if I am wrong.

Now on personal level my only hopes are for staff(spear) warrior and what the devs balance do in the favor of the warrior in the next update.It would be nice a trait where you can equip the staff with shield ❤️

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@Paradoxoglanis.1904 it is busted against guys that can't dodge Skills but it is useless against the once that acutually Play with the Dodge button xd.

@felix.2386 sir i will correct ya here a bit. Condi Berserker is realy realy good rn but mean while  power Warrior is actually somewhat mediocre at best. Yet it does feels like every Power Burst skill (aside maybe Arcing slice and rifle) feels hard underwhelming. Breaching Strike does too low dmg. So does Eviscerate and Decapitate (plus this ones does for some reason only 1 Stack might). Arc Divider does actually good dmg but it need to see a crit hit to do so ..... and for again some weird reason it get no Fury gain on hit.

Letz get the points all in all:

1. Power scaling buffs for eviscerate, decapitate, breaching Strike.

2. Some fury for Arc Divider on hit (maybe 10 Seconds?). Some might stacks for eviscerate and Decapitate (maybe Back to old 5 stacks for 5 Seconds on hit)


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8 hours ago, felix.2386 said:

if you still can't understand.

and the changes PvPers are hailing have no relation to what warrior is today in pvp, and consider the fact that the rest of the changes are all basically buffs with big cooldown reductions(except brutal shot)

it's more due to how other classes are performing.

Ok, then what about warrior changed, outside of Berserker AD, that caused this sudden shift to B tier?

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14 minutes ago, Leo G.4501 said:

Ok, then what about warrior changed, outside of Berserker AD, that caused this sudden shift to B tier?

ill give you the tiers, S>A>B ok, S is meta, A is good but not enough to be meta.

warrior was A, because now there's 0 need for pure side noder, chrono could hold side node while still have plenty of utility for teamfights, but warrior has a decent chance of beating chrono in 1v1, which make the balance a bit more fair, chrono was taken because the utilities it has is worth the trade-off of not fight too good into warrior, and chrono could just stall till gank comes, and warrior would be dead.

most "hybrid" builds would team fight/hold side node/etc does everything, but does not fight too good in to warrior in 1v1(disregard of ganks). AND are fairly squishy in general and depend on mobility a lot of times.

so warrior could still be played, not meta, but decent.


so NOW, post patch.

first, warrior get deleted from the one job it can do decently, 1v1 side node, by condi cata.

so now, there's no way worth to take warrior, not only other duelists(like chrono) out performs warrior in teamfights/utilities/ganks, and warrior also get out performed in pure 1v1.

so now, warrior is not good at literally anything,

also due to the fact that people play a lot of condi/meme bunkers now due to cata, and warrior does not fight well into bunkers either.

like people cope the fact that after condi cata nerf, warrior will be back to okish like it was pre-patch, but meta already shifted, there's no turning back, specially the weapon master training is only like 2 patches away

Edited by felix.2386
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57 minutes ago, felix.2386 said:

ill give you the tiers, S>A>B ok, S is meta, A is good but not enough to be meta.

warrior was A, because now there's 0 need for pure side noder, chrono could hold side node while still have plenty of utility for teamfights, but warrior has a decent chance of beating chrono in 1v1, which make the balance a bit more fair, chrono was taken because the utilities it has is worth the trade-off of not fight too good into warrior, and chrono could just stall till gank comes, and warrior would be dead.

most "hybrid" builds would team fight/hold side node/etc does everything, but does not fight too good in to warrior in 1v1(disregard of ganks). AND are fairly squishy in general and depend on mobility a lot of times.

so warrior could still be played, not meta, but decent.


so NOW, post patch.

first, warrior get deleted from the one job it can do decently, 1v1 side node, by condi cata.

so now, there's no way worth to take warrior, not only other duelists(like chrono) out performs warrior in teamfights/utilities/ganks, and warrior also get out performed in pure 1v1.

so now, warrior is not good at literally anything,

also due to the fact that people play a lot of condi/meme bunkers now due to cata, and warrior does not fight well into bunkers either.

like people cope the fact that after condi cata nerf, warrior will be back to okish like it was pre-patch, but meta already shifted, there's no turning back, specially the weapon master training is only like 2 patches away

So because Catalyst is overperforming, Warrior is bumped from A tier to B tier.

Not an inconsequential situation but I'm not understanding the motive behind the thread.  What warrior buff would change this?

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12 hours ago, felix.2386 said:

after the lastest balance patch.

there are now people queuing as warrior and then swap to other classes, to avoid being teamed with one.

warrior already suck at team fight, 2v2/3v3, support, ganks, like always.

warrior could always play as side noder.

but warrior is now a b tier pure side noder in a meta where pure side noder is not demanded.

so warrior is super mediocre or even below mediocre in a job that's not demanded, warrior is now jobless.

Same as WvW

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I have 300 unranked matches as a Warrior  and 3 as a necro. I like PvP but I ... suck! I probably have a 45/55 Win record..slightly below 50% though I haven't checked recently. I might be ready for ranked but I'd feel guilty if I did not pull my weight. The only way I've managed to be comfortable on Warrior is as a completely Defensive build with CC/Stunlock city. The problem I face is I cant kill anything on my own. 1v1 fights are eternal. So I have to pray a teammate will help me out on a node. Or if I make it a 2 v 1 its trouble for that enemy player. I'm also a Rezzer...I cant do crap on my own but I can definitely tip the scales for my team. I can also just get focused to bits...but I try to use their bloodlust against them. If I can move a losing fight off a node or dash to neutralize their node and bring half the opposing team with me. It's kinda a kosmekasi strategy, but it's the only one I've tried and feel like I did my part when we win. 


