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New dailies/weeklies [Merged]

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I never got the daily reset to recover my 40 AA, either. Not only that, but I wake up not long before reset because of an overnight schedule. The GM blowoff and telling us that we can't just be given what they denied us, plus this supposed 'solution' not actually being implemented, has me feeling beyond peeved. Thankfully, Valdhertz will not plague us again! I will try to see the silver lining, for now, and avoid anything that makes my already extremely stressful life more stressful while playing the game that usually helps me to unwind.

As for the announcement about getting 1 alternative daily objective, I find that both lackluster and insulting. The Weekly tab gives you 8 and requires 6, and even that seems too limited. With dailies, though, we should have the choice of not only more of them, but options from different game modes. Forcing us to choose a game mode and cross our figurative fingers at reset is asinine.

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On 8/29/2023 at 9:44 PM, Gibson.4036 said:

This system has benefits for those who don't play as often. Let's say you want to pursue a legendary, requiring 77 Mystic Clovers.

Under the old login rewards, you're going to get your 77 Mystic Clovers after 11 cycles of 28 logins, or 308 logins. If your play session crosses reset, thats 4 logins a week for, or 77 weeks to get your Clovers.

With the Wizard's Vault, you can get 77 Mystic Clovers for 4,620 AA. Because you can only buy 20 Clovers/cycle of 11 weeks, it's going to take you 33 weeks and a day. In that time, if your play crosses reset, you can do the dailies 134 times for 65 AA, for a total of 8,540. That's twice as much as you need. You don't even need to play over reset, and you can get your MClovers in half the time than the old system.

TL;DR A player playing twice a week can get 77 Mystic Clovers in less than half the time using Wizard's Vault than they would have from the previous Login Rewards.

Incorrect. I was doing WvW dailies. The potions from those, over 308 logins, would give enough potions to complete a shade over 22 rewards tracks, which would give at least 44 clovers on top of the 77 from logins. This new system was supposed to replace both the login rewards AND the dailies. So any comparison needs to be a fair one between what you could get under both old systems compared to what you get under the new one.

I'm ignoring the additional clovers you would have got from normal play in WvW from this, because that can't be considered part of the daily rewards.

You also aren't taking into account that you are front loading the rewards from the last WV cycle. You really should determine that it needs 3 17/20ths cycles in the new process to get the 77 clovers. Which is a shade over 40 weeks, not 33 weeks. This is the problem I'm seeing with a lot of the calculations about how good the new system is, they all tend to overstate how much better it is by ignoring parts of the old systems.

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On 8/29/2023 at 11:34 PM, BlueJin.4127 said:


Just remove the mode limitation. Give me all dailies and weeklies for all modes so that I can choose, while I'm playing, which 3 dailies and which 6 weeklies I want to do. Right now, all this does is remove incentives and restrict players who have main modes and back up modes (which I'm betting is a lot of players).

Totally agree, even if the reward would be better (and it's really not clear atm)  this system it's completely static, you take a direction and to change it You have to do it 1 week (and 1 day) before planning what you will do in the future, not only, as you said, in the past many people had the chance to TRY a different game mode just because the daily was faster, in this method You have to plan to do it in advance without knowing what You will found, bugged event, troll JP like OSJP, content You never did in the past because you never started that chapter of the story and so on, You must do those 4 things and only those, period, or you have to give up with the daily and wait tomorrow.
I know that the original team that created this game is long gone, but I hope new Devs really do something more than occasionally play the game to the point that they do not understand all this BEFORE the expansion release and tons of people upset for something that it's so basic, this game was founded around a community, it's not a solo game, if you brake the chance to team up or to do stuff together it's completely wrong, i like that with the AA you can choose your reward, kudos, but the way You get them it's worst than in the past, this is another game. 

Edited by DarkAngel.9573
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Supreme Rune of Holding--- I'd like to put in a plug for this item to be added to items available in the wizard's vault, since my game time seems to be monopolized chasing currency for the Wizard's vault, I think it only fair to give more opportunities for players to acquire items such as these to continue growing their account.

