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They ruined the game

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1 hour ago, Sahfur.5612 said:

I'll first say that I do love Anet and often cite them as one of the reasons I have supported the franchise. I critique their decisions because I do care. I am a fan of the story, many gameplay elements and other things. No monthly fee, no level cap raise, no unearthly grind to get into exotics, etc. There have historically been many things I like.

That said?

It truthfully is bizarre. They basically griefed their own game. Like... Why?

I've noticed a theme with many of the balance and build craft changes and it is that Arenanet seem to want to make Arenanets game for Arenanet and not a game for the players. Deleting builds entirely when they could have been salvaged, not offering an alternative playstyle, many things such as this. They take a build system - something designed to be able to have some complexity and gut it on the regular. Its ok to bevel the edges out - make it approachable, etc. I don't even think relics are a bad idea at the core, but the way they implemented it was rude, and for no reason. It would not have been significant effort to give you what you had, but also more in this case. People didn't have to log in today and feel like anet stole every 6th rune they had and then "all I got was this t shirt" with the miniscule 3 relics. People spent significant time, effort, and even money to set those builds up and often found builds that made them happy with various classes, they might have even 3d printed their characters. 

As a company, and as an entertainer, you have a -responsibility- to your patrons to do everything in your power -not- to be too destructive to the foundations they have built upon unless no other option comes up.

I feel like they need to do some soul searching and get out of their CEO hugbox room because they are going to damage their community and iron out the wrinkles on the brain of their franchise. Some people like those wrinkles. They built character. They were endearing. Maybe some polish was necessary but you cannot do stuff like this rune change without taking every effort to appease peoples playstyles and make them feel like the time and effort they spent was not just wasted by some percent. 

It isn't an exaggeration. You shouldn't include build craft, advertise giving lots of player freedom for playstyles (no trinity, etc) then get surprised when people who enjoy theory-crafting get fussy about frankly rushed changes stomping on their sand castles.


It is more of Anet balance devs keep removing options because it is easier to balance. It is less work and requires less thought. Which is… kittening lazy and stupid. Players want more options. More builds. More diversity. And the worst thing devs can ever do is take something the players have been using for years, away. This is asking for players backlash. And the balance devs kittening deserve it.

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2 minutes ago, Jianyu.7065 said:

I don't think the game is ruined, but the forums are likely going to come under control of the toxic minority...which is sad. GW2 was a Bastion holding strong, but I fear the wave of hive-minded hate mongers have now dug in too deep. 

Worst part is, I dont hate the game, I just feel betrayed because something I crafted over many years has been taken away from me, and all I have are "maybes" as to whether or not I'll have them back. If anything if I should have quit right here and there, instead I'll go on a hiatus. I just want to see a response from the devs that shows they understand the concerns players have of having existing mechanics and content removed with nothing to compensate other than fareaway promises. If I hated the game, I wouldn't have bothered creating and tailoring those characters over 10 years, and continuing to do so over the years. I love that game, I hate what they're doing to it.

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5 minutes ago, Jianyu.7065 said:

I don't think the game is ruined, but the forums are likely going to come under control of the toxic minority...which is sad. GW2 was a Bastion holding strong, but I fear the wave of hive-minded hate mongers have now dug in too deep. 

just because people's views differ from yours that does not make us "Hive-minded hatemongers", please have a little respect for other people's opinions.

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2 hours ago, Naxos.2503 said:

Half of my chars are unuseable as is because the relics dont adequately replace the effects they took away. The story and maps are delivered piece meal.

The only thing I can somewhat appreciate, even if i question the utility of, is that the wizard's vault stuff is not Permanently shelved after cycling, 

Here's the bad aspect of it for me though : I have spent a lot of time carefully crafting my chars to not just appearance but gameplay wise to be thematical. This axed about half of my chars from a thematic and Useable standpoint. The only thing those relics replaced are -boring- effects. No effect is ground breaking. They forcefully downgraded half of my char and took away something that was important to them from a story perspective and from usage perspective. This is NOPE. Till they fix this, I'm out permanently.

I had this same issue. Logged in, half my builds were destroyed or made unuseable - logged off. 

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"Releasing something"  -> Disingenuous, they reduced options. Its planned obsolescence and they are gonna make you work to get what you already had. Its an obvious toxic thing that developers of garby lootbox mmo's use and shouldn't be happening here. We want content, not for them to sell what we had back to us or make us grind for it.

