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Choya Logging Tool change???

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I bought unlimited Choya Logging Tool a while ago because I found it hillarious, after logging in now I found that the tool animation got changed???
How is it possible that something in game I bought gets changed without any notification? 

The three mini Choyas logging was just a hilarious detail I loved, not it is just one big choya. Can I ask for refund? 

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5 minutes ago, Zephire.8049 said:

Is it possible you mixed up the logging and mining tools? The logging one has always had 1 choya but the mining has 3.

Not sure if you own the tool or used the tool for past 10 or so months, but my logging tool used to spawn 3 choyas trying to cut a tree. Perhaps it was a bug of some sort, some promo videos from 5 years ago clearly show it was only one choya, but unless I've been halucinating since last October, it got changed. 

Edited by Altex.6083
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I have both. I have not used the logging choya for a while as I like the skyscale hatchling logging tool more, but I'm pretty sure it was always just one choya cutting the tree. If it was three choyas like the mining tool, I would have used that instead of the skyscale hatchling. I still use mining choya since their animations are funny and adorable. 

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15 minutes ago, Altex.6083 said:

Not sure if you own the tool or used the tool for past 10 or so months, but my logging tool used to spawn 3 choyas trying to cut a tree. Perhaps it was a bug of some sort, some promo videos from 5 years ago clearly show it was only one choya, but unless I've been halucinating since last October, it got changed. 

I haven't used it recently but, funnily enough, it's the one choya tool I do have and it's always been one for me. I swapped it out to another skin a while back so it could have had a bug for a time where it used the mining tool's animations.

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53 minutes ago, Altex.6083 said:

I would be more interested if you'd show video less than a year old. 

Why would that help? The older video shows that it has been one Choya for at least 5 years. Are you suggesting that it was one Choya, then they changed it to three sometime in the last 5 years and then changed it back?

I also have the set of three and I use them on my main. I always thought the mining one was the most entertaining because it is three Choya with a silly animation where one is actually holding the mining pick backwards, and wished the logging and gathering tools were just as funny, but sadly aren't.

I'm sorry but I think you may either be misremembering or you experienced a bug.

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59 minutes ago, Altex.6083 said:

I would be more interested if you'd show video less than a year old. 

Too be fair, the video from 5 years ago does show one choya. If they were to change it, wouldn't someone react to it? Someone would definitly notice if it was changed one year ago and talk about it, but no one did. At least not in forums or in game as far as I know. It is strange that only you noticed this if so.

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8 minutes ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

Why would that help? The older video shows that it has been one Choya for at least 5 years. Are you suggesting that it was one Choya, then they changed it to three sometime in the last 5 years and then changed it back?

I also have the set of three and I use them on my main. I always thought the mining one was the most entertaining because it is three Choya with a silly animation where one is actually holding the mining pick backwards, and wished the logging and gathering tools were just as funny, but sadly aren't.

I'm sorry but I think you may either be misremembering or you experienced a bug.

That is actually my assumption that considering the state GW2 is in constantly, it was bugged. There is well documented bug that the animation is causing "extra" hit so I can get 4 procs from single tree, perhaps somebody attempted to fix it, fixed the animation to release state and call it a day. As these "fixes" are usually not mentioned anywhere (similar change of behavior was Springer dismount jump, they just decreased the height in previous patch), it is hard to track some issues. 

Also, another assumption, none of the responds in my topic actually uses the tool so I don't exactly value people's mentions "it always been this way, because wiki and youtube says so!" highly.

Change in observed animation seems to corelate with adding to the Gem Store again, so perhaps it is just result of some quality assurance fix before store deployment. 

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1 minute ago, Altex.6083 said:

That is actually my assumption that considering the state GW2 is in constantly, it was bugged. There is well documented bug that the animation is causing "extra" hit so I can get 4 procs from single tree, perhaps somebody attempted to fix it, fixed the animation to release state and call it a day. As these "fixes" are usually not mentioned anywhere (similar change of behavior was Springer dismount jump, they just decreased the height in previous patch), it is hard to track some issues. 

Also, another assumption, none of the responds in my topic actually uses the tool so I don't exactly value people's mentions "it always been this way, because wiki and youtube says so!" highly.

Change in observed animation seems to corelate with adding to the Gem Store again, so perhaps it is just result of some quality assurance fix before store deployment. 

I use all three Choya tools, and specifically recall the mining one being the most entertaining because of the three Choya. To my knowledge and having used them for years, it has always been that way. I don't know what else to tell you.

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10 minutes ago, Freya.9075 said:

Too be fair, the video from 5 years ago does show one choya. If they were to change it, wouldn't someone react to it? Someone would definitly notice if it was changed one year ago and talk about it, but no one did. At least not in forums or in game as far as I know. It is strange that only you noticed this if so.