PS there is also The problem I have now is I'm failing up when I do lose. So I keep rising..but so does the caliber of other players. I hope Staff brings in some new tricks and I can build to be a better support.

Edited by Xperiment.6923
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12 hours ago, Leo G.4501 said:

So because Catalyst is overperforming, Warrior is bumped from A tier to B tier.

Not an inconsequential situation but I'm not understanding the motive behind the thread.  What warrior buff would change this?

condi cata overperforming shifted the meta to be worse than it already is for warrior.

and meta is not shifting back, every build else that adapt into cata, warrior does not do well against.

What buff would change this? you tell me. what buff would allow warrior to actually perform in teamfight and what change would allow warrior to perform in roaming and what change would allow warrior to play support or even half side node, half teamfighter/support on a level thats close to bunker chrono(to have the majority of self sustain skills in form of AoE and have decent high aoe CCs uptime and boons etc).

you tell me.

Edited by felix.2386
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Well I don't play sPvP. I play WvW so I couldn't tell you how to change warrior to counteract the performance of catalyst. From the sounds of it, they should change catalyst or their weapons. It won't look any better when weaver gets hammer.

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On 7/8/2023 at 2:17 PM, Gerebos.1065 said:

Warrior had some glory back in early GW2 and when the Spellbreaker was OP since then I don't remember it being on par with any other profession,please correct me if I am wrong.

Now on personal level my only hopes are for staff(spear) warrior and what the devs balance do in the favor of the warrior in the next update.It would be nice a trait where you can equip the staff with shield ❤️

When PoF is considered "old" GW2...yikes.

Anyway, I pointed this out a long time ago but its still something that I think a lot of people miss; Warrior's moments where it has ever been strong have, unfortunately, been due in large part to unhealthy gameplay "gimmicks" that prop it up. That nonsense even persisted into EoD with Bladesworn.

At first with Core GW2 on its early release years it was Healing Signet + Adrenal Health, then it became the passive proc Balanced Stance and Endure Pain being paired with them both also being present in utility slots which lasted a long time and even overlapped with Spellbreaker's release and Might Makes Right + Magebane Tether then when Bladesworn released it was the ammo mechanics on Shouts + Shout healing + Bladesworn resetting ammo count on everything.

All of these things were nerfed and Warrior fell off pretty hard after each time. My theory in all of this is that these things ended up propping up Warrior so much because at its core level Warrior does not hold up in competitive modes and I think that is tied to the fact that over time the entire concept of Warrior's Adrenaline/Burst class mechanic has become more and more outdated compared to basically every other class possibly excluding Thief, but the difference with Thief is that it has a large amount of stealth (arguably one of the strongest defensive and offensive utilities in the game) as well as god-tier mobility that seems to only be somewhat matched by Willbender's mobility.

Warrior does not have those kinds of tools at its disposal to compensate the loss of those admittedly unhealthy aspects to its skills/traits. Hell they barely give Warrior any boons to do anything with yet you see Catalysts, Scrappers, Holosmiths, Willbenders, Heralds, Vindicators, Soulbeasts, Untameds, etc all just exhale boons onto themselves on demand with high uptime and high consistency while also not being pigeon holed into strictly Support builds like Warrior has to in order to not even come close to what these other classes achieve. Warrior is so much more difficult to do well with in competitive modes than any other class even once the learning curve is overcome, because every other class still has several more tools to utilize than Warrior does.

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On 7/8/2023 at 10:01 AM, felix.2386 said:

after the lastest balance patch.

there are now people queuing as warrior and then swap to other classes, to avoid being teamed with one.

warrior already suck at team fight, 2v2/3v3, support, ganks, like always.

warrior could always play as side noder.

but warrior is now a b tier pure side noder in a meta where pure side noder is not demanded.

so warrior is super mediocre or even below mediocre in a job that's not demanded, warrior is now jobless.

Yep it’s sad, we need more buffs for all three specs. Im sure the non warrior mains will think that’s a bad idea but if they simply nerfed ele and have us more QoL we could be meta material 

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@KryTiKaL.3125 this plus the 2020 Febr Patch destroyed pretty mutch every Burst Skill Besides the Greatsword ones. Remember the best example for this is eviscerate. They nerfed this Skill for 1.0 Power scaling! Back then it used to be 3.0 then they nerfed it for no real reason to 2.0. Just to give any idea how hard this Nerf was. Arcing slice back then get only nerfed from 2.0 to 1.8 . 

But this wasn't all. They also desided to punish every CC Skill Back then. Pretty mutch the only way to handle ranged classes for warr. Now they get some CC skills dmg back but yea. They are not even Close near as good as Back than. (This is not even Bad but keep in mind instead of not touching its burst skills they desided to Nerf booth to hell)

What we see nowdays is the result of this febr patch. The class itself got complete nerfed and we still suffer from it. Now on the Meta that is going on rn u rly could see that ccs and Burst skills from warr are still too weak. Bladesworn (pretty mutch Spam heals and win cause of them) and Condi (use every Defence line u could get and use the brokeness of conditions) Berserker is  just Meta rn cause there is no real other way to Deal with other classes on warr anymore.

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