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8 minutes ago, Rothlic.1749 said:

Supreme Rune of Holding--- I'd like to put in a plug for this item to be added to items available in the wizard's vault, since my game time seems to be monopolized chasing currency for the Wizard's vault, I think it only fair to give more opportunities for players to acquire items such as these to continue growing their account.

Well if it goes in it will probabely cost around 450 aa

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On 8/24/2023 at 4:15 PM, Vecta.3475 said:

The important thing is that the new daily achievements offer theoretically higher rewards, but due to the lack of choices (4/4 compared to 4/12) the realizable rewards will be lower than the maximum amount for most players, as it is not feasible to complete some of those dailies in the time many players have available to play.


You have ZERO evidence to support your statement.  Come back when you have some facts.

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Definitely a way to slow down our gold, our achievement score, and make us play the way WE DON'T want to play...been a veteran since GW1 and the track of this game seems to be to reduce rewards over time.  Have contributed SUBSTANTIALLY out of pocket on gems.  But now I can't plan how long the dailies will take and work on my "achievement score for faithful attendance" .  That used to be a relaxing part of my day, but I think...well, it has been a good run.  

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I was thinking that with the new system where you have to choose what modes you want for the dailies, it would be nice to be able to choose what expansions you want for the PvE dailies.  so players who own (but have yet to get to) certain expansions could just uncheck the boxes for that expansion.

Even in the old system, I found this a problem - it was often that I would much rather have done silverwastes/dry top dailies, but since I owned HoT & PoF, those would supersede it, but for crafting reasons, the extra geodes would more useful than whatever was dropping from the expansion dailies.


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Putting the Dragon's End meta in the weekly seems like a bad idea. For the Kaineng meta the stautette price seem to drop - more people might to it ... or just less people buying statuettes and focusing on the SotO content (more likely). I think less played stuff would be nice to put as weekly. Like the Kaineng.

But for the Dragon's End there is enough incentive to do it. With the weekly I have seen the first fail in some time - not doing that meta often but it usually succeeded even then joining a map pretty late (even with the requirement for the special ops armor). Not it seems we are - for this week - back to the "wait early to get into a good map" thing. Which is annoying. Waiting = boring. Luckily there are enough other weekly things and that meta is this weeks on eannoying achievement. Might or might not ... try it again in the evening (prime time) or later in the week since I now have finished my PvP seasonal track last chest and have more time for that. But on more busier weeks I'd skip that one I guess.

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Seitung Mini Donjon, can you move this daily to a weekly. This is the second time that I have to do it, and the only 2 time my daily was not done. 
I have try today, kill all boss, and nothing. At least in the weekly, we can forget it and do other stuff to have the weekly chest. 

I hate jumping puzzle, but I will prefer do do them instead of this mini donjons. 

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14 minutes ago, rathy.2075 said:

Seitung Mini Donjon, can you move this daily to a weekly. This is the second time that I have to do it, and the only 2 time my daily was not done. 
I have try today, kill all boss, and nothing. At least in the weekly, we can forget it and do other stuff to have the weekly chest. 

I hate jumping puzzle, but I will prefer do do them instead of this mini donjons. 

Another 'mini-dungeon' that is an incredible time hog, for sure! At least it wasn't bugged for me, but I spent over 20 minutes with Blish HUD and Taco markers looking for just one totem! Then the mini-bosses are scaled way up because of the masses of people. There were tons of people in map chat and whispers ready to quit the game over this horrible, not relaxing daily issue. Some dailies are easy, which is great! But when they're bad, like Zen Daijun (Spirit Vestibule) and Valdhertz Crypts, they're bad enough to inspire people to want to quit playing the game entirely.

I used to enjoy my daily routine before work. Now, I'm so stressed out from this that I never want to do them again. Why does it take 2 weeks to fix this, again?