Most of the previous rune options are simply missing.


"they made the rune system so it has more options" - > Then they should have released the change when they had prepared those options instead of rushing it.


They rushed it. It is just that simple. There is no legitimate reason that these changes had to come out now and not after they actually were finished. They can release the finished stuff.

If I turn off the light, thus creating a problem (darkness) and then you turn the light back on again to solve that problem that isn't content. It is trivial time wasting.

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So I find myself wondering what the thought process was with regard to the periodic reward feature.  Were they so naïve as to believe that people in large numbers would prefer: being limited to choosing 3 of 3; picking a game mode, 2 or 3 for longer than today; having the volume of rewards reduced while increasing the time involved; completing tasks that are brain-dead boring (e.g., escort yaks); and any other aspects that I'm sure have been mentioned by others.

The reaction thus far was entirely predictable.  If they didn't anticipate it, well, it won't be the first time that any number of players could have told them how people would react, but they didn't ask.

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3 hours ago, Kaibamon.7206 said:

They removed daily login rewards which was a reason for many to login and surprisingly play a bit after only to replace it with a FOMO Battlepass!  And they removed the reason for specializations since now everyone can use spec weapons.

What FOMO? What battlepass? Do please show me where these FOMO items are because they literally do not exist.

Also, Specs were for the skills you gained, not the weapon only. This just gave elite specs far more options and ability.

21 minutes ago, Strider.7849 said:

I had this same issue. Logged in, half my builds were destroyed or made unuseable - logged off. 

I'm having trouble believing that half your builds are so incredibly tied to your rune effects that means they are ruined beyond any sort of function or repair.

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19 minutes ago, Kalavier.1097 said:

What FOMO? What battlepass? Do please show me where these FOMO items are because they literally do not exist.

Also, Specs were for the skills you gained, not the weapon only. This just gave elite specs far more options and ability.

I'm having trouble believing that half your builds are so incredibly tied to your rune effects that means they are ruined beyond any sort of function or repair.

If you spend months tuning a WvW or PvP build it really can come down to one thing that makes the build viable and that was often the effect in the 6th rune slot. I'd challenge you to find any other way a Ranger or DH can stealth so literally every build from those classes that used stealth as a feature is utterly useless and that will be true for many other classes and builds that relied on that 6th slot.

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3 hours ago, Karanoia.2091 said:

I think there would a lot less user error if Anet had been clear about the new system before it was implemented.

So are you OK with the new daily and the lack of choices there? So far I've found NO ONE who is OK with this lack of choice.

Well, I am... Maybe it would be nice to have more choices in the things to do, but so far, today's pve daily was very easy. Even made me do a mini dungeon I didn't know existed.

And choice in rewards you get is awesome imo.

Old system was not really rewarding to me, and sometimes tedious with the daily to complete.

I don't know if I'm a weirdo or what, but I very much like this new daily system. I like relics too, except they don't seem to all work yet...

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2 hours ago, Debesyla.7102 said:

You people do love complaining, yeah?

If ANET doesn't release anything: maintenance mode!
If ANET releases anything: it should have been better!

Your mistake is assuming the those statements are being made by the same group of people.  Over-generalization in an attempt to diminish the value of opinions you don't agree with.  

2 hours ago, Debesyla.7102 said:

You aren't forced to play the game. 

Ah yes, the old: "Nobody is forcing you to do X so you aren't allowed to have a negative opinion on it."  Beautiful.  

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I think some people have jumped ahead complaining loads about the dalies, talking to people in my guild, we all had differnt options so i'm sure there will be some that most people can do, as there was alot of different options spead out across people I talked to. 

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Welp. So glad I grabbed ESO while it was free. They still have the free login rewards.

Still, am mad as hell for pissing away money I could have used for many other things instead of an expansion that completely ruined the game I have played for 11 years. Refund please!

(Edit: my issue is with not having a login reward anymore, not having options to pick and choose which dailies I'd like to complete, and having the 2g halved.)

Edited by Alphonse Constant.2394
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3 minutes ago, Alphonse Constant.2394 said:

Welp. So glad I grabbed ESO while it was free. They still have the free login rewards.

