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why isnt willbender nerfed in wvw? ​​


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TBH, most of the EOD specs were stupidly busted when it launched. As were the specs introduced with expansions before it. That’s power creep for you. But while Vindicator, Virtuoso, Catalyst, Specter, Untaimed, Bladesworn, Mechanist, and even Harbinger were toned down in WvW, guess which one remains unfettered to this day? Why, the latest addition to Anet’s favorite blue class of course. To all the Willy mains in disbelief that their spec is being singled out, maybe start there.

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I and other players witnessed a Willbender Profession player teleporting 1200-1500 range then witnessed a Engineer Player, teleporting through a keep gate then being pulled at 1500 range into instant death,  I did not even react nor continually feeling Disgust by it. My comfort was this quote; 

"Don't blame a clown for acting like a clown. Ask yourself why you keep going to the circus." 

Then I felt better knowing that WvW and PvP are a Circus game mode where Gimmicks Design and Gimmick Skills/Mechanics are the stars "Balance" and Philosophy of Guild Wars 2 Game.

We Immdediately logged out and logged in to Final Fantasy 14!!

The game is Embarrassing to enjoy and a Total Wreck!!


I am eagerly looking forward to what 2024 competitors have to offer to win the player experience 

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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44 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

Stuff like ports and stealth skills shouldn't be doing damage, like cc skills, doing too much. 🤔🤷‍♂️


Guild Wars 2 is a Meme Game. Nowonder why many are abandoning and avoiding the game in droves. There is absolutley nothing serious about it. 

It is obvious to everyone that even Anet knows that the game is a Total Disaster and that they are trying to cash-out with upcoming Gem Store Pay to win. 

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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2 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

Guild Wars 2 is a Meme Game. Nowonder why many are abandoning and avoiding the game in droves. There is absolutley nothing serious about it. 

What if a game (a game!!) is not meant to be serious.

really, play a proper pvp game if you want proper balance. No MMO will ever be fully balanced.


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On 11/26/2023 at 8:44 PM, Sansar.1302 said:

It really should not be, it is kinda the opposite as far as I can tell from testing both willbender and most thief specs

Thief is overwhelmingly favored in this match-up. Willy is probably the only guardian spec that Thief actually handles pretty well, especially post Swipe nerf. 

Most of Willy's burst is telegraphed besides when they poof on you with Judge's Intervention, and an aware Thief player should be able to dodge most of it. Add in stealth, a lot less access to Aegis, Dash removing immobilize so the offhand sword combo not working reliably, and most Willbender builds not running a defensive weapon like Shield or Focus, and the match-up becomes much more like a Thief vs Thief fight than Thief vs Guardian, and a Thief without stealth (Willy) vs a Thief with stealth is usually pretty one sided. 

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52 minutes ago, CutesySylveon.8290 said:

Thief is overwhelmingly favored in this match-up. Willy is probably the only guardian spec that Thief actually handles pretty well, especially post Swipe nerf. 

Most of Willy's burst is telegraphed besides when they poof on you with Judge's Intervention, and an aware Thief player should be able to dodge most of it. Add in stealth, a lot less access to Aegis, Dash removing immobilize so the offhand sword combo not working reliably, and most Willbender builds not running a defensive weapon like Shield or Focus, and the match-up becomes much more like a Thief vs Thief fight than Thief vs Guardian, and a Thief without stealth (Willy) vs a Thief with stealth is usually pretty one sided. 

As i neither play thief or guardian at hig lvl ( i play them at about gold 3 skill not very hig , other classes much more skilled with )

Been watching many duels with players more skillen with those classes (many many hours) and i cant see what you say at all 😕

Edited by Sansar.1302
bad spelling
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Anet, do you have any updates to share with The Community concerning Willbender Profession or give the year 2024 strong reasons to wipe out the remaining playerbase??

I also want to add; if you strongly believe this including One Shots are helping to promote Competitiveness for the game....it is not!  In fact, it is doing the complete opposite. It is scaring new players including potential players and present players from playing the game.

The longer you are allowing this to continue, the more you are pushing the playerbase to their limits to leave the game and go elswhere where it is not tolerated.

Anet, I urge you to do something because somewhere deep in my heart; I still want the best for the game but looking at the patterns; only a Complete Overhall will save the game. 

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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22 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

What is the timestamp of the one shot? I watched and am not sure what you referred to. I didn't see any one shot kills that dropped a player.


2:47 Seem like Thief Profession player Misteriously appeared out of Stealth Mechanic and was instantly down due to Willbender Profession burst . It would be an Outrage if Willbender Profession can break Stealth Mechanic 

As we all know, Anet would not be happy about that nor would tolerate that to ever happen especially to Thief Profession

If this is the case; expect Willbender Profession to be severely Punished in the next Balance patch

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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