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PvP Matchmaking is horrible


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I enjoy playing Pvp, but the matchmaking is beyond terrible. I don't even remember the last evenly matched game I played. It's either win hard or lose hard, which is pathetic. Are there really only 20 people playing Pvp or what is the problem? Also you can't carry games alone like in League of Legends and if have 4 goblins as your teammates, you wish you never started the match. I know you don't care about pvp, since it's the same as 10 years ago, but at least give us a surrender button after 200 points to shorten our suffering. Also have you ever thought about making a Pvp map that DOESN'T require capturing zones? Just team battles where the team with most kills wins. Capturing zones is boring and stressful and without them people would learn how to play in a team and learn to focus the right targets. 

Kind regards of a frustrated Pvp player

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Matchmaking is decent by itself. But there are not always enough players of the same skill ranking joining at the same time.

ArenaNet could add an option to wait until there are enough players of your rank, but be prepared for 30+ minutes queue times in the off-hours and in skill leagues that have only a few players in them.

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7 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Truth is, the matchmaker itself works perfectly.

The system simply doesnt have enough players to support it.


Like a Car without fuel.


Gonna disagree with you there. 

Low population is certainly an issue, but the matchmaker still makes bad matches even when it has full flexibility to move people around to make a more balanced match. I've been a part of numerous matches without any duo queues that were 500-100 stomps--i.e., the matchmaker had complete liberty to arrange the teams however it wants, and it made a garbage match.

For instance, last week, I played a match vs Grimjack and Tramadex (both of whom were playing Cata, so the matchmaker didn't even have class balance as a reason to put them on the same team). No duos in the whole match. They won 500-80.

Idk what the matchmaker thinks it's doing, but it sucks.

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28 minutes ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

Gonna disagree with you there. 

Low population is certainly an issue, but the matchmaker still makes bad matches even when it has full flexibility to move people around to make a more balanced match. I've been a part of numerous matches without any duo queues that were 500-100 stomps--i.e., the matchmaker had complete liberty to arrange the teams however it wants, and it made a garbage match.

For instance, last week, I played a match vs Grimjack and Tramadex (both of whom were playing Cata, so the matchmaker didn't even have class balance as a reason to put them on the same team). No duos in the whole match. They won 500-80.

Idk what the matchmaker thinks it's doing, but it sucks.

In soloq, that's just bad luck. In duoq, that's a guarantee.

Keep in mind also that if you're even in gold 3; you're in the very top % of players now, which means even though the cheats and ubersweats are still chilling at leggy and plat 3, the closest thing they have to competition is you.

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14 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Truth is, the matchmaker itself works perfectly.

The system simply doesnt have enough players to support it.


Like a Car without fuel.


I guess no one wants to put fuel in a game mode that's been neglected for 5 years and suuuuuukkkkks.

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15 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Truth is, the matchmaker itself works perfectly.

The system simply doesnt have enough players to support it.


Like a Car without fuel.

Stockholm syndrome for a q system with no roles/class specific mmr

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12 hours ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

Gonna disagree with you there. 

Low population is certainly an issue, but the matchmaker still makes bad matches even when it has full flexibility to move people around to make a more balanced match. I've been a part of numerous matches without any duo queues that were 500-100 stomps--i.e., the matchmaker had complete liberty to arrange the teams however it wants, and it made a garbage match.

For instance, last week, I played a match vs Grimjack and Tramadex (both of whom were playing Cata, so the matchmaker didn't even have class balance as a reason to put them on the same team). No duos in the whole match. They won 500-80.

Idk what the matchmaker thinks it's doing, but it sucks.

When I  still played PvP( around the time the legendary PvP Amulet Was released) the matchmaker worked like a charm and I doubt they made many changes too it. 



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i feel like it was pretty okay two years ago, but that's when it really started to go downhill. i still remember the first time i started getting matched up with legendaries as low-platinum/high-gold player, and how awful that felt. then it just kept happening again and again, and i quit. when they were on my team, i would constantly get yelled at (as the support) and being told "to look at their title" when i asked for peels.


if i was winning games, it was because i was up against players who didn't even know how to play, who had somehow seemingly joined pvp for the first time but were being matched up against high-gold (or higher), when they have the skill level of a queensdale ranger.


the thing to understand is that skill gaps in this game are exponential. a silver can stomp an entire team of bronze solo, a gold can stomp an entire team of silver solo, and a platinum can stomp an entire team of gold solo. however the matchmaker has been coded to see your ranking as linear instead of exponential, so it thinks platinum-3 isn't that high above platinum-1, even though in reality its about twice the skill gap.


i didn't even finish my second set of legendary armor, i just couldn't deal with it anymore. until this game mode gets some love, i'm done with it.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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6 hours ago, SpiderZ.9146 said:

Doesn't a game where you stomp plus a game where you are stomped equals to two close games?

And if you are frustrated you should play sPvP less and go grow some spiritual muscles in the open world.

Two wrongs do not make a right.

True spirituality is about following the righteous path and if that path were easy, the destination would be meaningless. 🙏

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2 minutes ago, Bristingr.5034 said:

I mean, when Anet doesn't care about the mode, yeah... there's not going to be players that want to play that mode.

Why play a Mode with 9 other players who are pissed 24/7 when I could do Tequatle with over 50 happy and wholesome people? 



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19 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

In soloq, that's just bad luck. In duoq, that's a guarantee.

Keep in mind also that if you're even in gold 3; you're in the very top % of players now, which means even though the cheats and ubersweats are still chilling at leggy and plat 3, the closest thing they have to competition is you.

Facts bro. Legitimately maintaining Gold 3 through out a season now is upper echelon of pvp. This is especially true given the fact that que dodging is a regular thing. So Gold 3 Players will play all of the top players while top players avoid each other. Gold 3 would expand into P1 with a larger player pool. As Legendary rank is essentially useless now. Good times. 

Edited by jdawgie.1835
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Matchmaker would be fine if 2 things were different. The low population across all levels of play needs an increase in playerbase. Once that happens the system doesnt have to try and prioritize finding you a match quicker. Right now if you want perfect matchmaking, you will have to wait 20 mins to an hour just to find a match depending on how high in rank you are.

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50 minutes ago, Endorphin.9147 said:

Matchmaker would be fine if 2 things were different. The low population across all levels of play needs an increase in playerbase. Once that happens the system doesnt have to try and prioritize finding you a match quicker. Right now if you want perfect matchmaking, you will have to wait 20 mins to an hour just to find a match depending on how high in rank you are.

Yeah it's the right system rn. I remember playing with my old hs buddies in csgo.. long story short it will force pair you with your rank, the ques would take from 5 -30 mins. No one wants that. 

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3 hours ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

Facts bro. Legitimately maintaining Gold 3 through out a season now is upper echelon of pvp. This is especially true given the fact that que dodging is a regular thing. So Gold 3 Players will play all of the top players while top players avoid each other. Gold 3 would expand into P1 with a larger player pool. As Legendary rank is essentially useless now. Good times. 


plat 1 and even plat 2 soloq would doable for gold 3 soloq, but there is hardly any mid-level plats left because ranked is designed to make those kinds of players quit

they have to deal with everything else that everyone else deals with; toxics, afks, the occasional cheat and then they peak at some plat rating that; no matter how good they are, no matter how many games they win, they will never move past because there's snowflakes above them playing a completely different game with duoq and coordinated queue dodging

pointless. The only winning move is not to play until ranked is fundamentally revamped. It needs a soloq arena and a crackdown on wintraders and afks.

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