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Worst kittening matchmaking in gaming history


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Dude I've played like 30 (40 EDIT) games today and lost at least 25 (35 EDIT) of them. My team is non-responsive and absolute shite every f*ing game, what's the kitten problem? Like I ain't saying I'm the best player in the world but the absolute donkey kitten that I have to endure every game is ruining the entire game. What's the kitten problem Anet? Can't fix your game? I ain't buying kitten from you ever again because this kitten has been going on for too kittening long. 


Edited by Akelfir.9176
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20 hours ago, Akelfir.9176 said:

Dude I've played like 30 (40 EDIT) games today and lost at least 25 (35 EDIT) of them. My team is non-responsive and absolute shite every f*ing game, what's the kitten problem? Like I ain't saying I'm the best player in the world but the absolute donkey kitten that I have to endure every game is ruining the entire game. What's the kitten problem Anet? Can't fix your game? I ain't buying kitten from you ever again because this kitten has been going on for too kittening long. 


Thats a lot of cats

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There's simply no type of matchmaking that will solve this issue if the game mode simply doesn't have enough players to make them as fair as most of us wish it to be. You will notice matchmaking has higher tendency to be balance and accurate during prime time in EU when everyone is at home (when a bunch of p1-p3 players are actually queueing). And then you can go to NA and try to queue on Monday-Tuesday off-hours and the matchmaking feels so RNG due to the fact that there's not enough players for the MM to pick up for your rating.

Also, a good tip coming from someone who has had thousands of matches, once you're tilted you should just stop playing or at least take a 15-30 minute break to do something else because I noticed most of my lose streaks happened when I'm tilted and I'm not alone in this experience.

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just go to arenanet hiring pages. lots of their positions are for AI. they use a ton of bots to make game modes feel more alive. in the future, you'll be playing games you think are fun and populated, chatting with all your friends, and in reality you're all alone. black mirror gaming

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1 hour ago, Downstate.4697 said:

The match maker tends to keep you around 50% win rate if you queue solo. The only common denominator in your matches is you, so you may want to look at your own game play if you have a 13% win rate.

Even if the common denominator is yourself the matchmaker is meant to match you up with other players so that regardless of your skill level you still have roughly a 50% win rate. 

Play during peak hour and you might have better luck with matchmaking, commiserations for the horrendous lose streak. 

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The thing I find frustrating as a solo q player is when u personally are having a great game, 0 death or 1 tops, winning every engagement ur in even some outnumbered situations and capping more than your share of nodes yet ur being stomped cuz ur team is

1- whole teams fighting on one node all match vs fewer enemies.

2- multiple teammates stand capping a uncontested node leaving map out numbered. 

3- feeding heavily 

4- usually one teammate doesn't even leave spawn ar start until a minute into the match.

Last night I ran mid to help after capping home to fight a teamate standing on mid full capped while a enemy player was 10 feet off node self reviving and the teamate was just watching them rez lol I went to stomp but they rezed just as I got to them and the disengaged than came back moments later to outnumber us.

Just seems like a lot of the players playing now aren't just new but lack any type of common sense or strategy so i think players that have been playing awhile just figure what's the point and leave, no one cares to try and win matches now anyways.

Edited by Psycoprophet.8107
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8 hours ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

The thing I find frustrating as a solo q player is when u personally are having a great game, 0 death or 1 tops, winning every engagement ur in even some outnumbered situations and capping more than your share of nodes yet ur being stomped cuz ur team is

1- whole teams fighting on one node all match vs fewer enemies.

2- multiple teammates stand capping a uncontested node leaving map out numbered. 

3- feeding heavily 

4- usually one teammate doesn't even leave spawn ar start until a minute into the match.

Last night I ran mid to help after capping home to fight a teamate standing on mid full capped while a enemy player was 10 feet off node self reviving and the teamate was just watching them rez lol I went to stomp but they rezed just as I got to them and the disengaged than came back moments later to outnumber us.

Just seems like a lot of the players playing now aren't just new but lack any type of common sense or strategy so i think players that have been playing awhile just figure what's the point and leave, no one cares to try and win matches now anyways.

It is even worse, even at higher rating people are kitten at the game on tactical level. Common occurrence 4 roaming specs and you on something else since you didn't pick one cause 5 roamers will be even dumber and you kind of want to win. So you go as sidenode and you get 0 help the whole game even though you have 4 people with mobility and you are literally creating a setup for them to do their job and gank, but they are too busy doing the hover around the fight and die one by one strat.  

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Yesterday there were two really wacky matches. An overall well performing team  with 1-2 very low ranked players and a team of complete lemons with one decent player. It was  a no-effort 0 death easy win.
+4 rating.

Next match, matchmaking switched the decent player with me. Otherwise same. Unwinnable game.

-20 rating.

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