How many bugs exist in the game for years and nobody pays attention to it, nobody creates posts about it? 
In Bugwars I think people are just resigned. 

ie. Ranger has still multiple traits and pet abilities bugged and those are some lasting bugs and interactions. Other than some afterthought in video "yep, still bugged". 

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Just now, Altex.6083 said:

How many bugs exist in the game for years and nobody pays attention to it, nobody creates posts about it? 
In Bugwars I think people are just resigned. 

ie. Ranger has still multiple traits and pet abilities bugged and those are some lasting bugs and interactions. Other than some afterthought in video "yep, still bugged". 

I am not saying it was not a bug. Just pointing out it's not a change they did with the tool itself. 

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17 hours ago, Parasite.5389 said:

well why don't you show us proof of it being Three Choya instead of One, and we'll go from there

I suppose if you like something on the internet you need to record it, because stuff on the internet could be altered at any time.   Op thought that the tool was ninja patched. Of course he would provide proof if he had it.  It could be a bug, a Mandela effect, or even a rare animation. 
It could be that the logging tool displayed the wrong animation when interacting with a specific type of wood gathering node, but not with the other wood nodes.
I don't believe so, but still.

It is a bit unreasonable to expect someone to record a minor frequent occurrence just incase it suddenly ceases to exist. 
Like telling the youngsters that the neighborhood used to have chipmunks running around all over the place.  The kids don't believe you and demand photo evidence.   "They were cute, but they were just rodents, I didn't bother taking pictures of them."

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6 minutes ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

I suppose if you like something on the internet you need to record it, because stuff on the internet could be altered at any time.   Op thought that the tool was ninja patched. Of course he would provide proof if he had it.  It could be a bug, a Mandela effect, or even a rare animation. 
It could be that the logging tool displayed the wrong animation when interacting with a specific type of wood gathering node, but not with the other wood nodes.
I don't believe so, but still.

It is a bit unreasonable to expect someone to record a minor frequent occurrence just incase it suddenly ceases to exist. 
Like telling the youngsters that the neighborhood used to have chipmunks running around all over the place.  The kids don't believe you and demand photo evidence.   "They were cute, but they were just rodents, I didn't bother taking pictures of them."

While I do agree with the general point, in this case, we got :

- Wiki, YouTube source stating it's one choya, and even if the video is old, if this was changed at some point, it would be strange no one ever noticed and update the wiki

- Multiple user of the tool saying it's one too, but that the mining is 3

- Literally no one except the OP saying it was 3

In this case, that doesn't seem too inreasonable to have the burden of proof been on the OP

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While it is reasonable for Op to bear the burden of proof.

My objection is that demanding screenshots or video is unreasonable.  Unreasonable because Op would have had no motive to record such at the time.  Just as the old man in my example had no idea that future children would disbelieve that chipmunks had lived in the area.

"Pics or it didn't happen" is not reasonable.  It would be ideal, but there was no reason for such pictures to have been taken in the first place.

Demands for documentation or other accounts are much more reasonable.

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12 minutes ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

While it is reasonable for Op to bear the burden of proof.

My objection is that demanding screenshots or video is unreasonable.  Unreasonable because Op would have had no motive to record such at the time.  Just as the old man in my example had no idea that future children would disbelieve that chipmunks had lived in the area.

"Pics or it didn't happen" is not reasonable.  It would be ideal, but there was no reason for such pictures to have been taken in the first place.

Demands for documentation or other accounts are much more reasonable.

To be fair, this person was answering to OP asking for recent video proof that it was one choya. 

It's more reasonable to ask a video of the hypothetical change to 3 choya rather than a recent video on something that didn't change. 

You have more chance of having the recent change recorded rather that a recent "not a change" recorded.

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Ah.  I see.  Op was the first to demand a video that has no reason to exist.  After all why would anyone record the logging tool when it is functioning normally?  

I suppose Op could try youtube, but there is no way to know if a year-old video is using even older footage.

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On 7/19/2023 at 3:50 PM, Altex.6083 said:

There is well documented bug that the animation is causing "extra" hit so I can get 4 procs from single tree

Where is it "well documented" exactly? Are you sure that "well documented bug" isn't just... a glyph proc? This is what the logging tool comes with: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glyph_of_the_Prospector 

Are you also sure the "multiple logging choyas" weren't resulting from you canceling and restarting gathering repeatedly "for fun of it"? Since as wiki states: It is possible to get multiple Choya striking the node by rapidly starting, stopping, and restarting the gathering channel. However, only the most recently summoned Choya's strikes will count for gathering.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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