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Uhh i wuld like some gw2 elder ring/dark soul maps

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I know thers Tangled Depths and Nightmare Tower, but i wuld like some more hard open word exploration wher you need be strong or trawel with smaller party to survive

Ofc  by hard, i mean mobs that you can outplay/have visual attacks that you can avoid not just annoing/hp sponge


Fun of memorising attack paterns, while on adrenaline is best fealing, especily when you overcome a chalange

You culd also have ther flying bird traveling system or parashuting like drizwood/raptor taxi with stealth insted of waypoints, that you unlock by clearing map forward

Edited by Noah Salazar.5430
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Many people already complain about some mobs being hard to kill so I think this will never happen. 
It would ONLY work in instanced content anyway because even Dark Souls would be a joke if you can have 50+ people attacking them at once and that is what you get in open world, at the end enemies would just be dmg sponges. In instance enemies would probably scale properly and it could somehow work.

Basically this is MMO game, not souls game, if you want that you have to play that. I dont think you can except having this in online game.

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HoT did a very good job at launch with that sense of oppression, the danger everywhere, this need for survival and the depth of the universe but the level of difficulty wasn't very well received by most of the community and leaded to some nerfs (people didn't have elite specs at start).

They also made the EoD mobs stronger and toughter to balance the powercreep but added that artificial mecanic of jade bot boosts to compensate which was bad for the majority who aren't full berserker in open world.

I would love to see them to challenge the game and level design again, with a fully aquatic area with multiple biomes for example (yeah, I know the underwater combat is a weak part of the game).

Unfortunatly, there will always be people with green stuff at Drakkar (in the 52th zone of the game), some with legitimate fears (arachonobia, claustrophobia, etc.) but a lot of them paid for all of the content and they need to be satisfied which mean some game design sacrifices are needed.

The Soto lore seems to go in a "more serious" tone like they did with the raid with Saul or the Fraenir of Jormag but don't forget that Guild Wars 2 is a PEGI 12 game with only band language and violence (which is still enough for a lot of things).

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2 hours ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

A whole map is to much. Casual have enough troubles. A map with a couple of mini dungeon that act as group activities for casuals and challenges for veterans would be nice. It should be optional Side content. Also +1 to visual clarity.

This a nice idea they can do it like that side mini dungeon in snow area of desert highlands. Where you get the seals top progressively open new doors just  a bit more difficult would be nice on some.

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How about every guild , within its guild halls can access a portal that can  join join a "shared (among other guilds) weekly hardcore map"  ?

Also a portal  in normal overworld  that leads players into the hardmode area for few mins (1-2 )and get rewards regardless of win/loss , in order to slightly test the waters / aid the hardmode population to chunk 15-20% of the boss health as a huge zerg rush from the mist , if they have WvW under population debuff

Edit: or a buff like Fractal revival that you must pick up and  pull you into these modes , at boss fights like the henchmen from the game .

Edit2: and i wouldn't say not to pvp in those areas  , like Darksouls

Edited by Woof.8246
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On 7/29/2023 at 6:30 PM, Hashberry.4510 said:

I just want a few more areas in the open world to be the slightest bit dangerous. Thats mostly gone now. Instance play in this game stinks, most don’t play it.

its a circular issue.   Anything even remotely challenging gets complained into the ground.   On the one hand, you have people demanding the rewards be better because its harder.  Which leads to players complaining about how its too hard, because they still want the rewards.    Everything that was ever optional in the game was told to have better rewards so people would go do it.  And when it does, it needs to be nerfed because normal players can't face roll through it like they do in open world.   

Very sad life.  Probably have very sad death.  But at least there is symmetry.

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What you're asking for is another expansion like HoT. HoT was like a giant open world dungeon when it launched, but power creep and mounts of trivialized large sections of it.  HoT was great for a player like me, but over all it hurt the game, because much of the playerbase found it too hard. Due to power creep that's less of a problem now (but still a problem for some people, particularly newer players), but at the end of the day, there's a lot of people playing this game who don't like dying and hard content.  I don't think this game in particular has enough of an audience for that sort of thing to support it.  I'd play the hell out of it though.

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