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What am i gonna do day 3?

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All jokes a side the question is will the content provided make me want to keep playing. I've been taking a break from GW2 for the past few months mainly because as a veteran player I have ran out of things to do that interest me in the game.  In my opinion ANET has been focusing on the wrong target audience.  While they try to make their game easier for newcomers to jump in they are making their veterans disgruntled. Do I have the answers? No, but I do know how I personally feel. I've always thought all weapons should be usable by all classes since GW2 Vanilla. So the movement to this now seems like an after thought.  Where is my carrot in this expansion? I have 3 Full sets of legendary armor w/all trinkets.  To me this expansion feels like a living world quarterly update.

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1 hour ago, Excursion.9752 said:

All jokes a side the question is will the content provided make me want to keep playing. I've been taking a break from GW2 for the past few months mainly because as a veteran player I have ran out of things to do that interest me in the game.  In my opinion ANET has been focusing on the wrong target audience.  While they try to make their game easier for newcomers to jump in they are making their veterans disgruntled. Do I have the answers? No, but I do know how I personally feel. I've always thought all weapons should be usable by all classes since GW2 Vanilla. So the movement to this now seems like an after thought.  Where is my carrot in this expansion? I have 3 Full sets of legendary armor w/all trinkets.  To me this expansion feels like a living world quarterly update.

This post perfectly sums up the status quo. I am feeling the same way.

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Ok, so it's one week until the releasse of the first part of SotO and I've given many bs answers in this thread.

But sure, let's see what I can see myself doing after release. I'm pretty much in the same situation as Excursion.9752. I've done it all. Did all the stories and maps on my main 9 characters. I'm as legendary as you can be, I keep crafting weapons because I "need" that long term goal. My account sits at 44k AP, Masteries are maxed out, my fashion game is killer. I did my fair share of PvP and WvW and I have a static that clears all Raids and all EoD Strike CMs beside Harvest Temple. - I'm caught up so to say. I'm bored outside of the evenings where my static runs raids or a buddy runs his huge meta train.
This feeling set in, about two months ago, so SotO comes right on time. Generally ANet has a pretty good record of releasing new content right about the moment when I get bored. So SotO, is highly anticipated.
Now for the question "What will I do in SotO?" so here's my list:
- Story and map completion on my main
- max out masteries and doing achievements while doing story and map completion with the other 8 characters
- doing the rest of the achievements
- going for skins I might like or which are easy/cheap to get
- closing rifts to grind for mats I will probably use to craft the legendary relic when/if it is released
- closing rifts
- closing rifts
- closing rifts
- ...

Now going from the things we've seen, closing rifts is the only repeatable content and closing rifts does not look like a lot of fun. I am worried. Worried that in a week many people will be disapointed. Sure, maybe ANet has big plans for the next releases. But those will happen in like 3 months. ANet expects us to close rifts for three months and then still be hyped about a map with a meta and more rifts? I doubt this will work out for ANet. Since this release is only the first part of the story, I expect it to take about as long as a chapter of LS, so we're talking about maybe 2 hours, same goes forthe maps. We're not getting all three maps on release, what we're getting on release will be map completed in maybe another hour. That's it. From there it's closing rifts, closing rifts and yet more closing rifts.

I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it. 've been on this jolly ride with ANet for ten years now. This means 1) I love this game but also 2) I've been burnt more than once by this company. I've learnt to not expect much and be happy about it when I'm wrong. I just wished there were more things previewed. More things hat I can see myself doing months or even years from now. But ANet didn't. Either because they want to surprise us rather than advertse their content or because there simply isn't more to show of. So far we've seen pretty maps and closing rifts. The pretty maps will only hold attention for so long and closing rifts will become old fast. Personally, I will be closing as many rifts as I have to and then never come back. Much like LS maps, where I did whatever gimmick for skins/AP/collections but never came back. I'm sure ANet will do everyting to keep closing rifts relevant. Closing rifts will be part collections and part of crafting new legendaries. Closing rifts will be part of getting the skyscale masteries and it will be part of the story. Closing rifts, closing rifts and yet ore closing rifts.

So, what will you do on day 3? You'll probably find yourself in a 50 player zerg closing rifts at peak efficiency. Have fun.

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On 8/9/2023 at 11:19 PM, Doomcryer.3650 said:

First of all, HoT and PoF had only 4 maps.
Secondly, It is wrong to expect the same amount of content from mini-Expansion.