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Adding my voice to the frustration with seeing Zen Daijun again so soon. I support the suggestion that this one should be a weekly. But also, this system is only a few weeks old and already feeling repetitive, what is going on? There are so many JPs, minidungeons, adventures, vistas, harvesting nodes... There is no reason I should already be feeling like I've seen the same options several times. Even the easy ones- combos, dodges, kill x things- I've seen them enough times, mix it up with more vistas and harvesting and non-combat options, please!

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On 8/31/2023 at 5:04 PM, Serafina.8357 said:

We've already had two broken dailies with this system.

On the one hand, it'll motivate them to FIX things. On the other hand, people are losing out on what they would otherwise have.

You didn't lose out on anything with the broken Crab Toss daily, since just sitting and running out the timer gave you the daily. 

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18 minutes ago, Pyrin.2741 said:

Adding my voice to the frustration with seeing Zen Daijun again so soon. I support the suggestion that this one should be a weekly. But also, this system is only a few weeks old and already feeling repetitive, what is going on? There are so many JPs, minidungeons, adventures, vistas, harvesting nodes... There is no reason I should already be feeling like I've seen the same options several times. Even the easy ones- combos, dodges, kill x things- I've seen them enough times, mix it up with more vistas and harvesting and non-combat options, please!

It's random. Not with what individual players get, that's based on what expansions you own plus the choices you made for the dailies. But what comes up in a given category each day is random, which means sometimes there will be repetition. The same thing happened with the old dailies.

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13 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

It's random. Not with what individual players get, that's based on what expansions you own plus the choices you made for the dailies. But what comes up in a given category each day is random, which means sometimes there will be repetition. The same thing happened with the old dailies.

The old dailies were not random. You used to be able to preview what tomorrow's daily options would be. If we are getting this much repetition after only a few weeks then they either need to add significantly more options to the pool, or adjust it to behave similarly to the old system to have less of an element of randomness.

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8 minutes ago, Pyrin.2741 said:

The old dailies were not random. You used to be able to preview what tomorrow's daily options would be. If we are getting this much repetition after only a few weeks then they either need to add significantly more options to the pool, or adjust it to behave similarly to the old system to have less of an element of randomness.

First of all, there are old dailies that repeated more often than others. We had some of them repeat even on consequecutive days. The fact that you could predict them only means they were randomly predetermined the day before. The places didn't predict what would come next, to my knowledge. It was listed in the API, which they read and posted. That means the game randomly determined one day and the day after and provided that information in the API.  You don't think people were calculating those dailies, did you?

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I got "The Long Way Around" minidungeon in the Straits of Devastation on my list today. This is the first big Nope for me. I had to do this thing 2 or 3 times for other reasons and was always happy when it's done, simply because of the reason: It's no fun. No fun at all. And why the heck should I bother with something which is no fun? And that's the reason why options are a good thing and should be (re)added into the game.

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21 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

First of all, there are old dailies that repeated more often than others. We had some of them repeat even on consequecutive days. The fact that you could predict them only means they were randomly predetermined the day before. The places didn't predict what would come next, to my knowledge. It was listed in the API, which they read and posted. That means the game randomly determined one day and the day after and provided that information in the API.  You don't think people were calculating those dailies, did you?

How the dailies were identified is not relevant to my point. They were known in advance and were not entirely random- the latter of which is the significant part here.

There are far too many things to do in GW2 for us to already be seeing the number of repetitive tasks that we have so far. Yes, the old dailies also repeated, but not to this degree. We would have seen a far wider variety of dungeons and JPs appear before ever seeing the same one again. Either the pool it is selecting from needs to be much larger, or it needs to be adjusted to have less of an element of randomness (or more likely, both of these things need to happen.)

None of what you are saying addresses this criticism, and I'm not going to discuss it further with you. I have voiced my complaint and suggestions for the devs to review, and that's all I have to say.

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