Still, am mad as hell for pissing away money I could have used for many other things instead of an expansion that completely ruined the game I have played for 11 years. Refund please!

(Edit: my issue is with not having a login reward anymore, not having options to pick and choose which dailies I'd like to complete, and having the 2g halved.)

But you can pick your options for what dailies you want between PVP, PVE, and WVW, you have load more options with what you want to do with astral acclaim, and you can directly use that to buy mystic coins or clovers saving money on legendary crafting if you do it.

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Also from talking to others in my Guild, when they unticked an option they still had 3 dailies + the log in so they were not forced to do PVP at all for example

So again I think the OP has jumped ahead without looking at things properly. 

Edited by Rose.2593
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10 minutes ago, Kalavier.1097 said:

But you can pick your options for what dailies you want between PVP, PVE, and WVW, you have load more options with what you want to do with astral acclaim, and you can directly use that to buy mystic coins or clovers saving money on legendary crafting if you do it.

Did you miss that we only get 4 (I swear we got 4 and not 3, but maybe I'm wrong) dailies we must do, and we cannot pick and choose from a long list which ones we want to do for the completion, because WE HAVE NO CHOICE?!

Sure, we have more things to spend the rewards on, but if I cannot pick and choose what I wanna do, I'm simply not doing it. By the time I log in in the evening/night I'm too tired for a lot of things and roaming around on 3 WvW maps to try and find a bloody "sentry" that nobody else has killed yet is just too much effort. Not to mention time wasted.

They simply did not think about their player base and that not everybody has unlimited time on their hands.

Edited by Alphonse Constant.2394
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1 hour ago, MoonT.6845 said:

I've spent 18 years in this game since the original GW release but this is the first time I can remember NCSoft/ANet ripping the guts out of lots of work that many people have done over a large amount of time, we are entitled to express some dissatisfaction without having to put up with abuse for doing so.

Sure, that's okay. But for sure this forum is going to become a repository for hurt feelings rather than actually discussing the game.

And don't try and separate yourself with your play time to justify your entitlements - I have multiple collectors editions of this games releases going back to GW1 day one, and the only thing I'm entitled to is having the choice to play this game or not.

Mark my words. Once players start invoking entitlements...the community is done for....

Edited by Jianyu.7065
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6 minutes ago, Rose.2593 said:

Also from talking to others in my Guild, when they unticked an option they still had 3 dailies + the log in so they were not forced to do PVP at all for example

So again I think the OP has jumped ahead without looking at things properly. 

I, like so many others, picked WvW, PvP, and PvE because occasionally I like to do them all, whenever I feel like it.  We were expecting to see many options for all three.  INSTEAD we got ONLY three options, one from each, and you HAVE to do all three to get that full daily reward.  What if I like doing PvP dailies on Saturdays but on Weekdays I can only do PvE.  Whelp, I'm screwed now because I have WvW and PvP weeklies and REQUIRED daily tasks in those modes.  If I would have known this is what Anet intended, I would have ONLY chosen PvE.  If I don't do them, I am SEVERELY hindering my currency collection and progress.  

Edited by Alaeacus.9635
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I'm stuck with WvW and PvP till next week it seems, no option to select differently after reset. What a clown show of a system.

Update: Well I did find the settings wheel in the upper left corner of the daily box and it lets you unselect modes you don't want.  It doesn't refresh until the next reset so I'll see how it looks after tomorrow's reset. 

Still think it's a clown show.  "choice" is technically true as far as the modes you select, but missing completely in what you actually get stuck with having to do.



Edited by Kaliwenda.3428
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3 minutes ago, Alaeacus.9635 said:

I, like so many others, picked WvW, PvP, and PvE because occasionally I like to do them all, whenever I feel like it.  We were expecting to see many options for all three.  INSTEAD we got ONLY three options, one from each, and you HAVE to do all three to get that full daily reward.  What if I like doing PvP dailies on Saturdays but on Weekdays I can only do PvE.  Whelp, I'm screwed now because I have WvW and PvP weeklies and REQUIRED daily tasks in those modes.  If I would have known this is what Anet intended, I would have ONLY chosen PvE.  If I don't do them, I am SEVERELY hindering my currency collection and progress.  

Same. I'm hoping enough people will be pissed that we'll get our choices back (and the potions) because the game being like this is not worth playing for me. I might log in to chat with my friends, but that's about it.

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