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Conquest sucks


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It takes too long, nobody has time for this kitten only for a loss and 3 pips. There are plenty of other games to play now, and the game mode just isn't good enough anymore to justify playing conquest. Give us straight up arena non stop and give us the conquest chest rewards. OR do something like knock the point limit in conquest down to 300. Nobody wants to wait around for a team to get to 500, especially if you're losing. The match is usually decided in the first minute anyway, you need some better mechanisms to address this issue.

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1 hour ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

It takes too long, nobody has time for this kitten only for a loss and 3 pips. There are plenty of other games to play now, and the game mode just isn't good enough anymore to justify playing conquest. Give us straight up arena non stop and give us the conquest chest rewards. OR do something like knock the point limit in conquest down to 300. Nobody wants to wait around for a team to get to 500, especially if you're losing. The match is usually decided in the first minute anyway, you need some better mechanisms to address this issue.

I have 24K games played. The match quality got unquestionably worse over the years... but still, games that are decided right at the start is like 1 out of 10. If you think the first fight decides everything and it's too long anyway... play something else. I'm not kidding, not trolling, this is my actual advice on how to solve this. The only reason to play conquest at this point is because you enjoy it. If you don't, go try something else.

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OP is still right - conquest has become awful. Been doing pvp since it came out and every match I wish I didn't do it - but this is also why I keep playing because it's addicting getting the win. So if that's not how you feel, gotta move on bro - like I said, this game mode hasn't changed in a decade and only gotten significantly worse. Only play because you want to, to have fun. 

Note: this isn't an excuse of the poor quality and management (lack thereof) of this game mode from anet. 

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1 hour ago, Avatar.3568 said:

i still don'T get why anet doesn't make a permantent q out of it, you have clearly 2 types of enjoyers, conquest players will play conquest und deatchmatch player play deathmatch


Go read some threads about it and you'll see people thinking that every potential player that would ever want to play pvp is doing it actively right now, so adding more modes would only split queues between them. Maybe that's only burnt-out people's opinion, but given that only updates to pvp are the scheduled balance patches, it seems that ANet might unironically share the sentiment.

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if match making were actually good it wouldn't be an issue. I'd rather have 10 close matches and lose all 10 than this 50/50 bs that we have right now. Being locked in to a 50/50 win rate is an atrocious scheme. Really just bare bones 0 thought into this game mode with no updates or improvements in sight.

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2 hours ago, Goldilock.2584 said:

Conquest is fun and main reason allot of poeple stack aroubd. Balance dobt really take affect unless u are playing in higher levels. The issue has always been around match making and thats a population issue. Posts like this wont fix the population issue it will damage it more.

I don't know about you, but I couldn't say with a straight face that game mode collectively abandoned by playerbase nearly completely is the reason why people stick around.

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It does.

It has to be played in such a specific and restrictive way that balancing the classes around it kills the chance of having other game modes, because the balance outside of Conquest would be even worse.

And conquest is just far too complicated for the vast majority of people, and I hear this all the time right here:
"Why are my teammate so kittening trash at rotAtinG?"
"Why do I have two thieves and two necros in my team? Do people not understand the rolEs of cOnquEst???"

Edited by Sereath.1428
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8 hours ago, Goldilock.2584 said:

Conquest is fun and main reason allot of poeple stack aroubd. Balance dobt really take affect unless u are playing in higher levels. The issue has always been around match making and thats a population issue. Posts like this wont fix the population issue it will damage it more.

If Conquest was that fun, you wouldn't have to gatekeep and hold back other game modes for years out of fear that it would kill your queue time.

Didn't make for a good esport either did it?

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3 hours ago, Sereath.1428 said:

It does.

It has to be played in such a specific and restrictive way that balancing the classes around it kills the chance of having other game modes, because the balance outside of Conquest would be even worse.

And conquest is just far too complicated for the vast majority of people, and I hear this all the time right here:
"Why are my teammate so kittening trash at rotAtinG?"
"Why do I have two thieves and two necros in my team? Do people not understand the rolEs of cOnquEst???"

the thin line of 1400 rating, 1400+ ppl are not so clueless about the game mode, but your chances of being farmed by duo q is huge

1400- is just the clueless and toxicity fest with good chances of being farmed by the duos specially if you not playing prime time


i still think 1400+ is a bit better cuz you can at least q dodge the duos, by doing that you help them farming low gold ppl rofl,  such a good game mode

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1 minute ago, TeqkOneStylez.8047 said:

If Conquest was that fun, you wouldn't have to gatekeep and hold back other game modes for years out of fear that it would kill your queue time.

Didn't make for a good esport either did it?

is there any game that pve balance comes first a good esport?

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3 hours ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

the thin line of 1400 rating, 1400+ ppl are not so clueless about the game mode, but your chances of being farmed by duo q is huge

1400- is just the clueless and toxicity fest with good chances of being farmed by the duos specially if you not playing prime time


i still think 1400+ is a bit better cuz you can at least q dodge the duos, by doing that you help them farming low gold ppl rofl,  such a good game mode

low gold fkn sucks

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On 8/9/2023 at 11:22 AM, Spellhunter.9675 said:

Loot box with bags of loot.

Opened box > got a bag > opened bag > got another bag > opened bag > got an acended mat. Searched for how to get gobblers, realised they would take 20+ hours each > delete. But they say Gw2 respects your time.

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the games really are just too long, and i think this is what sucked my enjoyment out of pvp the most. let's be honest, 250 points is more than enough, and there's really no reason for a game to last longer than about five minutes total. even the pregame could be significantly shorter.


at the moment it takes up to half an hour to play a pvp match, if you include waiting for the queue to pop.


this game is in a really strange place now because the combat is super fast paced after all the powercreep, but its like playing short bouts of quake inbetween sessions of a turn based strategy, waiting for all the pieces to get into position first.


i think that wvw largely has the same problem. fast battles that end in seconds or minutes, but extremely high ramp up time to fights.


they either need to slow the combat down to what it was at release, (which is what all the times and thresholds were balanced around), or speed up the matchmaking and general ability to get into combat in both competitive modes. unfortunately the only way to do this in pvp would be to remove ranked, since arenanet has said in the past that the majority of players queue for unranked only.


do you want to be a slow-paced and strategic, or fast-paced and chaotic game? they need to decide and stick with it, for good.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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