25$ for 30h of content sounds about right.

Just to be fair isn't a full expansion $30? ....sooo that's a bit of a drop for just $5

I wanna be hyped about this expac but why should we always feel like we need to expect less from anet or always keep expectations low? That's not going to encourage growth or improvement but rather complacency and eventually loss of interest for players.

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15 hours ago, Omega.6801 said:

Ok, so it's one week until the releasse of the first part of SotO and I've given many bs answers in this thread.

But sure, let's see what I can see myself doing after release. I'm pretty much in the same situation as Excursion.9752. I've done it all. Did all the stories and maps on my main 9 characters. I'm as legendary as you can be, I keep crafting weapons because I "need" that long term goal. My account sits at 44k AP, Masteries are maxed out, my fashion game is killer. I did my fair share of PvP and WvW and I have a static that clears all Raids and all EoD Strike CMs beside Harvest Temple. - I'm caught up so to say. I'm bored outside of the evenings where my static runs raids or a buddy runs his huge meta train.
This feeling set in, about two months ago, so SotO comes right on time. Generally ANet has a pretty good record of releasing new content right about the moment when I get bored. So SotO, is highly anticipated.
Now for the question "What will I do in SotO?" so here's my list:
- Story and map completion on my main
- max out masteries and doing achievements while doing story and map completion with the other 8 characters
- doing the rest of the achievements
- going for skins I might like or which are easy/cheap to get
- closing rifts to grind for mats I will probably use to craft the legendary relic when/if it is released
- closing rifts
- closing rifts
- closing rifts
- ...

Now going from the things we've seen, closing rifts is the only repeatable content and closing rifts does not look like a lot of fun. I am worried. Worried that in a week many people will be disapointed. Sure, maybe ANet has big plans for the next releases. But those will happen in like 3 months. ANet expects us to close rifts for three months and then still be hyped about a map with a meta and more rifts? I doubt this will work out for ANet. Since this release is only the first part of the story, I expect it to take about as long as a chapter of LS, so we're talking about maybe 2 hours, same goes forthe maps. We're not getting all three maps on release, what we're getting on release will be map completed in maybe another hour. That's it. From there it's closing rifts, closing rifts and yet more closing rifts.

I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it. 've been on this jolly ride with ANet for ten years now. This means 1) I love this game but also 2) I've been burnt more than once by this company. I've learnt to not expect much and be happy about it when I'm wrong. I just wished there were more things previewed. More things hat I can see myself doing months or even years from now. But ANet didn't. Either because they want to surprise us rather than advertse their content or because there simply isn't more to show of. So far we've seen pretty maps and closing rifts. The pretty maps will only hold attention for so long and closing rifts will become old fast. Personally, I will be closing as many rifts as I have to and then never come back. Much like LS maps, where I did whatever gimmick for skins/AP/collections but never came back. I'm sure ANet will do everyting to keep closing rifts relevant. Closing rifts will be part collections and part of crafting new legendaries. Closing rifts will be part of getting the skyscale masteries and it will be part of the story. Closing rifts, closing rifts and yet ore closing rifts.

So, what will you do on day 3? You'll probably find yourself in a 50 player zerg closing rifts at peak efficiency. Have fun.

Sounds like you need to play something else after you're done with Soto. No game, be it WoW, FFXIV, PoE, whatever, has infinite content. No game can make content faster than you can finish it. Certainly not great content.

You asked what's repeatable? Map events, Rifts, 2 Strike missions. That's it. I think that's fine. That's the expectation that's been set. You'll get map 3 and it's probably two part meta and a fractal through the year. The rest is once, or if you do story on alts like you say, there's that too.

It's not endless and it's not so much people are blown away by the sheer volume of it all, but it's good. Play Soto, and if you're bored, go dip your toes in another game until there IS more to do. I really don't understand the idea of sticking around, being mad or bored or both, when there's hundreds of other good games to play in the meantime.

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On 8/10/2023 at 1:55 PM, Ashantara.8731 said:

I'm not asking myself what I will do on Day 3 of SotO. I am asking myself what I will do in-game these next two weeks until SotO. 😅

I'm kind of in a holding pattern myself. Any crafting, masteries, etc I would otherwise be doing are waiting until after the thing drops, and I find out what changes get made.

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