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sPSP : Where is the stealth for DragonHunter now ?!


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Hello my DH dudes.

I played a bit on the new expansion and i was like "Hey, let's go PVP again, it should be fun now that a lot of people will try a lot of new weapons with their builds"

I was naive because i realised.......I CAN NO GO STEALTH ANYMORE with my traps !! 

Why ? That's simple. They remooves all the +6 runes bonus, and on the trapper rune, the stealth bonus after placing a trap is.......GONE. And it's nowere else on the so called "New fun relics"......... 

So now if we are catched close range, we are DEAD. We have 1 small leap, 2 with the greatsword and that's all. We are slow as f****, almost every other classes can still catches us even if we use our 2 leaps, and all our other deffensives CDs are more about kite / winning time to refresh traps.  

In my opinion, with the recent loss of the stealth on traps, we are gone.....GG WP pick an other spec... So the lobbies will soon be 100% WB in sPVP...... 


Is this intentionnal ? If this is intentionnal, do you realise you just sentenced the DH to be forgoten ?



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The stealth being 1 sec was at thst point just useful as a detarget, use scholar rune and just do more deeps. Or run DH 2.0 aka longbow/sw,sw willy, use the spinning sword evoke skill and pretend it's the spinning blade trap and enjoy ur newly found Mobility lol.

Edited by Psycoprophet.8107
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Trappers relic shouldn't have added damage on trap, dh has plenty of damage potential. The issue with dh has always been its survivability not damage, trappers relic should have given dh 2 secs of stackable protection (3 secs in pve) when a trap was triggered and some swiftness when a trap is laid. These changes would have helped dh sustain and mobility in a far healthier way than the stealth that was given previously. These new trap relics are ok with ranger cuz rangers trap builds have far more survivability options vs dh. Anet as usual just kills a spec with 0 compensation, as of now u may as well run bow willbender with bow and forget traps exist as they arnt worth the utility slot currently.

Edited by Psycoprophet.8107
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  Build got deleted. The main use of stealth was not only to detarget (very usefull in large teamfights) but also to make enemy to guess if we would release a true shot or spear of justice or not (forcing to waste evades and other defensive tools). Rune (and traps) were already nerfed in stealth duration, quickness duration, burn procs and overall damage and there were 0 reasons to delete a entire build from the game (specially since PvP and WvW roaming were the only places in the game in which you would find a DH). Good DH players were incredible strong in Conquest (but beatable) and had no presence in MATs.  The same can be said from trapper Rangers.

   I don't support this kind of evolution in which options are deleted from the game instead of added, specially now that we no longer will get new specs and PvP and WvW are pretty much dead. I fondly depise this changes.

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a guildmate was looking forward to play sword/sword lb dh with trapper runes as he did in the beta. It was an incredible fun build and now he is stuck on his former main revenant again...

this rune added so much surviveability to dh that it just doesn't feel right to simply delete it.

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I can tell you that DH defo doesn't need trapper runes. The amount of WB and SB faces I sat on yesterday is a testament to that. You are still a force to be reconned with especially when you run axe/sh, bow. Oh boy! The chain pulls and knockbacks get really real.

LATER EDIT Scratch that: I prefer Mace/sw for my secondary weapon. I have won more fights with that.

Edited by Dirame.8521
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14 hours ago, Dirame.8521 said:

I can tell you that DH defo doesn't need trapper runes. The amount of WB and SB faces I sat on yesterday is a testament to that. You are still a force to be reconned with especially when you run axe/sh, bow. Oh boy! The chain pulls and knockbacks get really real.

There's a few DH players who never used trapper runes because they just prefer running a different build and that's fine. Glad your build wasnt effected.

For everyone else, we lost an entire build and that is not cool.

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I mean, if Anet don't like the trapper rune for some reasons, JUST SAY IT !!

Something like : 

" Hello dudes, we don't like the trapper rune so this is the opportunity for us to delete it so change your sPVP main LMAO we don't care"

But there is absolutely 0 mentions of it in the changelogs that's pure amateurism.  

To make damages, the DH needs to play A LOT of power instead of stats survivability and he have VERRY LOW HP. Basically, any burst of any class if well timed with a CC one shot us like a thief... Those runes were the only way to make the DH fun to play because with it, we could brain evades or defensives. Know anyone just to take a look at us to know when to evade, making us waste our only way to do real damages. 

Anet killed an entire specialisation in Spvp and don't even DARE to explain it and why............. 

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I honestly feel like Anet never knew Trapper runes would work so well on DH and have that single rune set define the build. Now that it is gone, so is DH essentially.
It's almost like some one hit the delete button without realizing they were directly effecting a meta (pvp) build. They literally deleted a build. Kinda sad.

Edited by Saiyan.1704
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3 hours ago, Saiyan.1704 said:

I honestly feel like Anet never knew Trapper runes would work so well on DH and have that single rune set define the build.

You mean that after they had to heavily nerf ranger's trap due to this runeset and then change thief's traps into preparations due to these same runes, the devs didn't guess that trapper runes would work well with DH traps? Before DH even existed this runeset's 6th effect was already controversial, it needed to be removed from the game 8 years ago already. I'd say that it's already a miracle that the devs only did minor adjustments over these 8 years.

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44 minutes ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

 I'd say that it's already a miracle that the devs only did minor adjustments over these 8 years.

   Stealth and quickness duration was already heavily nerfed. Build was over effective in Ranked Conquest due most of players don't even use stability and I've seen players really mastering the build and wiping pugs in seconds, but in MAT the build clearly showcase its weakness.

   Aside from that, the nerfs in the Spiritual Sword burn procs removed hybrid DH from WvW time ago and in WO nad instanced content DH were almost absent.

  I've worked in the build with the new system and running marauder stats with Ranger runes and Brawler relic gives good burst and constant crit chance cap when you have fury and so far is how I would run it roaming (not my main choice, even in Guardian), but obviusly the main force multiplie was the stealth  to generate chances of foes either wasting evades/blocks etc or allowing us to land True Shot, F1 or Hunter's Ward, and now that strength is over:


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15 hours ago, Grosbillou.8420 said:

I mean, if Anet don't like the trapper rune for some reasons, JUST SAY IT !!

Something like : 

" Hello dudes, we don't like the trapper rune so this is the opportunity for us to delete it so change your sPVP main LMAO we don't care"

But there is absolutely 0 mentions of it in the changelogs that's pure amateurism. 

That's unfortunately par for the course in communication though, I remember when they tried to reduce Kneel range with no explanation, as if it was self-evident that Deadeye shouldn't have 1500 range while Kneeling. In fact CMC literally said on stream that "they're taking the opportunity to reduce Deadeye's range" as only explanation for that.

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Trapper runes have never been good against established PvPers, they were always just a lower-tier pubstomping gimmick. Now that the bandaid has been ripped off, we can only hope for some compensatory buffs to DH so it can stop being a meme spec in PvP.

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  • 7 months later...
47 minutes ago, Iasuu.9578 said:

Thanks a lot anet. im rolling off this class now as its not that good in pve or pvp... f 

Bro why did you necro this thread 💀

We've had a few patches since the trapper stealth removals. DH may not have superspeed + stealth on every trap buuut it has aegis now. 5 extra blocks aint too shabby.... we got the playstyle of trapper runes removed but tbh it just makes me love WB more.

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